

时间:2022-10-22 12:53:21 | 来源:语文通


没想到真没想到 篇1六年级没想到作文600字 篇2没有想到作文600字 篇3没有想到作文700字 篇4没想到真没想到作文700字 篇5没有想到作文600字 篇6没想到真没想到 篇7没想到 篇8

没想到真没想到 篇1


That day, an old man rode a tricycle past the vegetable market


He wore a faded yellow short sleeve and a pair of black trousers, which made the whole person look listless. Suddenly, with a squeak, the old man stopped quickly. At this time, he still had a glimmer of hope in his heart. But when he saw the "scar" on the body of the black magnate, his heart was like an ice cube frozen in a twenty layer ice cellar. The glimmer of hope was like the last ray of light given by the sunset, which disappeared in a flash. He was scared out of his wits.


Then came the black luxury car owner "bald strong". That "bald strong" is a bald, wearing a gold necklace, a rich and noble look. "Baldheaded Qiang" felt the "scar" on his car painfully. His veins swelled and he shouted angrily: "You are blind!" The old man said humbly, "Sorry, boss, how much do you want? I will pay for it."


But the big boss, "bald and strong", did not give in: "What will you compensate for?" The passers-by around said: "The old man is going to be unlucky..." Just then, the bald boss took out a big black shiny iron bar from the trunk. The old man did not dare to speak again, for fear that the words might irritate the owner again. He looked at the iron bar in the owner's hand and the big "scar" in fear. He knew that he was doomed this time. Passengers were also sweating for the old man. The "bald strong" big boss raised eyebrows like a hill and the anger in his eyes was frightening, let alone the old man who caused the accident. The big boss of the "skinhead strong" raised the iron bar, knocked it gently on the old man's tricycle, and then threw the iron bar on the waste newspaper on the tricycle, shouting: "It's even!" The passers-by all laughed, just like the sun after dark clouds.


The old man was very confused. He did not understand why the "bald" boss wanted to do that. At this moment, the big boss of "Baldheaded Strong" had left in his black limousine, with a bright smile on his face.


I didn't expect, I didn't expect, the world is not so bad.

六年级没想到作文600字 篇2


The Dream Pursued? Hold a bamboo pole and trace to the greener place of the grass; Full of starlight, singing in the beautiful starlight. The bamboo board blew several people's sighs and reverie. After the sound, only the words that raised our national prestige appeared in the noisy crowd: "I didn't expect, I didn't expect!"


Sweep away the dust of the world, wave the dust of history, open the door that has been sleeping for a long time, stand at the peak of art, and sing along the way! The moment of eternity, the moment, the eternity. Wait for you out of time, wait for you in that moment. When you make a decision, people already regard you as a nobody. But I think you have already set a goal in your heart, such as: if your talent is not recognized, it is better to be patient than cursing, accumulate strength in patience and work silently. You have been waiting for a long time to make a decision, but there will be a belief driving you forward. Because you are Hou Baolin.


Sweep away the dust of the world, wave the dust of history, open the door that has been sleeping for a long time, stand at the peak of art, and sing along the way! A star was hanging from the eaves of the Science Museum, like an ear pendant. When the wooden clock pointed to six, Hou Baolin suddenly remembered that his pursuit of art came from the red sun in the East, so calm and peaceful... He began to study and promote the art of cross talk from now on. In this way, you start your study by riding the car full of artistic atmosphere. When you come to the library, you are always bumping into the library.


Sweep away the dust of the world, wave the dust of history, open the door that has been sleeping for a long time, stand at the peak of art, and sing along the way! "A shoulder rub, a short distance, a meeting, a short distance." This sentence probably reflects his love and hatred for books. Just because books are not allowed to be borrowed, you have to go to the library to copy books without fear of hardship. Every inch of time, every emotion, every chapter. That book has been stolen by him, which has made him a successful career in the crosstalk industry and made great contributions to the crosstalk industry all his life!


If you lean, lean, think, speak, play with the autumn wind, or laugh in the Jianghu, you will never be drunk with his endless love and persistence for crosstalk!

没有想到作文600字 篇3


I always have a secret in my heart that I don't understand. That's why my mother is so respected because she has no culture? For a long time, my mother always said that she was uneducated, so she always urged me to study hard. My mother said so much, and I really thought that my mother was uneducated.


Today is a sunny day. My mother promised me to go to a small gymnasium to see the marine life exhibition. Once we got there, we ran happily to the exhibition stand to see all kinds of marine animals. There were so many things in the aquarium! There are transparent jellyfish, powerful crocodiles, colorful corals, and even fierce shark specimens. As I walked slowly, my mother always smiled and accompanied me to watch, and at the same time, she also let me see some instructions so that I could understand some marine culture.


After looking around, we came to the announcer. The announcer was talking about the characteristics and living habits of the sea eel. The eel was sitting on a red coral and eating, looking very cute. After the lecturer finished his lecture, he took the visitors to another sea creature. We thought we had seen it, but it was over. But my mother asked me to follow the lecturer for another walk. I hope I can have a deeper understanding of these sea creatures. I was immersed in the commentator's explanation, and I don't know when my mother bought a shell souvenir. The shell with a faint taste of the sea was really beautiful! While holding the shell fondly and appreciating it, I wondered: Why did my mother suddenly become so generous? You know, my mother is a famous stingy girl, and she never buys these gadgets for me.


Then, my mother explained to me some knowledge that I didn't understand just now. My mother spoke very vividly and thoroughly, which was better than what the commentator explained. When my mother told me, I suddenly found that my mother was actually very educated. Of course, her "culture" was only due to her love for me. In order to make me a cultured person, my mother has been carefully listening to the commentator's explanation, She may have listened to it many times, right?


Every mother's love for her children is different, and my mother's love is even more different. Because of love, the uneducated mother has become educated.

没有想到作文700字 篇4


Life is like a dream. Life is beautiful. Many unexpected good things will happen in one's life.


When I was a child, I lived in the countryside. There were bungalows everywhere. Other seasons were fine. In winter, my family was very cold. In order to keep the house warm, people made great efforts to burn the fire. Finally, the kang was very warm and the quilt was very hot. They stretched their arms and legs out of the quilt, but it was cold. The road is muddy. When it rains, it is muddy everywhere. When you enter your home, the mud on your shoes will also be brought home. The toilets are all in the yard. It's cold to go to the toilet in winter. I'm afraid to go to the toilet at night. Sometimes the toilet will smell bad. At that time, I thought when I could live in a clean house, but it was just a dream. I didn't expect to be able to live upstairs in a few years. Even in cold winter, it is not cold to wear autumn clothes and trousers at home. Children will no longer have to be cold when doing homework as they were when they were children. There are asphalt roads everywhere outside, and even the sidewalks are made of colored bricks. No matter what the weather is, the feet are clean, and even the toilet is clean. When you go to the toilet, it is not cold, and you are not afraid.


When I was young, I mainly walked. Later, people saved money and bought bicycles. No matter what weather, wind and rain, hot sun and cold, they rode bicycles, regardless of the distance of the pipeline. I remember when I was in seventh grade, my eyes were a little short sighted, and I needed glasses. I ran back and forth on a bicycle for more than forty miles. Looking at the big cars passing by vaguely on the road, I thought to myself: Why do people have so much money! I can afford to buy such an expensive car. I can't sit in it with the wind or rain. People are not afraid of how cold it is and how far it is. I didn't expect that many years later, every family could drive to and from work. Sitting in the car, no matter how heavy the rain is, you will not get wet; No matter how strong the wind is, there is no need to squint at the road; No matter how cold it is, don't wear gloves.


High consumption living and transportation are so comfortable now, not to mention food and clothing. Sugar and dumplings that used to be eaten only during the Spring Festival are now eaten whenever you want; In the past, people could only wear new clothes during the Spring Festival, but now people buy several sets of clothes every year. I didn't expect that people's purchasing power would be so strong.


Science is developing faster and faster, and people's lives are getting better and better. How good will people's lives be in a few years? How can it be unexpected?

没想到真没想到作文700字 篇5

时光不老,我们不散。 ——题记

Time is not old, we will not part—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article


That summer, we met, from strangers to inseparable.


However, we did not expect that we met in this strange place and worked together for a common goal. Before we could say goodbye, we went our separate ways. It's really unexpected that the long-awaited high school entrance examination has ended. There is only a hint of sadness and silence in the craziness and joy of the examination.


Yes, unexpectedly, the parting came so suddenly, and the parting words seemed so weak at this time. Looking back on the ups and downs of the three years, people cry and laugh


When I first arrived at this school, I looked at the strange classroom. Facing the strange you, I seemed so out of place. I was confused, but you were so enthusiastic that you "forced" me into a class that I thought was not united and friendly, but was willing to stay there and would not leave. However, I did not expect that here, I have gained happiness and moved, success and laughter with you. I really didn't expect that I met the best of you, with the best junior high school classmates in the world.


Do you still remember us who drove away, ate snacks and told secrets together? Do you still remember us sweating together at the sports meeting? Do you still remember us who were so happy to rehearse for a perfect performance? Do you still remember us who forgot to eat and sleep after taking the oath? Remember we were reluctant to part at the last class meeting? Remember the best of us?


Those days, which are always fighting and making noise, are now crying and silently embracing each other. We always thought that there was still a lot of time, but we did not know that it slipped away quietly in the corners of our eyes and eyebrows. I didn't expect that we would be apart. We grew up and became mature inadvertently.


When we were still fighting and bickering over trifles, we were unexpectedly separated from each other; When we were still shouting how unkind the teacher was, we never expected to hear the teacher's nagging in the future; When we were still roast about how bad the school food was, we didn't expect that even a glance at the school would become extravagant


We had an appointment to say goodbye with a smile and a wave, but unexpectedly, we ended up hugging each other and crying. Unexpectedly, the farewell to graduation brought everything to an abrupt end.


Everything was in such a hurry, and everything was happening again.


In the early summer of this year, we parted ways from getting along day and night. Say take care, and say go. We waved goodbye in the sunset.

没有想到作文600字 篇6


A person's life is bound to encounter numerous setbacks. In the face of difficulties, some people escape and others persevere. I never thought I was so persistent that time.


The warm winter afternoon sun shines on the earth, ushering in the first PE class of this week. But the whole class burst into flames and howled. The reason is simple, because before the last PE class ended, the teacher told us that this class would take up to 8 minutes for "endurance running".


Some students had a fluke mentality and imagined that the teacher would forget. But the fact was not satisfactory. The teacher asked us to jog in two directions and three circles. After the warm-up, he told everyone to get ready to start. Except for a small number of students headed by the Sports Committee, all the other students (including me) were in great pain.


With the order of the teacher, the Sports Committee and others have taken vigorous steps to lead other students in a moment.


As for the rest of the students, some of them just ignore the "endurance running" and pretend to run while others run; Others are the "second wave troops" after the Sports Committee, which are slower but better than walking, including me.


At the beginning, no one was left behind. When we put those students walking in a "loop", there was an unspeakable joy. But after 5 minutes, I gradually struggled and slowed down.


However, when others "encircle" me in the same way, my heart felt inexplicable sorrow. I want to give up, walk slowly, and even stop running.


But I still persevered, even though I couldn't run any longer. I dragged my heavy and tired body forward with difficulty.


Seven minutes later, I looked at the time and missed the last minute. I stuck to it for the first seven minutes. Why can't I stick to it for one minute?


No matter how well you have done before, if you don't persist in the end, your previous efforts will be equal to zero. Come on! I encourage myself.


The end point is very close, and I finally insisted on finishing the "Endurance Run". Although the number of laps is not optimistic, I think that the result is not the most important, but the important thing is to insist. It is great that I can finish it so persistently.


The setting sun is shining on us, making me feel very warm - I never thought I was so persistent.

没想到真没想到 篇7


How can you think that crosstalk, which is now popular all over the world, once had a low moment; How can you think of how the obscure art of crosstalk became well-known in those days; How can you think that a person's spirit has affected several generations. I didn't expect it. I really didn't expect it.


I didn't expect it. I really didn't expect it. Crosstalk has been carried forward from him, which is widely known. At that time, he thought of how much courage and perseverance it would take to develop an art, but he did. He did not think about whether he could succeed. Since he dared to try, he just went through trials and hardships. He has developed from a humble novel writer to a generation of cross talk masters, who are known by everyone. People also begin to re understand and contact this art. With the purpose of "bringing laughter to thousands of households", it quickly won the hearts of the public. His crosstalk was like ashes and sparks. The fire that never went out spread to the world, and was awakened by the land where his tongue could not sleep.


Unexpectedly, really unexpectedly, for a collection of jokes, he ran around many cities and listened to it with full marks. No one expected that he would go to the Beijing Library and copy the book of jokes with more than 100000 words! Eighteen days, rain or shine! Eighteen days, day and night! Eighteen days, he honed his will and showed his spirit. In order to bring happiness to people and awaken the vitality of the world, the perseverance and spirit that do not stop until the goal is reached will always inspire people from generation to generation.


I didn't expect it. I really didn't expect it. His spirit of never giving up until he reached his goal had an impact on his descendants and disciples. Deyun Society, the most influential crosstalk club in China, has long been accepted and known by the public. They bring happiness to thousands of families. On the stage with brilliant lights, they can never forget a person. Although he left, he left happiness and spirit to the world forever, and the world will never forget his name.


Today's older generation still remembers his appearance: he is dressed in a black coat, as if he was the only one, always wearing the same old cloth shoes. He is Hou Baolin, the father of the famous crosstalk actor Master Guo Degang. I didn't think it was him

没想到 篇8


Shao Yongjie, Class 3, Fenghuang Campus, Fangcaoyuan Primary School


The autumn trip we had been waiting for for a year finally came. This year, the school organized us to carry out a comprehensive practice activity of "man and nature" and visited Nanjing Zhongshan Botanical Garden.


When I entered the botanical garden, I was dazzled by the flowers and trees. Unexpectedly, there is a magical plant kingdom hidden in our beautiful "Big Blue Whale". Under the guidance of teachers and guides, we first visited the North Garden, and then went to see the South Garden. The South Garden has a variety of special gardens centered on tropical rainforests, among which the Greenhouse Botanical Museum attracts me. There are many beautiful plants in the greenhouse, especially cactus.


Colorful cacti, some as big as a tree; Some are as tall as Optimus Prime; Some are as small as a few fingers; Some heads like a bud wearing a small hat. There are many kinds of cacti, including palm shaped "cactus", ball shaped "cactus", and trunk shaped "cactus column". Among them, my favorite is "cactus". They are round and fat, like green little balls. Their bodies are covered with pale yellow thorns, sharp and hard. At the top of the cactus, there are small yellowish flowers.


However, no matter what shape they are, they all have one common feature, that is, they are covered with thorns. If they are accidentally touched, they will prick their hands. Cactus can not only be viewed, beautify the environment, but also have medicinal value.


Unexpectedly, there are so many kinds of plants, their shapes are so beautiful, and their functions are so great. We should love plants and be their "good friends".

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