

时间:2022-10-18 12:50:28 | 来源:语文通


中秋节的日记 篇1中秋节的日记 篇2中秋节日记 篇3中秋节日记 篇4中秋节的日记 篇5中秋节的日记 篇6中秋节的日记 篇7中秋节的日记 篇8

中秋节的日记 篇1


Today is China's traditional festival, the Mid Autumn Festival. My grandpa, grandma, uncle, aunt and my cousin drove from Kaihua to Jinhua together to celebrate the Mid Autumn Festival with us happily. A few days ago, they said that they might arrive in Jinhua before 9:30 in the morning. I have been waiting for them at home since I woke up at 7:00 in the morning.


I asked my parents as if I had broken the casserole and asked them in the end: "Why haven't they come yet? Hurry up!"


Dad listened to me and called. My father said to me after calling, "Grandma, they have been going for 45 minutes. Let's wait!" Later, Grandma called and said that they had arrived downstairs. I hurriedly threw [wrote the urgency] the remote control in my hand and took three and two steps to the downstairs. I was busy greeting my aunt and leading them upstairs. Because it's the first time for them to come to my house.


After dinner, I was thinking about a large family of people sitting on the roof of the building eating moon cakes and admiring the bright moon. My uncle said that he would return to Kaihua soon. It was originally said that he would stay at my house for one night, but my uncle suddenly remembered something. It turned out that the menu of the family banquet (my uncle runs a restaurant) was not ready tomorrow. There is no way to return overnight.


At this time, the bright moon of the Mid Autumn Festival rose, and their cars gradually left us. I couldn't help bursting into tears

中秋节的日记 篇2


"Alas, today is the Mid Autumn Festival, but it rained in the morning and the ground is wet. It's a pity that no one will come to play tonight. But I still want to go to Furongzhou for a walk. Maybe there will be a surprise, hee hee..." I said to myself.


Walking into Furong Island in Liuhua Park, I suddenly saw two familiar figures. When I was calm, I found that they were Du Du and Zhu Xin. Wow, that's great. It's worth it. As soon as we met, we talked warmly, as if we had not seen friends for a long time.


Come to the lake, facing the cool wind, Dudu suggested, "Why don't we put the lake lights together?" "Good." Everyone is very interested in this proposal. Zhu Xin quickly found an empty moon cake box and some candles, so we started to make a lake lamp with all our hands.


First, we lit the candles with a lighter, dropped a few drops of melted wax into the moon cake box, and then stood the candles in the wax drops. After a while, the wax drops cooled and solidified, and the candles stood in the moon cake box. We successively set up six candles, and the moon cake box looked like a shining moonlight treasure box. It was beautiful, and the beautiful lake lamp was completed.


We carefully put the lake lamp on the lake surface, found a small stick and gently pushed it toward the center of the lake. But the wind tonight is naughty. It blows the lake lamp back to the shore again and again. After several efforts, the lake lamp finally floats to the distance on the sparkling lake.


Watching the beautiful lake lamp fading away, I felt as if it also carried our dreams and hopes to the distance, and I had unlimited vision for the future

中秋节日记 篇3


During the National Day holiday, I learned a lot about the Mid Autumn Festival. "When the moonlight is the brightest night of the year, and people enjoy it from thousands of miles away", "The moon is born on the sea, and the horizon is at this time" Whenever the Mid Autumn Festival comes, I will think of this poem. The bright moon in the sky and the feelings of the world, my mother told me that the Mid Autumn Festival bright moon, a special celestial phenomenon, has become a unique moon festival and reunion festival for Chinese people.


As we all know, Spring Festival, Tomb Sweeping Day, Dragon Boat Festival and Mid Autumn Festival are the four traditional festivals in China, but do you know? Among the four traditional festivals, the Mid Autumn Festival is the latest one. In the Tang and Song Dynasties, the Mid Autumn Festival, with the moon watching as the central festival custom, began to appear. In the Qing and Ming dynasties, the Mid Autumn Festival became a folk festival, which embodied the Chinese people's worship of the moon. Every Mid Autumn Festival, people bathe in the same round of moonlight, share the moon cakes symbolizing reunion, and taste fruits. Since ancient times, Chinese people have particularly pursued a beautiful realm of human relations. Therefore, in ancient China, the ancient people called the Mid Autumn Festival "Reunion Festival" to promote the reunion of personnel with the full moon in the sky. The poem "I hope people will live a long time and share the beauty of the moon" is still the most quoted wish on the Mid Autumn Festival


After listening to my introduction, do you know something about the Mid Autumn Festival? Do you think there is a lot of knowledge about Mid Autumn Festival?!


Finally, I wish the students a happy life and study every day, like the Mid Autumn Festival.

中秋节日记 篇4

20xx年 xx月 xx日 周x 晴




中秋节的日记 篇5


Mid Autumn Festival, a picturesque name. Its origin is moving, and the activities held are also quite affectionate, which is really an elegant festival.


It is said that Chang'e and Hou Yi were a couple who loved each other. One day, Hou Yi brought an elixir and prepared to swallow it with Chang'e, so that they could live forever. However, he did not want to be found by Hou Yi's disciples. He forced Chang'e to give it to him while Hou Yi was not at home. Chang'e refused to swallow the elixir and flew to the moon, becoming a fairy. Hou Yi was very sad when he came back, so he made moon cakes to remember Chang'e on the full moon. In order to commemorate them, the Mid Autumn Festival was made.


In this way, the Mid Autumn Festival and moon cakes have been handed down to this day. After continuous improvement, the taste of moon cakes is diversified, which can be said to be "everything you think of, I'm afraid you don't think of it." The sweet and glutinous moon cakes are delicious.


On the night of the Mid Autumn Festival, every family did not stop working. Some families moved out of a table and placed a stack of moon cakes with various tastes on it. A row of stools were placed around the table. The whole family sat there to eat the moon cakes and watch the moon, which was both interesting and elegant. Some people go out for a walk and look up from time to time to enjoy this round of bright full moon and breathe fresh and bright air.


Looking at the bright full moon, I seem to see the story of Chang'e and Hou Yi again. Looking at the round moon, I seem to see the fragrant and sweet moon cakes. The Mid Autumn Festival, a name like a picture, a festival like a poem, is an elegant and happy reunion night!

中秋节的日记 篇6


The Mid Autumn Festival is coming, and the spacious streets are decorated with colorful lanterns, neatly arranged on both sides of the streets, just like two long dragons flying in the air. On the street, people's faces are full of bright smiles. Everyone calls friends and watches the lanterns in different shapes. We children are no exception.


"Wow. It's so beautiful. There are so many beautiful lanterns." I couldn't help exclaiming. I rushed forward to watch carefully. I saw these lanterns in a variety of different colors, including Chang'e flying to the moon, lovely rabbits, and sweet moon cakes. Pester dad to buy one. My father couldn't resist my repeated pleadings, so he went to buy me a lovely rabbit lantern. I took the lantern and felt very happy. I jumped and jumped all the way. I was very happy. When we came to the street, we saw a large lantern. On the screen, Sister Chang'e, who was as beautiful as heaven, was running towards the moon with a lovely little rabbit in her arms. This is what we usually call Chang'e's flight to the moon. "That's cool. Such a large lantern is really beautiful." I can't help exclaiming. At this time, the music of "la, la, la..." in the lantern suddenly started. I can't help wondering, eh? This is just icing on the cake. It turns out that modern high technology has also been used in the production of traditional lanterns. I was attracted by the beautiful scenery, and unconsciously followed the crowd singing and dancing, intoxicated in the picturesque river of lights.


I really enjoyed the Mid Autumn Festival this year. I think this wonderful time will stay in my childhood dreams. I want to thank the Mid Autumn Festival and the happy life.

中秋节的日记 篇7


Today is the Mid Autumn Festival. My mother gave me 300 yuan to manage my family. I thought about what to buy


What about? We already have watermelon, winter jujube, grapefruit, kiwi fruit and other fruits at home, as well as moon cakes and fragrant balls. What else can we buy? Oh, pomegranates are indispensable for the Mid Autumn Festival. I have to buy some pomegranates; Also, Grandpa likes persimmons, so he needs to buy some. Of course, the most important thing is not to forget to buy snow moon cakes, which are my brother's favorite food. Therefore, I decided to spend 100 yuan on fruits first, and the rest of the money was used to buy snow moon cakes.


We came to the fruit market and bought 4 pomegranates, spent 20 yuan, and bought a basket of persimmons, spent 18 yuan. I saw that the rambutan was good. I also bought some for 14 yuan. My brother wanted to eat Brown. I weighed four and spent 28 yuan. I calculated that 20+18=38, 38+14=52, 52+28=80, the total cost of fruit should be 80 yuan, 100-80=20, plus 200 yuan left alone, there should be 220 yuan. But I searched all my pockets and found only two 100 yuan bills, and the other 20 yuan was gone. Look at my carelessness.


After buying the fruit, we immediately went to Yuanzu Cake Shop. The shop assistant said that the snow moon cakes had been sold out. I called my brother Quanquan in Hangzhou and asked him to bring a box back from Hangzhou. After a while, my brother called back and said that Hangzhou was also sold out. What a pity! I had to return the remaining 200 yuan to my mother.


Although I didn't buy snow moon cakes, I still had a good time today!

中秋节的日记 篇8


Today is the Mid Autumn Festival, a day of family reunion. As the saying goes: The moon is born on the sea, and the horizon is at this time. But this year, I was not so lucky. From the morning, the sky was drizzling with drizzle, and the sky was overcast. It seems that we can't see the bright moon tonight.


At night, our family gathered around a table to have a reunion dinner and chat happily. My brother and I ate the reunion moon cake and looked at the night sky from time to time. We couldn't help thinking of last year's Mid Autumn Festival night.


Last year's Mid Autumn Festival, after dinner, our family couldn't wait to watch the moon. "Come out, come out," I cried excitedly. The moon peeped out half its face from the clouds, shy as a little girl. Slowly, the round moon rose, like a big jade plate moon, like a fairy in a white dress, shining the bright moonlight on the earth, making the earth as bright as day. The moon is in the sky. From the moonlight, I seem to see Sister Chang'e crying alone, holding her relatives in her hands. At this time, Grandpa stopped me, "Look how beautiful it is." It turns out that the shadow of the moon is reflected in the water, forming a moon cake. The river reflects the surrounding lights, and then sets off the beautiful full moon as if you are in a beautiful picture.


What an unforgettable Mid Autumn Festival night. Although this Mid Autumn Festival is a pity, I have enjoyed it as well.

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