

时间:2022-09-29 13:24:03 | 来源:语文通


祖国我为你骄傲演讲稿 篇1祖国我为你骄傲演讲稿 篇2祖国我为你骄傲的演讲稿 篇3祖国我为你骄傲演讲稿 篇4祖国我为你骄傲演讲稿 篇5祖国我为你骄傲演讲稿 篇6

祖国我为你骄傲演讲稿 篇1


Dear teacher, dear classmates:


Hello everyone!The topic of my speech today is: the motherland, I am proud of you!


The mother of the motherland, you have gone through five thousand years, and the long history nourishes our teenagers of the 21st century.Your rapid development has made the world see your strength.Your Jinxiu Mountains make us proud!


For five thousand years, how many kinds of people have made the motherland's mother.The ancients' "four inventions" were magnificent. In modern times, Lin Zexu, British names, and British fighters.How many heroes are fighting blood, taking the world as their own responsibility, and saving the disaster and difficult China ... The pictures that touch people's hearts are vivid!


"Three Kingdoms", "Water Margin", "Dream of Red Mansions" and "Journey to the West" are amazing books in the history of Chinese literature.The motherland's mother is very good, so that our teenagers of the 21st century benefit from it!


The "Shenzhou 5" manned spacecraft was successfully launched and returned, realizing the dream of human flying in the past.Now "Shenzhou 6" has once again compiled a new chapter in Chinese history!


The rolling river, rolling the Yellow River, and continuous mountains and rivers all belong to our great motherland.The motherland is magnificent, the motherland is beautiful, and the landscape of the motherland is charming.Classmates, when you are based on the majestic winding thousands of miles


Above the Great Wall; when you stop on the side of the Yellow River; when you stand on the shore of the Bohai Sea, you stand still, do you feel difficult in your heart?Is it enthusiastic?Are you proud of your beautiful and rich motherland?


Classmates, we are the first flowers, we are the first rising sun, and we are the main force of China.Our efforts today are the hope of tomorrow.Let's use 100 times efforts, learn knowledge, learn ability, and use our strong hands to create the glory of the motherland!Finally, let's open our hearts and shout together: "Motherland, I'm proud of you!"


My speech is over, thank you all!

祖国我为你骄傲演讲稿 篇2


Dear teacher, dear classmates:


Hello everyone!Today I will give you a speech "Motherland, I am proud of you".


Here, I ask everyone a question: What is patriotism?When I ask this question, many students will definitely say: "Patriotism is to know more humiliation that China has suffered before; patriotism is to study hard and revenge for the motherland in the future." Patriotism is not just these, but patriotism is to love the motherlandFor the mountains and rivers, patriotism is to maintain the dignity of the motherland, and patriotism is to care about the development of the motherland.


When the invaders' iron hoof trampled on the body of the motherland, the signboard of "Chinese and dogs must not enter" at the door of the Shanghai Park; when imperialist artillery bombarded the door of the motherland, countless people were killed.


Hurrying to open the title page of history and deeply remember the lessons of history. The Chinese will never forget the humiliation and oppression that they have suffered in the past.


We are Chinese teenagers, we are a good boy in China, let's fight for our China!

祖国我为你骄傲的演讲稿 篇3




Hello!What I speak for everyone is "Motherland, I am proud of you!"


After learning this unit, you must have a deeper understanding of the words "motherland".At the same time, you must also be proud of Ji Xianlin and other characters who are in a foreign country and love the motherland!


In 1905, the Qing government recognized Zhan Tianyou to build a railway from Beijing to Zhangjiakou, but the imperialists thought it was a joke.A newspaper said scornfully: "Chinese engineers who can build railways in the north of the south mouth have not been born." Facing the obstruction and ridicule of imperialism, Zhan Tianyou resolutely accepted the task.He used a rigorous scientific attitude and a hot patriotic heart. He was not afraid of stuffing the wind and anger, and the yellow sand was full of the sky; he was not afraid of the danger of falling into the deep valley, regardless of the survey line, drawing, and calculation.The task of building the Jingzhang Railway was completed ahead of time.This gives a loud slap to the imperialist who despise China.


In 1935, Ji Xianlin, who studied in Germany, never missed the mother of the motherland all the time. He used the way of writing a diary to express his true feelings.It should be for this emotion to make him feel tide and dispel the idea of staying abroad.


I can't forget the border guards stationed on the island in the early days of liberation, and bring butterflies, watermelon seeds from the distant hometown, and let the insects and fruits in their hometown be "settled in the island."Express the deep love for the island of the motherland.


At that time, the children of the Chinese children who struggled for the country like this and returned to the motherland were endless on the land of the motherland.Can it be proud of the motherland?


My `lecture is over, thank you!

祖国我为你骄傲演讲稿 篇4


Dear classmates:


Hello everyone, I am Ye Rui, a student from the sixth grade of Songshan Lake Central Elementary School. Today, the theme of my speech to everyone is "Motherland, I am proud of you."


There are countless good rivers and mountains in our motherland.Attracting poets of ancient and modern Chinese and foreign, chanting a beautiful poem."The water of the Yellow River comes up, and running to the sea will not return." This poem wrote the fierceness of the Yellow River, and it also metaphorized the spirit of self -improvement of our Chinese nation.The towering Wuyue, beautiful Luofu Mountain.Because of these scenery, there are many foreign tourists come to our China to play, making our Chinese tourism industry better and better.


We are not only good in China, but also very powerful literature.Tang poetry, Song Ci, and Yuan Qu, are all foreigners. Their poems have a lot of words, similar to modern poetry.But our Tang poems can express the author's feelings in just a few words, and it is still rhyme.When it comes to Song Ci, he has to mention the pride, Su Shi is one of them. His poems are very free and easy, but it makes people feel the sadness.When it comes to literature, you must mention the Ming Dynasty.The three of the four masterpieces are from the Ming Dynasty, which can basically be regarded as the pinnacle in the history of Chinese literature.Now, our book has been passed on to a foreign country. It is very hot, and even some of the great writers like thunder are very popular.


To say that our technology is among the best in the world. Although it is not the first, it is also very powerful.Our high -speed rail technology is the world's first, and even developed countries like Japan cannot be compared.Mozi, quantum technology, isn't that foreigner envy?


The spirit of our Chinese nation makes people respect.In ancient times, people living on our continent learned to cultivate.Try to open up a piece of wasteland to make our China like this.In ancient times, many gentlemen, such as Yue Fei, were loyal to the country, but lost the hands of the traitor, but he still did not give up.Can you not admire us?They paid the price of life and drove out the foreigners who invaded our country, and the country has since been peaceful.Now that this spirit is getting stronger and stronger, Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Peng Dehuai, they all take our motherland with their determination to build our motherland. The New China has been established, and our motherland is getting stronger.This spirit is a spirit of unity and self -improvement!


That's the end of my speech, thank you!

祖国我为你骄傲演讲稿 篇5


Dear judges, dear audience friends:


Hello everyone!I am (9) contestants.The topic of my speech is "I Love You China, I am proud of you".With such a country, she has a history of more than 5,000 years. With such a country, she is the best in the world. She is strong and great.East, and she is the motherland of my soul -China -China.


Looking back on the storms of the Communist Party of China, countless patriots were thrown by their heads and sprinkled blood, and they used their lives to exchange the prosperity and prosperity of the motherland today.The story of spring sounds north and south, and China will set it on the most magnificent page.


Today, China has been reborn, singing the chapter of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.For 5,000 years, the great power of the great country has been in a long time.When the horn of reform and opening up suddenly sounded, when the flames of the national rejuvenation burned, China rose like a bamboo, and the economic and social development was comprehensively developed.


Let us like the motherland and the huge changes in your country. Today, my motherland's economy takes off, its science and technology are developed, and Guotai people.The Shenzhou spacecraft travels to the space, the steel dragon dives deeply, and the Chinese high -speed rail shuttled through the world of countries around the world. The rising five -star red flag on the Olympic Games makes me feel proud and proud!Nowadays, the changes in the communication network, the reform of the medical system, the sound of democratic and rule of law, the progress of the entire science and education industry, the prosperity of cultural undertakings, and the reform and development of urban and rural integration, make the society more harmonious, the people's life is more happy, watching the muddy way outThe cement roads that become households and village are turned into Jinshan Yinshan. Everyone sighs!The party's leadership is good, the party's policy is good, and the policy of precision poverty alleviation is better!


Motherland, I like your national unity and progress!The 56 national minds have brought together the sources of power for self -improvement and moving forward."A well -off society in an all -round way, a nation must not be less."


Motherland, I like your Chinese dream!In the new era, the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, this dream has condensed the wish of several generations, and her beautiful blueprint is displayed in front of the world.


"Students and teenagers, Fenghua Zhengmao."The relay stick of history has been passed on to our hands.We must study hard and work hard!


Like the motherland and let your dreams sing!


Motherland, I like you!It's amazing my country!

祖国我为你骄傲演讲稿 篇6


Dear teacher, dear classmate:


good afternoon!


Today, the topic of my speech is "I am proud of the motherland for you".


"Get up! People who don't want to be slaves ..." Whenever the five -star red flag rose, whenever the fighting spirit played, my heart could not be calm for a long time. I was proud of the motherland, applauded the motherland, and proud of the motherland!


As soon as I mention the "motherland", I am proud and excited!She has engraved Huaxia children for 5,000 years.Legend, the sacred territory of the territory says a glorious miracle!


Our great motherland has a long history and culture.China ’s science and technology ranked leading about the world during a considerable historical period. The four major inventions of ancient times shocked the world, and modern technology enjoys its reputation.


There are countless achievements in our motherland. At this moment, I remembered the successful hosting the 29th Olympic Games in the motherland. The manned spacecraft, the speed and efficiency of my country's manned spacecraft, make the world wonder, and make hundreds of millions of Chinese people be encouraged and proud; remembering the two major water conservancy hubs of the Yangtze River Bridge, Yangtze River Gezhouba and the Yellow River in Wuhan and Nanjing And the construction of the Three Gorges Project, all of which represent the leading position of my country's bridge and dam construction; remembering the current aircraft carrier ... wrote a glorious chapter in the scene.


Our motherland is magnificent.We have the towering Himalayas and the top of the world of Mount Everest; we have beautiful Huangshan, Lushan, and Xiangshan; there are the beautiful scenery of the West Lakes of Su Hangzhou under heaven;Taishan; spectacular Qin Terracotta Warriors; Dunhuang Grottoes; two dragons of the Yellow River Yangtze River stretching a thousand miles, it can be said that these different scenic spots on the land of the motherland are like bright stars, full of the land of the motherland, full of the land of the motherland, the land of the motherlandEssence


The rapid development of the motherland shows the strength of China.From the low -rise buildings to the high -rise buildings, from the soil roads flying from the loess to a tidy highway, from the slow carriage to the fast and tidy car ... the motherland is moving towards a brilliant avenue.


Looking back at history and looking forward to the future, China has experienced many storms, but each difficulty is hone to China to be stronger and more perseverance. Looking at the present, prosperity and rich resources.I love my motherland, and I sincerely praise my motherland since my heart. Chinese children have the strong chastity of red plums, and the Chinese people have the quality of pine and cypress. Let us look at the 21st century, and the motherland will continue to produce new miracles!Everyone on the earth knows: East, which rises in the Red Day, China is an amazing rise!


I am really proud of my great motherland, and I am proud of my children of the motherland!

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