

时间:2022-09-22 13:23:13 | 来源:语文通



鸡毛信读后感 篇1读《鸡毛信》有感 篇2鸡毛信读后感 篇3鸡毛信读后感 篇4鸡毛信读后感 篇5鸡毛信读后感 篇6鸡毛信读后感 篇7《鸡毛信》读后感 篇8

鸡毛信读后感 篇1


The story of "Mao Mao Xin" describes that during the War of Resistance Against Japan, the protagonist, Haiwa, put the whistle for the Eighth Route Army station every day. One day Haiwa put sheep on the hillside, and his father called him to say, "Haiwa gives you aTask, you hand over this chicken hair letter to the company. Is it important not to lose it? Haiwa took over the letter to see 3 chicken hair and knew that things were serious. So he rushed the sheep to the road.I chose a safe and fast way to walk, but what was unexpected was that he met the Japanese devil's team. In order to prevent the faith from falling into the hands of the devils, Haiwa rely on calm thinking at a urgent moment.The feathers were tied to the tail of the sheep. The ghosts grabbed Haiwa and said he was eight roads. Haiwa urgently said, "I don't know if I am a sheep.The baby successfully escaped with the cover of the night. Haiwa confessed to the company's hands, but he fainted because he was overworked.


Today, we use the phrase "clothes to reach out and open your mouth" to describe the most appropriate.Social conditions are getting better and better, but our ability to live is getting worse. Parents are afraid that we suffer and do everything for us. This is a bad thing.If this goes on, we will be eliminated by this society. What do people who have no ability to live?How do people without self -reliance survive?


After reading this story, it was very inspiration: We want to learn Haiwa’s wit, bravery, and not afraid of sacrifice spirit, especially in the face of the enemy’s fear, intimidation, and temptation.The quality of the letter was finally successfully handed over to the uncle of the PLA, making great contributions to the anti -Japanese.On the contrary, for us in peace and age, when we encounter some small difficulties, we must rely on parents. It is really much worse than Haiwa, so we must learn his spirit that he is not afraid of difficulties.In the future, we will do their own strength for the wealth of the motherland.

读《鸡毛信》有感 篇2


Red is the color of the revolution, the color of the flag, and the background of our teenagers.We need the immersion of red stories, and we need the red spirit.


The story of the first time I immersed and poured was the story of chicken feathers.


This story is mainly about a child named Haiwa. He is the head of the children's group.One day Haiwa put sheep in the mountains and received a chicken hair letter. He saw three chicken feathers, knowing that this letter must be very important.In the process of sending the letter, Haiwa met the devils, and Haiwa hid the letter under the tail of the sheep while having chaotic. The devil came and asked him to bring the way to Sanwang Village.


Haiwa, rushed to run ahead, because the path was not easy to walk, and it was originally for the sheep, so the devils could not chase Shanghai Wawa at all, and Haiwa went to Sanwang Village first.When he arrived at Sanwang Village, he hurriedly reported to the Eighth Route Army. After a while, the devil caught up and shouted, "Stand! Don't stand and shoot!" Haiwa didn't listen and ran hard. Later, HaiwaThe baby couldn't run anymore, and fell into the grass, shouting, "The ghost is here, fight!"


After a while, the Eighth Route Army caught up. The devil knew that he was fooled, and quickly fired, and he hit Haiwa's leg with a bang.The Eighth Route Army rescued Haiwa, and Haiwa said with all his last strength: "Faith ... the sheep's tail is important ..." Then he fainted.After the Eighth Route Army got the information, he killed many devils. Haiwa was praised as "Little Hero" and "Little Eighth Route Army".


After reading this story, I admire Haiwa very much. The devil is here. He is not panicked and hides the letter.He won't yell, alarm the devils, he will find a way to let the devils be fooled and send information at the danger. Finally, the devil wounds Haiwa's legs with a gun.In the last breath, I said at the tail of the sheep ... Reading this, I admire Haiwa from the heart.


Admire his sense of responsibility, this is the color I should be stained most now.


At present, our adolescents read good books, and strengthening our body and mind is the biggest responsibility and responsibility.We can't think of escape because we encounter a problem in learning and life, we think of lying, and we think of showing weakness with tears.


Holding Haiwa's story in his hand, thinking of some of his past, suddenly, his face was flushed.I thought: In the future, we must borrow more revolutionary heroes to spur themselves and make themselves grow healthier.


I believe that under the call of the red scarf, my body will be immersed in deeper and gorgeous background -China Red!

鸡毛信读后感 篇3


Behind the feathers, there was a courageous warrior -Haiwa.




Today, with excitement, I watched a "movie" - "Furry Xin" in school.The protagonist Haiwa's wit and bravely moved me deeply.


The story tells: During the War of Resistance Against Japan, Haiwa, a child who was similar to me, received a task: send the chicken wool letter to the Eighth Route Army.Haiwa rushed to the sheep and embarked on the long journey.On this way, Shanghai Wa met the devils. In order to prevent the devils from discovering the feathers, Haiwa tied the feather letter to the tail of the sheep, and successfully escaped the search.However, in order to eat lamb, the pouting devil brought Haiwa to the small ravine. Haiwa escaped from the tiger's mouth with his wit, but found that the chicken wool faith was gone, so he returned to the ravine to find the chicken wool letter.He retrieved the feathers with his bravery, and sent the letter to the Eighth Route Army's hands, successfully annihilating the enemy.


I watched this movie and I admire Haiwa very much.Although I am also a smart child (uh, a little bit of self -proclaiming), if I am so calm in front of such a daunting devil, I am afraid that I can't even get half of him.When I was beaten by the enemy, would I be as strong as Haiwa?When I encounter danger or difficulties, will I complete the task unswervingly like Haywa regardless of life and death?Thinking of these, the meaning of admiration was born.


A child in his ten -year -old should have been sitting and studying in a spacious and bright teacher like me, and he has a struggle with the devil under the difficult and harsh conditions. In contrast, we have a spacious classroom;Campus; have a comfortable life.And why don't we study hard, but we are more playful and obsessed with online games?


From now on, we should take Haiwa as an example. When we encounter difficulties, we must not be afraid, and we must develop good habits and become the talents of the motherland tomorrow!

鸡毛信读后感 篇4


During the summer vacation, I watched a movie called "Furry Xin".Among them, the protagonist Haiwa broke through all kinds of difficulties bravely and in danger, and finally sent the letter to Zhang Lianchang's hands.This brave and patriotic spirit is worthy of our learning.


During the Anti -Japanese period, Haiwa Haiwa received a task for him to send him a very important chicken wool letter to Zhang Lianchang.He picked a small road, giving the letter, and letting go sheep.Walking around, he saw a group of devils, and he hurriedly wanted to hide the letter.Suddenly, he had a clever movement and torn off a cloth from his body, tied to an old sheep's tail.The devil couldn't ask anything, so he wanted to catch a few sheep to eat.Haiwa cleverly avoided the old sheep with wisdom.In the evening, Haiwa escaped with the feathers.Seeing that it was coming, and a few more devils came to let him lead.He escaped with his own way.Haiwa quickly ran to Shanwang Village and gave the letter to Zhang Lianchang.Zhang Lianchang pressed the letter and took the team to attack the gun tower of the Japanese devil, destroyed the devil inside, and achieved victory.


We want to learn Haiwa's wit, bravery, and not afraid of sacrifice spirit, especially in the face of the enemy's intimidation, intimidation, and temptation, showing his quality of danger and depending on death, and made huge contributions to the anti -Japan.On the contrary, for us in the peaceful age, when we encounter some small difficulties, we must rely on parents. It is really much worse than him, so we must learn his spirit that is not afraid of difficulties.Your own strength.


In life, many people have the quality of Lingwei who are not afraid and depending on death, and they are not afraid of difficulties. They rely on their own strength and the spirit of not being afraid of sacrifice.During the Anti -Japanese period, Liu Lian launched an charge to Longhua Middle School.The cunning enemies built a very clever dark castle on the bridge and stopped the path of our army charge.Deputy Chief Bai ordered Dong Cunrui to explode the bunker.He rushed to the bridge quickly holding the explosive bag.How tall this bridge is from the ground, there is no place where the explosive bag is placed.He leaned towards the left, standing in the middle of the bridge, holding an explosive bag on his left hand, making him tightly stick to the bottom of the bridge, and the right hand was pulled to the fuse. With a loud noise, the enemy's dark castle was blown up.Dong Cunrui opened the way forward with his life.


I admire Haiwa's bravery and danger, and even admire his quality of death.I have to learn from him in my life and be a person who is not afraid of difficulties!

鸡毛信读后感 篇5


Today, I watched the movie "Furry Xin" at school.In the movie, 12 -year -old Haiwa sent the letter to Shanwang Village in order to send the chicken feathers to Shanwang Village.


Haiwa is a sheep baby or an intelligencer.Whenever the devil enters the village, Xiao Haiwa will put the signal tree to tell the villagers to enter the village.Whenever the devils enter the village, the devils will strengthen all the food of the villagers.Let the villagers be bitter.On this day, the devil came, and Haiwa's father hurriedly called Haiwa over, and asked him to send a chicken wool letter to Li Lianchang in Shanwang Village.Everyone knows that chicken wool faith represents emergency tasks.Of course, Haiwa knew that after the letter was received, he walked into Dashan.At this time, at that time, the devil saw Xiao Haiwa.The emperor called: "Your, Xiaoba Road, died!" After hearing, Haiwa was not afraid, and she was crying through his wit!Later, after all setbacks, Xiao Haiwa finally sent the letter to the hands of Li Lianchang, Shanwang Village.Through Xiao Haiwa's wit and bravery, this battle was victory!


After watching this film, I have thousands of thoughts. Thinking of our coquettish children, thinking about the little Red Army during the war, my heart is rippling: during the war, the light rain comes, the little Gagz, the little radish head ... These people are not these people.Are all our role models?Now, aren't all our good lives in exchange for them?

鸡毛信读后感 篇6


"Mao Maoxin" is about a child when the wind sounds in the Anti -Japanese War, called Haiwa.He was only 12 years old that year, but he was the head of the children's group.


Haiwa's father, Lao Zhao, is the militia captain. One day, Haiwa was going to go out to let go of sheep. Dad told him: "The devils are respecting the food again, you should be careful!" Dad wrote another letter to the Eighth Route Army Zhang Lianchang and asked the Haiwa to send it. Xiao Haiwa went on the road, and did not expect to meet the devils on the face. Xiao Haiwa was worried that the chicken hair letter would be discovered by the devil, so he squatted beside the "old man" pretending to organize his trouser legs, and quietly tied the chicken feathers to its big tail. Captain Little Beard asked Haiwa: "Child, your eight roads?" Xiao Haiwa said in a hurry: "I'm just a child who plays sheep, and I don't understand anything." Actually In his eyes, he looked at this group of fat sheep and wanted to roast mutton when he wanted to be hungry at night. Captain Xiaohuang asked Haiwa to follow them. At night, the Captain of the beard ate the most loved lamb in Haiwa again. Haiwa listened to the cry of the lamb and distressed. Xiao Haiwa escaped from his own wisdom from his own wisdom, and brought the devils to the mines arranged by the Eighth Route Army. Essence Zhang Lianchang blew the devil's artillery building and caught the devil's head alive -Commander of Cat Eye.


With the wisdom of Haiwa, it can be dangerous from such critical situations. Haiwa is too smart. I hope that they can be as smart and brave as Haiwa, and I also hope that I can make a little contribution to the people.


I read the feathers, and the protagonist Haiwa inside. He was injured by the devil in order to keep the chicken feathers.However, the devils also hit the Eighth Route Army's ambush, and the Eighth Route Army eliminated the devils.Haiwa is so small, but not afraid of devils, wit and bravery.Haiwa is the hero in my heart.

鸡毛信读后感 篇7


This afternoon, I watched a movie called "Furry Xin", describing the story of a little heroic hero, Haiwa.


The story mainly talks about the North China Anti -Japanese Democratic Base. There is a Japanese fortress that has not been attacked. The villagers prevent devils from entering the village to let the children go to the mountain. There is a small tree beside the child. As long as the devil comes, the child will push the tree downwardLet the villagers know that the devil is coming.


At the time of the harvest, the Japanese would come to grab the food. The villagers hid the food. Once, when the devil was going to enter the village, Haiwa's father gave the chicken feathers to Haiwa. Haiwa was caught by the devil.He hid the chicken hair under the buttocks of the sheep. The abominable Japanese ate Haiwa's' sheep, and Haiwa cried. In the evening, Haiwa escaped, and ran away to let the feathers.Haiwa retrieved the feather letter, and he was caught by the devil again. Fortunately, when he went back, he met the Eighth Route Army. Haiwa gave the chickenmine to the Eighth Route Army.In the end, the fort was broken, and the Eighth Route Army wins.


After watching this movie, my feelings are: Haiwa is really brave. He is not afraid of the threat of devils, not afraid of death, and bravely face difficulties; Haiwa is still very smart, he believes in the chicken hair under the buttocks, and he can still follow the devil.Escape!

《鸡毛信》读后感 篇8


"Furry Xin" is a story circulating during the Anti -Japanese War in my country. Although this book is a comic book, I still love it.


This book describes the anti -Japanese period. The Children's Regiment Haiwa once accepted the task to send a chicken wool letter to the Eighth Route Army.inside.Although Lian people were caught together, because he was witty and brave, not only kept the chicken feathers, but also introduced the devils into the mountains, and was destroyed by the Eighth Route Army.Based on the content of the letter, the Eighth Route Army and the guerrillas joined forces to eliminate the stronghold of Japanese devils.


Haiwa in the book is heroic and tenacious, and the spirit of bravery is worth our learning, and the epic of the hero will be passed on forever.

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