

时间:2022-09-26 13:31:19 | 来源:语文通



学生会竞选演讲稿 篇1学生会竞选演讲稿 篇22018学生会部长竞选演讲稿 篇3学生会竞选演讲稿 篇4学生会竞选演讲稿 篇5大学学生会竞选演讲稿范文 篇6竞选学生会干部的演讲稿范文 篇7学生会竞选稿 篇8竞选学生会演讲稿 篇9

学生会竞选演讲稿 篇1


Dear judges, friends, friends:


Hello everyone!


I am from the 20xx level XX. I am very happy to be able to stand here. The position of my campaign is: the chairman of the college student union.


From the ignorance of the freshman year, to the first dream of waking up, I experienced it all the way, and I also realized a lot.As the deputy minister of the Ministry of Literature and Art, for nearly a year at the student union of the college, I have participated in and responsible for some important student work, such as: level 10 freshmen, "watching movies and talking about physics", the development of boutique activities,The entire organizational and performances of the opening ceremony of the second "Borui" Cultural Festival, and the "class situation of class, work in the same class" and so on.


I have been working hard and working hard. Perhaps I am not as perfect as I imagined, but my dedication is obvious to everyone.If I am honored to be elected chairman, I will carry out my work from the following two aspects:


First, internal reform of the Student Union.Starting from the chairman itself, we actively create a working atmosphere of mutual communication, harmonious and complementary work, and timely solution to problems, unity and lively and efficient, is our ultimate goal.On the other hand, emphasize the importance of publicity awareness to all departments, make the publicity of various activities, and ensure that students understand the entire process of each activity.At the same time, the concentrated power improves the quality of the activity itself, so that the participating students can feel the charm of the activity, and are willing to support the student union's work firmly from beginning to end.


Second, strengthen foreign exchanges.In the purpose of "cooperating with each other, joint negotiation, promoting the work of the Student Union, and better serving the students", it is more proactive to communicate with other departments and school student unions.The quality of the event [www.baihuawen.cn] and influence, creating the own brand of our institution.


In general, the internal construction and foreign exchanges of the Student Union are the basis for survival and development. Only by doing these two aspects can students feel our progress and feel that the college student union is our student union.


Well, what I want to say is, please believe me, believe in this firm figure on the stage, and believe in this firm look.With you, there is me, the home will be even brighter tomorrow!My speech is over, I hope everyone can vote for me.Thanks!

学生会竞选演讲稿 篇2


Dear teacher, dear classmates:


Hello everyone!


I am the group branch of XXX, and I am also a member of the Student Union XX, XX, and XX Station.I am honored to have the opportunity to stand on this podium to participate in this campaign.Because I am Yan Huang's descendants, the name is X, and the name is XX.The position I want to run is: Minister of XX.I am from XX in Tulou Township.He is an optimistic and cheerful girl with confidence and responsibility. He has served as deputy monitor of the three years of junior high school and has rich work experience. He was rated as "Excellent Student Cadres" in the three years of junior high school.He was rated as the "Excellent League" to win the third prize of scholarships.I take everything seriously, live a down -to -earth life, usually like to read books, listen to songs, and write. I am a person who gets along well with my classmates.I believe I have the ability to hold the position of the Minister of Organization. My self -confidence sources of my own ability and the trust and affirmation of others.One of my favorite words is: young and not hard work, the boss is sad.Only by grasping the present can we look forward to the future, and we must know that success is for those who are prepared.


The student I know is a service classmate to help the school carry out activities.The Organization Department is an important part of the Student Union and an important helper for student organization.


If I can run successfully, I will work hard to do my work. I will learn from the previous work experience.Contradiction, coordinate the relationship between classmates; how to deal with the contradiction between learning and work rooms.If I run successfully, I have the following work plans for the Organization Department:


1. Replace the membership certificate for the members of the freshmen, and collect the group fee in time;


2. In response to the activities in the regiment, strive to hold at least two in -regiment activities per class per semester to increase the work innovation of the Youth League Committee in the new period;


3. Let the departments of each class assist the monitor to manage the class, be responsible for the discipline of each class, supervise the attendance, bring the group Wei, start a good group lesson every month, and enrich the knowledge of the classmates;


4. Do a good job of promoting the work of the party to join the party, strive to develop new members, and supervise the principle of "fairness, fairness, openness" of the best work;


5. Assist in various departments to carry out various activities, obey the school, teachers' arrangements, upload and go, and closely contact the school league committee to do a good job of work management.Guide each class to carry out positive activities, enrich students' extra -curricular life, and so on.If I succeed in campaign, I will improve myself more, improve the quality of myself, and treat everything with a positive and enthusiastic attitude.Bold innovation at work, not blindly engaged in, planned and principled things.


I know that no matter how many good words now, they are just talked about the soldiers. Napoleon said: soldiers who do not want to be a general are not good soldiers."Believe me, I will use actual actions to prove that I will be a good soldier. If I have no campaign to successfully explain that I still have any disadvantages, but I will not be discouraged. My enthusiasm will always be accompanied by this effort.With me, I will enrich myself. And I think I am not only a position for my campaign, but also to fight for a chance to make myself more hard work and a platform that allows myself to grow better. I hope that the school can give me a chance.thank you all.

2018学生会部长竞选演讲稿 篇3


Dear leaders, teachers and classmates:


Hello everyone!


My name is..., From the School of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, the current deputy minister of the Discipline Inspection Department of the Association of Society.First of all, I am very grateful to my teacher for giving me this opportunity to run for the Discipline Inspection Department of our Association Federation.There is a famous saying that the soldiers who do not want to be a general are not good soldiers, so when I am going to stand on the podium, I am very confident and want to be a "good warrior" of our organization of the organization of our Social Federation!


From a freshman to join our Association, a member of the Commission has all the way to one of the deputy ministers of the Discipline Inspection Department. I have gained a lot in the family of the Social Federation. I also deeply fell in love with this big family.The purpose of our association is to serve the associations with all the intentions. Without the community, there is no association federation, so we all serve the community and serve the community.As one of the departments of the Discipline Inspection Department, she is responsible for her glorious and sacred duties. As the saying goes: there is no rules, as a department that supervises the Social Federation and the community, the existence of the disciplinary inspection department guarantees the development of the normal work of the Social Federation and the community.EssenceThe most basic job of the Discipline Inspection Department is the reference basis for reviewing community activities as a reference for the selection of honorary communities; her important responsibility is to select "Top Ten Society", "Excellent Society", "Excellent Student Cadres", "Excellent Student Cadres" during the tour of the community.Awards such as excellent advanced individuals "" Excellent Instructor "; at the same time, the disciplinary inspection department is responsible for the production briefing of the monthly work briefing, the production of the president's job, and the stamping and issuance of the membership certificate.


Along the way, all the activities organized by the Social Federation and all the partys organized by the organization will actively participate and carefully complete the tasks assigned by the president and ministers.The sixth and seventh community tour; on the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, I will work seriously about the Red Song Competition and Elite Campus Singer Contest organized by the new and old campuses of the school.


If I am fortunate to be elected Minister of the Discipline Inspection Department, I will do the following:


First, the foundation is to strengthen our own construction of the Discipline Inspection Department, so that our department has more cohesion, unity, and improve work efficiency;


2. Efforts to improve the selection materials of honorary communities and individuals during the tour of the community during the tour;


3. Usually strengthening the supervision of the community must not only grasp the construction of excellent communities, but also help those associations on the verge of custody;


4. Actively cooperate with the work of the Youth League Committee and the Presidium, while strengthening cooperation with various departments to make the Social Federation more united and influential;


5. In the end, I will strictly demand myself, accept the supervision of teachers and classmates, work hard, and aggressive, and make myself a qualified community association minister.


I hope the support of leaders, teachers and classmates and believe in me!


My speech is over, thank you all.

学生会竞选演讲稿 篇4


Dear teachers, respectable school leaders:


Hello everyone!I am from Class 1 (X). My name is XX. I am the position of the deputy squad leader of class (X) of the first grade (X). First of all, thank you for your support and the school for providing this opportunity to enable me to participate in competition and show my ambitions.I have only one purpose of participating in the campaign: everything is for everyone, and can seek benefits for everyone.Today, the position of my campaign is the minister.I believe that with the cooperation of my classmates, I can be competent for this job. Because of this internal driving force, when I move towards this podium, I feel a hundred times confident.


I am a girl who knows difficulties and is aggressive. She is meticulous in studying, and I also like to joke at the end of class. I love labor in my life, and I am free to clean and clean the room.When the school organizes some activities, there will always be me less.Although my grades are not bad, I can't say it well. There is a saying that there are people outside, and there is a heavenly outside.


I know that the minister is an important position, responsible for the quantification of hygiene and improving the students' environmental awareness.But I believe that I will be able to do this position.


If I am elected minister, I will further strengthen my own cultivation and strive to improve and improve my own quality. I will always ask myself to "treat people upright and just work"; ask myself to "strictly discipline yourself and treat others."


If I am elected minister, I will cooperate with the labor members of each class to manage the work of the classmates to maintain the clean environment of our school.


If I joined the Student Union, I will seize this opportunity and ask myself more strictly to make my work more cautious.


If I am elected minister, I will do my best to be the school, to the class, to create excellent achievements and create a beautiful campus for all XX school students!


My speech is over, please support me, believe me, thank you!

学生会竞选演讲稿 篇5


Dear judges, dear classmates:


Hello everyone!


I am honored to be able to participate here today. Thanks to the leader for providing me with the opportunity to provide this speech, so that I can accept inspection and challenges here.


I do n’t work for a long time. In front of the leaders and teachers, I am a talented teacher, but in the years of teaching career in recent years, I have been working hard and struggling. In the teaching work in recent yearsWith the class teacher, the work in the class is among the best in the school.In addition, I often participate in various activities of the school, listening to courses, evaluations, lectures, thesis selection, etc. The high -quality class selection activities held last year, I won the first prize.Not only did I get honor, but I also gained a lot of knowledge today.Especially in this year, I am fortunate to be the target of the county teacher training. Under the guidance of Teacher Lei, we have a certain understanding of the new curriculum standard through listening, evaluation, and teacher reviews.Skills are also mastered.


In addition, in listening and evaluation, I have also mastered certain skills.The training activity has not yet ended. I believe that this event will bring me a lot of gains. As long as I work hard, I will do better.I also believe that this activity will play a great role in doing a good job of scientific research.Therefore, I am willing to take this competition as an opportunity to strive for more responsibility, and I am more willing to treat this process of competition as a declaration of stimulating my awareness of education and scientific research, as a rare opportunity to learn from teachers, and accept the judgment.EssenceTherefore, I stood firmly in front of today's scientific research director's competition.


I know that it is not easy to be a qualified scientific research director. Today, when I stand here, I know that I have chosen a difficult road.But I firmly believe that if a person, as long as he is attached to his own career, he will definitely do well in his career.Looking back on the career of the class teacher for 5 years, it benefited me a lot, making me a dedication and love for the school and students, and to this profession.Of course, the five -year front -line teaching practice is not just an experience, but also a wealth.It will make my work closer to the growth of students, to the needs of teachers, and more conducive to the development of the school.I am willing to treat it as a resource, a resource that can be used, shared, and integrated in my future work.Therefore, I have confidence and determination to pay for the choice I made for me.There is no road longer than the foot, no mountains higher than others.I believe that as long as you continue to "challenge yourself and surpass yourself", you will definitely reach the peak of success.


If I am competitive today, I can be recognized by leaders and colleagues, give me trust, and give me this opportunity.I will do my best, start with me, do a good job of the leader of the school and promote the school, and let the scientific research office truly become the main position of the school's scientific research, do a good job of the school's development think tank, provide information for leadership decision -making, make suggestions, do a good job of making a good job, do a good jobTeachers' growth of the waiter, set up a variety of communication platforms for the professional growth of teachers, do a good job of school scientific research managers, make the school's scientific research system more perfect and management more humane.


I know that the new leadership team is exploring the common vision of building our school teachers and students. Once I am successful, I will use the advantages of the scientific research room to lead the majority of teachers based on the concept of new curriculum reform.Development into a foothold, relying on the construction of the common vision of teachers and students in the school, devoted to the study of the school's campus culture construction, professional development of teachers, student life growth, and effective classroom teaching.Vibrant teachers and students work hard.


Speaking of which, I remembered a famous saying of Archimede: "Give me a fulcrum, I can pry up the entire earth." But here, I dare not shout and say good words, I just want to express a wish, "Give me a stage, I will play my role.

大学学生会竞选演讲稿范文 篇6


Dear judges, teachers, classmates:


Hello everyone!


I am honored to appear on this podium again to express my sincere gratitude to the judges and students for their support.First of all, I introduce myself, my name ... I am now a member of the Student Union's propaganda


Napoleon said: "Soldiers who don't want to be Marshal are not a good soldier." Today, as a candidate recommended by my classmates, I want to say: I not only want to be a marshal, but also want to be a successful and successful 'to be able to seek everyone.Marshal of interests -chairman of the Student Union.With the help of my classmates, I can do this job, because of this internal drive that when I go to this podium, I step by step!


If I campaign to the chairman of the Student Union, we must first commit to the further improvement of my own quality.For me, we must first improve my enthusiasm for work and make myself always face various work with a positive attitude.Secondly, we must improve their sense of responsibility and take good care of each work. For example, some cadres of our student union are involved in duty almost every day, which moved me.Their strong sense of responsibility made me drink, so I have to work hard to achieve them.


In addition, it is necessary to further improve the contradiction between processing learning and work, and strive to achieve work and study.


If I am elected chairman of this Student Union, I will hold a meeting of all the cadres of all student unions, summarize the valuable experience left by the last student union, continue to carry forward their fine traditions, and at the same time find out their shortcomings and make corrections, for example, in the case, in the caseIn terms of membership training, with the help of school leaders, I will strive to improve the quality of the membership, strengthen their understanding of the student union organization, and find them to talk more and communicate more.Pick up a brand new sky.


If I take office chairman of this Student Union, I will follow the principle of "news school and newspaper students" from beginning to end. During the work period, we will strengthen some necessary management systems under limited conditions, and the teachers and students of the Guangdang UniversityCarry out more discussions and dialogues, set up opinion boxes, listen to their opinions extensively, and make a youthful shout with the students who are in Fenghua Zhengmao. We will strive to make new students a bridge between school leaders and students, Become a link between teachers and students and become


Organizations that dare to reflect students' opinions and protect the interests of students have become a veritable group.


Is it a flash of gold? Dare to say that dare to do is the spiritual style of the new student union leader looking forward to the judges?Please believe in and support me, and vote for me for me!

竞选学生会干部的演讲稿范文 篇7


Dear judges:


Hello everyone!


First, let me introduce myself again: My name is YJBYS, from XXX Class XX.I am honored to board this podium to participate in a certain election of the Student Union, and express my heartfelt thanks to the judges and students for their support.


Based on the idea of "serving the classmates wholeheartedly", combined with the experience of being a cadre in high school in high school, if the campaign is successful, we must pay attention to the following points in the future:


First of all, you must strictly require yourself, and all the examples can play a role role in learning and work.


Secondly, we must strengthen the sense of career and responsibility, pay attention to the principles of doing things, actively cooperate with the work of the school and the department, and make every effort to complete the tasks that the school leaders and students are handed over to me, and become a member of the school's supporting assistant and students trusting.


Then we must resolutely obey the arrangement of the organization, actively listen to the guidance suggestions, listen to opinions and suggestions from various aspects, and continuously sharpen themselves in the process of service of the students to better serve everyone.


My work attitude is realistic.If I am fortunate to be elected, I will devote themselves to the study work with a good spiritual state of good mental state, and truly do the responsibilities and obligations of a member of the study department!


Standing here to participate in the campaign of the Student Union today, I really care about how good the students who are participating in the election, but the key is how to do it in the process of work after being elected.I think that the learning department is not a stage for the talent to show the talent, but the practitioners who are down -to -earth to swill on the ground in exchange for the training ground of the school's classmates!Napoleon said: "I don't want to be the marshal soldiers are not good soldiers." And I would like to prove that I am a qualified good soldier in the process of serving my classmates!


thank you all!

学生会竞选稿 篇8


Dear leadership, teachers, and classmates:


Hello, everyone!I am honored to stand here to participate in the event of the eighth student union of the Food Academy, and accept organizational testing and your choice.I am now deputy minister of the Ministry of Information Resources, and I am participating in the campaign of the chairman of the Student Union.


I believe that with the help of my classmates, with the support of leaders and teachers, I will be able to be competent for this job.Because of this inner motivation, when I walked to this podium, I felt 100 times confident.


He is cheerful and stable, actively participating in and organizing many activities, giving full play to the ability to host, recite, and write. In the first year of the new students, I successfully joined the broadcasting station of the school and the first anniversary of the establishment of the school. I participated in many activities in the school, such as a speech contest, debate competition, crosstalk contest, food festival closing ceremony. Hosted and attended a party for two consecutive years of music recitation work to dispatch high -level graduates for two consecutive years. I am not only the host of these activities, but I also personally participated in the preparations of these activities. I think the school provides me with these opportunities, making me feel like a fish in the water, constantly exercising and enriching myself. It is also these activities that cultivate my strong ability to work, organizational coordination, and the ability to control the complex situation and grasp the overall situation. At the same time, my advantage is that my diligence and hard work have strong applications and friendly relationships between students. All these are the chairman of the excellent student union I need to create an excellent student union. I firmly believe that all real knowledge is arising. All students come from the practice of success. What I have is what the president of the Student Union needs.


In the seventh student union of the General Regiment, the Ministry of Overseas Department was assigned to the Information Department and became the first department of the Student Union.As the only female deputy minister in the department, this is a severe test for me.Faced with such a huge pressure, we have achieved one after another: the first place in the school host competition; the second place in the school's speech contest; the third place in the school debate.We have done a good foundation for future activities.Yes, grades represent the past, and the future is far away.In the future work, I will work harder to further improve my ability!In previous activities, various difficulties will inevitably encounter.In the face of these difficulties, I am frustrated and I have the idea of giving up, but I persuaded myself not to give up again and again, because giving up means previous efforts.Everything is futile.I do not like it.So today, I can face various difficulties and do my best to solve them.

竞选学生会演讲稿 篇9


Teachers and classmates:


Hello everyone!


I want to run for the campaign today is the Minister of Study.I hope that the student will be my stage to show my stage and let me serve the family's family.


I fully believe that I have enough ability to take on the position of minister of the study department.My grades of all subjects are excellent, and I have obtained the three good students and excellent class cadres of the school and the Education Bureau.My performance in information science is very outstanding, and I have achieved good results in many information science competitions.I am the monitor of our class and also the position of the captain.My abilities cannot be underestimated.


If I become the minister of the Student Union's study department, I will definitely lead by example. First of all, I will do my own learning. I want to use my own achievements to convince everyone.


If I become the minister of the Student Union's study department, I will definitely serve people.In work, I will inevitably encounter some difficult problems. When I encounter the strong horizontal of my classmates, I will calm down and face him with a smile, and use my enthusiasm.He talked and gave him the truth; I would definitely get along with my classmates and be a good partner of a classmate.


If I become the minister of the study department, I will definitely lead everyone to learn better, have richer knowledge, improve our achievements, and increase our knowledge.I will put forward more activities that are beneficial to classmates, such as reading day, ancient poetry day, knowledge competition, etc. I will also give my classmates more good suggestions, such as carrying a poem every day, reading a article a day, reading one article every dayArticle, increase the amount of extra -curricular reading, take some reading notes appropriately, read texts every morning, review homework, etc.I believe that under my drive, the knowledge of students will become more and more wider and more profound.


Although I may not be a candidate or the most powerful person, I believe that if I succeed in running for this position, I will definitely do it hard to do it and live up to everyone's to me.expect.Please vote for me!


thank you all!

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