

时间:2022-10-15 13:30:00 | 来源:语文通



致我们终将逝去的青春 篇1《致我们终将逝去的青春》读书笔记 篇2致我们终将逝去的青春作文 篇3致我们终将逝去的青春读后感 篇4致我们终将逝去的青春读后感 篇5致我们终将逝去的青春 篇6《致我们终将逝去的青春》读书笔记 篇7致我们终将逝去的青春读后感 篇8致我们终将逝去的青春读后感 篇9致我们终将逝去的青春观后感 篇10

致我们终将逝去的青春 篇1


Youth is a very beautiful word. In youth, you can love, hate, and toss about at will, as long as you want.


Zheng Wei is a girl who dares to love and hate. After the boy next door who has loved him silently for 17 years quietly left, she lay on the bed and cried for a long time, then inadvertently let Xiaozheng enter her heart. So she launched a crazy pursuit of courage. In the end, she succeeded. She became the one millimeter error in Xiaozheng's life. In fact, the part in the film where she came on stage to sing Red Sun touched my heart: she sang on the stage and only looked at him when she burst into the audience; He turned around and left silently under the stage; Her tears rolled around her eyes, watching him leave... To be honest, I admire her courage. It's just that crazy courage, which can only be possessed in youth.


"Hey, let me tell you a joke. Xiao Li said that you are leaving, and that you are also an American.". It can be imagined how Weiwei said this sentence; You can also imagine that she is waiting for an answer with full expectation... But the reality is always cruel, and what she thinks in her heart can never be realized. So she got the answer that she was afraid to hear. When the four eyes are opposite, tears flow out. "I finally saw you cry for me. But you shouldn't cry, because it's me who should cry." After finishing this sentence, I turned to leave. It was very smart, but how many tears did you shed when you left?


Yes, the man who let himself love so much that he gave up what the whole world was willing to do gave up himself in that way. The pain that tore his heart and soul may also be a rare treasure in youth... It is indeed rare. Before that thing suddenly came to him, no one thought that he would get it


Xiaozheng is actually a typical representative of a self-centered boy. Although he allowed the error of one millimetre in his life, he corrected it at the end of his youth. It is this short one millimeter that makes them no longer intersect in future life. I remember when they broke up in the film, he said to Weiwei, "I don't want you to be poor with me". What a good excuse, in essence, is not for their own future. In fact, it is not wrong to use this excuse as an excuse for youth. But at that time, he must not know that many of the joys in his youth were actually given by the error of one millimeter.


To quote a passage, "Zhao Youting [Chen Xiaozheng's actor] Chen Xiaozheng is a character that I have no similar experience with. He has many things that are very deep. Even if he does not cry bitterly, he is still deeply hurt. Chen Xiaozheng was born in a very poor family. At that time, all people had a strong sense of competition, and everyone wanted to climb up. Because everyone had experienced poverty in the previous generation, they all hoped that their next generation would better go to school and find a good job, so that they could have a stable life. Chen Xiaozheng grew up in this environment. In addition, he is a single parent family. He and his mother are two people, which makes me have to use my inherent talent to focus on future planning. He will not indulge himself to enjoy his youth, he will not play, and he will not do what young people should do. He has matured very early. He only has to study, study well, get good grades, go abroad to study, and then come back to find a good job. In this way, he will have no problem in his life. He has no intention of falling in love.


We set him to be a good-looking boy. Although he may not care about his appearance as fashionable and handsome, he must be clean, because he has a strong habit of cleanliness. So I believe that his admirers should be quite many, but he refused one by one. He didn't know what love was until he met Zheng Wei and completely broke his life plan and outlook on love. The magic of love is so fascinating that he can't extricate himself from love. I think he was very evasive at that time. He didn't think about those problems. Anyway, since he was involved, he enjoyed himself and didn't think about his future until the fate made him face such a big choice. Finally, he chose reality. The first scene of his return ten years later, in this part, he discussed a lot with the screenwriter and director, because there is infinite possibility, because he may have been very happy when he made this decision, and now he is also very happy. He has been so successful all the time, and may also regret that he has never been happy again. But the final result is that he is frank in facing this matter, which means that he has passed the period of regret and regret. It is meaningless to be so sad in the next stage. It is better to pursue what you want to get the chance of rebirth. " I just saw this in Baidu Encyclopedia, so I suddenly felt that their ending was already doomed, with Chen Xiaozheng's personality.


In fact, I have already guessed the end with a little thought. How could she not know that her Ah Zheng has an unusual ambition... But she still went to love without hesitation, and did not care about her whole youth.


Another woman in the story, "Ruan Guan", is also my favorite. She knew that falling in love with Zhao Shiyong would hurt her, but she still couldn't extricate herself. "In love, every woman's IQ is zero". After Zhao Shiyong's accident, she said, "Take a warning, and it will never happen again." After that, she felt painful on the train. I really wanted to go up and give her a hug. It's silly that such an excellent woman fell in love with such a person. When you said "we are just looking for a marriage partner" during the blind date, my heart was shocked and then I was silent. Yes, after such a long time of liking, where can I have so much time to like another person again. "You know, I thought I was dead to him. But when I received his call, I found my heart still beating.". Silly child, because of love, you accompany others, accompany you slightly, and finally your life falls... Remember that after the white cloth was opened, Zhao Shiyong cried at the door, and your "fiance" just sat there. I think Zhao Shiyong also loves you, but there are too many insurmountable things between you... In fact, outsiders can't judge anything at last. Because everything is because of love. Because of love, Ruan Ruan, your life can always live in youth.


Xu Kaiyang, a shy and silent boy, had a silly love for Xiaozheng. In fact, to have such a liking is also a wealth in youth. Open, perhaps because of inferiority, your anonymous stars never sign. But when you went to Ruan Ruan's tomb to lay down that cluster of stars in the sky, I heard a chorus of "Oh, it's him" in the cinema. Your love never left, as if you saw the first flowers in your college years with a worried mood... Ruan Ruan would laugh if she knew, because your love has always been


Years later, Weiwei and Lin Jing met by chance. The scene was different from what they had imagined. After solving the mystery for many years, Weiwei finally chose to leave Linjing. We all love ourselves more than love. But my dear, the truth that too much love is bound to hurt is that youth has already told you... But in fact, times have changed, and the other person is no longer the elder brother who would run several streets to chase the girl's notice of being blown away by the wind


Youth is a heavy rain, and we are unarmed and gritting our teeth to wait for the rain to stop. But the rain really stopped, but we began to miss the rain again. The moment I turned around hurriedly, I realized that the rainbow had already appeared. So a drizzle fell in my heart. The raindrops were just fine, but when they fell to the bottom of my heart, they would still stir up ripples of different emotions. If you look carefully, you will find a name or several names looming on the raindrops


Thanks to those people who appeared in youth, and thanks for those years of sincere treatment. Thanks, just thanks. Then turn and leave, and stride forward. We will never encounter the rain again in the rest of our lives. Yes, the forever in my mouth may be missed in a moment, and then I can never find it again


At the end of the film, Chen Xiaozheng, who once had a strong habit of cleanliness, sat on the steps in white pants and smoked. He asked the knotted question "What did you say to the animal trainer that day in the aquarium?". So Xiaozheng raised his head slightly and turned the camera back to that year. We heard clearly that Xiaozheng ran up to the stage and said to the trainer, "That's my girlfriend. I wanted to propose to her, but I didn't bring a gift. She likes dolphins very much. Can you let her touch it, even if it's a gift I gave her?". The trainer nodded, then Zheng Wei ran to Xiaozheng and hugged him with joy, and then stroked the dolphins. Xiao was behind her and looked at her smile, which was also very bright. The film ended in Zheng Wei's heartfelt brilliance that day... This ending poked almost everyone's tears, but I laughed. Because Xiaozheng really wanted to bring joy to Zheng Wei in those years, the trip to the aquarium was not a so-called "break up trip", so the joy and giving in those years were really sincere. I think Zheng Wei was also smiling at that time, or he smiled and left tears


Such heartfelt joy, once in a lifetime, given by one person, is enough


Many, many years later, when you look back on that memory, you will thank that person, thank that person's appearance, enrich your youth.

《致我们终将逝去的青春》读书笔记 篇2


Recently, Zhao Wei's book "To Our Dying Youth" is under hot publicity. I read the original book before it was released. A very good work.


Tell me about my reading of the novel "To our youth who will eventually die". The protagonist of the novel, Zheng Wei, known as the "Jade Faced Little Flying Dragon", is a lively, cheerful, innocent girl who dares to love and hate. For the sake of the person she always liked, she fulfilled her promise to him and was admitted to a university in the same city as him, but he went abroad quietly without saying goodbye to him. She hates his ruthlessness. Later, she fell in love with another boy and conquered him with her determination and firm will not afraid of difficulties as well as her shameless face, but the man finally left him for his own future. I also went to the evil America. After she graduated and worked in a company for several years, the two men appeared in front of him again. Later, she chose her childhood sweetheart. This novel is wonderful, especially the part where Zheng Wei pursued Chen Xiaozheng. I admire Zheng Wei's courage. It is difficult for ordinary girls to do this. They trample their self-esteem under their feet. In others' eyes, she is crazy, but who can do this freely? Although the process is tortuous and hard, the result is perfect and sweet.


Now many of our girls are shy. They like a person and dare not say it, and they are afraid that the other person will not know her intentions, so they have been struggling. Often for that person's words, an action, an expression and secretly dejected. If they can learn from Zheng Wei's spirit, love should be spoken out loud, and don't be afraid of failure and humiliation. Since they like a person, they should let him know that there is no need to cover up, then there will be much less leftover women in the world who are single. When a person stays for a long time, he will also feel lonely and lonely. When it is time to find a partner, he will feel inexplicable fear and fear. While admiring to see others holding each other's hands sweetly, they yearn for one's freedom. It's really contradictory! I often hear people around me say that we should not fall in love for marriage, nor marry for marriage, which is true. It was originally a very brilliant thing. It was like completing a task. It made me nervous all day long. No matter who I was, I was very tired, physically and mentally. Some people have high IQ but low EQ. Some people have high IQ and EQ. I wonder why few people have high EQ but low IQ. It is said that women are more emotional, while men are more rational. Emotional people tend to be impulsive, while rational people always think about things before and after, and prepare for the worst. Women are hearing animals, like to listen to love talk, like men's sweet talk. Women may fall in love with a man because they like his voice, while men are visual animals. They like to observe everything with their eyes. They may fall in love with a woman because of the instant visual impact, or they may be tired of a woman because of aesthetic fatigue. There are also women who fall in love with a person because they are moved. No matter how inconspicuous and hateful the person is, as long as he cares about her persistently, treats her well, and is good to her for a long time, she is easily moved by him. But men are different. They won't fall in love with a woman because they are moved. So girls, for a man who doesn't love you, should give up decisively. Don't waste your precious youth because he has wasted it. Keep your eyes open, broaden your vision, and wait for the happiness of the next station. Some people may doubt that you just asked us to learn the courage and spirit of Zheng Wei's immortal cockroaches, and now you ask us to give up pursuing our own love, which is not very contradictory. In fact, it is. There is a time limit. If you can impress this man and make him fall in love with you within a year or two, he doesn't love you because he is moved. Maybe it is your personality, your temperament and so on. If you have pursued him for three years or more and he still says he is indifferent, then give up, dear. This man doesn't love you, no matter what you do. Turning around and leaving is the most correct choice. Tomorrow the sun will rise as usual. The world will not stop rotating because of his absence. No one will be unable to live without him.


The so-called end of the world is not the day of losing him. It's so early. It's not something we should worry about now!

致我们终将逝去的青春作文 篇3


When I opened my eyes and recalled the dream I just woke up, I found that you were actually the fleeting time on my right.




Whispering a wisp of breeze, keeping calm, talking about a string sound, forcing the passing of time; The cold smoke on the street explains the profound meaning of youth. Time flows, and the years permeate sadness. The person, the matter, and the past, thousand years of reincarnation, follow the cloud and smoke. The charm of the full moon may be a flowing wine cup to commemorate the youth, or go, or stop, or look from afar.


Inside and outside the play, talk about the fleeting years.


Time is safe, a smile, smile drunk how much tenderness; A touch of sorrow, send away the past youth!


Today, I saw a film called "To our youth that will eventually pass away". Little by little, our youth was vividly portrayed on the screen and our young and restless hearts were asked. In front of our youth, we laugh and worry, and we are ashamed of ourselves. Every shot and every sentence in the film shocked every nerve of us to the depth of our hearts.


Spiritual consolation, inexplicable yearning on the way of life, youth let us get it with bare hands. Colleagues, let us break our heads again. In and out of the play, we sing and look back through the lens. Youth is to be remembered, youth is not perfect.


The passing time, the overturned growth rings, and the youth that we have no choice to return to.


Maybe some years, we need to wait slowly; There may be some things that need us to just keep in mind. When the growth rings after life run over the memory and leave the kiss of years, we know that youth has removed the laughter of former friends and the hardships of going through the same storms, leaving only its own fragmented shadow, lonely soul and painful memories.


Our youth will eventually grow old, there are many times, we can not speak. What makes us sleepless every night? What makes us feel sad silently in the lonely time? What makes us pour out all our thoughts in every move? Perhaps it is the youth floating in the wind that comes suddenly and leaves hurriedly.


Lowly playing the piano, talking about a song of youth; In and out of the play, true and false, just like this, you can't say anything, you can't see, you can't look back!


No trace of the years, and then look back carefree like a dream. Under the banyan tree, once memories are buried; On the river, there is a ripple of yearning; In the evening wind, I put memories into my dreams.


Never mind the past life, but love this life. There are thousands of entanglements in the past. Youth looks forward to looking back, which is better than tenderness and coolness. The road to youth is hard. Hold on to a thought, crush the sadness, or mourn the wordless sadness of parting, or celebrate the past that has remained unchanged.


This article is dedicated to our youth that is about to die.



致我们终将逝去的青春读后感 篇4


Youth is to run hard, and then fall luxuriously.




The flowers will bloom again next year, and my young bird will never come back. Time is like water, I always feel that I can't touch the trace.


At the age of 18, Zheng Wei said to Ruan Ruan, "Who am I? I am the invincible little flying dragon with jade face. What else can I not get?"


At the age of 22, Zheng Wei buried her Andersen and Xiaofeilong under the old Kui tree, and tears streamed down his face.


At the age of 27, Zheng smiled: "Ruan Ruan, only you, only your youth is immortal."


Growing up step by step and getting older. We put down our dignity, personality and stubbornness, just because we can't put down a person. This is exactly the case with To Our Youth Who Will Die. This is true of Zheng Wei and Chen Xiaozheng. They missed each other. She was slightly drunk and looked at him: "I can't trust you again and again."


Youth without laughter is incomplete, and youth without tears is even more incomplete. The former "Six Heavens" laughed and enjoyed together. In their boundless college years of youth, they learned how to shed tears, and that youth is about running hard, and then falling down gracefully.

Youth is to run hard, and then fall luxuriously.

致我们终将逝去的青春读后感 篇5


I don't usually go to read campus youth love novels, but I always feel that most of them are routine and shallow. "To our youth that will eventually pass away" is a book that I prefer. It is not like Tie Ning's words flowing deep and noble love in deep pain, nor is it like Lu Yao's handwriting. It breeds great souls in the ordinary world. After reading it, I feel refreshed. It is small and warm, and many plots let us associate with our college life. Zheng Wei, the "Jade Faced Little Flying Dragon", seems careless and heartless, but she is actually a more traditional girl. In order to follow Lin Jing's childhood sweetheart, she studied hard and came to the city where Lin Jing lived. But Lin Jing went to the United States quietly, leaving Zheng Wei confused. Painful and crying, Zheng Wei did not immerse himself in the pain Lin Jing brought to her. By chance, Zheng Wei met Chen Xiaozheng. From the original prank to the later love, Zheng Wei's love seemed casual but inevitable. It is not so much that Zheng Wei racked his brains to catch up with Chen Xiaozheng as that she was frank, persistent and sincere, which touched his cold heart. Zheng Wei gave his most precious things to Chen Xiaozheng, the person he loved most. Chen Xiaozheng greedily enjoyed the privileges given to him by Zheng Wei. When the flowers of love were blooming so brightly, the relationship between Zheng Wei and Chen Xiaozheng was forced to a crossroads. In the future and love, Chen Xiaozheng made a modest struggle, but finally he tilted his strength to one side of the future. The love was lifted high and hung on one side, which caught Zheng Wei off guard. Chen Xiaozheng plays the role that Lin Jing once played. He abandons Zheng Wei and travels across the ocean to pursue his desired education, reputation and status. He returns once again to exchange for power and money. Chen Xiaozheng has done Zheng Wei more harm than Lin Jing did to her. She is not as calm as when she lost her first love. This time, she is really hurt. Four years later, Lin Jing and Chen Xiaozheng appeared in Zheng Wei's life almost at the same time. Both of them intended to restore that relationship. But Chen Xiaozheng could not give up everything he had for love. He wanted Zheng Wei to return to him and relive the sweetness and happiness of the past. Chen Xiaozheng loves Zheng Wei, but his love contains too much selfishness. If Zheng Wei turns around and chooses Chen Xiaozheng, then their love will be doomed to be sunless for a long time, because Chen Xiaozheng has to rely on Ouyang's family to continue to climb up. If we give up all this for Zheng Wei, we will undoubtedly overturn the decision he made four years ago, and the efforts of four years will be wasted. Under the call of strong love, Chen Xiaozheng was shaken for a moment, but his reason finally defeated his emotion, and he would not give up his position in the company for Zheng Wei. Zheng Wei saw through Chen Xiaozheng's heart. No matter how he looked at her with pleading eyes and gave her any hint, no matter how deeply she loved him and how reluctant she was, she could not turn back. They love each other, after all, because the height of "one centimeter" can never be close to each other. Chen Xiaozheng looks bright and promising, which makes many people envious and jealous. The appearance of optical fiber is invisible to the naked eye, and behind the gorgeous dress is hidden pain that others cannot understand. Choose the shortcut of success, but also lose the pure love forever. Ouyang can never give Zheng Weineng anything, which may be the retribution Chen Xiaozheng deserves. Chen Xiaozheng's love with Zheng Wei is just like those popular words on the Internet


When you like me, I don't like you,


When you fall in love with me, I like you,


When you left me, I fell in love with you,


When you have it, you don't know how to cherish it. When you lose it, you will know its value. But not everyone will stand there and wait for you forever. When she is tired, she will quit when she can't bear it. It is not because she doesn't love, but because she can't afford it.


In addition to love, Lin Jing and Zheng Wei have family ties. Lin Jing has always played the role of brother and lover. Although it was the first love wound, it was not as painful as Chen Xiaozheng's pain when he left quietly. I think that between Lin Jing and Chen Xiaozheng, she loved Chen Xiaozheng most, but what she loved most hurt her most. Her wound was finally healed by Lin Jing. At first, he thought that Lin Jing left Zheng Wei because he only had the feelings of his brother and sister for Zheng Wei. He had loved people. Later, I realized that he left for the future, and maybe there was gratitude and resentment of the previous generation. It used to be thought that Lin Jing would be a person pursuing pure beauty in love, and he would not choose to be with a woman who did not love. He still walked with Shi Jie knowing Zheng Wei's persistent love for him. Face the person you love most with a dirty body. He clearly knew what kind of lover he wanted. Although Shijie was excellent, he did not feel that he was there. They were more out of physical needs. For Zheng Wei, he is willing to break with Shi Jie and resolve his mother's hatred, which Chen Xiaozheng cannot do. Therefore, Lin Jing can save Zheng Wei and provide her with a place to heal her soul. Chen Xiaozheng can only spend the rest of his life in pain.


In the process of reading, the words give people a touch of sadness, indelible melancholy, which is not a microcosm of our life. I think there is a classic saying in the article, "For women, love is the whole of life, but for men, it is only a small part of his life. No matter what promises he made, they will always be more realistic and rational than women when faced with choices.


In the man's world, women are just white clouds dotted with white clouds. He will occasionally admire its immaturity and beauty, and will also linger on it, but he will never give up the vast sky for it. Of course, there are more intelligent men who can step up the ladder made of clouds, or hope to have a place under the clouds for a while before the wind and rain come. " Yes, Lin Jing and Chen Xiaozheng can abandon Zheng Wei for their career and let her drink enough of the bitter wine of love. There are too many tears in Zheng Wei's youth for them. Every time she really pays, she can't escape the disaster they gave her. She is just like a wounded bird, hiding in a quiet corner and crying.

致我们终将逝去的青春 篇6


Youth is short, I can live up to it.


The moment we stepped into the gate of junior high school, we entered the best years of our lives.


I still remember our first day. In the tug of war competition, Zhu Guiping and I were not included in the list of tugs of war because of our height, because the teacher thought that tall people had great strength and stable chassis. When we were still complaining about not being elected, the red faces of other students had won the first match for our class. We began to believe what the teacher said was true. When the second game was won in the red faces of other students, we had full confidence. When the third game started, we did not complain any more, but did our best to shout loudly and cheer for the students in the tug of war. Even I jumped up and immersed in the atmosphere of cheering for the students until a nearby student patted me on the shoulder and said, "Hey, hey, hey! You stepped on my foot." Only then did I regain my composure. Finally, our class won the first prize. Every student in our class has a happy face. At that time, we were full of vigor and vitality.


We, who are still in Grade One, sat quietly in the classroom, listening to the teacher's calm and fluctuating voice, "Our class last final exam was the first in grade! Chinese first, mathematics first, English first, politics first, history first, geography first, biology first!" Following the teacher's words, the expression on the students' faces changed from doubt to surprise, from surprise to joy, then to excitement, and then to cheering. But I'm a little confused. Will I be the first in the next grade? Mmm! Certainly. At that time, we were full of confidence and fighting spirit.


I didn't think about us in the third day. What will we be when faced with separation? When we came to this place where we spent three years of youth for the last time after the high school entrance examination, our good friends cried and hugged each other, recalling the silly things we had done in the past. Finally, we will say to the teacher who teaches us knowledge: "Thank you, teacher!"


Perhaps, stepping out of the door of junior high school, this period of youth will end, but all kinds of things on the journey of youth are forever imprinted in our minds.



@_@ I am the dividing line@_@

《致我们终将逝去的青春》读书笔记 篇7


Sometimes, many things are like a circle. After you have spared a lot of trouble, you find that you still return to the original starting point. Sometimes, love is no exception


Zheng Wei, who has come, loved, and waited for love, is like a moth to the fire. After many twists and turns and unforgettable memories, he returns to the original intersection and gains the most real happiness with the person he first met. Even though she is not the previous little dragon who was brave and willing to give in, I still think she is happy. There are shoulders to rely on, children who are babbling, and orange lights that warm the heart when they wake up in the middle of the night. hold your hand and grow old together with you. enough. The past is like a smoke. I suddenly woke up late one night and remembered the person who made her love and heartache. With a sigh and a relieved smile, life is just like this. Those people and things, with the precipitation of time, finally dry in the memory, can no longer live as you and me.


At that time, you loved talking and I loved laughing, and somehow fell asleep. Zheng Wei fell asleep, and she still smiled sweetly in her sleep. Lin Jing said that he would wait for her, so he must wait for her. Tomorrow, maybe tomorrow, he will call her. Tomorrow, who knows which day it will be, just like the inextricable unknown that the teacher wrote on the blackboard when he was young. After a big cry, time calmed down and finally transferred love to another chest. A girl, or a beautiful girl full of youthful vitality, is desperate to pursue an indifferent and indifferent boy. It doesn't matter whether you look at gossip or coldly. She said that if you fall in love with someone and don't tell him, what's the meaning of everything. I admire this very much. Indeed, if you fall in love with a person, but he never knows, perhaps, this is a pity. She has been here, loved, and worked hard. She is lucky, not fated. However, we still don't know our destiny when we are young.


Sincerity is the key to success. It was not easy for them to walk together. Zheng Wei said innocently, "Chen Xiaozheng, let me have a future." She could not wait for her hair to turn white overnight. At that time, all the dust had settled, and they would live forever together. When we are young, we always like to put "forever" in our mouth, thinking that it is forever to rely on each other, but we don't know how far forever is. It is often said that love is the whole of a woman, but only a small part of a man. This is true. Later, she finally realized that it was only a one centimeter error that could be modified in his future blueprint! Chen Xiaozheng left even though he was sent to study abroad by the government. That sentence "People should love themselves first... Don't wait, because I may not wait." It's very cold. Who said that men with thin lips are cold and cruel?


Three years without news can be regarded as waiting, but I don't know who I am waiting for? Who could it be? Would you like to wait for me at the other end of the carpet and stretch out a hand that you can hold tightly? I always feel that it is cruel to leave a young and innocent girl alone, let her experience the warmth of society by herself, and then become accustomed to the sleek sophistication of society. If you have no heart to settle down, you are wandering everywhere. Go to work alone and go home alone. When the wind blows, he wraps up his coat tightly, falls down and climbs up. He also carries the grievances alone. In this way, Zheng Wei, the little dragon with jade face, became stronger gradually. Not everyone can wait. Loneliness, most boys should be the most unbearable. Some boys change surprisingly fast. One second he said he liked you, and the next second you refused, he immediately changed his mind. One day, you will find on the road that there is another girl beside the boy who once confessed to you. You greet him with a smile. On the better side, you are still good friends and can smile. You can exchange greetings. However, the worse situation is that he doesn't know you at all, and it seems that he didn't see you when he turned his eyes. From then on, he wiped his shoulders and walked away.


Time is a woman's greatest enemy. No amount of cosmetics can cover up the traces of time. Numb blind date, she can no longer love, after all, tired. Three years later, Lin Jing and Chen Xiaozheng came back dramatically almost at the same time, trying to retrieve the past. A novel is a novel. We will meet again before she gets old and looks old. You are unmarried and I am unmarried. We still have a chance to be together. Funny, how ridiculous, how can there be so many coincidences and opportunities in reality? Seeing here, I still feel lucky to celebrate for Zheng Wei, at least the people she deeply loves have returned. Girls are very easy to be soft hearted. A few gentle words can almost coax her back. Chen Xiaozheng is very sure that he can take her back, but why did he let her go for his so-called status, fame and wealth?! Finally, when he understood and regretted, it was too late. I'm sorry, I will be someone else's bride tomorrow.


You are not the wind, and I am not the sand. No matter how touching, I can't reach the end of the world—— Xinyi Fortress


Postscript: This book is a birthday gift from a good friend, a pig. It's very interesting. It's also very realistic. Thank you here! At the same time, I sincerely wish a pig can find his own happiness! Come on, it's definitely OK.

致我们终将逝去的青春读后感 篇8


I still remember that one night, a classmate recommended the work of Xinyiwu to me. To be honest, I didn't have any impression on this writer at that time, but Baidu found a familiar title, "To our youth that will eventually pass away" (referred to as "To youth"). It is about a long time ago that Zhao Wei directed a film of the same name, which seems to be her debut. Unfortunately, I haven't seen it either. It seems that I was not very interested in this kind of youth literature before. Maybe it was because of the book shortage. I started reading this book about a week ago, and then I was out of control.


At the beginning, I looked at it with a mindset of learning writing skills. But when I looked at it, I always felt a sweet and sour taste peculiar to youth literature. The story was simple and ordinary. But the plot is really quite dramatic and fascinating. In general, it is a rare good book.


Most importantly, after reading this book, I seem to feel that my EQ has improved a little. This is probably the biggest gain from reading this book.


The specific plot of the book will not be explained here in detail, because it can not be summarized in one or two sentences. Or my profile will distort the original text to a certain extent. If you are interested, go to the original book. I want to talk about two people here, Chen Xiaozheng and Lin Jing.


As the number one and number two of this book. I'm a little confused about who is the first man. If we just look at the scenes, Chen Xiaozheng probably has more. But I always think the last winner is the first man. So there are some entanglements. Chen Xiaozheng and Lin Jing have very different personalities, which is also related to their growth experience. So, I wonder how Zheng Wei can maintain his personality in such a family environment? Is it Lin Jing who influenced him?


Chen Xiaozheng tends to be lonely, while Lin Jing prefers sunshine. However, it is not absolute. In different periods, different experiences will affect their situation. In college, Chen Xiaozheng's character was greatly improved because of Zheng Wei's entry into life, but he finally went to an extreme, which is unfortunate. Lin Jing, however, rarely describes him in the first half of the book. Most of them are derived from Zheng Wei's childhood memories. His character is generally good, but two different reactions have taken place before and after entering the workplace


Throughout the book, I prefer the part before entering the workplace, while the latter part is too dark. But when I think that I will enter the workplace one day, I feel more relieved. College life, whether in love or not, learning or not, is showing everyone's personality, which is the least needed in the workplace. Someone once said that a person does not need personality before going to college. But once entering the university, people with personality can live like a fish in water, and people with personality are also needed here. However, everything has changed once again when entering the workplace, and the workplace does not need personality. I think there is some truth in what I said, so it also brings me a lot of thinking.


It's a pity to see this book a little late. My university is about to end. And that is also my youth that is about to die.

致我们终将逝去的青春读后感 篇9


From last night till now, "To the Youth Who Will Die" has occupied my attention. Although I planned to go to the movies on May Day, I decided to put the book first. After reading the book, my heart was filled with emotion and restlessness. I talked with several people, but I couldn't get rid of the inflated feeling that I was eager to share after reading. So I decided to write a blog to ease my excitement.


The four main characters in the book are Ruan Ruan, Zheng Wei, Chen Xiaozheng and Lin Jing.


Many people like Ruan Ruan. She is really impeccable. She is so light and beautiful, easy-going, intelligent, bright and clean. Any beautiful words are eclipsed in front of her. For love, in order to be able to stay with the people you love until the end, she has been so persistent, but she does not know that her love will never come back. I always feel that Ruan Ruan's ending is beautiful, because I can't bear to see such a crazy woman like her fail to wait for him and be disappointed. I also don't want to see her live a miserable life with a lukewarm doctor. Therefore, death may be the best ending. As the book says, Ruan Ruan's youth is immortal.


Zheng Wei, she should be a real heroine. She dares to love and dare to be very brave. She is a real "jade faced little dragon". She is happy to have two men, Chen Xiaozheng and Lin Jing, in her life, although the process is so painful. Lin Jing gave him the illusion of love at first. Chen Xiaozheng let her really understand the joys and sorrows of love. Finally, Lin Jing gave her marriage. Maybe when I think of Ah Zheng, my heart will still ache, but at that time, love was so desperate, so unforgettable, even if we can't be together, even if it hurts, experience is beautiful.


Chen Xiaozheng, many people may sympathize with him, including me. In fact, many environments determine Ah Zheng's choice. His family life background makes him not so relaxed and free to make choices. Maybe after many experiences, he realized that the original beauty was just that the beauty was not there. Ah Zheng's heart is the most pitiable. Because of his cold and thin temperament, his heart is suffering a little more. This kind of person usually doesn't love very much, but once he loves, it is also deep into the bone marrow. Therefore, when he completely lets go, he should be the most desperate. Unfortunately, it's too late.


Lin Jing, in fact, I don't have much feelings about Lin Jing. He is perfect, handsome and calm, safe and warm. Maybe he is the best destination for Weiwei. He also has a bad side for his career, but he is impeccable emotionally and in Weiwei. Just because he is more perfect, I don't have much feeling for Lin Jing.


After reading the book, it is inevitable to match the characters in the book with their own lives. It is inevitable to recall a lot of past events about their youth. It is inevitable that they are very restless and want to say something. Even if ordinary people think of their youth, some people and things will naturally emerge in front of them. It's just that the memory is not as warm as it was at that time. At that time, I felt very aggrieved. Now, I may feel very funny. At that time, I felt very painful. Now, I may still feel painful——


I thought about my college, my roommates, and many sad and happy things. Similarly, some people taught me how to accept and give love, and others taught me how to behave. I also fell down a lot. After crying countless times, I gradually grew up and changed. In retrospect, I always feel that I was very green and impulsive before, with a little shadow. Now I may be changing, but some things are still unchanged.


The campus love between Weiwei and Ah Zheng is the most reminiscent of me, because there are some similarities. I vaguely recall my ignorance in college, crying for love, making trouble for love, longing for love, and crying for love. All emotions have gone through, so I cherish the present more. I think of myself as having been deeply hurt, hopeless, and felt that my world has collapsed. But the next day, the sun still rises, It will not change because of my personal mood. Everything remains the same. Sometimes I complain that the world is too cruel, but I can't help it. It is those little things that make up my college youth. I don't feel so crazy, but when I think back, I still feel a lot of emotion.


In any case, we have all been passionate, ambitious, and desperate for what we are pursuing. All of these constitute the word youth. Although youth will eventually pass away, what remains will not decay, and it will accompany us through one year after another.

致我们终将逝去的青春观后感 篇10


This is another film with a beautiful name, but the film itself does not deserve this name.


First of all, this is certainly not a literary film. It's a naked commercial film. Laughter and the taste of popcorn are the main features of this film, which has nothing to do with youth. There is no logic or reason in the front part of the school. Maybe it's too difficult to explain the acquaintance and love of several people in two hours. I don't think it has the taste of youth at all. The estimated age of the person who plays Henan sister is aunt level. He even plays a freshman sister, blinding me.


Even if youth is equated with love, this film is not considered youth. To be honest, 80 minutes before watching the film, I didn't think there was any emotion between the characters. Four women and a group of men also need to add family background. Each person has a little story. Although the main line is obvious, the overall view is that each character is not very prominent, or there is no reason for the feelings between the characters, so even if the end is arranged, In my opinion, there is no reason.


I hardly go to the cinema to see the introduced blockbusters. I spend all my money on domestic films. I just feel a little disappointed after saying so much.


The film is not worthless. The color should be a commendable part of the film, or it should be in line with the theme of youth. After watching several pictures and music in front of the film, I thought that it would be a good presentation of a film about youth. How could it be a little more classic than that? But the more I saw it, the less interesting it was.


The only thing that touched me was the last bunch of stars in the sky. A stream of astringent flowers fell off my eyes. I also want to talk about the situation in the cinema today. At noon, it was almost full. At 4:00 when I came out, the cinema was full of people, ticket buyers and those waiting to enter. It was a little like the night of Valentine's Day when the movie was estimated to be 500 million+


These have nothing to do with me, but I was a little upset when I saw Ning Hao shooting the Golden Robbery, Guan Hu shooting three guys. I'm afraid Wang Xiaoshuai will not shoot me 11 one day, and I'm afraid that domestic movies will be doomed if they go on like this. Although high box office is not bad, it's bad when the movie has too much to do with the box office. The Tai Chi Four famous people catch such a bad movie is an example.


Anyway, the movie is still very good, very good.

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