

时间:2022-10-22 12:59:16 | 来源:语文通



爱情那么短,遗忘那么长 篇1爱情独白 篇2暗恋,这一种不能说的痛 篇3那个我曾经爱过的男人 篇4

爱情那么短,遗忘那么长 篇1


"Yesterday, the sky was gray and blue, like a face that lost its memory, crying all the sadness of autumn. Walking under the wutong tree on campus, passers-by came and passed, and the world is not lonely without you." It would not be lonely if you could walk on the deserted road, without thinking or thinking, and sink into a kind of silence, letting time flow slowly from your shoulder.


Do you still remember the scene of walking along the street and campus together? Do you still remember the figure of the lecture at night? Remember those friends around us? A year later, these images have also disappeared. Farewell is a word that makes people afraid. Although there are so many pronouns to cover up, it still leaves a mark on our hearts.


As for you, I thought I could forget, but in fact, you are still in my heart. Every time I see your back, think of the food you used to like, and hear those familiar melodies, I still feel more sad than crying. That memory accompanied me through the green years and spent countless days and nights with me. It even made me fearless in the face of the "college entrance examination". The plain years are filled with happiness and fun because of you. Last night, I looked up at the sky and found that the purple star that had been with me had already fallen quietly, leaving a blank that seemed to be occupied by black instantly, and that void was slowly devouring everything.


fatalism! "There are too many feelings in the world. After gradual negation, they gradually lose blood in the shadow of time, leaving only a pale outline." As the song goes: 'Our love, I understand, will never come back...' After the college entrance examination, we each carried our bags and set foot on the departure station. With complex feelings, we said goodbye to each other and inadvertently left our memories and years on the other side. That memory fell into the torrent of time and was washed away.


I understand that when you love someone, the important thing is not to be with her, but to see her happy! I also know that I can't give you what you want, but as you can see, I have been working hard. Now I'm tired. I don't know where to go. I want to vent my grievances in my heart and clear away the mud blocking my heart. At night, when I walk on the winding path, what I step on, what I hear, and what I think in my heart are all lonely, overflowing my heart, making me unable to extricate myself. Once, I also wanted to forget, but this pain, how can forget so easily. I don't know what the future will be like, nor do I want to go through this unforgettable tragedy. I just want to be a person who applauds on the roadside until I meet another person.


I hope one day you can think of me;


I hope one day I can meet you again;


I hope one day

爱情独白 篇2


People, it is really easy to become vulnerable.


I think or I think too much. So I let myself lose my sense of propriety and panic.


Over the years, I have never felt the hardship step by step along the way.


Just because there is a strong force in my heart. Just because someone around me feels that I can rely on.


However, everything is fragile and fragile.


My love, clearly still, turned around to understand, to find themselves back.


I lost myself and thought I could face everything, stick to everything and be afraid of nothing.


But I lost myself. Always like this, always let yourself love regardless of everything, and then hurt regardless of everything.


I kept dreaming, crying, laughing, making myself sad and lonely.


I started again, started to be a neurotic woman, and started to make myself terminally ill all the time.


I used to be sunny, happy, happy, and not sad at some time.


I used to think that I followed this person. This person made me laugh, make me laugh, let me be capricious, and let me have no worries.


But finally one day I laughed, crazy, capricious, and fooled around, and finally I felt sad.


Or I have always been acting myself, playing my happiness, playing my happiness, and now I'm playing my sadness.


I don't listen to anyone's arrangement. I'm a director and an actor. I suspect that all this has always been a one-man play directed and acted by myself.


Who cares about my happiness and who cares about my sadness? But it's all my imagination. I imagined that he had always been good to me, and now he began to imagine his alienation and indifference.


Life is like this. Life is like a play. Everyone has his own part of the play, and then waved away. Then they live their own lives.


Your next play will be happy or sad. What does it have to do with me?


I always think that love is a wonderful thing, and it should always be happy. I always do the same. Keep me happy.


They said that such feelings did not quarrel, and when they broke out one day, they would be out of control.


I don't believe or think. I don't care, I don't listen.


I closed my ears to avoid all the noise. Because I believe, I believe in love.


Look, what a rich imagination I have. I imagine all the sadness coming to my face.


I imagine myself being swallowed up by loneliness.


I don't want to eat, drink, cry or laugh. Then a person quietly until death.


I want to learn to live alone, and then one person sad, one person happy.


I think I will never love, hate, be happy or hurt again.


In fact, I can live alone. I'm just so afraid of loneliness.


I'm afraid to eat alone, I'm afraid no one talks, I'm afraid to walk alone, I'm afraid to go shopping alone.


I'm afraid my left hand is empty, and my right hand is also empty. I'm really afraid. It's too easy to feel sad alone.


In fact, I'm just afraid of loneliness. Fear that the uneasiness will sink into the marrow.


His love is so much, so gentle and meticulous.


So I am afraid of losing, afraid of never getting, afraid that I can't bear it.


My heart aches so much, do you know?


I'm not fooling around, I'm just upset. But you don't know.


I just want to make sure that your love is still there.


All this may be my vexatiousness.

暗恋,这一种不能说的痛 篇3


It is natural to fall in love with her. But because of friendship, I have to hide this love in my heart. When I think of those beautiful prose descriptions that were torn by love, I used to sneer at them, but now I feel sad. In particular, secret love is an unspeakable pain.


When I fell in love with her, I only dared to look at her from afar because of my inferiority complex. On the one hand, I wanted to muster the courage to confess to her, on the other hand, I was afraid of being rejected by her. While hesitating, she became the girlfriend of a good friend. Watching her happy smile in front of her friends, her heart was torn. I blame my cowardice in my heart, but I should put on a happy expression on my face and say words of blessing on my mouth. At that moment, I really turned around and left to find a deserted corner to cry bitterly. I didn't want to continue pretending nothing had happened. However, I don't want to destroy their happiness at the moment, or let them find this secret love mood.


Mourning for the love that was mercilessly ended before it started, and hoping to forget her figure in the passage of time, but time failed to erase her existence, instead, it became more and more clear in my mind. When she broke up with her friend and went away with another man, she saw his sad face, and the wound that had not healed was torn again. He carefully hid his pain, comforted his friends, and cried when he was alone.


I really gave up. Since I have never left a place in her heart, continuing to love is just deceiving myself and pushing myself into a darker abyss. It's time to draw an end to this relationship that has no beginning but is doomed to end. I don't want to experience secret love any more, which is an unspeakable pain.

那个我曾经爱过的男人 篇4


If the past love is a gamble, I admit that I lost completely. If the past love is an entanglement, I have chosen to mature. If the past love is a memory, I will miss it in my own way. Just, please keep your promise, goodbye, that is, never see again. Don't blame me for my ruthlessness, don't hate my heartless feelings. Everything has changed. You are no longer the original you, I am no longer the original I, things have changed, can not return to the original point.


Looking at you standing there, familiar and remembered, you are still so handsome. This kind of you, I think, can be locked in the memory forever, without deliberately remembering or forgetting. With the precipitation of time, you will still exist in the deep memory. However, it was in this early spring, when the spring breeze was so steep, that you came into my sight again. Suddenly, the memory of you and your love were blown away in the cold cold February wind.


When I turned around, what kind of eyes and mentality did you use to judge me? Hate or blessing, repentance or despair, it has no meaning. I only know that when the car passes you, you are still standing there. You who once fell in love and said that you would never bother me again gradually became a vague shadow and could no longer be seen. But your lingering voice came to my ears, "I just came to see how you are doing." Good and bad are no longer important, are they?


As for your sudden appearance, I can only say that it is an irreparable mistake. Let the person who remains in the deep memory disappear with you. Maybe you should have been forgotten long ago, and don't leave a little place. Just because you were the man I wanted to protect with my life, just because we loved each other deeply. Living again does not mean you can forget the past and regret the present, but if you meet again, you will regret the present and forget the past completely. Because you in my memory are the man who keeps his promise and is responsible.


I once said that it is not my decision not to meet again in this life. I just want to keep a good memory and draw a perfect end to helpless love. But now, your obsession has given me the illusion that you have become a stranger and are no longer the nearly perfect man I loved deeply. Ignoring you and rejecting you do not mean that you are no longer in my heart, but now that you appear, the once you have gradually died in my heart.


If you have loved, please let go of your heart. If you have not loved, please let go of your hand and let each other have a new space. In the past 1000 days, you can still stand in front of me completely without me. Please ignore my existence and move on to give yourself a new life. In any case, you have come to my world, and I have gone through your world. It is better for you to understand, or not, because of this.

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