

时间:2022-10-27 13:02:21 | 来源:语文通



秋季《开学第一课》在线观后感300字 篇1《开学第一课》观后感400字 篇2《开学第一课》观后感300字 篇3秋季《开学第一课》在线观后感400字 篇4秋季开学第一课观后感400字 篇5

秋季《开学第一课》在线观后感300字 篇1


Today is the first day of school. The teacher asked us to watch the First Lesson, which is also a must see on the first day of each semester. What impressed me most in 2017's program was the magical Chinese characters.


Chinese characters have a history of more than 4000 years. Professor Wang Ning, who studies Chinese characters, told us about oracle bone inscriptions thousands of years ago. For example, the word "straight" is represented by a figure in oracle bone inscriptions, which means to look at something with your eyes. It also demonstrates the evolution and thinking of Chinese characters. I think it's amazing. I think Chinese characters, like a river, flow through our pen tips, and like beautiful flowers, open in front of us.


I also like the robot show. It can play the piano, isn't it very good? What's more, the robot beat the human in 52 seconds to 54 seconds when it compared the speed of the "Wild Bee Flying" with the human. It's amazing.


The first lesson taught me a lot about Chinese traditional culture, the origin of Chinese characters, the invention of Go, the development of science and technology, etc. I really feel that I have benefited a lot. As primary school students, we should start from now, bit by bit, just like Grandpa Xu Yuanchong, a 96 year old famous translator, to bring Chinese culture to the world.

《开学第一课》观后感400字 篇2


20_ The year was destined to be an extraordinary year. Previously, the large-scale public service program "The First Lesson of School" jointly organized by the Ministry of Education and CCTV was successfully recorded in Wuhan. Now it has finally aired, and the theme is "". Although the students seem to have more homework after reading, I believe that this will not become a burden in any case. Why? Because such a class with a sense of the times and educational significance, less watching is equal to missing a knowledge point to improve the height of life.


The first lesson at the beginning of school has aroused a warm response from the audience all over the country since it was broadcasted for the first time, so this program is also called "the most excellent lesson in history". In the years to come, the First Lesson at the Beginning of the School will witness with the primary and secondary school students all over the country the curtain of extraordinary social significance with different themes. It not only enables children to cultivate the habit of paying attention to practical matters, but also cultivate their healthy personality. It is not difficult to find that many students will resist the learning methods in the classroom. The First Lesson brings students' thinking to the classroom, but in fact, the knowledge points it spreads are still there. These knowledge points in the classroom can just enrich students' knowledge, which is of great help to the learning in the classroom. In other words, the First Lesson at the Beginning of School is equivalent to the transformation of education from classroom to off class, and the educational significance of this model is actually faster than that in the classroom.

《开学第一课》观后感300字 篇3


It's time to meet the new challenges of the new semester. The most anticipated and the most eye-catching thing on this day is the broadcast of the First Lesson. This is designed specifically for the characteristics of primary and middle school students. It plays an important educational role for primary and middle school students. I also sat in front of the TV early and looked forward to the broadcast of the program.


The theme of the first lesson at the beginning of this year is: it has a good guiding and educational role for us who have just finished the winter vacation, and the theme of the program every year is to focus on the hot topic of current events and promote the positive energy spirit.


With the host's passionate speech, the program drew down the curtain. In these two short hours, I have seen the hard and great development of the Party, and also realized how hard it is to make our country prosperous and prosperous! This painting is deeply engraved in my heart when I see the heroic martyrdom of our ancestors, who put aside their children's personal feelings and continued to defend their country.


Although the First Lesson at the Beginning of School is over, I can't calm down for a long time. This lesson teaches me that as the successor of the motherland in the future, I should inherit and develop the dauntless spirit of our ancestors, shoulder the sense of mission given by history, and show the style and value of the successor. Work hard to live up to Shaohua, and make contributions to the future development of our motherland!

秋季《开学第一课》在线观后感400字 篇4


At 8:00 p.m. on September 4, my mother and I sat in front of the TV with excitement and watched the first lesson of school.


The first section talks about "patriotism" and the origin of the national anthem. The national anthem was composed by Mr. Tian Han and Mr. Nie Er during the Anti Japanese War. There is another story in "Building our new Great Wall with our flesh and blood". What they said is that the Japanese soldiers blew a hole in the Great Wall with their cannons, and soldiers immediately poured in from all directions. They kept attacking on the gap of the Great Wall, so that the enemy could not move forward. Many soldiers blocked the enemy's attack with their own bodies, and built a new Great Wall with blood and flesh. This paragraph is not made up, but a real story. Let's pay tribute to these dead soldiers!


This lesson also tells the story of the Left Right General. This story tells that Zuoquan went to the front to fight against Japan and was far away from his hometown, but he wrote to his family whenever he was free. One day, when the troops were defeated and were retreating, General Zuoquan walked in the rear of the troops, and the enemy shells hit the rear of the troops, General Zuoquan died. He was the most senior general who died on the battlefield, and I was moved to tears.


The characters mentioned in the first lesson are heroes. Let's remember the history and let these heroes live in people's hearts forever. I also learned a truth: "If you are weak, you will be beaten". I must study hard in the future, grow up and become a talent, so that the motherland will become stronger!

秋季开学第一课观后感400字 篇5


At 8:00 this evening, I sat in front of the TV and waited for the first lesson of the school to be broadcasted. In fact, before the broadcast, I always felt that the program must not be good. The program started. It was amazing. It was beyond my expectation. The theme of the First Lesson at the Beginning of School was "Beauty is beside you".


In the four classes watching the whole program, we explained the beauty of exploration, creation, transmission and harmony. I not only saw sister Liu Yang, the first beauty in space, but also heard brother Yao Ming's feelings about protecting animals. When I heard sister Jiao Liuyang, the Olympic champion, talking about her experience of working hard at ordinary times, I was very moved. Just like my mother said, I would panic if I didn't work hard at ordinary times! In the whole process of watching, I not only heard many stories about beauty, but also beautiful music; What touched me most was Uncle Wu Bin, the bus driver. Uncle Wu was really great. He was able to stand up to the pain and save so many lives bravely in such an emergency; Uncle Wu is an ordinary man, but he is also the most beautiful uncle.


As Uncle Liu Dacheng said, music comes from life. Wherever there is sound, there will be musical instruments. I feel that beauty comes from life. As long as you observe it carefully, you will find that beauty is actually around you.

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