

时间:2022-10-26 13:03:51 | 来源:语文通



巫哲小说《撒野》读后感 篇1撒野读后感 篇2《撒野》读后感 篇3《撒野》读后感 篇4《撒野》读后感 篇5《撒野》读后感 篇6巫哲小说《撒野》读后感 篇7《撒野》读后感 篇8巫哲小说《撒野》读后感 篇9巫哲小说《撒野》读后感 篇10

巫哲小说《撒野》读后感 篇1


[Follow the light]

“我躲在断墙后面,偷看两个少年徒手摘光,星星映在了他们的眼底,光却撒在了我身上。” ——题记

"I hid behind the broken wall and peeped at the light picked by two teenagers with their bare hands. The stars reflected in their eyes, but the light scattered on me."—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article


This story is very ordinary, from the beginning to the end. But again and again they knock on my heart and take me away.


Jiang Cheng is a boy from a big city. He is a boy abandoned by his adoptive parents, standing at the railway station in a dilapidated town, and it seems that his feet are stepping on the void. Gu Fei, who carries the whole family at the age of 17, has an unreliable mother and an autistic sister. He always puts himself in a passive position without care.


This is a story of two teenagers who saved each other. They promised each other to be as brave as the other. There are many troubles in life, which make them breathless. But they believe that "full of hope will be invincible". The road ahead is foggy. They told me, "There is always a way if you keep walking.". It was the light seeping from the confused road. It was so bright and warm. Let all obstacles become poor. The light guides us, opens our eyes and walks forward. They accompanied each other and declared war on the world together.


It has no grand pattern and fantastic stories. It is a story of ordinary people. It calmly narrates the journey of two teenagers chasing the light, as if I could really find them in a small town. The truer, the more touching.


It is such a story that makes me find motivation and hope. The story was read again and again, but the harvest was still moving. Their life did not stop at the end of the book, but lived in my promising future. They broke the confusion for me, so that I have the courage to face the light, facing the light towards a bright future. They are like the glimmer of light from the disaster, which gives me the courage to grit my teeth to pursue. Cliffs and cliffs should be leveled for you.


However, the road is long and difficult, and there will always be defections in the middle of the road. But when thousands of times are about to fall to the ground, I will try to crush all the fears like a boy chasing the light. Walking forward, I think they will be the light I hold tightly in the palm of my hand in the endless darkness. The light is like blood, burning hot, and that is the burning dream of young people.


Follow the light and go farther.

撒野读后感 篇2


I don't remember who said: Classics are the lure of life. I have never been so devoted to reading any modern works, except for the four masterpieces. My child recommended this Wu Zhe's "Wild" to me, which made me fascinated by the delicate and rich feelings of a high school boy from beginning to end, and moved by the non mainstream feelings that are always together, clean and transparent, and sympathetic.


The subtle pains of the mind were drawn and touched by the two teenagers.


The language of the novel is clean, bright and concise. There is no wriggle and groan, but only a few daily words and trivial life. Although it is about the unusual BL that is not recognized by the society, it makes readers, whether he or she is of the same sex or of the opposite sex or bisexual, be touched by the boys' delicate feelings, and be touched by their young, simple, rough but frank temperament without any modification. From beginning to end, the words are full of youthful atmosphere, clean as bright sunshine.


The characters in the novel are vivid and vivid. Readers can find their own shadow, the shadow of friends, the shadow of classmates, the shadow of teachers or the shadow of their parents. I deeply experienced and understood many people and things that I could not understand and did not want to understand at that time. I also reviewed the history of high school once again.


Jiang Cheng, the academic bully in the novel, and Gu Fei, the academic scum, have an extraordinary life experience. They saved each other and loved each other, touching the readers.


It is precisely because of "Saye" that readers have a new understanding of Xueba. Xueba is not a cold learning machine, which keeps people away from thousands of miles. It is a kind young man with personality, tolerance, unbearable past, kindness, coldness, kindness and righteousness. The academic residue is no longer a laissez faire residue that people disdain, but a bright gold that is affectionate, righteous, loving, and responsible, and should not be silent. He has too much to bear and sort out because of too many distractions and responsibilities. He cannot be excellent, he cannot be outstanding, he deliberately drowns his talent, and silently carries the burden of life with his young and sexy shoulders.


The most impressive thing is that the young couple appreciated each other's appearance at the very beginning, which is exactly what they said: "It starts with appearance, falls into talent, and ends with character".


At the end, the author did not explain to the reader whether the two of them could finally be together and how they were together, but the reader was very relieved that the two teenagers would have a good future, which is certain.

《撒野》读后感 篇3


"I stood behind the broken wall and watched two teenagers pick up the light with their bare hands. The stars were printed on their eyes, but the light fell on me." This sentence is my favorite in the book. It describes a scene like this. It seems that the two teenagers are right in front of me, full of hope. It seems that there is no difficulty to defeat them. This section tells the story of the two teenagers redeeming each other. There is no too much gimmick, but I feel the truth. The flowers, brocade clusters and wanton scorching sun burst into my chest like a fire, burning me instantly.


In life, there are always experiences, and these various experiences are proof that you have lived. When I first read this book, I didn't have any emotion in my heart. I just thought that such a simple life was good. But later, I read the book again. The words in those words are filled with the same inexplicable feelings. Once again in a quiet afternoon, I read it word by word, and I saw the wonderful things I had never seen before. In those two teenagers, I found what I never had. The wind was too long and the light wind was green around the clouds. At that time, they were young. It may be that time passed too slowly, but when I looked back, I found that "it has been several years".


It was in that accidental afternoon that the two teenagers met because of Gu Miao, which opened a new chapter of their lives different from those of the past. Jiang Cheng said to Gu Fei, "He has been wandering for a long time. In this strange city, he rented a small house and struggled every day. Relying on him, he is not afraid of stepping backward.". Just like this, the two teenagers have been supporting each other, giving each other hope, and redeeming each other. In that strange city, the steel mill that gives a sense of security, the Fourth Middle School that is full of joy, those people, and those things, Jiang Cheng knows that this is what Gu Fei gave him. In this way, as an outsider, I read about the meeting of two teenagers. That summer, cicadas seemed particularly noisy, and the branches outside the window grew like crazy, as if they really had a dream. I understand "Sa Ye", and it seems that I can't understand it, but I understand that my feelings only increase when I read it again and again. I think I can go further with this. Go forward, even if the future is confused, but one day, you will find the right direction to go. It just takes time and patience.

《撒野》读后感 篇4


After reading "Sa Ye", my heart surges and I can't help thinking.


Saying Wild is an inspirational novel on the campus. I can't put it down after reading it over and over again. Every word touches my heart and engraves it in my mind. The shabby town, the old railway station, the sloppy high school life... the roadside stalls where Gu Fei and Jiang Cheng ate, the cement road where Gu Miao slipped, the pie shop of Wang Xu's family... The guitar, the two shining teenagers, one hope, one redemption, the two boys helped each other through the time. For each other, they are irreplaceable in their lives. In the darkest time of their lives, they light up the world for each other. They are both hope and salvation for each other. All these things make me intoxicated.


Saying Wild was written by Wu Zhe, the author of Jinjiang Literature City. He tells the story of two teenagers redeeming each other and growing up together. Wild girls often say: "I can't learn to see Brother Cheng, I can't live to think about Feifei.". Their story is full of twists and turns and confusion. The story begins when Jiang Cheng is sent to his father by his adoptive parents. At the dilapidated railway station, he meets Gu Fei. With his own efforts, he stands out from the steel mill and the small broken city and is admitted to the National People's Congress; Gu Fei, who lives in a single parent family, witnessed his father's death when he was four or five years old, and his sister Gu Miao was also suffering from autism. He carried his family with his childish shoulders. Jiang Cheng, in his most painful time, entered his life and became his salvation.


In this book, what touched me most was Jiang Cheng's helplessness when Li Baoguo jumped from a building, his neighbors' remarks, and Gu Fei's tenderness. Li Baoguo, Jiang Cheng's father, finally committed suicide by jumping from a building in front of Jiang Cheng, ending his less dazzling and gloomy life. In the environment of the steel plant, we are also full of powerlessness about Li Baoguo's death. The author said that it was the bravest scene of Li Baoguo, but it was just a person who jumped. When there was no trace in his after dinner pastime, it was meaningless. What he brought to Jiang Cheng was far greater than the so-called bravery.


After reading, what I love is their perseverance of not fearing pain and forging ahead. They are just like the residual light from thousands of disasters, which makes people willing to rush wherever they are, even if they shed blood and tears.


"Jiang" is connected with "generals", and "Cheng" is "salvation"; "Gu" means "turning back", and "flying" means "accident". Together, they are "I will be the salvation of your unexpected return".


The story of these two teenagers, they saved each other, but they also saved me from the mud. There are many ups and downs on the way of growing up. But it was because of them that I overcame difficulties, which was a surprise on the road of my life. No one's life will always be perfect, but no matter when you look ahead, you will be invincible with hope.


That day, I hid behind the broken wall and watched two teenagers pick up the stars with their bare hands. The stars lay in their hands and the light spilled in my eyes. They ran wild in front of them, and I looked at them from behind.


I think you can give me a simple hug when you raise your head to warm the spring grass; I think you will hear when you open your eyes after stepping on the confusion and passing the time; I think, you are on the left shoulder and smile on the right shoulder; I think, in your eyes, running wild; I think, a look, until old.


"I will be here when you want to look back; I will be here when you are homesick; I will be here when you need me; I will stand as long as you can." Some people have never waited for such a person in their life. Glad to see Gu Fei waiting for Chiang Cheng, I met them.

《撒野》读后感 篇5


"If I step into the air, I will fly." This is a lyric describing the empty imagination of Gu Fei, the hero.


Saying Wild is a campus inspirational novel, which tells us exactly what we have encountered and experienced in our study and life. Wu Zhe, the author, once said that she wanted to write a real life portrayal of high school students, so she wrote The Wild.


The story takes place in a small economically backward city of Anshan Steel Works. Jiang Cheng, a senior high school student, is retired by an adopted family and sent back to his biological father by his adoptive mother. Jiang Cheng's father likes to drink and gamble... Jiang Cheng's father does all those improper things. Every time Chiang Cheng came home, he could see his father beaten by a group of people. Once again, he rushed to help his father, but his cowardly father once again discouraged him. This was Chiang Cheng's own family, oppressed and living in fear of debt collection every day.


But he met his classmate Gu Fei. Gu Fei is a prick. He can fight and smoke. But Chiang Cheng became good friends with him. In Gu Fei's words, it was the dawn of Chiang Cheng that made him come back. They are good brothers who live for each other. Although the family is not beautiful, they smile because of each other.


What I remember most about the whole book is the story of Jiang Cheng meeting Gu Fei at the bridgehead. Jiang Cheng was going to walk around after supper that evening. When he reached the bridge, he saw Gu Fei. Gu Fei, with his back to him and a camera in his hand, "clicked" at the sunset scene and shot Jiang Cong coming in the face. I can imagine that picture: Jiang Cheng in the camera is facing the light, his mouth is slightly raised, and his eyes are full of hope. Just like the letter in the article: "Go together, go further!"


At the end of "Sanye", there is a saying that "no one's life will always be perfect, but no matter when you look ahead, you will be invincible with hope."

《撒野》读后感 篇6


After carefully tasting a famous book, I believe that everyone has accumulated their own reading experience. It is important to record it. Let's write a reading experience together. Do you really know how to write your impressions? The following is the review of "Savage the Wild" compiled by Xiao Bian. You are welcome to use it for reference. I hope it will be helpful to you.


You said one two three, breaking the past—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article


I want to have you on my left shoulder and smile on my right shoulder. The book "Wild" tells the story of two boys, Jiang Cheng and Gu Fei, redeeming each other.


Neither of them has a good family. Chiang Cheng was adopted from an early age, and his family did not like him very much when he was adopted. Finally, in his sophomore year of senior high school, he knew that he was adopted and returned to his native family. However, his native family was very bad. His father was a gambler and a drunkard, and his brother was also a little gangster. Not only that, but his native family also valued sons over daughters. Therefore, the only kind woman in the family, Jiang Cheng's sister-in-law, was also beaten repeatedly.


Gu Fei, because his father was an alcoholic, was often beaten up with his mother and his sister when he was young. Until he was five years old, his father was drowned. However, there were rumors that he killed his father. His sister Gu Miao also became quiet and only played skateboards because of the video when she was a child. And his mother did not care about their brother and sister.


It happened to be fate. They went to the same high school and were at the same table. Because Jiang Cheng had saved Gu Miao just once before, they soon got acquainted with each other and learned about each other's experience. Those who had the same experience became each other's salvation and the only light in each other's poor life.


They not only saved each other, but also the readers. Thank you, Saye.

巫哲小说《撒野》读后感 篇7


[Growing up in Reading]


"Books are the ladder of human progress", which means that human progress cannot be separated from books. Books provide mankind with a lot of knowledge wealth and rich life experience.


Recently, I read a novel called "Wild". My first reaction when I saw the name was that the hero must be rebellious and rebellious, and it must be a counterexample in life! After reading, I found that I had made a big mistake. The book tells the story of two boys growing up together and saving together. The hero Jiang Cheng, who has been living in a big city, was suddenly told that he was adopted and retired to the dilapidated steel factory where his father lived. Another hero, Gu Fei, takes care of both his "crazy" mother and his silent sister. Just because of an encounter at the station, the fate gears of the two people were mixed together.


Xueba Jiang Cheng's school now has poor teaching quality, and some of the test questions are not as difficult as before. He is worried about the decline of his grades, so he entrusted his good brother Pan Zhi in the city to send him the test papers from the school. As a reader, I watched Jiang Cheng learn late. Jiang Cheng in the book does not have the aura of learning hegemony. It does not mean that the author will become a learning bully if he writes casually, and he will become the first in the school. Instead, he studies as hard as us, or even harder than us. Gu Fei's mother is a little "crazy" because of her husband's domestic violence and death. She has to fall in love every day, even if cheated by others. In order to fall in love, she sometimes takes money from the convenience store at home. His sister Gu doesn't like to talk, or even say that she doesn't talk. I think Gu Fei's role in front of her sister is not only that of brother, but also that of mother and father. In order to let his sister go to school better, Gu Fei should take care of the business of the convenience store and prevent his mother from taking money again. He also skips classes from time to time to become a photographer, takes photos of some costume models, and further refines drawings when he gets home, sometimes staying up late. In him, I saw an unprecedented maturity of a senior high school student, who was more like a small adult.


Here, I want to say: "People who are better than us are still working hard, and we have no qualifications not to work hard!" Don't say it's too hard or too tired. It is inevitable to encounter some small things in life. Don't be afraid. Believe in yourself, and one day you will cross this threshold.


Think about Jiang Cheng when you can't learn, and think about Gu Fei when you can't live. We will find the power to move forward!

《撒野》读后感 篇8


Is there a book that makes you suddenly enlightened after reading? Is there a book that makes your heart warm after reading? Is there a book that you can read with hope? My answer is: Yes. This book is called "Sa Ye".


What did you think of when you saw the title of "Wild"? Whether they are free or unbridled... Being wild is a light and a salvation. In this world, there are several people who can run wild, but they did it.


This book tells about Jiang Cheng, an excellent student, who was returned to his father by his adoptive father. From big cities to small cities, Chiang Cheng's father was a violent gambler. He also had an unreasonable brother. But in this darkness, Chiang Cheng met his light, Gu Fei. Gu Fei is similar to Jiang Cheng. Gu Fei has a loving brain mother, an autistic sister, and his father is also violent. He fell into the river and died when he was very young. After they met, they became the light of each other, and finally became the spiritual prop for each other to live.


Jiang Cheng said, "No one's life will always be perfect, but full of hope, it will be invincible."


In today's society, there are also many people who have been complaining that their lives are not perfect, but few people will really work hard to live. Most people will only complain and can't have great ambitions. They will be satisfied if they get a little achievement, and they will give up if it is difficult. However, there are still people who are full of hope. They are willing to try all kinds of things, and they are willing to overcome for important people. They are so brave.


Before reading this book, I, like those people, would give up when things were too difficult. When I finished reading this book, I learned a truth. I should dare to try everything. If I encounter problems, I should try to do it bravely, and maybe I will succeed. But remember one thing, no matter whether you succeed or not, you should be hopeful and persistent.


Few people really run wild, but they do. I also want to be like them. I can run wild freely here, and don't lose my way while I'm free.

巫哲小说《撒野》读后感 篇9


I hid behind the broken wall and peeped at the light picked by two teenagers with their bare hands. The stars reflected in their eyes, but the light spilled on me.




This is the beginning of the story.


Jiang Cheng was forced to find his own father to come to this strange city. The young man was oppressed by his new depression, which made him breathless. Because he found Gu Miao lost at the station, he got to know Gu Fei, a young steel factory boy.


The appearance of the boy brings light to the boy, and the existence of the boy also becomes the salvation of the boy.


Gu Feisheng is in the steel factory. The twisted family has fettered his wings, which is also the cage he can not escape. For his sister Gu Miao, he can only carry the whole family at an age when he should have enjoyed himself. It was not until Jiang Cheng's arrival that he gradually realized that he was not alone.


The article is simple, without too ornate words, without ups and downs of the plot, but it makes people think a lot.


When I pick up the pen, I can see the shining boy with a guitar, the boy who is still struggling for his dream at two o'clock in the morning, and the autistic girl who hides her heart at a young age.


The afternoon sun shines on the paper. It is not only the warm sunshine that reminds me of my memories, but also the long memories that make me feel the sunshine as warm as yesterday. "Gu Fei, follow the light." Yes, like this, follow the light. After reading the article again and again, the surprise and touch only increased, so that at the moment of writing, every word about the book hit my mind: the dirty and noisy railway station, the dilapidated town, the desk full of information, the guitar, the two shining teenagers.


Maybe there is no Gu Fei in the Fourth Middle School, or Jiang Cheng in the NPC. Although they are paper people with fake names, they become an indelible light source at every moment when I can't help myself. I have seen such a sentence on NetEase Cloud: "Jiang" exchanged false information and "will"; "Cheng" is "save", save, redeem; "Gu" means turning back; "Flying" means "accident", so it means "I will be your salvation when you turn back unexpectedly".


I think if they didn't meet each other, they would have been wrapped in thick darkness and would never be free. So thank fate; Thanks for the first meeting at the railway station; Thanks for the basketball game; Thank Gu Fei for waving goodbye to the "dangerous building hurdles"; Thank Jiang Cheng for holding a slingshot on the rooftop where he hunted in the evening wind that night; Thank Jiang Chengbei for his company during the college entrance examination; Thanks for a look, a hug, a heartfelt word under the warm sun spring grass, which makes the past more confused and painful become sloppy. I watched Gu Fei give up himself but never give up his elder brother Cheng. I watched Jiang Cheng never lose himself even when he was abandoned and then degenerate. I watched them full of confidence and pride, firm and innocent, warm and pure, and the most romantic and touching.


This unexpected encounter, laughter and tears, bitter and sweet, every bit of those in the No. 4 Middle School and the rental house, is a memory that can not be separated. It is the most fortunate lamp that I have on my way forward, gathered into the eventful years that only belong to them and only belong to "The Wild". Jiang Cheng and Gu Fei made me think of a sentence written by Wang Xiaobo: "When I fight against the eternal, you are my flag." I think these two big boys, who will always run wild in each other's youth and future, will also be the only strong armor of each other. This power will enable them to overcome difficulties and overcome difficulties and have a bright future in front of the light.


I may have understood the meaning of "act wildly". It is probably that you are the one I look up and open my eyes and close my eyes. No matter what, you will be beside me. This is the reason why I act wildly.


I think you can give me a simple hug when you raise your head to warm the spring grass


I think you will hear when you open your eyes after stepping through the confusion


I think you are on the left shoulder and smile on the right shoulder


I think, in your eyes, running wild


I think, one look will make you old

巫哲小说《撒野》读后感 篇10


Every part of the land and every house we live in are made of nameless steel and cement. They surrender to furnaces and roaring machines and turn into dangerous buildings and relics decades later.


Aside from the real background of the "Wild" -- Anshan


A city I have never been to. With my imagination, I tried to build a remote town full of heavy industrial atmosphere. Without the prosperity of the city, it is surrounded by the roaring of iron and steel giants: the project will not continue until half of the construction is completed, the recycling and non recycling trash cans will be treated equally with numb eyes, and the disorderly bicycles will be placed in front of the shabby small restaurants Even now, when I record these words with a calm mind, the first impression of this city on me is still unclear.


And the story unfolds in such a quagmire, with yellow plum eyebrows and two teenagers.


Perhaps the first reaction of "Wild" is a strong sense of impact. It is different from the traditional silly white sweet campus novels. This is a story without white shirts.


Jiang Cheng's experience makes it easy for me to think of Chen Shanni's "Broken Man". He was frightened and helpless. He used his intuition to break into this city where he would never have any intersection with him in his life.


Being prickly is his normal way to protect himself. Being arrogant and unruly is his full understanding of previous life. The terrible thing is never that a person has been in the dark all the time, but that when he steps forward, one foot steps into the air. He wanted to fly, but his wings were not as fearless as the indifferent expression on his face. He had never been deprived of his wings, but they had just grown a few faint feathers.


Fall, body and heart fall together, and no one seems willing to focus on the juvenile before people hear a loud "Pa". And he is far from a person who can really care less about family relations, and he is far less powerful than we have always imagined. He was just a seventeen year old when he said "Brother Cheng is everywhere".


Time has never been a poet. It has gone through countless dull or vigorous lives with a calmness beyond people's imagination. There is no strange and tortuous arrangement for fate, but only a strong perception of one soul to another.


Gu Fei, a young man who also lives in this city, a young man who has been crawling in this mud since he was born, and a young man who wears chains on his hands and feet and is tightly bound to this city, appeared in front of him in unexpected ways.


Fortunately, the novel is a novel at last, so that they still seem to be out of tune with the city in such a dark color. And as we look at all this: college students, new workers, curtilage men and corrupt women, or senior three candidates like me. It seems that the intersection between us and Jiang Cheng is only ugly, and the intersection between us and Gu Fei is only a troubling score. In fact, it sounds very funny, or we always try to smooth the gloom with practical jokes.


The first time they met was not easy. Tobacco and fists were intertwined in their lives. When they bravely reach out their hands again and again to hit those who hinder them to the ground, they are like two slowly crawling hedgehogs who find their companions. In order to protect the hidden secrets and guard the softest belly, the edge was magnified to the extreme.


"I hope we can be as brave as each other." This sentence was recorded in the English notebook in the earthworm like typeface of Brother Cheng, and I suddenly remembered the words said by Yukio Mishima: "When you see a rabbit, you say it's lovely, and when you see a lion, you say it's terrible. You don't know how they bleed and love each other on a stormy night."


It was Chiang Cheng who took the first step.


When he faltered and asked, "Are you...?" Shi was not a simple question. For the first time in this cold city, he reached out to explore. He took off all the covers to face his eyes. He was also worried, but there was a young man who was different from his age. On that day, Gu Fei didn't say anything, but they were afraid that their feet were no longer as empty as before. A small land slowly extended, allowing them to find a little comfort in the bone chilling wind.


That night, the night they indulged for the first time, the young body burst out in the simple house, the wind and cloud could not speak, and there was only a vague breath in the world.


Later, they got together, and the sentence "I will always like you until you no longer need me to like you" slowly walked through countless landscapes with life. Their later life was dull and full, and their dependence on each other and redemption became more and more intense with the passage of time.

那个令人闻风丧胆的钢厂小霸王会在不被人看到的角落里把头抵在蒋丞肩窝里撒叫般的说到:“丞哥,要抱抱”。而习惯了用尖锐武装自己的蒋丞同样会时不时掐着顾飞飞的腰,一边称赞他的腿好看一边说些dirty talk。他们在一起经历了篮球赛,一起担起照顾顾淼的责任,一起吃着每一顿平凡而温暖的早餐,同样,在无数个夜晚一起相拥,入眠。.。

The cowardly little overlord of the steel mill would put his head on Jiang Cheng's shoulder in an unseen corner and shout, "Brother Cheng, embrace me". Jiang Cheng, who is used to arming himself with sharp weapons, also pinches Gu Feifei's waist from time to time, praising his good legs and saying something about DIRTY TALK. They experienced basketball games together, took the responsibility of taking care of Gu Miao, ate every ordinary and warm breakfast together, and also hugged each other and slept together for countless nights.


If we can say when the feelings between the two people had a qualitative sublimation, I think it was roughly the moment when Gu Fei crossed dangerous buildings. He saw what he had now and what he wanted to protect now. He was no longer Gu Fei, who didn't want to kill him before, but a young man who was determined to wave goodbye to everything in the past.


At the same time, Jiang Cheng hid in the dark corridor. When he saw the slightly lit screen, he raised his mouth and said, "Brother Cheng is everywhere."


The boy ran between chaos and ruins, and it seemed that he was very relieved because of this sentence. When Gu Fei leaped in the air, Jiang Cheng held the slingshot and hit every obstacle in front of his loved ones accurately. As the saying goes: "When you are tired, lie down. I will be everywhere for you." The wind lifted the corner of Gu Fei's coat. It was the clear air unique to a young man. He was not afraid of the distance between buildings and the ferocity in the dark. He made perfect dives again and again. He ran wild in the eyes of Brother Cheng hidden in the corner. With a unique accompaniment, the song slowly sounded in my mind:


"I just missed


I'm about to fly


I'm confused


I heard you say down


The world is empty

你说一二三 打碎了过往 消亡

You said one, two, three broke the past

有风吹 破了的归途

A windblown journey home


Did you see me singing

你说一二三 转身

You said one, two, three, turn around


You hear the flurry erased


I want to raise my head to warm spring grass


You give me a simple hug


I want to step through the confusion


Open your eyes and you'll hear


I want your smile on your left shoulder


I want to run wild in your eyes


I think one look will make me old... "


Gu Fei lost the game and won a heart that had been swaying for many years and finally eased down. More importantly, he won another soul who was always behind him and watched him run wild.

相比于现实,我想顾飞和蒋丞在某些方面是幸运的。或许是因为原生家庭过于糟糕的缘故以至于他们都能够自己做出抉择,也因此少了许多向家庭解释自己性取向的口舌。不过我更希望的是,这个世界上可以从来没有什么圈子的说法:gay圈,宅圈,腐圈。.。. ,有的其实只不过是个人的选择。

Compared with reality, I think Gu Fei and Jiang Cheng are lucky in some aspects. Perhaps it is because the original family is so bad that they can make their own choices, and therefore there is less talk to explain their sexual orientation to the family. But what I hope more is that there can never be any circle in the world: GAY circle, house circle, corruption circle, Some are just personal choices.


But in fact, without the trouble of coming out to the family, the real pressure they face is still so cruel, and they are still so impressive when they face the dawn before transformation.


In the third year of senior high school, they are only one hundred days away from the college entrance examination.


Jiang Cheng has his own clear goals, but he is also afraid that Gu Fei will still struggle in this quagmire when he leaves this quagmire after the college entrance examination. He knew that Gu Fei was helpless. He was such an excellent, bright and shining person, but the shackles the city brought to him were too heavy.


The restless sister, childish mother, and high living expenses and medical expenses fell on the shoulders of the 18-year-old boy. He didn't want to leave, but he was in a dilemma.


During that period of preparing for the exam, Gu Fei stopped his impatience. During the model exams, when Jiang Cheng was surprised at his progress, he proudly said, "Because I review with you every day, boyfriend."


Perhaps it is because I am also facing the college entrance examination today. When there are only fifty days left before the baptism of life, I always see such words to replace myself. I also believe that everyone who has experienced the college entrance examination has felt that the college entrance examination is really a battlefield without gunpowder smoke, and Jiang Cheng's contestant, holding the bayonet sharpened by his lover, walked towards the flames of war without hesitation and embarked on the journey without hesitation.


At the moment when I saw their achievements, my heart was also jumping violently. I dare not turn my fingers to the next page to see the results of the two. Perhaps such behavior comes from the goodwill hidden in my heart. I dare not think about how the following story will go if Jiang Cheng fails to achieve a good result. I also want to see Gu Fei's extraordinary performance with a little hope left. When I had to turn to the next page, all the dust settled.




This is their college entrance examination scores, 245 points apart, spanning more than 600 kilometers.


In the summer vacation that year, the sun was shining, and the future road seemed more and more clear. The blueprint they built was very warm. It seems that life will be peaceful and happy, and everything will go well.


They did it again and again during that holiday, and they worked hard to leave their own marks on each other, because they knew that separation was right in front of them.


And the story after that may make many people sigh with emotion. For the first time, Gu Fei walked out of the city that has always bound him. He accompanied his beloved on a journey to a foreign land. But he also knew that he did not belong here, and his hands pulled him back to the land he was familiar with. Their meeting became more and more precious, and the time they could catch each other's figure in their eyes became less and less. The cold mobile phone screen became the only bridge between them in daily contact.


Maybe God is not willing to let our life be dull and boring. He throws a huge stone on the basis that everyone is troubled by worries, leaving us no room for breathing.


When Jiang Cheng returned to the town after a rare holiday, he not only welcomed Gu Fei's embrace, but also Gu Miao's cold eyes. The look in his eyes was like a knife deep into his heart.


Of course, the game carefully arranged by God is far from over. Those hot and vigorous things are all hidden in the sea floor, mixed with numb sediment, and slowly submerged.


Gu Fei finally broke out under the pressure of nearly 20 years. He looked at the man he loved most because he was getting thinner and tired on the clean and beautiful face on the screen. He suddenly realized that he could no longer drag Jiang Cheng down. Without himself, he will have a better life. Without himself, he can go further.


So goodbye, Brother Cheng, this time I broke the contract; Goodbye, Brother Cheng, you are really the one I love most in my life; However, goodbye, Brother Cheng. Gu Feifei really can't hold on this time.


A phone call broke Jiang Cheng's peaceful campus life:


"Brother Cheng, forget it."


Without any warning or precaution, Gu Fei disappeared into his life. He did not know the reason or the direction. The person who said he would always love him suddenly disappeared. Suddenly, he became a person, a helpless person. Swelling eyes, unkempt hair, and hoarse voice covered the boy in an instant. The world without Gu Fei is not the world.


On the mobile phone, WeChat, Jiang Cheng tried all the contact information countless times, but only the numb electronic female voice said sorry again and again to him.


However, in accordance with the principle of BE eating razor blades, the author greatly reintroduces the relationship between them, and Gu Miao is an opportunity. As it is written in the book, Jiang Cheng made efforts again and again for Gu Miao's illness, but when he returned to the city with his party to visit Gu Miao, he found Gu Fei lying in his rented house. Yes, even if it is not because of Gu Miao, they will still be together. Gu Fei, who closely fits this room, is the best proof.


During the period of separation, Gu Fei never missed Jiang Cheng. He stepped into the room to smell Jiang Cheng's breath. He looked at the sofa and bed board in an attempt to find the happiness they shared. He wanted to feel the warmth of each other in every corner of the room.


He was also afraid of walking alone; In his world, there can be no shortage of Chiang Cheng. I like you and want to fall in love with you just because that person is you.


With the improvement of Gu Miao's condition, their emotional accumulation broke out again. Jiang Cheng beat Gu Fei's body and shouted, "You said you would like it until I don't need you to like it." Gu Fei changed his usual ruffian temperament and let Jiang Cheng's fist fall on him. "Brother Cheng, I'm sorry." After a deep embrace, the years are safe, everything returns to calm, and the two wandering souls find their place again. This time, they will never be separated.


All difficulties and dangers will be faced together from now on. In the years to come, no matter how magnificent or peaceful, I will only run wild in your eyes.


They walked on the grassland to watch the herds of horses and sheep. They watched Ermiao open his heart little by little. They enjoyed archery and promised to marry with a bottle of liquor. They sang praises of every bright star under the night sky.


There is only one Gu Fei in the world, and there is also only one Jiang Cheng in the world. Their meeting, knowing, loving and staying together are recorded in our minds. I was very lucky to read such words during the college entrance examination. He gave me a driving force to move forward. Every one of us who may not have their experience is also worth remembering, and I hope that we can finally find our own Jiang Cheng or Gu Fei.


I want to run wild in your eyes


I want to look at you until you are old.


The story ended quietly, but the wonderful life continued.

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