

时间:2022-09-20 13:24:42 | 来源:语文通



我的探索之旅作文500字 篇1我的探索之旅作文500字 篇2我的探索之旅作文500字 篇3探索之旅作文 篇4我的探索之旅作文500字 篇5我的探索之旅作文500字 篇6我的探索之旅作文500字 篇7我的探索之旅作文500字 篇8我的探索之旅作文600字 篇9我的探索之旅作文500字 篇10

我的探索之旅作文500字 篇1


In the morning on Thursday, the autumn was high and the sun was bright. I got up early in the morning to school, because today we are going to the Songjiang Guangfulin Site Park to participate in the autumn practice activities.The classmates were very excited. I was looking forward to this day. After the teacher talked about the precautions, we couldn't wait to set off. A bus stopped neatly at the door and took us today's exploration.


After driving an hour after the car, I finally arrived at Guangfulin Park. Listening to the teacher said that this is the seventh batch of national key cultural relics protection units in Guangfulin Street, Songjiang District. The Guangfulin culture has been more than 4,000 years ago. What is there? We walked in curiously. First of all, we saw a huge stone arch bridge. There were stone caves under the bridge, large in the middle, small on both sides, very firm. There are exquisite patterns on both sides of the bridge. I think of the newly learned text "Zhaozhou Bridge". There are also dragon patterns here. Then, we continued to go forward, sit down on a open space to start lunch. Everyone brought a lot of delicious foods, including potato chips, sausages, and oranges. Our stomach gurgled hungry, and hurriedly ate. After dinner, we came to the entrance of the underground exhibition hall and saw the top of the house floating on the water. Do we want to go under the water? After going down, we found a wall, which reads the origin of the name "Shanghai". Here are the life scenes of ancient humans, such as statues, streets, and train and shops. Finally, we came out of the elevator and ended today's event.


We reluctantly walked out of the park. Through today's exploration, we have learned a lot of knowledge about Guangfulin culture. We have broaden our horizons. We must study hard and build Shanghai in the future.

我的探索之旅作文500字 篇2


A classmate in our class was performing a little magic called "Demon Covered Paper" in our class this semester.


At that time, many people were stunned, and I was very surprised: a very ordinary pen cover, grinding twice on the hair, can even suck a piece of paper like iron and stones. It is incredible!I want to find out the scientific principles behind this phenomenon.When I used the lunch break, I carefully pondered this problem.I decided to experiment by myself, and I found some information first: a pen cover, a small piece of paper, the material is so simple.I first tear the paper into a small piece, then the pen cover it, hold it with my hands, and repeatedly rub it on the hair. As a result, when I put it on the paper, the miracle happened.After sucking, I changed the plastic stick to try it again to suck the same paper and find that the suction is greater.I think this phenomenon is common, but why does this happen?I could not understand.


When I got home, I wanted to ask my dad, but he had a meeting in a foreign country. I had to check the information online. Baidu told me that it was because "friction is a process of contact and separation of positive and negative charges.The process of contact and separation. Therefore, the rubbing is essentially the separation of contact. In daily life, all kinds of objects may generate static electricity due to moving or friction. "I didn't understand it, and asked my mother, and my mother told me:"This is because the metal pen lid and hair friction generated electrostatic, which was sucking the paper on the static electricity. Instead of replacing other items, there will be the same phenomenon."At this time, my confusion was finally resolved, and I felt proud.


This experiment gave me a foundation. If there is still doubts in the future, I must ask or experiment.In this way, you can relieve doubts.

我的探索之旅作文500字 篇3


Science brings me our success. Some people only know what the use of it, but do not know what scientists do for these?On this road, I was indispensable to discover and explore. Since I watched "The Mystery of Dinosaurs", I discovered that I had a pair of exploration eyes for learning science.


Dinosaurs may have become a learning in some people's eyes, but in the eyes of science, it is a mystery and an ancient fan.Dinosaurs are the largest categories of all crawling animals. They have ruled for tens of millions of years on the earth, but for some reason, they suddenly extinct for a short period of time 65 million years ago. Now people can only pass throughDinosaur fossils to study dinosaurs.


Now, scientists have a lot of explanations about the disappearance of dinosaurs, but the most authoritative view to people is that dinosaur extinction and a large meteorite 65 million years ago were related.EssenceThrough testing and observation, there are no less than a dozen imagination for the cause of dinosaurs.Among them, I know several reasons through the recording: one climate change said: Two: species struggle said: 3: Mainland drift said: Four: Geomagnetic change said: five: acid rain said and so on.People know that the duck bilies and dinosaurs live in the same era. Here, I want to say, "Since the meteorite asteroid hits the earth and has a big explosion, why is the dinosaurs extinct, and some animals and dinosaurs live in the same period.Come down? "So far, the disappearance of dinosaurs is still a mystery of solution, but these contemporary imaginations are found and explored by scientists.


There are many mysteries in life, but this requires the continuous exploration and practice of my door. I believe that whether it is the fan of the dinosaurs or others. Remember to believe in science and it will always be solved.

探索之旅作文 篇4


The flowers were open quietly, and it came again in spring. A small rain nourished flowers and trees and our young hearts.The little reporter of Yanling Elementary School will experience a "animation journey" in this drizzle weather.


After arriving at the Play Valley, Han Yulu and I were accompanied. I volunteered to be the leader of the group. There was only one member. It was really a veritable "light rod commander".However, the commander of a "soldier" cannot be a good general. I took the "tour guide map" and started the "exploration journey".


Han Yu and I were dew in the Playing Valley, and for the first time, I felt the huge complexity of the "Anime Kingdom".Finally, we decided to go to play "Magic" first.A circle, a circle, another circle, tired of our breath, this building ladder really makes me love and hate!Finally arrived, I don't know, I was startled at a glance.The queuing person was crushed, and a long dragon was not seen at the end.My heart sinks: Oh my god!It takes at least two hours!I do not want to play!My interest suddenly gone.But seeing Han Yulu's eyes very urgent, I had to queue with her patiently.


Yeah, I finally sat on the position. I was very excited, "banged", the door closed, and a dark murmured pressed my sight.At a high altitude of 26 meters, my heart seemed to be hung into my throat.Suddenly, a dream -like world appeared under my feet, sometimes the cute and warm fairy tale world, sometimes the magnificent castle, sometimes the quiet and beautiful forest, sometimes the high -speed horror tunnel ...


This "exploration journey" is really lingering, and the assembly time is coming soon. I look forward to the next "exploration journey" to start again.

我的探索之旅作文500字 篇5


In my rich childhood, I have many exploration experiences.Today, let me talk about one of them.


One day, after finishing my homework, I was reading a book. I was particularly interested in one of the small experiments -eggs floating in the water, so I wanted to try whether it could really float.


Before doing experiments, I doubted this topic. Can eggs float in the water?I thought: How can the eggs be so heavy, how can I float?Suddenly, I suddenly appeared in my heart.So I asked my mother curiously: "Can the eggs really float on the water?" The mother didn't speak, but just smiled, but from her eyes, I saw that she was going to try it by itself.The "exploration journey" began!


First of all, I prepare the required materials according to the content written in the book -a fresh egg, a large glass, a clean spoon, some salt and water.Then I poured water to about one -half of the cup, and then carefully put the eggs.Put another spoonful of salt and stir, the egg still stayed there, as if I didn't want to leave its "home".In this way, I spoonful one after another, until the fifth spoon it was still like that, like a naughty and stubborn child.I was so anxious that I stomped my feet, and I read the book carefully again. As the saying goes, "Kung Fu is not attentive." It turned out to be more water!I fell half of the water, put a little salt, stirred it, and the eggs turned up.I later realized that the eggs could float because the cavac of salt water was larger than that of water, just like people could lie in the Dead Sea.Of course you can float the eggs in salt water!


In life, there are many fun and interesting experiments waiting for us to explore, and you can get a lot of knowledge you usually don't know!

我的探索之旅作文500字 篇6


There are many mysteries on the earth, waiting for us to explore and discover.....But this book "Earth Exploration" in detail states different mysteries in detail, which is very exciting.


What is the most important thing in human beings?Yes, it is water.If humans have no water, they cannot survive; the plants have no water, and they cannot be reappeared.....Many things are inseparable from water, how important water is.Without water, humans cannot survive, causing a large number of people to die, and the earth is bare, and a major disaster is about to occur, destroying the entire earth.So we must cherish water.


It's like in life, it has also happened.Everyone is wasting water and polluting water...... The sewage discharged from the industrial store flows to the river; people throw garbage and throw them on the sea; throw those debris and so on in the river, and make the water into color changes; turbidity changes; odor.....The water resources are getting less and less.


Water resource pollution is serious.The wastewater discharged by industrial and urban emissions around the world has reached more than 500 billion cubic meters per year. In 2000, it will reach 30 billion cubic meters. Half of the world's groundwater resources are being polluted;EssenceThe world is drawn about 550 billion cubic meters of groundwater every year, and the use of groundwater in many regions has been out of control.


Like me, sometimes the garbage is thrown anywhere.You throw a piece, I throw a piece, and tens of thousands of people throw tens of millions of pieces of garbage. How can the earth environment not destroy?


Everyone is here to save water and protect the environment!Both must change bad habits.I hope that each of us will cherish water.Humans must not have water, but the polluted water threatens more serious threats to people's lives and health.Prevent water pollution, don't make human tears the last drop of water in the world!

我的探索之旅作文500字 篇7


Remember that shortly ago, on the way home from school, I accidentally found a earthworm and was slowly moving his body. This made me curious and thought: I decided to study this little guySon!I thought about it in my mouth. After my mother found my thoughts, I told me: Earthworms are a constant animal!I don't believe it, I started my own exploration the next day!


Early in the morning, I went to the community to catch two earthworms in the small box, and then took it home."Start doing experiments!" I screamed excitedly.Take the cutting board, put the small earthworm on the cutting board, cut a knife with a knife, and suddenly, a yellow liquid flowed out.I think it's all "blood" and will definitely die.1 hour later: ah!Why not flow "blood"?I took a closer look that the wound was healed, but I could still see the traces of the cut.I don't think it will be resurrected!Go to find a suitable flower pot and bury it.Two hours later: The two heads of the earthworm became four heads, and the wound could not be found.I was very surprised, thinking, why is the wound gone? Is the earthworm really regenerating?My mother said with a smile, "See, I'm right!" I was doubtful and did a second small experiment. I cut it into two sections like just now, but the location was different.It turned out to be too "blood" and died!I am very surprised, I can't figure out what is going on!


Later, after my investigation and research, the conclusion was that the internal structure of earthworms was repeated and repeated.It depends on how you cut it. Just cut it to its heart, then neither can live.If you cut it to the repeated part, it will become a pair of "twins"!


This experiment has learned a lot of knowledge and benefited a lot!There are countless secrets waiting for us to explore!

我的探索之旅作文500字 篇8


There are many strange things in the world, which always makes me curious.For example, why is there a layer of white in the inner wall of the hot kettle that has burned many times?How to remove it?


One day, when I was pouring the hot water I just boiled into the thermos in the kitchen, I found that there was a layer of white things on the inner wall of the hot kettle.Hey, what is this?My curiosity came again.


I asked my mother eagerly: "Mom, I found a layer of white in the hot kettle just now, what is that?"


After listening to me, my mother answered with a hurry or smirked: "That's a scale, the hot kettle will have the water for a long time."


I still don't understand, and asked, "What is the scale? Is it harmful to the body?"


When my mother saw me, I asked, "The scale is not good for my body, I need to remove it in time. Would you like to check it?" After listening to my mother, I took out the tablet and opened Baidu to check it.


The original answer is this: there is a calcium sulfate substance that is difficult to accommodate in the water. After the water is boiled, the calcium sulfate substance crystals are precipitated, and the stool is formed.The most convenient way is to remove it with acid.Acetic acid can dissolve calcium.


So, I went to the supermarket to buy a bottle of white vinegar and started to remove dirt.First of all, I washed the kettle, poured an appropriate amount of white vinegar, added some cold water, and then inserted the power to boil the water.I was about to open the observation. My mother stopped me and said, "Don't move, be careful. Stay for half an hour to wait for it to cool." I had to wait patiently.


The clock dripped, half an hour passed.I thought to myself, "Will the vinegar clear the scale?" I opened the kettle and saw that I was surprised to find that the white scale in the kettle disappeared without a trace.


There are so many wonderful phenomena in the Plains in life.The answer to exploring the question is really an interesting process.

我的探索之旅作文600字 篇9


Just this summer vacation, I went to the "top of the world" with the famous local explorer Bell Bacon and to the "top of the world" in Austria.The terrain there is very dangerous, and there are already 109 places!


Due to funding, our equipment is not so sufficient.There is only one oxygen mask, two cold prevention clothes, two pairs of professional mountaineering boots, a 60 -meter -long hemp rope, a little food ...


"Oh, Bell Bacon, I want to tell you a very big bad news!"


While chewing the bread, I said, "Recently, the temperature has risen by 2-3 degrees Celsius, and a large avalanche may occur!" It's okay, with my rich experience and extremely fast response speed, these are nothing at all!He answered confidently.


On the road, I found that I was a little water in the snow I stepped into it!I feel a little unknown, but because the temperature of the snow mountain itself is much lower than the temperature of the green space, even if I wear a cold -proof suit, I still feel very cold, so I finally said with him, "Take a break for a while!"


After the rest was good, we walked for a while, but I found something wrong -I kept hearing the voice of "Guru Guru".! Well, don't tell him anymore. "I pretended to talk to Bell bacon without any matter." No, avalanche, run quickly! "The snow seemed like a general who led thousands of troops to kill us!We rushed down the mountain at a speed of flying. It was not good. The two of us ran too fast, "can't stop the car", so we flew out- ——


I dug the snow hard with my hands, and then got up very hard, because my body had not moved for too long, and I fell many times."Bell Bacon!" No, Bacon was still in the snow. I worked hard to dig out the snow around me and dug it for half an hour, but I still didn't see Bell Bacon, and I sat on the ground desperately.


Suddenly, when I heard the sound of a helicopter, Bell Bacon stood on it and shouted at me, "Come up, come up!"

我的探索之旅作文500字 篇10


This morning, the school organized us to go to the Juvenile Palace for an experiment called solar energy and energy storage technology.


My classmates and I entered the classroom of exploration experiments to do solar energy and energy storage technology. When I came to the classroom, I was anxious. The teacher told us a lot of things.We talked about the battery's positive electrode and the negative electrode, and the positive electrode and the positive electrode were all connected together.The teacher also made a demonstration of a solar lamp with us.


Finally, it was our turn to do it. The teacher sent many parts and put these zero -crushed parts in a small part box. There is a most conspicuous thing in the part, called "micro -solar board". It is extremely smooth on the front, but the opposite is the opposite. The copper thread was also exposed. There is also a part called "battery box", and there are two wires outside the battery box, which also expose the copper wire. I really don't know why the copper wire in the wire is exposed? We first find the positive and negative electrodes on the solar board, and connect the copper wires exposed on the wires and wires connected to the positive and negative electrodes on the wires. Then, insert two copper threads under the glow diode into two small holes under the small box of the part. In the end, I received the plastic tube in the two bumps under the small part box, but here I encountered troubles that the two mouths were too close. Go in.


Today is really a pleasant Tuesday!

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