

时间:2022-09-12 13:27:11 | 来源:语文通



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观看影片复兴之路观后感范文精选 篇1


The film "The Road to Fuxing" mainly narrated that the Chinese nation had been invaded by many countries before, because it was a feudal society at that time, and the economy was underdeveloped and did not improve.The species is backward, so the backward is beaten.


At that time, there were many things that happened: the Sino -Japanese War, Wuchang Uprising, First World War, Second World War and so on.These wars have made the descendants of Yan Huang a lot of defeats, suffered hardships, and signed many unequal treaties.In particular, there are many aspiring youths, scholars and others who have not given up and do not lose confidence. They persistently work hard and eventually drive the invaders.The victory of the October Revolution brought hope to the Chinese people. Under the guidance of Marx Thought, under the leadership of the Communist Party, the unremitting efforts of several leaders such as Chairman Mao, Premier Zhou, and other people have paid a lot of lives in exchange for many lives.On October 1, 1949, the great New China was established.However, the United States still refused to stop, and the third world war broke out, but the war did not defeat us.Moreover, since that war, no country has dared to invade us, but I want to make friends with us.


In 1992, the spring breeze of reform and opening up spread all over the north and south of the river. The former Shanghai Pudong was a vast field.Today, there are high -rise buildings everywhere, which has long been one of the most attractive trading places in the world.At the same time, Motorola, one of the world's top 500, also came here.At this time, some large state -owned enterprises such as Baosteel Enterprise in Shanghai have become very famous companies in the country.The development history of New China is too much too much.


I really like to watch "The Road to Fuxing" to let me know more about China's development history, and at the same time, it has broaden my vision.I think our teenagers adhere to Marx Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping theory.At the same time, we must learn more and better learn scientific knowledge. Only when you grow up, you can build the motherland more powerful and rich.

观看影片复兴之路观后感范文精选 篇2


Looking back at the past, since 1840, the Qing government retreats and is unwilling to learn advanced Western technologies, and gradually corruption.Foreigners have started to invade China, put drug opium to China, make the Chinese cowardly, and then invade China from the sea.At that time, the Qing government could not resist foreign invaders and signed a series of traitors, including cutting -off land and compensation for unequal clauses.The Qing government wanted to rescue himself, and immediately emerged the reform of the Wuxu and the Westernization Movement, but it still could not change the corruption and incompetence of the Qing government. Some farmers could not stand the rule of the Qing government and were determined to establish a Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, but they were suppressed before long.Later, Sun Yat -sen led the 1911 Revolution and was suppressed by Yuan Shikai.


Later, the Chinese Communists led by Mao Zedong led the people to overthrow imperialism, drove away the powers, eliminated the reactionary, and established New China.


At the time of the founding of the People's Republic of China, many constructions in China came from the help of the Soviet Union. Soon the Soviet Union suddenly stopped assisting my country, but China still lived. It can be seen that the spirit of China is indelible.


Later, Deng Xiaoping and Grandpa Jiang Zemin made a series of reforms and openness on China, making my country more prosperous and beautiful.


The heaven of "God's Five" and "God Six", the success of the Beijing Olympic Games is the glory of China.Now, my country has become a great power. From the failure of the past to the current success, how great it is!


Now, I sit in front of the desk and think of the great history of the motherland, I feel that there is no glory.Because I know that the road to socialism with Chinese characteristics is the road to revival, and the road of wealthy country and strong people.When I grow up, I must firmly follow the socialist road with Chinese characteristics and build our motherland.Do you think that a sense of honor is in your heart when you think of such a wish?

复兴之路观后感 篇3

《复兴之路》分别围绕“千年局变”“峥嵘岁月”“中国新生”“伟大转折”“世纪跨越”“继往开来”六大主题线索,反映自1840年以来,中国艰难曲折的民族振兴之路和中国人民在中国共产党领导下所取得的伟大成就。 振兴之路 伟大成就《复兴之路》把焦点锁定现当代中国,即中国艰难曲折的民族振兴之路和中国人民在中国共产党的领导下所取得的伟大成就,全片讲述屈辱、奋争以及复兴的历史。

"The Road to Fuxing" revolves around the six major clues of the six major theme clues around the "Millennium Change", "Holy Years", "Chinese Newborn", "Great Turning", "A Century Leap", "Following the Past", which reflects China's difficult and twists and turns since 1840.The great achievements of the road and the Chinese people under the leadership of the Communist Party of China.The great achievement of the road of revitalization "The Road to Fuxing" locks the focus of modern and contemporary China, that is, the road of the difficult and twists and turns of the Chinese people and the great achievements of the Chinese people under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party.History.


The most important practical significance of "The Road to Fuxing" is that while showing the extraordinary achievements of China's continuous economic growth in the past 30 years and the stability and prosperity of political society, the political and social stability and prosperity have achieved the extraordinary achievements.The summary analysis of successful experience provides important strategies for solving problems and future development of various challenges encountered in China."The Road to Fuxing" let the audience see that China has chosen a sustainable development path with Chinese characteristics, creating a successful miracle that the West believes it is difficult to understand, and has the preliminary conditions of revival. China may be for other countries in the world in the world.Go towards rich and strong and prosperity to provide a reference sample.

不懈探索 唤起信心

Troubled exploration to evoke confidence


"The Road to Fuxing" selected the most representative figures and events at various historical stages for historical reproduction. The panorama traced back to the great journey of the dream of the Chinese nation and the unremitting exploration, which caused the audience's discussion and thinking about national rejuvenation.Some audiences said that this is an excellent political film with a deep and strong force. After watching it, it is emotional, and it also evokes everyone's confidence and determination to revitalize China.

观看影片复兴之路观后感范文精选 篇4


After the wind and rain, the vicissitudes of the wind and the vicissitudes of the time changed; the pride of the Tang Dynasty, and the sadness of the late Qing Dynasty; experienced Zheng He's feats in the west, and also experienced the shame of the burning of Yuanmingyuan ... It has the history of 5,000 years of civilization.The land of China finally ushered in the spring of spring ...


In the morning dawn, when the national flag is accompanied by the sun rising; in the sun, when you are accompanied by the joy of people in the classroom; in the dusk, when the sun is accompanied by yourself to eat with your family ... you, have you thought about it, have you thought about it?How hard is it difficult?


Once upon a time, the Chinese earth's literature was prosperous, the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States Periods were in contention, and the Tang poetry and Song Ci Yinwan confessed to read it; once a time, the Chinese land was known as the state of etiquette, and the descendants of the Confucianism and the consequences of the Confucian thoughts were honest., The Yuan Dynasty Iron Circular entered Europe, and the Ming Dynasty boarded the ship off the west ...


However, when the Chinese are still immersed in the aura of the four major inventions; when the Chinese people think that it is the center of the world's economy, politics, and culture; when the Chinese people still think of the great land of China; when the Chinese still believe in the place of Tianyuan ...… In Europe, many Western countries have slowly developed and expanded quietly, and quickly surpass the oriental civilization.When its national resources cannot meet the needs of development, the kicking goes aimed at the resources of the oriental Asian countries with rich resources.As a result, the emperor sent an ambassador to the Qing Dynasty, which was still very strong at the time, and asked for business.However, the Emperor Qianlong refused on the grounds that the Tianchao was abundant.As a result, the first opportunity for China to give the fish for the first time.


When the gate of China was opened, it was indeed under the intersection of the western -developed countries. Since then, China's disaster has come ... Under the threat of the military force and strike, the corrupt and incompetent Qing government at that time signed a one.The inequality treaty of the series of bereavement of the country has worsened the current situation of the Huaxia land that was backward, and became a semi -colonial and semi -feudal social state ...


"Where is the country's broken family?" The choice of life and death in China is that a batch of benevolent people came forward, and they struggled to liberate the cause of China: Tan Yitong, Liang Qichao, Qiu Jin, Sun Yat -sen, Mao Zedong ... A batch of batches of batchesThe Chinese children throw their heads and sprinkle blood. After more than a century of unremitting efforts and struggle, they finally ushered in the bland and happy world today.


The current life is happy, and it is given to us by the motherland. In the hearts of different people, the motherland is different: in the eyes of children, she is a beautiful garden; in the eyes of adults, she is her own back; in the eyes of the elderly, sheIt is a big family, a large family with a population of 1.3 billion ... In my opinion, this land of China is like a green water.

观看影片复兴之路观后感范文精选 篇5


Last month, the school organized all party members to watch the large -scale music and dance epic "The Road to Revival". After watching the film, everyone generally believes that this musical is not only a vivid stage drama, but also a release of a bold passion for the Chinese.


This large musical shows the strongest sound of the Chinese nation.It shows the eyes of the Chinese with a wonderful, refined and exquisite appearance, and it brings the most shocking emotional impact and soul of more audiences.During the watching process, we were shocked by the gorgeous and real picture.It once again showed the Chinese nation's struggle between the Chinese people's endless and seeking struggle since the Opium War in 1840.


The film "The Road to Fuxing" vividly shows the history of the Chinese nation from 1840 to 2009 with a high historical generalization and new art creation.The glory of the Chinese nation's rise in crisis and hard work in hard work, fully illustrates that history and the people have chosen Marxism, the Chinese Communist Party, and the path of socialism;The road of independence and ethics has embarked on the path of socialist revolution and socialist construction, and has embarked on the path of reform and opening up and modernization.The 20th century was a change of change.On November 8, 2002, Hu Jintao was elected as the General Secretary.On December 5, 2002, the new leader took Xuexue and rushed to Xibaipo to study for inspection.This is the promise of the new generation of the Party Central Committee to the people: we will maintain a modest, cautious, not impatient style. Living in peace is our tradition, and the awareness of worry will not disappear.


Have you remembered the back of the "May 12" Wenchuan earthquake in 2008; the old man with a white ears; whether he had remembered, the tears of the old man;Have you remembered that the white silk that night; the four characters of the "difficult to flourish" have inspired how many Chinese children to promote the Chinese nation again.


Still in front of the eyes, the bird's nest is surging; in front of the eyes, the water cubic charm; still in front of the eyes, the majestic national anthem sounds; still in front of the eyes, the five -star red flag rose;Tears; still in front of him, the sincere cheers and blessings of Yisinbaya, Bolt ...


In 2009, the financial tsunami caused by the United States impacted the world economy; Iceland has already "bankruptcy"; but China maintains an 8%growth rate of entering Beijing.Pan Shiyi said: "Foreigners, what are you doing in July and August? Lying on the beach to bask in the sun. What are the Chinese doing? Do work and are working hard to pay their sweat. There is such a national, afraid of what economic crisis." Yes, yes, yesThere are such hand -footed brothers, what are the economic crisis, what anti -China forces, and what are the issues of Taiwan!The Chinese nation can smile indifferently, you dare!Who is afraid of this little rain?Yiyu Rain Ren Ping Sheng.Bronze can be used as a mirror, and the mirror can be used as a mirror.What does Zhixing follow?Just as the beginning of the sentence -to understand the future with history!


"The Road to Revival" let us revisit the difficult and twists and turns of the Chinese nation's enlightenment in 170 years, letting the world watch the Chinese people under the leadership of the Communist Party of China.The course.I am proud of having an increasingly strong motherland!

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