

时间:2022-10-14 13:31:58 | 来源:语文通



《祖国在我心中》演讲稿 篇1《祖国在我心中》演讲稿 篇2祖国在我心中演讲稿 篇3祖国在我心中演讲稿 篇4祖国在我心中演讲稿 篇5

《祖国在我心中》演讲稿 篇1


Dear teachers and students


In my heart, the motherland is the most beautiful and the greatest.


In the first grade, my father told me: "There is a country in the east of the world. It is here. Its name is China." From then on, I wanted to understand what the motherland was.


Motherland, you are a kind mother, you created our human beings, created flowers and trees, gave us wisdom, let us further decorate our happy home.


The motherland, you are a painter with rich imagination. You painted the sun, the moon... and helped the motherland put on a catty of colorful clothes.


When the five-star red flag rises. For the prosperity of our motherland and the rejuvenation of democracy, let us ignite the fire of hope with passion, and irrigate our next generation with the sweat of youth. Therefore, we should study hard, work hard and be ready to work hard for the future of the Chinese nation. The motherland is our pride, students, for the future of the world, let's fight together!

《祖国在我心中》演讲稿 篇2


Dear teachers and students


How do you do!


On this day, the topic of my speech was "The motherland is in my heart".


When you see the five-star red flag rising slowly, what do you think of? When you sing the loud national anthem, what do you think of? When you see that China has won another gold medal in the Olympic Games, what do you think of That is the motherland, I am proud of you!


Our motherland is a big country with a long history, culture and ancient manners. The motherland has gone through ups and downs, withstood numerous disasters, but can stand up bravely. The deeds of heroes are admirable: Zhan Tianyou, an outstanding patriotic engineer in China, braved difficulties and ridicule, and resolutely understood the huge project given to him by the government. Qian Xuesen, an outstanding patriotic scientist, is very famous in foreign countries. He was employed as a tenured professor by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States. But when he heard the news of the founding of the People's Republic of China, he couldn't wait to return to China and leave behind his status, money and reputation in the United States. There are also many patriotic celebrities and patriots who are great, selfless, brave, tenacious and heroic in sacrifice for the motherland. We want to salute them!


We are the flowers of our motherland, facing the bright sun. We should decorate this beautiful garden with practical actions.


1. From now on, work hard and study hard.


2. Love everything around us.


3. Learn the patriotic and noble qualities of great people.


Let us use our spirit and blood to make the great rivers and mountains of our motherland more colorful; Let us use our hands and hard work to make the city prosperous, prosperous, more perfect and harmonious; Let's build high-tech products with sweat and wisdom.


Let China take off! I love you, China!

祖国在我心中演讲稿 篇3


Liao Shiqi


Dear teachers and students


hello everyone!


I'm Qi Qi from Class X, Grade 6. It's my honor to stand on the platform today. The topic of my speech is "The motherland is in my heart".


Dear students, do you still remember the sudden outbreak of the new epidemic in 2020? During the epidemic, Wuhan was completely closed, but the people of Wuhan were not abandoned by us. "White clad soldiers" from all over the country invited Wuhan to fight on New Year's Eve, and they rushed to the most dangerous places without stopping. "If one side is in trouble, support from all sides" is the noble quality of the Chinese nation handed down from generation to generation.


During the epidemic, I often saw the medical staff leaning against the wall exhausted on TV, and they were overloaded! They are well aware of their mission and hope that through their own efforts, they can bring patients back from the death line. They are racing against time and fighting against viruses every day. They should do their best! When patients die, they suffer more than anyone else! They also want to reunite with their relatives and enjoy the happiness of their family, but they can't, because they are more concerned about the safety of the people and the whole country! During the anti epidemic period, some doctors and nurses left us forever because they were infected with the virus. They are fighting against the virus with their lives, and they are guarding the security of the whole country with their lives!


We are the flowers of our motherland and the pillars of the future. What can we do? Maybe some students think that they are still young, and the word "dedication" is far from them. However, I think that although we can not contribute to the country like those "white clad soldiers" who are fighting on the front line of the epidemic, we can contribute our own modest efforts to the motherland in our own way. Look! The rope skipping team of our school, they rushed into the World Championships all the way to win glory for the country. Isn't this just making contributions to the country in their own way?


Finally, I wish our motherland more prosperity!


My speech is over, thank you!

祖国在我心中演讲稿 篇4


I'm a Young Pioneer. I'm proud. I'm Chinese. I see that my country is moving towards prosperity. I see that my motherland will open a new chapter. China will be a shocking China. The future of China will depend on our children, and we should work hard. Work hard for the motherland!


I am proud of the long Chinese character culture of my motherland. From oracle bone inscriptions to regular script, cursive script and running script. ' All of them are condensed by the Chinese people with their hard work and wisdom. Some are like dragons, some are in order, some are upright... and some poems are even more wonderful in the history of literature. Some are extremely bold and unconstrained. Some are delicate and graceful, sweet and sad. Some are sad, others are sad and indignant... These cultural treasures are proud of you and praise you.


I am proud of the athletes who work hard in our country. Under the mysterious blue sky, we also successfully held the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games, realizing our century old dream. On the sports field, all Chinese athletes seem to be clockwork, constantly rushing to the gold medal, and China's gold medal list has been refreshed. Finally, our athletes are struggling with excellent skills and tenacity. The spirit has made China's gold medal ranking the top in the world. At the same time, the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic and Paralympic Games have to be applauded. This makes the world understand China better and China is closer to the world.


I am proud of the science and technology of my motherland. The leap from Shenzhou Five to Shenzhou Seven, with each launch, China is also breaking its own records step by step. This is our leap in space industry, but also our leap in science and technology. Since then, space has left footprints of Chinese people and written down their names.


I love my country. I believe that from now on, with my efforts and struggle, China will stand at a new height and also be a new starting point. We will write a more beautiful chapter and a more beautiful future. In the days to come, he will surely grow stronger and stronger like bamboo shoots after a spring rain.

祖国在我心中演讲稿 篇5


Dear teachers and students


Hello, everyone. The topic of my speech today is "The motherland is in my heart".


China has a long history. Beautiful scenery: The Great Wall is the longest fortification in the world. But how many people's sweat was dripping on those bricks and tiles; The Yangtze River is the longest river in China; Namco Death is the highest mountain in the world; Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon is the largest canyon in the world; The Yellow River is our mother river; It has nurtured the healthy growth of people on both sides of the Yellow River; Guilin landscape is famous for its beautiful scenery, "Guilin landscape is the best in the world"!


Once upon a time, our motherland went through vicissitudes of life and hardships. She has become a place for imperialism to dump opium, a battlefield for warlords to fight, and a casino for imperialism to carve up the world. She was covered in bruises and wounds. China is struggling under the cloud. Where is the road to our motherland? Where is the hope of the nation? At this moment, it is one after another Chinese people. At this critical moment of their mother's life and death, it is they who send out a cry of shock to the world and write a solemn and stirring poem with pride and loyalty. In order to save my fallen Chinese nation, they seek and struggle, break the sand and fight in the battlefield, The body of Ma Ge was returned... Lin Zexu, the smoke burning fire in Humen, Liu Hulan, the echo of the Red Army soldiers who would rather die than surrender. The heroic act of climbing the snow mountain and crossing the grassland was breathtaking. The five heroes of Langya Mountain made the Chinese people cry out for their mother. How painful, sad, bloody, and tearful. The struggle of tens of thousands of their colleagues finally came to the Tiananmen Tower. The earth shaking voice of the Chinese nation and the Chinese people stood up. I saw the Three Gorges Dam Yes, I saw the glittering admiration card in the hands of Olympic athletes, which has lasted for 5000 years. The great Chinese nation, the great oriental dragon, is flying forward at an amazing speed in the vision of the Chinese nation, the banner of reform and opening up.


Now the oriental lion has awakened from the nightmare. The blood has spilled all over the earth. We think about the nightmare. How much China has hurt. Building China makes our life better.


The Yellow River and the Yangtze River run thousands of miles. The ancient Chinese characters have a long history. Tang poetry and Song poetry have a long history. China's Qinghai Tibet Plateau. China, Qinghai Tibet, the beautiful plateau of Qinghai Tibet, and the vast basin of Xinjiang. That's China!


Students, the vicissitudes of life have left traces. The prosperous motherland is thriving. When the Chinese team entered the World Cup, how can we not still? When we heard old Samaranch say that Beijing, how can we not cheer that the Shenzhou VI has risen again to become the focus of attention of the world? How can we not be proud that China has joined the World Cup? How can we not be excited.


Now this land, this hot land has been turned upside down. How can we forget the responsibility, destiny and mission entrusted by our times when our students are young and strong? Can we forget? Of course not. Let's take action to ignite the flame in our hearts and work for the great rejuvenation of our Chinese nation,


thank you!

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