

时间:2022-10-15 13:29:57 | 来源:语文通



走进科学作文 篇1走进科学作文 篇2走进科学作文 篇3走进科学作文 篇4

走进科学作文 篇1


With the development of science and technology, our motherland has become more prosperous. Today, I will go into science to see.


I was surprised to find that there were many science and technology exhibitions. After a day of playing, we finally saw all the exhibitions. There are too many things to see. I will not introduce the animal exhibition to you one by one.


There are many animal specimens, including giant pandas, giraffes, golden monkeys and goats... Among them, the Bat Cave and Butterfly Valley are unforgettable, and I will introduce them to you separately.


Bat Cave - There are a lot of bat specimens in the cave that also make sounds from time to time, which is really creepy. As soon as I walked in, I heard that voice, which made me afraid to go in. I took my brother's hand and hurried across the Batcave to the opposite side.


Butterfly Valley - I was dazzled by all kinds of butterfly specimens. I was even more shocked when I looked up. Many butterflies were flying overhead. It seemed that I really came to the Butterfly Valley.


Ah! Now the science and technology are so developed, I want to study hard and make contributions to the construction of the motherland.

走进科学作文 篇2


Today, my father, mother and I come to the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum. The Shanghai Science and Technology Museum is a theme park integrating nature, science, technology and art in the Century Square on the east bank of the Huangpu River.


First of all, we come to the animal world and biological Vientiane on the first floor. There are many animal models and simulated tropical rainforests. Then, we visited the robot world on the second floor. There are all kinds of robots in it. Among them, I like the Rubik's cube robot best. I turned the Rubik's Cube upside down and threw it to the robot. The robot changed the Rubik's Cube into six sides in less than a minute. In addition to Rubik's cube robots, there are also robots that can dance and play chess


Leaving the robot world, we came to the earth home, where there are many pillars. Among them, one of the pillars reads: nature's revenge, human beings take too much from the earth, nature begins to sharply reduce the forest area, land desertification, water and soil loss, which is nature's revenge. I think the current haze weather should also be the revenge of nature.


Finally, we came to Rainbow Children's Paradise and the Light of Wisdom. What impressed me most was that there was a tap in the Light of Wisdom, which was suspended in the air and kept running. The sign beside it said "Water in the Sky". I was very surprised where the water came from.

回家的路上,我不禁想:以后我 www.niubb.net 一定要好好学习,掌握先进的科学技术,为科技进步,贡献出一份自己的力量。

On the way home, I can't help thinking: I will study hard, master advanced science and technology, and contribute to the progress of science and technology.

走进科学作文 篇3


Today, the teacher brought a lot of materials, let's do an experiment - the ups and downs of objects.


The materials the teacher brought were: wood chips, plastic, metal chips, and boxes filled with water.


We started the experiment. The teacher first picked up a piece of metal and said to us, "Boys and girls, guess whether this one will sink or float in the water?" We shouted with one voice: "Will sink!" The teacher put the metal sheet into the water, and sure enough, it sank.


The teacher picked up another piece of wood and said, "It goes without saying!" We said, "Float!" Finally, as expected, the wood floated.


Finally, after trying paper and plastic, the teacher said, "Let's learn how to make paper." I listened to the teacher and tore up the paper and put it into water to stir until it broke into pieces. Then, put the paper piece on the cloth, squeeze the cloth on it to absorb water, and take out the paper piece to form a piece of paper.


"Ding Lingling" The bell rang after class, and the interesting lesson was over.


This science experiment class is really unforgettable.

走进科学作文 篇4


In the 20th century, we entered a scientific era, which is a great leap forward. As the little masters of the 21st century, what should we do? The answer is very simple, that is: into science! Learn science! Use science!


I remember one time when I was watching a program at the Science Experiment Station, the person on the TV took out an extra large bag and several candles. He lit the candles and covered the bag over the lit candles. Miracles happened. The bag slowly swelled, grew bigger and bigger, and finally flew


As soon as my father got off work, I told him about the scientific experiment I had seen and quickly demonstrated it to him. I asked my father to help me find the bag and candle and operate them according to the method on the TV, but the bags were not only free of drums, but also stuck together. I was not reconciled and took a second bag, but it was still no good. I was a little worried. My father said, "Let me check on the Internet to see why." "Oh, I see.". Dad suddenly realized that I ran to the computer and read it carefully. The bag for the experiment should be large and light, so I tried again. A miracle happened, and the bag flew up, and I cried excitedly. Dad stood by with a smile and said, "This is science.".


Since then, I have fallen in love with science. I usually like to read scientific encyclopedias and do some small scientific experiments. Science is very magical. I am very interested in it. I must study hard and make good use of it.

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