

时间:2022-10-22 12:59:13 | 来源:语文通



优秀演讲稿 篇1分钟励志演讲稿 篇2演讲稿 篇3演讲稿大全 篇4关于讲话稿 篇5优秀演讲稿 篇6分钟励志演讲稿 篇7演讲稿 篇8

优秀演讲稿 篇1


There is only one kind of love between heaven and earth that can last forever ---- that is maternal love. When we were born, mother's face showed a sweet smile; When we were babbling, it was our mother who taught us the first sentence of life thousands of times; When we were learning to walk, it was my mother who used her warm hands to guide us to the first step of life; When BAIHUAWEN. CN entered the school, our mother moistened our hearts with words like spring rain.


It's Mom! Mom again!


Have you ever thought that when you encounter setbacks, it is your mother who uses long focused words to advise us not to be discouraged;


Have you ever thought that when you have a cold and a fever, it is your mother who always stands behind you and prays for you;


Have you ever thought that when you are in danger, it is Mom who rushed to protect us.


Today, under my mother's teaching, we have grown up and become sensible. From my mother, we learned to love. We use this love to love our blue planet; We use this love to love our great motherland, and we use this love to love everyone around us.


On Mother's Day, I must pick a holy carnation from the brilliant spring flowers, and don't put it on your plain clothes. Let you find the lost youth that has nurtured us for ten years again. On this special day, I will give my mother a sweet love.

分钟励志演讲稿 篇2


Dear teachers and students, good afternoon:


I'm Zhang Xu, No. 4, Class 6. The topic of my speech today is: Smile, praise others and face the world.


One day during the National Day holiday, when I was surfing the Internet in my dormitory, I came across a short film called "Stamping". The content of the short film was roughly as follows: Newman, an employee who stamps the car owner for free in the parking lot, influenced the people and society around him with his smile and praise, and later even changed the world. For various reasons, he changed his profession and became a celebrity photographer. With his excellent communication skills, he captured people's most beautiful smiles. Love also came quietly in these processes. Newman finally moved Victoria, the female photographer who had once been cold to him, through his constant smile and praise, and the story had a happy ending. The way of expression of this short film may be exaggerated, but in my opinion, it can still explain many problems, and it is worth taking 15 minutes to quietly enjoy it.


I have used so many languages to introduce this short film, not only because I love photography, but also because I hope to use my smile and praise to influence the shooting object, and to shoot a more realistic and direct picture. I also hope to meet a girl who loves photography and yearns for freedom in the future like Newman. In addition, I think that smile and affinity are necessary for a student of the Media College, It is also a critical accomplishment. Smile at everyone around you, and you will find that it is not so difficult to get along with each other.


How long have you not smiled? How long have you not sincerely praised others and made them laugh? If a smile is the most beautiful expression in the world, then praise is the most beautiful language.


Smile, praise others and face the world. Even if it doesn't affect anything, it doesn't matter. We can believe it and stick to it.


My speech is over, thank you!

演讲稿 篇3


Dear teachers and students


hello everyone!


It is my great honor to stand on this ordinary stage today and present my speech to all students and teachers. This is a solemn moment, and a moment worth tracing back and reflecting on my life, learning and thinking. Dante said in Divine Comedy that he had gone through hell and purgatory like tribulations, and finally came to the nirvana of life, that is, heaven. The Communist Party shines and guides every active and enterprising person with its heavenly glory. Since I was a child, I have always been determined to forge ahead. After the training and training of the Communist Party, I am finally going to leap over the purgatory step to heaven, and truly become a member of the CPC, a co prosperity organization. Looking back on my exploration of the Communist Party as the heaven gate, I can proudly say that I am worthy of being a member of this organization. Since becoming an active member of the Party in XX, I have been strict with myself as a full member.


First of all, in life, I firmly remember the ancient motto "Diligence and thrift are the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation". I live a frugal life, wear simple clothes, and never paint paint.


Secondly, in terms of learning, I firmly believe in the ancient saying "reading thousands of books, traveling thousands of miles". As a graduate student, I strictly require myself and actively cultivate my scientific research ability. In November 2009, I actively attended the "Second Regional Culture and Literature" seminar held in Chongqing Normal University, which benefited a lot. And has published an academic paper.


Thirdly, in terms of organization, I am very convinced of Mencius' saying that "music alone is not as good as music for all". I live in harmony with teachers, classmates and roommates, and enjoy together. As a class commentator, I carefully explored students' papers, and unreservedly put forward my own pertinent opinions, so that we can make common progress. Based on the above points, I hope that the Party organization can accept me and let me enter this paradise gate of the Communist Party. I will not be arrogant and impetuous, forge ahead, continue to carry forward my advantages and correct my shortcomings. Strive to be responsible for his identity as a Party member and for the title of "Party member".


After the presentation, thank you!

演讲稿大全 篇4


hello everyone!


Today is my 13th birthday. I am very happy. Thank you for coming to my birthday celebration in spite of your busy schedule. Your arrival is an honor for our family. Thank you for accompanying me through this wonderful and unforgettable moment.


In the past 13 years, with the care of my family, I had a happy childhood. Grandparents, grandmothers and grandfathers found happiness because of me; Mom and Dad found motivation because of me; I would like to take this opportunity to thank my parents who gave birth to me and raised me, as well as my grandparents who have always loved me. I would like to thank them for their meticulous care for me in the past 13 years. Without them, I would not be who I am today. I sincerely wish that grandparents and grandparents will live a long and healthy life and that parents will always laugh.


The age of 13 is a turning point in life. I will bid farewell to childishness and move towards maturity; Farewell to cowardice and move towards strength; Say goodbye to confusion and move towards the future. I would like to work with my classmates to encourage and give thanks, pursue dreams, share happiness, draw a beautiful picture of life, and give a satisfactory answer to teachers and parents.


Finally, I wish everyone here happiness and health! May the happy notes at today's birthday party bring happiness and good luck to all of you!


Thank you.

关于讲话稿 篇5









优秀演讲稿 篇6


Teachers and students:


good morning! The topic of my speech today is "Campus Safety Accompanies Us".


If life is a flower, then security is the green leaf that sets off the beauty; If life is a painting, then security is a painting brush to describe beauty; If life is a river, then security is to create a magical dam. Without security, our lives will fall, and it is impossible to walk through the ups and downs of life, let alone reach the peak of life's glory.


Campus safety is closely related to every teacher and student. We should always realize that safety work is not only a matter for principals and teachers, but also a matter that can be completed with a blackboard newspaper, an activity, and a class meeting. It is also an unshirkable responsibility for each of our students to do a good job in safety work.


In campus safety, there are more than 20 kinds of potential safety hazards involving student activities and learning, including food poisoning, sports injuries, network friendship safety, traffic accidents, drowning, hazards, etc. Among all kinds of safety accidents in China, school accidents account for a large proportion. It is understood that about 16000 students die of abnormal deaths every year in China, with an average of more than 40 students every day, which means that almost one class of students are "disappearing".


At present, there are many safety problems caused by deviations in thought, psychology and behavior among students, that is, mental health problems. For example, on December 7, 20XX, Li, a freshman in Xianyang, entered a boys' dormitory with a dagger because of emotional entanglement, and committed murder with a knife, killing one of the two students and injuring the other; On March 2, 20XX, Yu, a 24-year-old college student of XXXX College, tried to commit suicide by taking medicine at the school gate. In his suicide note, he said that he was "autistic, self abased, and willing to degenerate". One shocking example after another, one life as fresh as the morning sun lost its color instantly, giving a heavy blow to relatives and friends, and it also sounded a new security alarm for us.


So, in our daily study and life, how should we ensure our safety? I think the following aspects can be considered:


1、 At school.


1. Walk up and down the stairs slowly and quietly to the right.


2. Don't chase and fight in the hallway and classroom between classes.


3. Students are friendly and modest, live in harmony, and do not cause trouble.


4. In physical education class, activities should be carried out according to the teacher's requirements.


5. Be careful when using scissors, pencil sharpeners and other tools.


2、 On the way.


1. When you ride a bicycle, you should look left and right. You should not run a red light or ride fast. You should be extra careful when turning corners.


2. Do not play, run or play on the road.


3、 It's outside.


1. Do not go out without permission, do not listen to strangers, and prevent being kidnapped or abducted.


2. Do not swim or play in the river without permission to prevent drowning. Do not enter the game room or Internet cafe.


Finally, when you encounter something unpleasant, you should learn to vent reasonably. You can communicate with teachers and classmates, write diaries, run, etc., so that you can calm down slowly.


Students: One person is safe and the whole family is happy; Safety first, prevention first. When it comes to security, we must not be paralyzed or take chances. Therefore, please start from now on, start from yourself, establish security awareness, closely guard the security line, let the security alarm bell ring, and let the flower of life bloom!


Thank you!

分钟励志演讲稿 篇7


Dear teachers and students


As time goes by, I am now a junior, without the joy and confusion at the beginning of my freshman year, without the youth and tension of my freshman year, I am more calm and calm.


At the Youth University, we are all working hard. On the colorful stage, we are all working hard. I come from a remote mountain village. Perhaps because I was born and grew up in poverty, I can better understand the hardships of my parents, the sweat under the sun when giving, and the smile before the fruit when harvesting. My name is based on my parents' expectations. They hope that when I grow up, I can spread my wings and fly in my own ocean.


Indeed, difficulties temper life, and God is fair to everyone. He gave me strength and solved my suffering at the same time. I learned to be optimistic, to be confident, to forge a strong will, and to keep faith. What has always supported me is responsibility. I am not only myself, but also the son of my parents. So, I must work hard!


A year ago, after wiping away the tears of regret and easing the pain of the college entrance examination, I stepped on the northbound train and came to such a big family. I told myself at that time that when fate breaks the sail of hope, I can't despair, the other side is still there! When fate fades the beautiful petals, do not sink, the green leaves remain. No season can stop youth! This is a turning point in my life and another starting point. Here I can better understand the collective honor and cooperation. I have paid a lot and learned a lot. There are sour, sweet, bitter and astringent. The colorful taste fills my college life. Maybe years later, looking back, this is a shining star in my life memory.


Teachers, students, friends, always rainbow after wind and rain, always autumn fruit after spring flowers. He who sows with tears will reap with laughter. In the future, on the hard road, I will walk through desolation, decay and youth. I don't consider whether I can succeed. Since I have chosen the distance, I only care about hardships. I don't want to know whether it will be cold or rain behind me. Since the goal is the horizon, I can only leave the world with my back!


My speech is over, thank you!

演讲稿 篇8


Dear XX


What is dignity? Dignity means that people and things with human characteristics have due rights, and these rights are respected by other people and things with human characteristics. In short, dignity means that rights and personality are respected.


Tao Xingzhi, China's great educator and thinker, once said that those who want to respect others must respect themselves first. This sentence tells us that if we want others to respect us, we should first respect ourselves and have dignity. And a young man happened to fully interpret this famous saying.


A long time ago, in a vast and rich country, there was a beautiful and arrogant princess. Many young people proposed to her. So the princess said, "If anyone can stand in front of my window for a hundred nights, I will promise to marry him." People were overjoyed and rushed to the princess's window. However, they gave up after only a dozen nights. When people thought that no one would ever stand in front of the princess's window again, a young man stood there alone. People laughed at him and satirized him. The youth ignored him and he still stood there. Ten, twenty, thirty days later, the young man still stood there, rain or shine. People began to tease him with despicable means, but the young people still ignored him. Forty, fifty, and sixty days passed. One night, the heavy rain drenched him. The young man gritted his teeth, felt his bruised face, and stood still. Seventy days and eighty days later, people were moved by the youth, and the people who had mocked and teased him asked for his forgiveness. Ninety days, ninety-one days, ninety-two days, ninety-three days... Ninety nine days have passed, and the princess is looking at the young man from the gap in the curtain, thinking: Hang in there, I will marry you in another day. When people congratulated the young man, he walked out of the city step by step. People didn't understand. So someone chased him up and asked him, "You've stuck to it for 99 days. Why do you want to go now?" The young man said, "The ninety-nine days before, I gave it to love, but the hundredth day - just my dignity!"


Facing love and a superior life, the young man chose his dignity.


Thank you!

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