

时间:2022-09-10 13:24:05 | 来源:语文通



儒林外史读后感心得感悟 篇1儒林外史读后感 篇2最新《儒林外史》读后感个人心得 篇3《儒林外史》读后感500字 篇4《儒林外史》读后感 篇5《儒林外史》读后感400字 篇6儒林外史读后感 篇7

儒林外史读后感心得感悟 篇1


In the end, I finished reading "The History of Rulin Wai".In the end, it is because it is not easy to read.Whenever reading books, I can't help scooping the author's intention. What story did he tell?What feelings or thoughts he wants to express?Who is he described, who is Acura, ironic, and who criticizes?These issues are very expensive when reading "The History of Rulin Wai".


But this does not affect me to read it very much.The entire book is like a wonderful documentary, and the author is a senior photographer who takes the daily life, behavior behavior, position attitude, vision, and other in the daily life of that era.I don't tire to record it, not to discuss or comment.To deal with the life of the original Confucian forest, how do you love it about your self.


In "The History of Rulin Wai" is Confucianist, so there are many characters. You sing me. The way of telling the story is the same as Chen Sicheng's movie "Beijing Emotional Story". Everyone's story is relatively independent, excessiveHis person and others are connected with each other.Not only the protagonist is changing, but the story scene is also changing. Nanjing, Suzhou, Hangzhou, Yangzhou, Tianchang County, Nanchang, Huizhou Prefecture, Miaojiang, Shandong, and Beijing.EssenceEssenceEssenceEssenceEssenceTemples, prefectures, prefectures, camps, riverside, ships, brothels, golden temples, and public halls.EssenceEssenceEssenceEssenceEssenceThe benefit of reading this strange book is that it can be read from many places, and it can also read many places to put it down.The bad thing is that if you don't need some hearts, you can read it like a monkey, and you can throw it back and throw it in front of it.


Until the book reads the whole book, with the help of simple reading notes, there is a rough outline for the book.In the forty -three years of Wanli, the world has been in Chengping for a long time. Although the water and drought are disaster and the people are carried by the people, the emperor does not care.People, who did not enter the Hanlin Academy in their lives, did not enter the Hanlin Academy.Readers put on the imperial list.The list is divided into three, the first one is the first three, the second one takes twenty, and the third one takes thirty -two.After the list was issued, Liu Shangshu worshiped in Guozijian.(Chapter 56, Emperor Shenzong, Jingxian, Liu Shangshu's dedication) This book is about 55 life sections on the list.EssenceOf course, some people's life is detailed, and some people speak briefly.


Du Yi, the third place in the first one, is Du Shaoqing, who is the most ink in the book.He was happy and managed to gradually be sent out, borrowed, and cheated, so he moved from Tianchang County to Nanjing.However, he still did not change his color and brought his wife to swim in the mountains.He is full of talent but indifferent. He does not take the imperial examinations. The government is looking for him as an official.He treats the people in the Family Field, and helps the old servants, filial piety and love, who helps him.Although some people have not discussed that he would not live and was a little stupid, when he mentioned Du Shaoqing, Tianchang County, many people called his heroes.The character Du Shaoqing has entrusted the author's highest dream for the scholar: there is a good spirit of the world, but also poor, wealthy, and unyielding.


The first first place Yu Yude and the second place Zhuang Shangzhi all have indifferent ideas.However, Yu Yude was suspected of not entering the Hanlin Academy because of his age, and he had no regrets. He returned to his hometown as a PhD.Zhuang Shangzhi had a scorpion, and he also had to give the donkey in Shunpo.What is ironic is that those who have detoured or avoided in the past three times of their lives are still the top three of the first one after their death.The emperor's wishful thinking did not understand whether the three Confucianism would not be peaceful.


Those who write more, have characteristics and good character, have the 19th and nineteen of Bao Wenqing. They are loyal to the people.After his death, Wang County, who had been rescued by the Camp, wrote an inscription for him, and was famous on the inspection list.The twelfth and thirteen brothers of the second, the thirteen, and the brothers of Lou Yan were visited all over the famous scholars.He was also deceived by pseudonym, but he didn't care, and did not change the original intention of making a celebrity.Those who write more, have characteristics, and inferior people have the third and twenty -one Kuang.It was a good young man who was filial piety. Later, he was funded by the county magistrate into the fame and premium examination room because of filial piety, and became a villain who passed the bridge through the river.There is also the thirtieth Niupu in the third t third. The poor boy loves to read books, but his heart is crooked.It can be seen that fish and dragons have false names.


People with not many ink but very characteristic include Zhou Jin, Fan Jin, Ji Yuenian and others.The first two were in the school camp for half a lifetime, one was crazy and the other was crazy, and then they wished to bring each other.The latter man was uncomfortable and no one in his eyes.Just writing a good hand, I thought that when I was dragging muddy shoes in the study of others, I was asked to write and scolded people. The little monk should be written by the paper.These weird and obedient people are in high school after the death.There is also an alternative woman Shen Qiongzhi, who escaped marriage, sells words, and died. On the way home, her story was replaced by the two prostitutes met on the boat.Du Shaoqing was interviewed by Du Shaoqing in Nanjing, and someone wanted to write an article for this strange woman, so she was first in the third place in the third.


The abnormal mention is that Yan Jian was led to peace, and he was not on the list.His brother Yan Zhizhong is the second place, ranking 26th in the third place.In the mouth, Yan Jian was a typical typical typical. He pointed at the two cores before dying and couldn't look at it until his wife pulled a lamp core before he breathed.As everyone knows, his elder brother Yan Daqi deceived a pig from other people's houses, and the lawsuit was far away from the countryside.His wife was seriously ill. Two elders and ladies begged him to support Zhao's family. After his wife died, he accidentally found that his wife saved the five hundred and two silver.He used his wife to accumulate silver to fund the two big sisters to participate in the scientific examination, and then died of illness.In fact, he is a person who reads the old and frugal, but he is just a stingy for himself.After his death, his brother would force Mrs. Zhao to dominate his house.This bad brother was famous on the list of death, and Yan Jian students were also widely distorted, which was really sighing!


The author insists on neutrality in the novel, only describes manuscripts, and does not discuss the comment.However, many of the highlights of the characters may represent the trend of thought at the time, or it may reflect the author's attitude.For example, the thirteenth round of Malaysians and grandchildren to talk to the grandchildren and karma, Dr. Yu Yu and his students discussed Du Shaoqing in the thirty -sixth time.Shi Yushi and Gao Hanlin talk about fame and knowledge, and so on.Some said very much.If you say that he is buried in Feng Shui for his parents, he should not think that the parents are not flooded and the ants, not for the prosperous descendants. The latter's thoughts are not only unreliable, but also filial piety.Another example is the name and learning of merit, "I only talk about the knowledge of the knowledge, and I don't have to ask the fame; the name of the meritorious name is only the name of the merit, and there is no need to ask the knowledge.A lot of conversation is also an important reason for this wonderful book.


In the book, the limitations of the science field can often be seen, and they are not wise.However, they are all like Du Shaoqing's busy bureau to empty themselves for limited people. Is this really a model of Confucianism?Dr. Xu Jiasheng said: Chinese scholars have the aspirations of building merits.And how many scholars' dreams are the dream of Qi Zhiping.However, learning and meritorious names may be able to achieve each other for a while, and it is difficult to get one for a lifetime.As far as the knowledge of the knowledge is limited, that is, the stage of the exhibition is limited; those who can earn their names can not guarantee the original intention, otherwise the reputation will not be guaranteed.Often unconsciously becomes a restraint of development.After reading "The History of Rulin Wai", it still has a profound practical significance.


During the reading process, I often feel how strange tradition is.The bad tradition is as difficult to get rid of the curse.In the past, Confucian forests were ugly and ugly in the officialdom. They were not extinct to now, and they would be self -reliant when they met a suitable climate.But the good tradition is like the water holding in the hand, and it is difficult to recover when it is leaked.The people's hearts are not ancient, and some of the ancient customs and ancient customs are thrown quickly.Like the trust between people in "The History of Ruolin Wai", Ping Shui meets, you have complained of hardships, you do n’t know each other, and I am helpful. Maybe you can do it at this moment?Even the elderly fell on the road to help, and it became a problem.The reader's Niu Jie died in the temple. The monk pretended to be a coffin, a coffin, and a scripture.The old servant of Du Shaoqing's family died, and he was so sad that he was buried and cried.Nowadays, many elderly people have become funerals. Not only do they not see people cry, but people sing the drama and the burial is lively and hi.Cover the roll and think about it, look at the present, can't help sighing!


In classical novels, if the character has a lot of clues, it will be used in a list.For example, "Water Margin" has thirty -six days, seventy -two stars, and 108 will be lined up. There is a list of gods in "Fengshen Romance". It is said that there is a list of love after "Dream of Red Mansions"."There is a merit.If you think about it, the grass snake's gray line will be clear.This is a way to read.

儒林外史读后感 篇2


Zeng Linyu


"Fame and wealth and no credentials, exhausting their emotions, always mistaken the flow. Three glasses of turbid wine are intoxicated, what about the water flowing."




In the spicy irony discourse, what is full of thousands of Confucian students who have been bound by the imperial examination and be infatuated with it for life, and the helpless sobbing of the author's heart.


"The History of Rulin Wai" is a satire novel that criticizes the current situation of society and Confucian life with spicy strokes.The novel of the full score composition network depicts the status quo of intellectual spiritual morality and cultural education under the imperial examination system.Through the ten million life of the market, it reveals the concepts, bureaucratic systems, human relations, and social atmosphere of fame and fortune.


The most typical image in the book is Confucianism. Among them, there are Crown Confucianism, such as Zhou Jin and Fan Jin, who are keen on fame; there are corrupt officials who are proud of the people, and others who are proud of the people, and they are blessed; there are all kinds of celebrities, and they are struggling to find "different ways of fame". Finally southern shortcut. These people seem to not hold the way, it looks elegant, but they are pretending to be in the momentum, secretly climbing the power, and the bones are still thinking about the fame; the poet who has the leaders, and the sparkling of the sidelines, and the filial piety and simple and kind people are gradually corrupted by eight shares. In the end, the superficial deterioration was hypocritical, such as Kuang Superman, Niupu Lang. In the end, they seduced them astray, but the institutional corruption, the hypocrisy of etiquette and the darkness of society. Zhou Jin was impermanent in his life, and was despised by the neighbors of the folks because he was not in the middle. However, after the middle of the lift, the people around him had changed dramatically to him, which shows that it is a society that regards the imperial examination as the only way out and pathological. Besides Fan Jin, he was crazy after the old man, and was trembling by his old father -in -law who often scolded him on weekdays to slap to return to God. However, there are no shortage of people who are true Confucianism, such as Yu Yude, Zhuang Shaoguang, Wang Mian and so on. They are indifferent to fame and fortune, pursue reasonable moral ethics and personality perfection, do not consolidate the same flow with the turbid world, and keep the pure land in their hearts.


The difference between Rotten Confucianism and true Confucianism may be different.Rotten Confucianism, swallowing jujube, do not want to understand, just read and read the year after day, but only see the gold and silver treasures in the book, and read more and more.There are fewer, like drinking white open, a few cups of belly, like taking a process, there is no taste at all. I only care about eating the stomach, eating and eating, and it seems to learn to be rich.EssenceAnd the real Confucian students, think, understand, learn, find the true nutritional belly, chew repeatedly, slowly digest, and perceive what the ancestors think.They didn't even think about entering the career. They only wanted to teach in the museum on weekdays, raised their children, rustic and frugal, and fulfilled their lives at ease.


Few people have mentioned the imperial examinations now, but I do n’t know how many elders report to their children's various tuition classes. They are afraid that they will fall behind and run around, but ignore the true feelings of the child's heart.Numerous middle school entrance examination candidates are too busy for their studies, and even unbearable to suffer from heavy pressure and leap from high -rise buildings.There is no talent for a bun, but fabricate the dissertation for the master's degree, and do whatever means.I do not know if there is a system of complaints in this era on one day in the future.

最新《儒林外史》读后感个人心得 篇3


"Fan Jinzhong" tells the story of the 54 -year -old Tong Sheng Fan Jin who was finally admitted to the people, rejoicing to crazy, and finally slapped a sober story by the old -fashioned Laozhang people.Very simple story, but the full text is not so simple.


It is a good thing from Fan Jin's body. After thirty -four years of hard work, the last time he was in his early age. From his crazy point of view, it was enough to see that the scholars at that time were infatuated with the fame, like Zhou Jin crying.plate.But their infatuation is not for the sake of moral theory, but pure personal promotion.There was also Fan Jinzhong's judgment before and after the two, and the middle of the middle of the lobby lowered his head to the Laozhang people.Even when he was mourning for his mother, he ate on the banquet of Qiufeng.And he is just a mid -lifting, without two months, what real estate, fields, gold and silver, and slavery are not invited.Fan Jin is one of the representatives of the scholars. The feudal government uses their Rong Huawei to do an example to deepen the poisoning of the subject.


The middle school is also extraordinary for Hu Tujia.Before Fan Jinzhong, he would scold and scold his temperament. Once in the middle, Fan Jin made a slap in Fan Jin, but he said: "(Fan Jin) is my son -in -law, and now he has become an old master.Star Su. Star Su in the sky cannot be played. "So, he clearly sketched a snobbish face. Hu Tujia was the incarnation of those who were full of brains and were well -fame.


There are also those gentlemen who are busy sending gold and silver to Fan Jin at the first moment.Jumping out of Fan Jin's story, the author described in detail the dying of two fingers, lest Yan Jiansheng and strong snatching pigs who were afraid of the two cores of waste oil, and used cloud sliced cakes as medicine to blackmail the boatman Yan Gongsheng as representative.


In summary, the characters are all poisoned by the imperial examination.In fact, not only these people.There are also celebrities who hold the imperial examination rice bowl, and there are many people who have repeatedly lost in the science field.There is also a disciple of Buddhism. When he heard Hu Tuofei as a mage for his son -in -law Fan Jin's mother, he arranged immediately.Even Jia Baoyu's most admired women.Due to her father, Miss Lu only recognized eight -share, and everything was looking at eight shares. She practiced eight shares all day long. After that, she had no interest in her husband and sighed all day long.The book is full of irony and spicy and sharp, which is very connected with the author's life background.


The author Wu Jingzi was generous and was seen by the clan as a prodigal son.He was very fell in the second half of his life, but he asked him to participate in the imperial examinations several times, and he should not.There are eight thin ropes under his desk, each of which has a bug and a mosquito, which means "eight stinky texts".It is because of poverty that he cannot warm up, and he often invites friends to walk around and "sing how to whistle, compare with each other", and call it "warm feet".In this context, no wonder the book describes so intriguing.

《儒林外史》读后感500字 篇4


During the summer vacation, I read "The History of Confucius", "A Dream of Red Mansions", "The Classroom of Flying", which made me feel deeply in the first chapter of "Ru Lin Wai History".


In the first chapter, Wang Mian's story, Wang Mian has lost his father since he was a child, and his mother was pulled. At the age of 10, he could not drop out of school and put cattle for the Qin family. He put the cattle during the day and went home at dusk.Whenever the Qin family cooked pickled fish and bacon, he took the lotus leaf and took it home and left it to his mother.


Every day, Wang Mian was reluctant to spend. When he saved it for a month or two, he went to the village school to buy a few old books.I read a book every day while reading.


Three or four years later, Wang Mian rose a heavy rain when he let the cattle. Wang Mian rested under the tree. After the rain stopped, the sun came out, shining red.Wang Mian thought: The ancients said, "" People in the drawing "," "" "" It really is good, and I must draw this lotus. It must be very interesting.


Since then, Wang Mian no longer reads, but learns to paint lotus. At first, he did not draw well. After three months of painting, Wang Mian became a famous painter. Since then, he is not worried about life issues.Mother is playing everywhere.


Wang Mian was proud and unwilling to paint for the dignitaries who screamed in a small scream. His mother had been ill because of her age a few years later, and soon left the people, and Wang Mian was filial piety for three years.


One day, Zhu Yuanzhang came, and Wang Mian and Zhu Yuanzhang talked about his knees until he stopped.


A few years later, Zhu Yuanzhang calmed down the disaster. Some people said that the court wanted Wang Mian to be an official.


Wang Mian was very hard, read a book while putting a bull, and was filial, and gave the delicious food for his mother.Unlike some people who blindly indulge in the game, we should learn from Wang Mian.

《儒林外史》读后感 篇5

《儒林外史》全书以一位正直文人王冕的故事为引子,接着写了周进、范进中举的故事。 周进是个老童生,一生之中科举不得意,直混到给商人管帐的地步。在商人的资 助下,他捐了个监生,又先后中了举,成了进士,官至广东学道。在南海主考时, 他拔了五十四岁的老童生范进。范进中举后,竟发了疯病,被丈人胡屠户一巴掌 打醒。

The whole book of "The History of Rulin Wai" is based on the story of an upright literati Wang Mian, and then wrote the story of Zhou Jin and Fan Jin.Zhou Jin was a child ’s life. He was unhappy in his life and was mixed to the point where the businessman managed accounts.With the help of the businessman, he donated a monitor, and he successively raised it, and became a jinshi and official to study in Guangdong.When he was in the South China Sea, he pulled out Fan Jin, a 54 -year -old child.After Fan Jin lifted the middle, he had a mad illness and was awakened by his husband Hu Tuhu.

范进中举后,书中这样写:“他笑了一声,道:‘噫!好了!我中了!’说 着,往后一交跌倒,牙关咬紧,不省人事。灌醒过来,竟发了疯,一边叫‘我中 了!’,一边往门外飞跑,一脚踹在塘里,挣起来,头发都跌散了,两手黄泥, 淋淋漓漓一身的水。此时竟需要他平日害怕的胡屠夫打他一巴掌,他才清醒过 来。”他周围的人在他考中前后也俨然两副嘴脸,其中尤以胡屠户表现得最为典 型:先前的“现世宝穷鬼”一下子变成了“贤婿老爷”,连“尖嘴猴腮”也顿时 变成了 “体面的相貌” 这个故事揭示了科举制度对读书人及整个社会毒害之深。

After Fan Jin lifted in the middle, the book wrote: "He laughed, said:" Oh! Okay! I am in the middle! 'Say, fell in the future, the teeth were bite, and the personnel were not saved.I was crazy, and I was called 'I am!', Flying out of the door, kicking in the pond, earning, my hair fell, two hands yellow mud, pouring the water of water.The Hu Tufu who needed him to scare him with a slap, and he woke up. "The people around him also had two face before and after his test, especially the Hu butcher households performed the most typical: the previous" present treasure poor ghost"It suddenly turned into" Master Xianzi ", and even the" pointed mouth monkey gill "suddenly became the" decent appearance "story revealing the depth of the imperial examination system to the scholars and the entire society.


The main advantages of "Rulin Foreign History" are widely circulated: three main advantages:

其一是小说的讽刺艺术: 《儒林外史》讽刺的矛头虽然直接落在某一个人的身上,却始终使人感到人身上 的罪恶归根到底是社会的产物,是当时的科举制度造成的罪恶。比如像周进看见 号板一头撞倒,范进听见中举忽然发疯,马二先生游西湖无心赏景,只是大嚼零 食,留意于自己所选八股文的销路,都使人感到是那个社会造成的。

One is the satirical art of novels: Although the irony of "The History of the Rulin Wai" fell directly to a person, it always made people feel that the sin on people was the product of society in the final analysis, and it was the sin caused by the imperial examination system at that time.EssenceFor example, when Zhou Jin saw the number board knocking down, Fan Jin heard that Zhonglu suddenly went crazy.Caused.

其二是《儒 林外史》在讽刺上并不排除夸张:像严监生临死为两根灯草不肯咽气,周进撞号 板,范进中举其母快乐得一命呜呼都是。但作者的夸张并不使人感觉虚假,而是 从现实生活中提炼出来的。

The second is that "The History of Confucianism" does not rule out exaggeration in the irony: like Yan Jian's death and death, two lamps are refused to swallow, Zhou Jin hit the board, Fan Jinzhong raised his mother's happiness.But the author's exaggeration does not make people feel false, but is refined from real life.

其三《儒林外史》的结构独特:它没有贯穿全书的中 心人物和主要情节,而是分别由一个或几个人物为中心,其他人物作陪衬,组成 一个个相对独立的故事。每个故事随着有关人物的出现而展开,又随着有关人物 的隐去而结束。

The structure of the third "The History of Rulin" is unique: it does not run through the heart of the whole book and the main plot, but is centered on one or more characters, and other characters are accompanied by each one, forming a relatively independent story.Each story begins with the emergence of relevant characters, and ending with the hidden of the characters.

《儒林外史》以封建士大夫的生活和精神状态为中心,揭露了科举制度对士 人的毒害,进而讽刺了封建官吏的昏聩无能、地主豪绅的贪吝刻薄。附庸风雅的 名士的虚伪卑劣,以及整个封建礼教制度的腐朽和不可救药。

"The History of Rulin Wai" is centered on the life and mental state of feudal scholars, exposing the poison of the imperial examination system to the scholars, and then satirical the feudal officials' faint incompetence and the greed of the landlord gentleman.The hypocrisy of the celebrity of the vassal and elegant, as well as the decaying and incurable of the entire feudal etiquette system.

《儒林外史》读后感400字 篇6


I finished reading "The History of Rulin" with curiosity.This minister's irony novels portray the image of many characters vividly through the vivid storyline, reflect the decay of feudal society, and expose the hypocrisy of the ruler.


What made me admire me in the book is the king of the filial piety of my mother.When Wang Mian died at the age of 7, his family was poor and dependent on his mother.At the age of 10, he put cattle for the Qin family. Sometimes the Qin family cooks some pickled fish and pickled meat for him. He wrapped the lotus leaf and took it home and left to his mother to eat.At the age of 14, when you sell money, you buy all kinds of good foods to honor your mother.In the spring season, he used a ox cart to play with his mother everywhere.Later, the mother was old and sick, and she couldn't afford to bed.His mother died, and he has been filial piety for three years.


Respecting the elders, honoring parents is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation.The love of Wang Mian's love, and the love of filial piety made me deeply moved.Not only do our parents give us life, care for us in all ways, but also teach us the truth and how to do things, so we must also repay our parents.The "Entry Filial Filial Piety" in "Disciples" also tells the principle of honoring parents: teaching us to be open -minded, take care of our parents, do things for others, do not worry about parents. To communicate with parentsFortunately.


Think about the unhappy things that I am unhappy, and I will get angry with my mother at any time, ignore her feelings, and forget the truth of respecting her parents.I'm sorry for my mother sincerely.In the future, I must respect my parents and help my parents do what they can do.

儒林外史读后感 篇7


"The History of Rulin Wai" is a long ironic novel. The scholar describes many characters and uses a vivid image to reflect the bad atmosphere in the last period of society.It reveals the despicable means and actions of some scholars, which can be said to be ridiculous, contempt, and even a hurry.


Although "The History of Rulin Wai" is a satirical novel, which talks about some decaying men, but also talks about some elegant people, such as Wang Mian, Xiao Yunxian, etc.When I was a kid, I was poor at home and couldn't afford to study. The mother had to let the scholar go to the next door to put a cow.The sensible Wang Mian knew the situation at home and agreed.The scholar went to let the cattle every day. After growing up, the scholar learned to draw lotus before maintaining family life by drawing painting, but the scholar has been painting for the poor.Later, a person from the government asked the scholar to paint. The scholar hesitated again and again, and then reluctantly agreed.... is the spirit of filial piety, sensibility, self -reliance, and no fear of power, as scholars say in "Meimei": "My family wash the pool head trees, and the flowers bloom in the ink marks.Okay, just leave the Qi Qiyu. "


Didn't we learn these virtues?From a young age, the difficulties and thoughts of mother and family. When they encounter difficulties, they should be strong. They should not be greedy for wealth. For those shameless people, they should dare to teach responsibilities.In the face of difficult people, they should help the scholars give encouragement and love to the scholars.It was said, "Hengmei coldly pointed at Qianfu, and bowed his head as a bull."


This book is very exciting. I recommend this book to everyone. I hope everyone will read this book.

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