

时间:2022-10-19 13:24:27 | 来源:语文通


做一个文明的中国人作文 篇1做一个文明的中国人作文 篇2做一个文明的中国人作文 篇3做一个文明的中国人作文 篇4

做一个文明的中国人作文 篇1


The Olympic Games is very close to us, but it is only a matter of 10 days. During this period, do we talk about civilization and establish new trends? Yes, now most of our Chinese people have achieved civilization. They are moral and respectable.


I have had such a moral problem in recent days. Yesterday, I went to the breakfast shop and ate there. I'm not old yet, so I always forget this and that. I even forgot to pay for food. The business in my shop is good and I'm too busy, so I didn't pay attention. I patted my full stomach, relieved, and rode away. On the way, I scratched from my pants pocket because my legs were itchy, and suddenly I felt the 10 yuan that had not been spent. At this time, two ideas welled up in my mind:


1. Take such a small advantage, don't give money to eat for nothing, save another trip.


2. Give it back to others, be moral, and never be greedy for small profits but forget the big ones. I did not hesitate to choose the choice for others. So I returned again and gave the money to others, which made me feel more comfortable.


There is a saying in the Analects of Confucius: "If you act in the interests of others, you will feel resentful. "That is to say, if you only pursue personal interests, you will encounter various criticisms. The essence of human beings is to get good. Who doesn't want to take advantage of some small advantages? Confucius said:" Quality is better than literature, which is wild, and literature is better than quality, which is history. Gentle and gentle, then a gentleman. "In daily life, there are many such things. The key is to see how people treat it. Whether they can achieve the harmony between literary talent and essence, or it depends on their own moral problems.


The attitude of a country lies in its people. It is said that we Chinese love small bargains, but who is not? There is no one who is not greedy for small things, but some people with high morality will surpass themselves and control their psychology. Some people who are not noble in morality can't restrain this mentality, and they will do something greedy. To be a man is to be a moral person. The famous Yao was very noble in morality, so many people around him lived there. More and more people lived there, and finally he became a small city. It can be seen how beautiful a person should be when he is morally noble. It is the so-called "benevolence is beauty". How do you know if you are not here? "Who doesn't like to be close to moral people? In the lanes of residents, it is the best to have a benevolent atmosphere. How can it be called wise to choose a residence without paying attention to the place with a benevolent atmosphere?


Benevolence and virtue are the basis of standing and acting. When a person lives in the world, his fundamental foothold should be based on morality. That is to say, first of all, from the ideological point of view, we should establish a moral concept, strive to cultivate our heart of benevolence and morality, and aspire to be a moral person. Secondly, we should perform our own way of benevolence and morality in action, be lenient to others... We should also do a word of "righteousness" and put "righteousness" first. To be able to do this is to draw a clear line between a gentleman and a villain, so that we can be considered a moral person.


The Olympic Games is coming. We Chinese must be civilized and moral people. Let the world see our wonderful China!

做一个文明的中国人作文 篇2


China has experienced 5000 years of history, in which China has experienced many vicissitudes of life and embodied the "spirit of civilization" in all aspects, leaving a deep impression on people at home and abroad. Civilization is the traditional spirit of our Chinese people, and we should inherit this spirit forever!


Wang Shouren, a scholar in the Ming Dynasty, said that "knowing is the idea of doing, and doing is the skill of knowing; knowing is the beginning of doing, and doing is the result of knowing; knowing and doing is an ontology and a skill. Knowing but not doing is just unknown." We accept the education of civilized etiquette, but we are reluctant to perform, or even act against it, which is different from never receiving social education! So if we want to practice social civilization, we should work hard from the "unity of knowledge and practice", from our own words and deeds, and say goodbye to uncivilized behavior. To become a civilized person, we must accept the education of civilization, just like a piece of ore. If we want to become iron and steel, we must put it into the furnace and accept the smelting of fire.


Parents and teachers expect us to be civilized and outstanding. We must at least become a green tree. Personal civilization and etiquette are fundamental. If a person wants to have a good public civilization, he must start from himself and start from around. Therefore, Mr. Lu Xun said: "If China wants to survive and compete in the world, the first thing is to establish people, and then everything." The meaning of "establishing people" is to improve people's ideology and civilization. People's civilization is not born, but is constantly improved by the day after tomorrow. To improve personal accomplishment, we should first devote ourselves to reading and learning, and improve our own cognitive level; When cognition reaches a certain level, one has the ability to distinguish right from wrong; With the ability to distinguish between right and wrong, we should correct our mentality, not violate our conscience, and strive to make our words and deeds conform to moral standards, so that our cultivation will be improved. This is what the ancients said: style, knowledge, sincerity, integrity and self-cultivation. Perfecting personal moral cultivation will have the foundation to promote social public civilization.


Speaking of civilized etiquette, I thought of a story. On one occasion, Comrade Lenin went downstairs and was in the narrow corridor of the stairs when he met a female worker carrying a basin of water upstairs. When the woman worker saw that it was Lenin, she would go back to make way for Lenin. Lenin stopped her and said, "Don't do that. You've already gone half way with your things, and I'm empty handed now. Please go first!" He said the word "please" loudly and kindly. Then he leaned against the wall and let the female workers go upstairs before he went downstairs. Isn't this the embodiment of good manners? The public civilization level of a society can reflect the civilization level of a society and a country. If a person does not abide by the social civilization, the minor will affect his own image and the major will affect the national reputation. In the Qing Dynasty, Li Hongzhang, the minister, was on a mission to Russia. On a public occasion, his bad habits broke out and he spat everywhere, which was greatly exaggerated and mocked by foreign journalists and humiliated the Chinese people. This is a historical lesson of disobeying social civilization.


We need not feel guilty for our more or less uncivilized words and deeds; Or they think that even if they fulfill the requirements of civilization, they will not become great people or celebrities. But our society needs not only a group of great moral figures, but also a group of civilized and moral people. Therefore, we should strive to become a civilized Chinese.

做一个文明的中国人作文 篇3


Civilization is not a new word. Looking around, on the streets and on the campus, there are "talk about civilization and establish new trends." Banner for. It is also said in the public service advertisement that although the public service advertisement cannot completely illuminate the human mind, it can illuminate a pure land of the human mind. Therefore, civilization is very close to us.


I remember that it was a morning of rain and snow. The windows were crackling and the rain was flowing down the eaves. This strange noise woke me up in my dream. I got up and stood by the windowsill, looking at the completely silent scene of rain. It was as beautiful as ever, but it was more poetic. The grass and flowers looked up at the sky and the trees swayed in the wind.


At this time, a cleaner of the community came into my sight. He was a grandfather in his sixties, wearing a gray hat, eye-catching work clothes, and wet shoes squeaking in the rain. He was followed by a dirty dog, who drank enough of the rain water mixed with silt, and looked back and forth on the garbage heap for food it could swallow, looking so surprised and satisfied


The arrival of these two new things broke the original tranquility. The old man took the clip in his hand, searched the ground in a carpet style, found the fruit peel and paper scraps, and slowly put them into the large sack he carried with him. It took him a long time to walk for more than ten meters. There was only an old figure of him and the poor dog on the wide road.


At this time, the old man saw a car running by, one hand stretched out, and when he released it, a pile of garbage floated down with the wind. The old man came far away, and he didn't even see who it was or what car was driving. Maybe he saw and didn't know what the sign was, but in the next ceaseless wind and rain, he chased those flying, running, and the merciless paper scraps flowing in the water. He panted and hurried after them, then threw them into the bag little by little. I thought he would swear and complain, but he didn't. At this moment, I found what a kind and calm face it was on the wrinkled face!


He walked away, and the dog was "full" and ran away happily. How many times have they walked this road. They have already integrated into the beautiful scenery, but I didn't realize it. I know that they will come again in the future, whether sunny or cloudy, whether sunny or rainy, because this is the work of the old man. His footprints and sweat have been left here, which makes me think: we can't litter, we should be a civilized man, let the old man have a rest!

做一个文明的中国人作文 篇4


China is a country with a long history of civilization. Over thousands of years, it has created a splendid culture, formed a noble moral code and a complete code of etiquette, and is known as "an ancient civilization, a state of etiquette". China has a five thousand year history of civilization, known as the "Land of Etiquette", and the Chinese people are also famous for their polite style.


It is an important symbol to measure whether a person is cultivated. Any form of society needs to respect the elderly. Not only should the elderly be respected because of their deep experience, wide knowledge, much experience, long working hours and great contributions to society; At the same time, they are physically and mentally poor and need the consideration, care and help of young people. As a polite modern youth, the elderly and the elderly should be courteous when they meet on the road, give up their seats by car, and try to create convenient conditions for the elderly in stores, theaters and other public places. Back when we were young, because life was difficult at that time, we let the elderly eat the best food at home first. Parents' dignity was above everything and they were absolutely obedient. They respected their teachers at school, went to the society and respected their teachers. They went to the work unit half an hour in advance to fetch water and sweep the floor. They were busy, had to bear hardships first, and worked hard to do dirty work. Unlike now, older people have no competitive advantage in the unit. There is no such atmosphere of "respecting the old and respecting the virtuous" in some young people.


It is an indisputable fact that contemporary teenagers, including some adults, lack civility and courtesy. The reasons for its formation are various. On the one hand, in the process of social change, traditional things are gradually disappearing, including traditional communication etiquette; At the same time, the etiquette of modern communication has not taken root in some young people, and young people need to make up for the lesson of civility. On the other hand, during the growth of children, many parents pay more attention to their children's intellectual and academic development, and neglect the education of manners and etiquette. As a result, some children do not understand manners, lack manners, or even be rude. Being polite and emphasizing etiquette is a sign of modern people, It is a person's basic quality. In fact, whether a person is civilized and polite is not just a personal matter, but directly affects the people around him, even the social atmosphere and national dignity.


In any civilized society and any civilized nation, people always attach great importance to civilization and courtesy. Because politeness is the basis of human society to promote friendly and harmonious interpersonal communication. One of the moral norms is to build a bridge to live in harmony with others. It marks the civilized procedure of a society and reflects the spiritual outlook of a nation. The Chinese nation has always attached great importance to following the rules of etiquette and treating people politely. To be good with others, to be good first. Confucius said, "If virtue is rewarded for virtue, people will be advised"; "If you repay kindness with resentment, you will kill people. It can be seen that" repay kindness with kindness "is the basic moral cultivation of treating people. Although the times have changed, the ancient people's attention to appearance and the requirements for neatness and appearance are worth learning from today. External image is a kind of silent language, which reflects a person's moral cultivation and also conveys a person's inner attitude towards the whole life to people. He has an elegant appearance, no matter where he goes, he will bring civilized spring breeze to get people's respect.


Therefore, understanding the communication mode of modern society, paying attention to your speech and manners, and displaying your elegant etiquette are the basic requirements for integrating into modern society and becoming a civilized person, and are also the cornerstone of rejuvenating the country.


Let's be a civilized Chinese!

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