

时间:2022-09-27 13:27:06 | 来源:语文通



校园日记 篇1关于校园日记 篇2关于校园日记 篇3校园日记 篇4校园日记 篇5校园日记 篇6校园日记 篇7关于校园日记 篇8校园日记 篇9校园日记 篇10

校园日记 篇1


What an infinite charm of changing sunset!It is magnificent and charming.Not long ago, I got this enjoyment in the sunset west.


The windows of the uncle's house are opened west.Once, when I came to my house, I witnessed the beauty of sunset.I looked out through the window, and the green trees were lined with wild flowers.At this time, the sunset has no dazzling orange -red light, putting a gold in the distance in the distance, and replaced the flowers and plants in the entrance to the jacket, gold pants, and gold shoes.At this moment, the sunset only turned red, such as smoke. After a while, the color of the sunset became dark red, like a huge red mushroom, turning the clouds of the sky into red or rosewood.Slowly, the huge red mushroom became more and more red, and finally became a familiar apple that appeared in the sky.Against the setting sun, a bird passed by the sky, like a red silk ribbon, flying in the sky.Isn't this a great wonders?


It didn't take long for the dark red sunset to fall slowly from the Western sky.In the moment, the trees in the distance, the flowers and plants on the ground, the green mountains, and the green water were covered with Xia Hui, full of 氤氲.Especially the beautiful wild flowers, like a red coat, red light shines, beautiful.The first time I watched the sunset, I did not expect that the sunset scene was so charming.

关于校园日记 篇2


My elementary school Donghua Elementary School is located on East Street in our small county.


In the early morning, we will consciously list this team and walk into the gate of the campus with a smile on duty.In front of the campus gate is a tall teaching building. Both sides of the building have stairs that facilitate students to go up and down.The classrooms are spacious and bright, and the tables and chairs are arranged in an orderly manner. The senior students learn different new cultures, new knowledge, and feelings every day in this comfortable environment.


On the right side of the campus, there is a small garden, where the green trees are lined with flowers and flowers.The statue of the great thinkers, politicians, and educator Confucius in ancient times stood in the center of Yuanzi solemnly. It seemed to say to the classmates: "Study hard and grow up as a useful person to society." There is a behind the teaching building.There are a lot of exercise fitness equipment, there are double bars, hanging rings, autumn thousands ... everyone loves to play.Every time or during the class, it naturally becomes the most lively place in the school. Some students play basketball, some skipping rope, and some kicking dumplings. Their chasing laughter spread throughout the campus.


This is my beautiful campus. Here I will leave my childhood's best memories. I love you Donghua Elementary School.

关于校园日记 篇3


What are people always talking about happiness?


As a college student, I think happiness is a kind of enjoyment.Cherish everything, perceive the bit by bit around you, and make your heart feel into a feeling of intoxication.


In fact, the university life is rich and colorful.


The two -year -old college has lived an purposeful, and the joy is too lost, and the laughter has been crying.The frustration of feelings makes people feel that the world is in love with nothing, and the pressure of the exam gives people unintentionally. I always feel that studying university is to suffer.However, the sincere help and selfless care of my friends when I lost my heart, but I loved me in this world and loved this university life; occasional emotional encounters are even more excited.


The world has to turn like this, and life must continue, so people must learn to enjoy success and failure, and to understand the joy of life.Without failure, the success of the coming is not worthy of joy. Sad people always complain about this and complain about the injustice of the world; and the optimistic person will feel that failure and loss are also a valuable property given to him by heaven.Essence


What is happiness?It is a kind of throbbing that feels relaxed and felt in the blandness. In college days, it is a vibrant era. It is also necessary to enjoy the unique feeling of young people and realize it.


Maintain a good attitude, be an ordinary person, and use your kind heart to create a happy and beautiful life, you will be full of hope and laughter.Wish all women happy and beautiful; all men are happy and healthy!

校园日记 篇4


My primary school is the best, the most beautiful and unique elementary school.


listen.The sound of Lang Lang makes people feel in the realm of fantasy.After class, the children's laughter and the footsteps of chasing the four seasons are full of the entire campus.


On the day three years ago, Grandpa Zhangshu was uprooted by a large crane.now.It guards us on the beautiful new campus.It likes us every day at the gate of the school.


"I love my beautiful campus." No words can express all the feelings in my heart than this sentence.

校园日记 篇5


Summer is here, summer is here!There are beautiful scenes everywhere.


There are tall and large willows in the distance, the branches of the willow trees are curved, the breeze blows, and the willow strip seems to dance with beautiful dance.A little frog was sitting on the lotus leaf, singing its master song "呱 呱".Many bees flying around the bright flowers, picked with fragrant and sweet honey.The lotus of the pond has green lotus leaves and pink petals. It is really red in summer.


I must take these beautiful scenes with a camera.

校园日记 篇6


When the moonlight rose, we also sat around the lawn of the campus and played a guitar, sang tears together.In the 1990s, the popular campus folk songs became our best farewell message.


"Brothers who sleep on my paved/silent you/you once asked my questions/No one asked now/native to my cigarette brothers ..."


In the low melody as immersed in "Sleeping in the B shop on the Wood", we remembered the rusty.The iron bed, those long talks that sleep all night, the handwriting on the walls.The wind patted with brave shoulders and said, the brothers who slept on my pavement, I would never smell your stinky feet.One thing I have been in my heart, I feel sorry for you. The stinky socks that often disappear for no reason in your bedside are secretly thrown away, which makes you rush to exercise in winter ... bravely, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumbSpeaking of my throat, I have known you for a long time, but I should still thank you, not you, and I will not become a glorious member of a star dormitory."I will also show her the photos/tell her that you/who marry you/who will be sentimental you/who comforts you/who will get your long hair/who will make the wedding dress you make ..."


Love, our most fragrant words in college.Because of love, the best brother has fallen behind.There are 30 people in a class, and there are only 29 people now.This night is worse than Dong, and we sang "You at the same table" and feel sad and sad.What surprised us was that Dong still appeared, 29 plus 1 — we still 30 people, no less.


East is a person who dares to love and hate, because of her favorite girl Chun, busy writing love letters all day and abandoning their studies. When the sophomore sophomore, 3 homework failed.The department exposed the light, he and the teacher in the classroom, and left the level.East went to Tsubaki and said that if years can come again, I will still love vigorously, and I will not regret it.My only regret is that I have paid so much. I don't know if you love me or have you ever loved me.


Girl Tsubaki was crying.She said that I have loved it, but I dare not love -yes, I want to love but dare not love. This is our most authentic psychological state in the 1990s.Before entering the school, we have signed a contract with the local education department.Tsubaka's words made everyone crying almost, because each of us had our favorite in their hearts, but our love had to walk away quietly because of this paper contract.


"The youth flowers and flowers thanks/make me tired but not regret it/the rainy snow flying in the four seasons/makes me intoxicated but unbearable ..."


The guitar's strings are dumb, and the passing "Youth" will no longer come back, but our singing is still hovering in the moonlight.In the four years of college, the grudges and vengeances were destined to turn into a faint cloud smoke in this tears and rain, becoming the best memory in life.Tomorrow we will bring these memories to the backpacks far away.

校园日记 篇7


On March 18th, 20xx, today's physical education class, boys are naughty again, which hurts Teacher Cheng's temper.After finally getting better, the No. 2 Xiaoyang of our class actually said that he took out his sister -in -law to kick himself. Teacher Cheng was so angry that he punished him to kick a thousand next to him.


Then we started scolding again. Our girls were absent -minded, and we looked at Teacher Zhan, who had taught us in the distance, how much do you want Teacher Zhan to teach us!But this is impossible, Teacher Zhan taught the first grade.We sighed helplessly.At this moment, a first -grade younger sister in Teacher Zhan shouted; "See that brother is kicking the sister -in -law!" Then the number of.One, come on, come on! "This is okay. Everyone laughed and laughed. Teacher Cheng couldn't scold, so I had to let us practice running.


Soon, the sad but funny physical education class was over.

关于校园日记 篇8


In the early morning, my mother and I got up at half past six, washing their faces, brushing my teeth; I put on a scarf, put on a mask, and went to school!

来到学校,一看有的同学还在打扫卫生呢,就知道肯定还不到7点半,早读时间还没开始,就像鸟儿一样兴高采烈地飞向教室,刚到教室外面,就听到同学们朗朗的读书声,我加快步伐,来到座位上,拿 起课本,开始读书喽!

When you come to school, when you look at some classmates are still cleaning up, you know that it must be less than 7:30. The early reading time has not started. Just like a bird, fly to the classroom.When I went to the sound of my classmates, I accelerated the pace, came to the seat, picked up the textbook, and started reading!


Dingling bells ... The crisp ringtones rang, and the classroom gradually calmed down. After class, the teacher led us to swim in the ocean of knowledge. I actively answered the questions raised by the teacher.I am really happy.

铃,铃,铃······下课了!同学们有的在投沙包,有的在踢毽子;我则在跳绳。叮咚,提醒要上课的铃声响了,我们只能回教室了 ;这个十分钟过得可真有意思呀!

Ling, Ling, Ling, Ling ... It's off get out of class!Some of the classmates are casting the sand bag, some are kicking the mules; I am skipping the rope.Ding Dong, reminded the ringtone to be in class, we can only go back to the classroom; this ten minutes is really interesting!


When I was in class in the afternoon, my partners and I were like a happy little elves; this run, that run; this play, then play; run for a while, jump for a while.But so happy!Listening, the ringtone sounded again, I was going to class.


Look!This is my happiness and busy living at school!

校园日记 篇9


This year's autumn is very short, and autumn clothes have not been worn yet, and winter is coming.


If you feel the coming of winter, at that time, the north wind scratched, and it hurts to blow on your face as a knife cut.Playing, not afraid of the cold of winter, adding vitality to the campus.


On the campus on the campus, the layers of yellow leaves fell on the campus, stepping on the rustling sound on it.Although it is the early winter, the sun still works every day, giving enough light and heat to pine cypress, so that the pine trees on the roadside are still so tall and green, bringing a green color to the campus.The classmates are wearing thick winter clothes, walking on the campus like a little penguin. The smiley face is red, like a little apple, but they still smile with each other. Their hearts are still enthusiastic.Youth ideal and struggle.


What can be seen everywhere on campus is the seniors and sisters who work hard for the postgraduate entrance examination. They start endorsement every day and make full preparations for the postgraduate entrance examination.Even if it was winter, the weather became cold, but they still insisted and did not give up.Their spirit deserves our learning. For the sake of dreams, they are not afraid of the cold, and they have become a beautiful landscape of campus winter.


In winter, we have quietly sneaked into the campus, but our campus is still vibrant and is not afraid of its cold.


If winter comes, can spring be far behind?

校园日记 篇10


Early in the morning, my grandmother asked me to bring the umbrella when I was going to school, saying, "The weather forecast said that there is heavy rain today, so you have to bring an umbrella." After I picked up the umbrella, I quickly flashed.

在路上,天空突然黑了下来,乌云密布,一下子就变成晚上似的,我惊恐地撑起了伞,没过几分钟,大雨从天上泻了下来,豆子大的雨点噼里啪啦的抽打着雨 伞,雨水落到地上汇成了一条非常非常浅的小溪。暴雨下的学校成了“乐园”,有人在把地上的水踢起来攻击别人,有人把伞面倒过来当“酒杯”用,我也没例外, 我把“酒杯”里装满了水,“哗啦”一下把别人浇成了“落汤鸡”,别人把我围起来,有的人用“酒杯”里面的水来浇我,有的人在用“水箭”来攻击我,我一下子 变成了一个大大的“落汤鸡”了,我想“我回家以后一定又要吃到‘竹子炒肉’了,呜呜……”

On the road, the sky was suddenly dark, and the clouds were densely set, and suddenly it turned like a night. I stretched out the umbrella in horror. After a few minutes, the heavy rain stabbed from the sky.The rain fell to the ground and remitted a very, very shallow stream.The school under the heavy rain became a "paradise". Some people played the water on the ground and attacked others. Some people used the umbrella surface as a "wine glass". I was no exception. I filled the "wine glass" with water."Putting others into a" soup chicken ", others surround me. Some people use the water in the" wine glass "to pour me, and some people are using" water arrows "to attack me. I suddenly becameA big "falling chicken", I think "I must eat" bamboo fried meat "again after I go home, oh ..."


I don't know how long, I arrived at the school, and I hit the bell as soon as I entered the school gate. I ran and called "Save my life ..."


It is really cool and uncomfortable.

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