

时间:2022-09-10 13:24:12 | 来源:语文通



央视春季《开学第一课》观后感 篇1开学第一课直播观后感 篇2开学第一课优秀观后感 篇3开学第一课优秀观后感 篇4开学第一课优秀观后感 篇5《奋斗成就梦想》2022开学第一课观后感 篇6央视春季《开学第一课》观后感 篇72022年开学第一课观后感 篇8

央视春季《开学第一课》观后感 篇1


I watched the "First Lesson first lesson" program every year with excitement, and the first lesson of each year's first lesson is beneficial to the growth of primary and secondary school students. It is also a course that primary and secondary school students must learn before school.


Watching this year's "First Class" benefited me a lot, because this year is our great anniversary of the motherland. Through the first few hours of the first lesson program, we deeply realize that our party has come along all the way.How difficult it is. The reason why we have this happy life today is inseparable from our great party's efforts. They have cast our lives step by step.


As primary and secondary school students, although we cannot immediately make some contributions to the motherland, we can grow and grow through continuous hard work. In our lives, we can use party members as an example., I want to work for the motherland.

开学第一课直播观后感 篇2


The classmates started on September 1st. On this special day, CCTV aired the program "First Lesson" at 8pm.Flowed.The theme of this year's "First Class" is "Struggle to achieve dreams". After watching the show, I also feel quite touching. I believe that for this year's theme, I believe that different people will feel different feelings.The following is only my personal thoughts and perception.


A person must achieve his own career, without failure, no setbacks, and not spending greater effort, it is impossible to succeed.The hardships and even the failure of the failure will leave an unbearable pain; but it is also the miracle of life under this pain.


We all know that the fish that goes upside down, crossing the beach, swimming, wearing fishing nets, hiding from water birds, crossing mountain streams, squeezing stone gaps, upper plateau, glaciers, although the ending is not complete, the fish may not regret it.Because of the process of beauty, the same is true of life, the wonderfulness and glory of hard work in the process of pursuing dreams.


In this short life, if there is no dream that can fight for itself, the life will become dull, even if there is nothing to have a real happiness and happiness.Success is even more far away with us.At this time, we can deeply feel the profound meaning of Bao Jianfeng's self -sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms.


To realize a dream is not only persistent, but also the courage to challenge difficulties.Ideal, everyone will have, but there are not many people who work hard for their ideals and fight for their ideals.Some people can only think about it, they will only always ambition, and they will not stand up, they are just fantasists.And the talent who strives to achieve the ideal is the real success.


There is a great ideal is a good thing, but it is not possible to just pursue it blindly.Even if you go to the moon every day and make a wish to a meteor, it is useless!Only by working hard and struggling can it achieve it.


As the saying goes, there are no wisdom, as long as the wise; those who have wisdoms, stand up.A person has established a big ideal, but he has nothing to do all day. When he encounters setbacks, he retreats. When you encounter difficulties, you will retreat. Such people will not succeed.After establishing a big ideal, it has been working towards the ideal, and such talents will be successful.


Blind pursuit is a dead flower, and it will never bloom!And really working hard, you will be able to get close to your ideals, dreams!Make dreams come true!In life, everyone should have a dream, a goal of implementing, and a direction of progress.Life is a process of having dreams, pursuing dreams, and realizing dreams.


We have the vitality of spring, the warmth of summer, the maturity of autumn, and the strength of winter.Because we are young, we have capital to challenge, have capital to struggle, and have capital to chase our dreams.The glory of life needs to bloom, the value of life needs to be created, and the dream of youth requires struggle.Young we should do practical things down -to -earth and persevere!


Starting from yourself, starting with little things, diligent and diligent, using your own actions to enrich your youthful life, to achieve your dream of youth with your own wisdom, and to achieve your dreams with hard work.


By watching this issue of the first lesson of school, we can understand that we must cherish the hard -won life and cherish time, especially as young people, cherish our youth, and study hard.In real life, establish correct life values and ideal goals, and actively move forward.It is difficult for us to say problems.Dare to break through and dare to do it, and practice boldly, the problem will gradually solve, the knowledge will gradually accumulate, and the ability will gradually improve.

开学第一课优秀观后感 篇3


Time always leaves quietly inadvertently. In a blink of an eye, the happy summer vacation life is over, followed by the beginning of the new semester.At the beginning of the school, the classmates were full of joy and returned to the campus with a smile and continued to study.At the beginning of the new semester, it seems to be a new starting point. Students will look forward to themselves, and look forward to gaining more knowledge and friendship in the new semester.


At the beginning of school, students should re -establish their goals, and work for new goals to work hard.Let yourself get new results in the new semester, so that the future stage will be more motivated to continue.Although life will always encounter many difficulties and setbacks, students still have to maintain an optimistic attitude, be brave to face them, and face difficulties. Believe in themselves, they will definitely gain the joy of success.


Every school is the happiest thing for students. At the same time, the Education Bureau will also ask the school to watch the "First Lesson" broadcast by Central Radio and Television.The theme of this year is "___________". After 2022, we believe that everyone has a very deep impression and feels a lot of inner perception.Li Hongta, Yang Liwei, Nie Haisheng and others in the show group brought us a good performance.


After watching the first lesson of this year, the heart is full of unlimited energy. Although we cannot now make a contribution to the motherland, as the future successor of the motherland, the current first task is to study hard, try to grow upLet us meet the "first lesson of school" in 2022, pursue the __ -year glory footprint, listen to those stories about ideals, learn from history, and create the future!

开学第一课优秀观后感 篇4


On the first day of school starting every year, watching the "First Class of School" program became my habit. When it was almost eight o'clock in the evening, I stayed in front of the TV and waited for the start of the show. This year"One lesson" Theme is "___________".


Every year when I watch "The First Lesson", I have a lot of feelings in my heart. It allows me to think about the present seriously, and then review the past bits and pieces of the motherland to look forward to our future.This year's "First Class" is a good show worthy of each of us. This is a lesson that belongs to the whole people.This year's "Lesson First Class" invited the winner of the Seventh Medal, the representative of the air echelon, the "post -00" Olympic athletes, the model of poverty alleviation, the advanced figures of the anti -epidemic, the model of the times, the hero astronauts, etc.The characters give us a lecture.


2022 is a great party __ -year -old, returning to the party's wind and rain for more than a hundred years.Our great party has gone through thousands of hardships for our motherland and tens of millions of people, and stepped out of our world step by step, allowing the motherland to slowly move towards the current prosperity.At the same time, the Chinese people waved farewell to the hardships of suffering and hunger.Under the leadership of the party, we ushered in a new life and let the Chinese nation and China's people have embarked on a prosperous path.It is the party that let us live a good life, so each of us should be grateful to the party. Without the leadership of the party, there will be no happy life we have today.


Over the years, "Lesson First Class" has always adhered to the purpose of "education", educated young people across the country, so that students can learn in this "school lesson".Burn the fire of learning and set off with hopes.After I watched the first lesson of school in 2022, my ideal in my heart became more firm. I need to work hard and work hard. I hope that I can add tiles to the construction of the motherland in the future.

开学第一课优秀观后感 篇5


In a blink of an eye, this summer vacation has ended, and we have ushered in another school day, and we can be said to be very excited.At 8 pm on September 1, 2022, I watched the first lesson of the start of school on time. The theme of this year's "first lesson" was ___________.I have to say that the theme of the first lesson of this year's starting school is impressive, deserve to think deeply, perceive their lives, and bravely chase their dreams.


This year's "Lesson First Class" made my mood unable to calm down for a long time, and felt a lot. What came in my mind was one touching picture in the show, as well as inspirational stories after another.In the "post -00s" Olympic athletes, Yang Qian, Gong Lizhen, Chen Taro Xi, and Zhang Guimei and Li Hongta, the winner of the Seventh Medal.I deeply felt a shocking power, and I was lucky to be born in such a society full of love and positive energy.


Although I deeply understand that as a student, I am not strong enough, but I will work hard to learn, accumulate more scientific knowledge and culture, and strive to contribute to the society in the future.From now on establishing the correct learning concept, clarifying the learning goals of the new semester, formulating a corresponding learning plan, and then approaching your goals step by step.In school, follow the footsteps of the teachers, learn more knowledge, live in harmony with the students, and make progress together!


In a very deep sentence, if you have a dream, you can make a lot of money. If you have a dream, you must work hard. If you have a dream, you must persist.On the occasion of the new semester, everyone must strive to strive to be a good student who is diligent and study, and strive to be a new era boy who has developed in a comprehensive development.After all, "Statue and young man, Fenghua Zhengmao, book business, and exclaiming Fang Ye." This shows the youth of a generation of great people.Nowadays, youth is in our hands. We can't take time in sighing. We must hurry up and study hard, go up every day, and strive for a good tomorrow!

《奋斗成就梦想》2022开学第一课观后感 篇6


On September 1st each year, the Ministry of Education and the Central Radio and Television Station will always jointly launch the first lesson of school.Since 2008, this inspirational program has been held for more than ten consecutive years, becoming the "first lesson" for the joint learning of primary and secondary school students across the country, and it has also become a growth gift to witness the growth of national youth.


With the companionship of the first lesson of school, many children have grown into a dumb boy who is struggling and growing into a self -improving power generation.The traditional Chinese culture has taken root here, and the genes of patriotism, love tradition, and culture grow up subtly in our hearts. The positive energy of love technology, love technology, and innovation is also formed silently in our consciousness.This is also the biggest significance of "The First Lesson of the Starting School"!


One of the highlights of this year's show is that we have invited many examples of urging. Let us feel what "no struggle, no youth".


For example, the Winter Olympics champion Xu Mengtao, "Don't give up your efforts, keep the attitude of‘ I want to learn ’, go forward bravely, and strive to move forward.” She said so, and did this.Xu Mengtao insisted on his love and firmly because of his dream. He practiced free -style ski air skills for 20 years. He used tenacious, hard work and struggle to interpret the Olympic spirit and realized his Olympic champion dream.


These talents are real idols, the example of learning from all walks of life, and a role model for our primary and secondary school students.


"No struggle, no youth!" The spiritual power contained in this class gave me extremely courage. What are the reasons for the new semester?Intersection

央视春季《开学第一课》观后感 篇7


Watching the "first lesson of school" in the central government was the most impressed by: a child who had blind eyes from a child, his name was Liu Hao.He did not give up his precious life, but loved the piano very much. He dreamed of becoming a pianist, and he also studied the piano hard.He played the piano to his mother and played to everyone who cares and love him.I admire this classmate Liu Hao also has the spirit of never giving up, cherishing life, and hard work.


There is also a little girl named Meng Peijie. She died shortly after she was born. In order to prevent her from suffering, her neighbor Liu Fang took care of her.But the good times did not last long. Liu Fangxuan was paralyzed in bed because of serious illness. Meng Peijie, 8, began to live a hard life. He got up at 6 am every morning for breakfast. He went home for lunch at home at noon.One day Liu Fang went out to take a walk, and then hurried back to school.


Happiness is actually very simple. It ’s not what we want to have happiness. Such happiness is simple and selfish happiness.

2022年开学第一课观后感 篇8


Today, I watched the "First Lesson First Lesson" jointly recorded by Tangshan Emergency Administration and Tangshan Education Bureau, and felt a lot.


I believe that this ultra -long version of the winter vacation has brought you a different feeling. We cannot go out to play, we cannot go to relatives and friends, we cannot go out to dinner. We can only keep our family and do our responsibilities for each of us.


As a elementary school student, from the initial excitement to the slow and bland later, I always chased my mother and asked, "Mom, when can we start school? It feels like it has passed., Xiaocao is green, we will take the summer vacation without school ... "


Some time ago, I watched the news with my mother. With the active domestic epidemic, the third and third junior high school in Hebei also received the notice of school.However, because of the large number of people, once the school starts, how the epidemic prevention and control work is directly related to the health and safety of each teacher and classmates of the school.What should we do in the control work? I learned a lot through today's video class.


Teachers must achieve "ten must", and our students should achieve "six achievements": as soon as they are at home, try to reduce going out at home, not to visit relatives and friends, and do not go to densely personnel.Second, actively cooperate with the epidemic investigation during the school, actively report information, and stay in the school without leaving school without authorization.Third, during the school, dining and bathing at the time of time.Fourth, in the internship period, it is reported and healthy during the internship, and personal protection is done.Five to adhere to physical exercise and enhance physical fitness.Six, do not believe in rumors, make rumors, or spread rumors.Parents should do "four well."


I believe that through the efforts of schools, students and parents, the epidemic prevention and control will definitely do better. Natural and history tells us that no winter will not pass, no spring will not come, and we will work together to become more.it is good!

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