

时间:2022-10-19 13:24:30 | 来源:语文通



孔乙己读后感 篇1孔乙己读后感 篇2孔乙己读后感 篇3孔乙己读后感 篇4《孔乙己》读后感 篇5孔乙己读后感 篇6

孔乙己读后感 篇1


After reading Kong Yiji by Lu Xun, I can't help feeling a little heavy.


Kong Yiji was a scholar in the feudal society. He lived a hard life and wanted to save face. Although he was pedantic and kind, he was eventually swallowed up by the indifferent society and the insensitive people.


In the tavern, the long gown patron scorned Kong Yiji for being poor; The Short Clothes Gang callously took Kong Yiji's pain as a joke; The shopkeeper saw Kong Yiji was in a terrible situation. It seems that Kong Yiji is inhuman and makes fun of him... Of course, Kong Yiji is unfortunate. It is clear that he stole other people's things. When he is laughed at, he always wants to face the music. He argues that Kong Yiji in Mr. Lu Xun's writing is just a man who is arrogant, pedantic and deceives himself. However, when I read later, I found that Kong Yiji is a kind and warm-hearted person who always makes others laugh and happy, But again and again, he himself was severely hit mentally and physically.


Kong Yiji appeared in laughter, but also died in laughter. This autumn is very sad. It's enough for others to despise and laugh at Kong Yiji. Even a young man like "I" despised him and didn't want to talk to him more. This shows how indifferent the society is to Kong Yiji and how insensitive people are. Finally, "I" didn't see or hear the news of Kong Yiji's death with my own eyes. In such a society, Kong Yiji seemed certain to die.


People's selfishness and numbness gradually extinguished the goodness and tolerance in their own nature. At the same time, people also forgot that the more tolerant a person is, the more loving and compassionate he is, and the more he can be respected and respected by others.


After reading Kong Yiji, my heart was filled with emotion: when people live in the world, they will inevitably have difficulties. After misfortune, if they are able, they should give more help to others; If you don't have the ability, you can't sneer and make fun of those who are more unfortunate. The world and society need our respect, friendship and help

孔乙己读后感 篇2


After reading the novel written by Mr. Lu Xun decades ago, I can't help but feel a lot. It reminds me of myself and makes me seriously think about "life".


The article shows Kong Yiji's character of being conceited, pedantic and deceiving himself through his personalized language description. It reflects that he was poisoned by feudal education. Kong Yiji taught "me" to read, and gave one fennel bean to each child, which showed his kindness. Kong Yiji's life was sad and pitiful. The reason is that he did not know himself correctly. In this state of poverty, he was self indulgent, and could only return to the inner self comfort to release the inner pressure. Of course, he will accomplish nothing and eventually die in poverty. Therefore, no matter how conceited he was, he could not help the blow of social reality and his own destiny.


The novel reflects the poison of feudal culture and education on the readers, and accuses the evil of the imperial examination system; The novel reveals the bleakness of the feudal society, the apathy and lethargy of people, and the coldness of the society towards the unfortunate, which reflects the decadence and morbid state of the feudal society from one side.


Kong Yiji's life was a tragedy. He was born in a special era and had a special experience. He was tortured by the imperial examination system. However, at that time, this was the only way for people to get prosperity. Kong Yiji's distorted mind has been ossified by feudal culture. He is poor and down, and is used as a joke by people; He is full of benevolence, righteousness and morality, but he is also forced by life to be a "gentleman on the beam". Finally, death is the best liberation for him. In a society where feudal oppression is everywhere and everywhere, only dead people and lunatics survive! He criticized him for his lack of progress, numbness and pedantry, and at the same time, he felt a little sympathy for the devastation he suffered physically and mentally. It turned out to be contrary to one's wishes. Waiting for Kong Yiji was a tragic experience in one's life. In people's eyes, he had no status and was a dispensable, ridiculous and pitiful redundant person.


His road started from nowhere, but he knew where it ended: a period of indifference, the decay of an old system, the decline of an era.

孔乙己读后感 篇3


Kong Yiji is a famous short story. Its success lies in shaping a typical image of the lower class intellectuals in the late feudal society.


He can't make a living. He likes to drink and works lazily. He never wants to lose face. He doesn't want to take off the dirty and broken gown that symbolizes the identity of a scholar. When he speaks, he is full of gossip and never forgets to show that he is a different scholar. Even when others ridicule and ridicule him, they will show their arrogance and self admiration again and again. Only when people touched the scar in his soul - "Why can't even get half a scholar", they immediately showed their decadence and anxiety. In the long-term feudal culture and education, he was also "diligent" and "indiscriminate" like ordinary literati and officials. He could not make a living and developed the bad habit of drinking and being lazy. Sometimes it is unavoidable to do something to steal, and finally fall into the tragic situation of being broken.


He was pedantic, insensitive, and didn't realize it until he died. The feudal culture, education and imperial examination system not only poisoned and destroyed his soul, but also destroyed his body. While portraying the sad things in Kong Yiji's character and criticizing his feudal and backward consciousness, the author also shows his kindness and some sympathy for him. For example, he taught "me" to read and gave young children sweet beans, but his behavior in the shop was better than others, that is, "he never defaulted", and he also "wrote a good character".

这些描写,更激起读者对毒害、摧残他的封建社会和科举制度的愤恨。这是造成孔乙己悲剧的社会根源。孔乙己是一个不幸者,他生活在一个麻木、冷酷的社会环境之中。孔乙己精神上的痛苦要超过肉体上的痛苦。作者将孔乙己的容貌、服饰、姿态、语言、行动诸方面交织在一起,使这个被科举制度欺骗愚弄了一辈子的下层知识分子的形象,富有立体感地展现在读者眼前:功名不就,却自命清高;四体不勤,却好吃懒做;贫困潦倒,却死爱面子;受尽摧残,却麻木不仁。在风烛残年之际,这个受“万般皆下品,唯有读书高”封建思想毒害的孔乙己爬着离开了人世 。

These descriptions aroused readers' resentment towards the feudal society and imperial examination system that poisoned and destroyed him. This is the social root of Kong Yiji's tragedy. Kong Yiji is an unfortunate person who lives in a numb and cold social environment. Kong Yiji's mental pain was more than his physical pain. The author interweaves Kong Yiji's appearance, clothing, posture, language, and actions, so that the image of the lower intellectuals who have been fooled by the imperial examination system for a lifetime can be displayed in a three-dimensional way in front of the readers: he is not worthy of fame, but he is conceited; He is diligent but lazy; Poor, but desperate to save face; Suffered from devastation, but callous. At the end of his life, Kong Yiji, who was poisoned by the feudal ideology of "all things are inferior, only reading is high", crawled away from the world.

孔乙己读后感 篇4


From the beginning of the article, we introduced the pattern of Luzhen liquor stores, as well as the short clothes gang and long clothes customers. It can be seen that there is a huge gap between the rich and the poor, and the concept of hierarchy is strong. This is the whole social environment. This further led to Kong Yiji's tragic fate.


Kong Yiji himself was a scholar who did not even pass the Scholar's Examination, so his position in the society was insignificant. "Kong Yiji makes people happy, but without him, others would do the same."


Kong Yiji's personality is very thought-provoking. He is deeply poisoned by the imperial examination system, so he is pedantic. He likes to drink and is lazy and cannot make a living. Of course, he is also kind.


From the four ways he taught me to write the characters "I" and "Hui", he often said that he was poisoned by the imperial examination. However, he also had the pride of a scholar, which can be seen from his contempt for the Short Clothes Gang, who only stole books but did not owe money.


He likes to drink and works lazily. He is forced to make a living, so he steals books. This is a huge problem for him, which directly led to his tragic fate.


In the process of sending fennel beans to children, he "covered" the dishes with his hands. Although it was very pedantic, it also showed his kindness.


Kong Yiji has two stages in the story, before and after being beaten. Before he was beaten, he at least argued with others, but he didn't explain after he broke his leg. It can be seen that his psychological state has lost the dignity of a scholar, not to mention his body. It is this change that shows more the inconstancy of the world. For example, the spectators saw that Kong Yiji was still in the same state as before. After Kong Yiji died, the shopkeeper just remembered the money he owed.


Lu Xun wrote this article to expose these ugly societies and attack the imperial examination system.

《孔乙己》读后感 篇5


When I first read Kong Yiji, the first feeling was simple and ridiculous. But after careful chewing, I realized that the implied meaning of this novel is very deep. The author Lu Xun wrote Kong Yiji in order to expose the sufferings of the scholars who were harmed by the feudal imperial examination system, and also to reflect the inconstancy of the society and the indifference of the interpersonal relationship at that time.


Kong Yiji is a kind-hearted person, but because he is keen on fame and wealth, he has become a character of leisure, loathing work, self deception, and self-respect. It is precisely because of this character that Kong Yiji's cup came into being. Therefore, it was the decadent feudal imperial examination system that caused Kong Yiji's cup. The imperial examination system induced Kong Yiji to pursue fame and fortune and study hard; Kong Yiji did not make full use of his own living conditions. He liked to drink and did nothing but steal all day long; In addition, the feudal ruling class led by Ding Juren destroyed Kong Yiji and other aspects were the reasons for his tragic experience.


I deeply sympathize with Kong Yiji's tragic experience. He felt very pitiful for his experiences of "hanging and beating" and "breaking his leg". But are those people indifferent to these things? This is another intention of the author.


"There is a happy atmosphere inside and outside the store". I thought Kong Yiji got along well with others. In fact, it is just the cold and insensitive ridicule of the drinkers. They mocked Kong Yiji's pedantry. They not only pitied Kong Yiji, but also mocked him. There was also the manager's selfish, indifferent and despicable mouth, which showed the social cynicism and snobbishness at that time. This is because the feudal hierarchy eroded the people's mind and made them callous.


If Kong Yiji was unwilling to fail and worked hard, there would be no such thing as the appearance of cups, let alone the sneer of Xianheng Hotel.


Kong Yiji's cups and cups, and the laughter of Xianheng Hotel are the sad aggregation of the feudal imperial examination system, hierarchy and feudal ideology and culture. It can be seen how many such cups were produced and how many people were poisoned by the feudal system at that time

孔乙己读后感 篇6


On Sunday, I read Kong Yiji written by Lu Xun, and I was deeply impressed!


The main content of this article is: In the hotel of Lu Town, in addition to the regular long gown customers, there is another person who is wearing a long gown but is very old, that is Kong Yiji. Of the several Lu Xun novels I have read, Kong Yiji is the one that strikes me most deeply. Kong Yiji is a poor scholar. He has some culture, but he is also lazy. Therefore, his life is becoming more and more difficult. Sometimes he has to live by petty theft, and it is inevitable that he will be caught and beaten. Finally, because he was "dizzy and stole to Ding Ju's house", he was broken in the leg and died tragically


In my opinion, Kong Yiji is actually the representative of the kind-hearted people at the bottom of the society. On the one hand, his sufferings are deeply pitied. He was educated, but he lived such a miserable life that the rude and foolish "Short Clothes Gang" laughed at him at will. Finally, he was completely destroyed by the rich and powerful "Ding Ju people". On the other hand, he made people feel that he was really disappointing. After receiving education, he lost his job of copying books because of his laziness, and finally became a thief.


The "Ding Ju people" in the novel represent the ruling class. They are too cruel and have no mercy on the poor. When the poor harm their interests, they will immediately destroy them without mercy. The people who make Xianheng Hotel "full of happy air", in my opinion, are the vast majority of ordinary people in the society. They are ignorant and build their happiness on people who are more miserable than them.


Lu Xun is a major commander in China's cultural revolution. He used his pen as a weapon to attack the feudal old society, and he described the living conditions of various characters in the society of that era thoroughly. He used various techniques such as metaphor to mercilessly criticize the callousness of ordinary people and the cruelty of feudal rulers, which makes people excited, angry and sad... I recommend that students have time to see Lu Xun's works.

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