

时间:2022-09-27 13:27:04 | 来源:语文通



学生会竞选演讲稿 篇1大学学生会干部竞选演讲稿 篇2竞选学生会演讲稿 篇3竞选学生会演讲稿 篇4竞选学生会演讲稿 篇5竞选学生会演讲稿 篇6竞选学生会演讲稿 篇7竞选学生会演讲稿 篇8竞选学生会演讲稿 篇9竞选学生会演讲稿 篇10

学生会竞选演讲稿 篇1


Dear teacher, dear classmates:


Good at noon. First of all, I am honored to have the opportunity to stand on this podium to participate in this campaign. First of all, please allow me to introduce myself. I am Zhang Yuanyuan, a class of XX -level telecommunications. In the past year, IIt has always been a member of the Ministry of Sports, and the position I want to run today is the deputy minister of the Student Union Sports Department.The ability is capable but when this position, since entering the Ministry of Sports as an officer, I started to understand the Ministry of Sports slowly and understand what kind of department is the Ministry of Sports from all aspects.And this year's experience tells me that the Ministry of Sports, as one of our daily management departments of our college, is the task of organizing the various sports activities of the college, and at the same time assist other departments of the college to manage some daily affairs of the college.


I have grown a lot and matured a lot in the year of the Sports Department. I have learned a lot, whether it is communication or doing things. The self -confidence urges me to grow up. It is based on this confidence and growth. Standing here to run for the deputy minister of the Ministry of Sports, at the same time, in this year, I have clearly made the various activities carried out by the school and the college. I also have some experience. It can be considered more comprehensive to do practical things. I believe that in the future work, I will make the activities more standardized. When organizing various competitions, I will do it more on the issues of organizations, mobilization, selection, and notifications. Well, everyone knows that no matter what work, you must always think of "in the place of position, conspiring its politics". As one, you should have a good virtue, everything should be done by yourself, so as to lead others and strengthen internal unity. Of course, as a qualified student student, the key is to learn. This is also a big test for me. My study time may be less than others, but as long It will not lag behind others. On the other hand, this can also improve my comprehensive quality. I believe that when I walk out of the campus, I will not be by others. So I hope that my joining can make the student union better.


If I am fortunate to be elected deputy minister of the Ministry of Sports, I will first do a good job in the department, enhance the feelings among members, cultivate members' work awareness, and make the Ministry of Sports more united.Secondly, it is necessary to coordinate the work of other departments of the Student Union, strengthen communication and exchanges with various departments, and finally communicate with sports members of each class to understand the sports conditions of each class, organize some sports activities in a timely manner to improve the physical quality of studentsAnd sports performance.If I can't be elected, I won't be discouraged and discouraged, I will improve my ability in my future life and study. At the same time, I hope that the work of the student union will be better and better under the management and coordination of the members of the student union.


Although I don't have any gorgeous and beautiful words, and I don't have any words, I have a sincere heart, dear classmates, if you think I will be a good deputy minister of the Ministry of Sports, please vote for me a vote.If you don't believe me, please vote for me, because I will prove my strength to everyone in the actual actions in the future.


My speech is over.


thank you all!

大学学生会干部竞选演讲稿 篇2


Dear teacher, dear classmates:


Hello everyone!


First of all, let me introduce myself again: My name is XX, from XX Class XX.I am honored to board this podium to participate in a certain election of the Student Union, and express my heartfelt thanks to the judges and students for their support.


Based on the idea of "serving the classmates wholeheartedly", combined with the experience of being a cadre in high school in high school, if the campaign is successful, we must pay attention to the following points in the future:


First of all, you must strictly require yourself, and all the examples can play a role role in learning and work.


Secondly, we must strengthen the sense of career and responsibility, pay attention to the principles of doing things, actively cooperate with the work of the school and the department, and make every effort to complete the tasks that the school leaders and students are handed over to me, and become a member of the school's supporting assistant and students trusting.


Then we must resolutely obey the arrangement of the organization, actively listen to the guidance suggestions, listen to opinions and suggestions from various aspects, and continuously sharpen themselves in the process of service of the students to better serve everyone.


Perseverance, I seeks a realistic work attitude.If I am fortunate to be elected, I will devote themselves to the study work with a good spiritual state of good mental state, and truly do the responsibilities and obligations of a member of the study department!


Standing here to participate in the campaign of the Student Union today, I really care about how good the students who are participating in the election, but the key is how to do it in the process of work after being elected.I think that the learning department is not a stage for the talent to show the talent, but the practitioners who are down -to -earth to swill on the ground in exchange for the training ground of the school's classmates!Napoleon said: "I don't want to be the marshal soldiers are not good soldiers." And I would like to prove that I am a qualified good soldier in the process of serving my classmates!


thank you all!

竞选学生会演讲稿 篇3


Dear teachers, dear classmates:


Hello everyone!


My name is XX, from a very good class.Napoleon said: "Soldiers who don't want to be a general are not good soldiers." And I want to say: "Self -confidence is the foundation of success!" With years of class work and experience in student union activities, I have confidence to stand here and face every one to face every one.People, express my long -term desire:


"I want to run for the Chairman of the Student Union!"


There was such a sentence: "Since it is a flower, I will open it; since it is a tree, I will grow into a pillar; since it is a stone, I will pave the way." Then, since I want to cultivate myself into an excellent pilot leader, I will run for the chairman of the Student Union!


The student union is a bridge, the student will be a bond, it connects the soul, it conveys ideals.The work of the Student Union is a kind of exercise.I want to temper myself in the fire and make myself a good steel.Dell and Carnegie once said: "Don't be afraid of selling yourself. As long as you think you are talented, you should think that you are qualified to hold this position." I have enough confidence and ability to be competent!


First of all, I have enthusiasm, which makes me work happily.The most important thing for a good student cadre is to have work enthusiasm.Because enthusiasm is the motivation to work. Only with enthusiasm can we take the initiative to serve the classmates, and only with enthusiasm can become a friend of classmates, and then the assistant of the teacher!


Secondly, I have experience to make me face work mature.The years of class work have allowed me to serve my classmates as part of life.The two -year work in the Student Union improved my coordination ability.Obtaining "X -level three -level students" is an affirmation of my ability.


Third, I am good at communicating, which makes me understand the significance of cooperation.A building cannot be supported by only one pillar.As Marx Engels says, people can only get the opportunity to develop their own development in the collective.It can be seen that a person's ability is limited.If you want to do a good job, you must work together to combine the strength of the team to better build a student union!


This depends on me, but this depends on everyone.If I can win the election, I will take it as a new starting point for my student life, and I will use my vigorous energy and clear mind to complete my work seriously!With my true feelings and love, lead everyone to serve the school and classmates, so that every member can be as fair and selfless as the rulers.Every step forward is like a bamboo, summarized it once; it brings warmth to everyone like the sun.


I remember a philosopher said that giving me a fulcrum, I pry up the entire earth.I also want to say, please give me this fulcrum. I will live up to your trust and expectations. I will work hard to create a better future with you and welcome the glorious tomorrow of the XX Student Union!

竞选学生会演讲稿 篇4


Dear teachers and classmates:


Hello everyone!


I am the XXX of the first XX Class, and today I came to the XX of the Student Union for the Student Union.I can stand here bravely, so please applaud me!


At this time last year, I also came to XX Middle School with a dream, and then stood here to release my light and energy.However, at that time, I was too naive at that time, and my dream did not come true.Like a primary school student, he stomped straight, and then let the writing campaign perception.Today, I grew up and knew it was too reckless.At this moment, I apologized for my irresponsibility and told my younger brothers that no matter what the results are, it is success or failure, we must not give up.


More than this challenge in life?Ascending into junior high school, the environment has changed, and there are more and more talents, or you are the sunshine of the class in the past, and today it is just a common grass; we are about to enter the junior X. Parents' expectations, knowing to learn to learn from learning.Increasingly, the pressure almost made our mood plummeted.When people live in society, they can't help encounter setbacks. Don't panic when they encounter risks!Facing the big disaster, don't forget to give yourself a sincere and strong idea.Then courage will be extended and pain will be shortened.To overcome the suffering, you must first defeat yourself; to defeat yourself, you must have a persistent belief; as long as the belief is not old, life will be pursuing the spring of permanent residence.


Looking back, let's look at XX Middle School again.XX Middle School, a long time ago, was the best in the middle school.Today, our beautiful schools are shining.The glory of the cradle of previous middle school entrance examinations, quality education demonstration schools, etc. hover over the campus of XX Middle School.So how can we make our cute campuses on the campus?Very simple, start from small things.Standardize the daily behavior of middle school students, strictly grasp the school between classes, discipline in class, and publicize the significance of "civilized etiquette".As long as each of us has a little effort, then this school must be better!Please remember and work hard to achieve "I am proud of XX today, and tomorrow XX Middle School is proud of me."

竞选学生会演讲稿 篇5


Dear school leaders, teachers and classmates:


Hello everyone!


I am XXX of the integrated electromechanical technology.Llerated and cheerful, calm and decisive, can take care of the overall situation.On this day, I was honored to stand there to express my long -standing wish: "I want to run for the person in charge of the student union's learning department." I said solemnly, "I will do my best to complete the school leaders and students' submission of students and students.Give me a task, make the students a modern dedication group, the ability of the school to be a strong assistant, and the organization of the student's trust. "


I have worked at the Student Union's study department for almost a year.Promoting and applying talents, how to deal with contradictions between learning and work.All this proves that I have the potential to be the head of the student union's learning department, and has the potential to carry forward the student union.


If I become the person in charge of the Student Union's study department, I will further improve myself, improve the quality of all aspects, further improve work enthusiasm, and treat everything with a full enthusiasm and focus.It is necessary to further improve the sense of responsibility, bold innovation, forge ahead, and learn from people with an open mind.We must further broaden wisdom, correct mistakes, understand good opinions, and adhere to their own principles.


If I become the person in charge of the Student Union's study department, I will take the purpose of "dedication to campus, serving students", truly serve students, exercise legitimate rights and interests on behalf of students, and do my best for campus construction.Before the interests of the Student Union, we insist on putting the interests of schools and most students first, and never seek private interest from public interests.Strive to make the students' self -management group, with high degree of autonomy, and reflect the student's master spirit.


I understand that even more exciting words are just a flash of wisdom and passion. Simple action is the flower on the road of success.I think, if I was elected, I must talk about it, and what I do will have results.


Please give me a trust ticket and give me a chance to show talent!


thank you all!

竞选学生会演讲稿 篇6


Dear student union xxx:


Hello everyone!


I am glad to have such an opportunity to participate in the student union campaign!


First of all, I introduce myself, my name is XX, from Class XX. I have a lively and cheerful personality, a calm and decisive thing, and I can take care of the overall situation.Today I am honored to express my long -standing desire: I want to run for the Minister of Propaganda.Here I solemnly: I will do my best to complete the tasks that school leaders and students give to me, so that students will become a modern collective, and become a trusted organization for school assistants and students.


Tagore had a saying: "There are no traces of birds in the sky, but I have flew over." And I wanted to say, "There are no traces of birds in the sky, but I am flying." Maybe, after I said this "good words"Some people will secretly laugh, why is this little girl so rustic!But I want to say that this is not arrogant, but self -confidence!If a person can't even believe himself, then it is not qualified to do anything, even if it is done, it is difficult to succeed.


During the junior high school, I successfully held the responsible position of English salon and was responsible for propaganda work, so I had certain experience and confidence to be competent for this position. During my tenure, I couldn't help providing high -quality services to my classmates, and I alsoIt was well received by school leaders.I know that grades can only represent the past, and the future of the future is still very long. In the future, I will work harder to further improve my ability!Collecting and organizing hopes that the students will give me this opportunity, so that I can make this power, and I will have unexpected results.


If I have just been elected Minister of the Propaganda Department, I will further improve myself, improve the quality of myself, and further improve my work enthusiasm, and treat everything with a full enthusiasm.Bold innovation in work, actively enterprising, learning from others with an open mind, to further accept the virtuous words, be able to accept the mistakes, and accept the friendly opinions, and at the same time adhere to your own principles.


If I am elected Minister of the Propaganda Department, I should take the purpose of "dedicating campus and serving classmates" to truly serve the students' services, exercise legitimate rights and interests on behalf of the students, and try their best to build the campus.I know that in the splendid words, it is just a momentary wisdom and passion. The simple action is the flowers on the road of success. I think what I am elected must be a word, and the act of acting must be.


This is what I am today, and action is used to prove everything.


I hope you support me, thank you.

竞选学生会演讲稿 篇7


Dear leaders, teachers, classmates:


He Xiaomeng,是20xx秋行政管理班的学员。今天我来参加竞选的目的有两个:一是当好老师的帮手全心全意为同学们服务:二是想锻炼自己、提升自己。

Hello everyone!First of all, I am very grateful to my teachers and classmates for my trust in me, so that I have the opportunity to stand on this podium to participate in competition and show myself.My name is He Xiaomeng, a student of the 20xx autumn administrative management class.Today I came to participate in the campaign: one is to serve as a teacher's helper to serve the students wholeheartedly: the other is to exercise and improve myself.


I am a very active, cheerful, enthusiastic and humorous person.If you do n’t do things, you must do it well.In the unit, I am now a middle -level cadre, which is the affirmation and trust of my ability to work.But at the same time, I also felt that the burden on my shoulders became heavier and felt more and more short.So I came to Electric Da charge just to improve myself.Although it is only a week to come to the Dada University, I really feel that the Dadong University is "the ladder of civilian progress, the weight of education and fairness, and the learner to enrich self and enhance the power supply station."In these three years, I will work hard.Thank you very much for the dream of my university.So I want to be a part of the Student Union, and I can give back to the school with my own meager power.I will do a good job in the arrangement of the Student Union, and to exercise my knowledge of long -sense in organizational activities.At the same time, I hope to have the opportunity to learn from those who have the ability and classmates.


If the campaign is successful, I will work hard to make the student a bridge between the school leaders and the students become a bond of teachers and students.I will work for the Student Union with a sincere, patient and enthusiastic attitude.Please support me, vote for me, thank you!


He Xiaomeng



竞选学生会演讲稿 篇8


Dear leaders, teachers, dear classmates:


Good evening, everybody!


First of all, thank you very much for giving me this opportunity to allow me to stand on the stage of challenging self, showing self, and surpassing themselves with several other candidates to compete with each other to learn from each other and learn from each other.thank you all!


Xiongguan Man Dao is really like iron, and now walking from scratch.I am from XX from the School of Economics.Today, I am grateful, with the hopes of hope, courage, and confidence to run for the post of the 9th Student Union chairman.It is the eagle that should be fighting the sky. It is because the dragon should travel a shallow bottom, and the horse should gallop the field.If I am fortunate to be elected as the chairman of the Student Union, I will work hard under the leadership of the teachers of the school Youth League Committee, and with the joint efforts of the members of the Student Union, I will wholeheartedly help my classmates, work hard to develop, and forge ahead.I summarize the work direction of this student union as: "center, center of gravity and intention".


The first is the "center", that is, serving the classmates wholeheartedly.All the work of the Student Union must adhere to the purpose of "from classmates to classmates", which is the foundation and source of the development of the student union.Dear classmates, your recognition and support are the driving force for our bravery.


The second is the "center of gravity", that is, the internal construction of the Student Union.This is the manifestation of each student union member, and it is also our prerequisite and guarantee for each activity.


Strengthen internal construction mainly includes:


1. Strictly monitor the assessment system, establish a three -in -one mutual evaluation mechanism for departments, ministers, and departments to enhance the incentive function of the student union assessment work.


2. The construction of learning -oriented organizations, incorporate the academic performance of members of the Student Union into the assessment system, thereby improving the enthusiasm of members' learning and promoting the comprehensive development of members.


3. Diversity of internal training, set up a student union training team, and regularly invite the training of internal members of the student union, especially the senior senior trainee officer, and regularly invite the well -known training of the members of the student union to conduct personal quality and management ideas in the school.Training in collaboration, speech skills, career planning and other aspects.


In the end, "heart", that is, think with heart, implement it with heart, and summarize it with heart.The work of the Student Union needs not only the spirit of "wax torch into ash" and "bowing", but also we need to discover and think carefully.Find problems in thinking and find solutions.Implementation is equally important. All theories must finally be inspected. Only by implementing specific ideas in place can we make the student union work better.Talking about the soldiers on the paper is destined to fail.The summary of the heart is the top priority. Reflection and summary in the work, to get the essence and the new and new, and propose a feasibility solution for the existing problems.


Throughout the above, the three hearts are complementary and inseparable."Center" is the prerequisite, "center of gravity" is guarantee, and "intention" is the goal.The new student union, as long as we focus on the center, keep in mind the center of gravity and implement the intention, then we will write a new page of the Student Union!


Sometimes the long wind breaks the waves, and hangs the clouds and sails.Two years of experience made me more convinced, and it also made me more willing to continue glowing and heat in the Swiss of the Student Union!


"Laughing out of the sky, can I be a man of artemisia, the winter comes in the spring, the flowers bloom, the unchanged 'is my firm belief and gratitude.The new blood is surging, the new power is surging, the new beliefs are rising, and the new career is extending. We will bring young and unbeaten hearts, with the Zhiying Zhizhi, writing students will be more brilliant and brilliant tomorrow!


thank you all!IntersectionIntersection

竞选学生会演讲稿 篇9


Dear teacher and classmates:


Hello everyone!


I am a student of Class X in the first day. My name is XXX.I have a cheerful personality, a calm thing, decisive, and can take care of the overall situation.Today, I am honored and proud to express my long -standing desire: "I want to join the Student Union" I think everyone has a solemn promise: "If I am successful, I will try my best to complete the task that the school teacher and classmates have given me to me, so that let me let me give me to me, so that let me let me give me to me, so that let me let me give me to me, so that let me let me give me to me, so that let me let me give me to me.Everyone likes to integrate into our collective.


The Student Union is a strong group served by students for students. It plays a great role in school management. It plays a great role in school management and has a lot of response among students.Joining the Student Union can not only exercise yourself well, better reflect your personal value, but also implement the purpose of "serving the classmates and teachers", which is conducive to your growth and development.It is a good opportunity to exercise yourself.


If I become a member of a student union, I want to further improve myself and improve the quality of my own aspects.Responsibility, bold innovation in work, forge ahead, learn from others with an open mind, listen to other people's opinions, should be wrong, accept more people's good opinions, and adhere to the principles of their own pairs.In the face of the interests of the student union, insist on the school.The interests of most students are not conspiring.I


I will further strengthen my own cultivation, strive to improve and improve my own quality, and I will always ask myself to treat others upright and fair; ask myself to be strict with myself and treat others; if I cannot join, I will never be discouraged. I must work hard.Strive for better performance!


I know that no matter how bright the words are, it is just to show off my talents. I am a northern girl. I grew up in the town from a young age. I have a simple personality of farmers.Only a simple action can take me to success in one step at a time.


I hope everyone can give me a chance so that I can prove my value with action.


thank you all!

竞选学生会演讲稿 篇10


Dear leaders, teachers, classmates:


Hello!I am XX from XX Class."My campaign goal is the Minister of Arts and Arts of the Student Union." My score in the last semester was 23, and the quantitative ranking was the second place. I will do my best to make my work recognize everyone.With the help of my classmates, I can be competent for this job.


I have served as a literary and artistic member in the class. I have a certain management and organizational ability to communicate well with my classmates. Organize students to actively participate in various literary activities organized by the Student Union, and also use various activities to improve their organization and management capabilities., Good at listening and adopting opinions from others.


As a member of the Department of Literature and Art of the Student Union, I have participated in the organization's many activities, and the ability to organize coordination and leadership command have been more exercise.At the annual New Year's Day party, the large -scale national dance "Pretty Flower Basket" edited and directed by the Ministry of Arts and Arts of the Student Union was widely praised and won the first place in the dance category.Our cooperation with the electronic department also made the performance achieve excellent results.This also inspired me to make my talents play, and I also realized how to show my advantages. Therefore, I was even more firm in the idea that I would run for the Minister of Arts and Arts and actively put into action.


The accumulation of work experience and ability in the past made me feel that I have the ability to hold this responsibility, organize various activities, and enrich the lives of students.The work of the Ministry of Literature and Art is very important. The talents of students can be performed here, and the students' extra -curricular life will also be enriched in our activities.If I become a member of the Ministry of Arts, I will organize my classmates to carry out more and better entertainment activities, learn in the event, get along with everyone during the event, and improve my cultivation in the event.


If I succeed in campaign, I will definitely lead by example, not to work hard for fame and fortune. While leading the Ministry of Arts and Arts, I actively contact other departments, help each other, progress together, and work hard to manage the student union with everyone.At the same time, it will also actively organize more artistic activities to provide students with a stage for showing talents.I hope the judges and classmates here, vote for me, thank you.

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