

时间:2022-11-03 13:11:42 | 来源:语文通



小学生写环保作文 篇1小学生环保作文400字 篇2小学生环保作文 篇3小学生环保作文400字 篇4小学生环保作文400字 篇5小学生写环保作文 篇6小学生环保作文400字 篇7小学生环保作文 篇8小学生写环保作文 篇9小学生写环保作文 篇10

小学生写环保作文 篇1


When you see that tall and straight tree, are you shocked by its boldness? When you see beautiful flowers, are you fascinated by its charming beauty; When you see clear streams, are you dragged by their purity. All this is so beautiful and peaceful.


But one day, the devil came, and the big tree was cut down by the cold and ruthless axe, leaving only short stumps and stumps. The birds were homeless, and the beautiful faces of the flowers failed to withstand the disaster. They were left flat and built many tall buildings; The pure and flawless brook was occupied by the evil sewage. There was garbage everywhere. People walked away with their noses covered. Who made this originally vibrant and beautiful scene become like this? The culprit was human beings. They mercilessly led the machine team to leave traces on Mother Earth, which made her breathless.


Let's take action! Planting more trees will leave green forests for future generations. Trees can not only resist sandstorms, but also provide oxygen for people; The sewage shall be treated to make it pure water for human use; We can reduce white waste pollution as much as possible, do not use disposable items, and communicate with each other, so that people have a sense of environmental protection, and call together for "everyone has a responsibility to protect the environment", leaving a blue sky for future generations.

小学生环保作文400字 篇2


environment protection Many people think that environmental protection should be handed over to cleaners, but these people are wrong. Environmental protection is something that every citizen should do. If only cleaners do it, then there will be more garbage that they haven't cleaned up. We should imagine that garbage will be piled up all over the floor. When the earth stinks and stinks, will you be as happy as you are now?


In the past, the earth was fragrant and full of flowers. Sometimes you can see small shrimps and fish swimming happily in the clear river. But now garbage is everywhere. People throw away plastic bags and walk away as if nothing happened. The river is full of garbage. The small fish and shrimp that used to swim happily in the water have moved. When people passed the river, they quickly ran away with their noses covered. They often said, "This river is very smelly. You should leave here quickly!", I want to ask you, what qualifications do you have to comment on this river?, Isn't it because you don't protect the environment that this river stinks?


Usually, there are some faucets that have not been turned off everywhere, and the water is flowing noisily. If someone can turn off the faucet in time at this time to stop the water flowing out, it will reduce the problem of water cutoff and make every household use water normally. Turn off the TV and other power supplies in time at night, which will save a lot of electricity.


Environmental protection is actually a simple thing. As long as you are willing to do it, you can save money. Start with us!

小学生环保作文 篇3


Today I want to discuss with you one of the problems in environmental protection - water conservation.


Water is the milk of the earth and the source of our life. Now, we can't do without water, hydropower, domestic water, agricultural production... all of these need water. In the past, people thought that water was inexhaustible, but in fact, that was not the case, and water was limited. Now because we abuse and pollute water, water shortage has occurred in all corners of the world. Therefore, saving water has become an urgent matter that must be paid attention to.


For many years, the depletion of water has not been an empty promise, but something has happened: due to deforestation, the water level has dropped, and more than 72 springs in Jinan have stopped spraying water, making Jinan, the "Spring City", a famous place. It has been decades since the river under the Lugou Bridge in Beijing dried up... decades ago, what a big number it is, shouldn't these things deserve our attention?


Save water, benefit the country and the people. We should start from ourselves, from around us, and from everyone! Every drop of water is hard won. If everyone wastes a drop of water, the whole world will waste billions of drops of water, and a big river can be formed every year! So we should save water and not pollute it, not only for the present, but also for the green mountains and clear water!

小学生环保作文400字 篇4









小学生环保作文400字 篇5


In our daily life, the living environment is very important. But in daily life, people do not attach great importance to environmental protection.


For example, our surrounding environment. In the lawn behind our area, there are many flowers. But in the lawn, there are also people who throw garbage and pile waste paper. In summer, there are many mosquitoes and flies flying around, which not only affects the image of the community, but also pollutes the environment. It is bad for society and our health, and it also destroys the earth.


In order to make our environment beautiful and not hurt. Many old people came to clean the streets and green the lawn. They go out and return early every day, and do whatever it takes to make the country green. However, those who do not care about the environment still want to destroy it. We must do a good job in ideological work for those who do not care about the environment and let them get rid of their bad habits as early as possible.


On our way to school, there are also many teams of students littering. For example, some students throw snack bags outside the school gate, while others throw folded paper airplanes at random, or even throw them into the school along the wall. These behaviors not only affect the school again and again, but also bring trouble to the students who are on duty every morning. At the school meeting, the teacher exhorted and persuaded again and again, but some students did not listen, but continued to destroy the environment and shorten the life of the earth.

小学生写环保作文 篇6


In recent years, people have been calling for environmental protection, hoping to make our life better.


On one occasion, my mother and I went to the supermarket to buy things. After shopping, the supermarket used to send plastic bags, but today they are gone. My mother and I were very confused and asked, "Didn't you always send plastic bags?" The salesperson said: "Now the country does not provide it. We should use environment-friendly bags, which can be reused, pollution-free and more environmentally friendly." My mother and I nodded.


Look! Environmental protection is actually in such a trivial matter. In fact, environmental protection is around us.


According to relevant data, more than 420 billion tons of sewage in the world is discharged into rivers every year, polluting 5 to 5 trillion tons of fresh water. What do you think of when you see these alarming data? Yes, this is the end of human destruction of the environment, and this is the punishment of nature to human beings! Environmental protection activities have been carried out for several years. Some people take them seriously and take an active part in them? On the surface, it sounds good. What should we take an active part in? It's all a lie. Even a napkin is thrown around. Is it environmental protection? I want to tell you that even if you don't think about yourself, you should also think about your descendants. Do you want your descendants to live in garbage? If you don't want to, act quickly!

小学生环保作文400字 篇7


Earth - our mother, when I saw you with many scars and tears, I was also sad, but quietly, I felt that my strength was small, but now that I have grown up, I also have my strength, so I started the long journey to protect the earth from me.

一、 多与朋友、同学、父母交流关于环保的重要性,坚决于破坏环境的现象作斗争。

1、 Communicate with friends, classmates and parents about the importance of environmental protection, and fight against the phenomenon of environmental destruction.

二、 节约每一滴水,节约每一度电,节约每一张纸,节约每一粒粮食……

2、 Save every drop of water, save every kilowatt hour of electricity, save every piece of paper, save every grain of food

三、 不乱丢垃圾,不用塑料包装袋,多使用可循环再利用的物品,去超市督促爸爸妈妈使用环保袋。

3、 Do not litter, do not use plastic bags, use more recyclable items, go to the supermarket to urge parents to use environmentally friendly bags.

四、 保护每一棵花草树木,保护动物,不随意践踏草坪。

4、 Protect every flower and tree, protect animals, and do not trample on the lawn at will.


Although my personal strength is small, the strength of everyone working together to protect the environment is immeasurable. So let's join hands to protect our Earth Mother, just as we love our dear mother!


Although the content is very simple, in my opinion, my daughter writes with a master's attitude. In her world, she may only know that the earth is as lovely, respectable and dependent as her mother. Therefore, she uses her mind to give the same concept to environmental protection and growth. And she did it in her real life! A very diligent childlike innocence is also related to environmental protection!

小学生环保作文 篇8


Baiyun cried because his clothes were dyed black by the factory; The little tree cried because people saw its value; Xiaoyu cried, because it was originally sweet rain, but now it has become sour rain that everyone hates... In addition, there is also a sandstorm nearby laughing, because it will soon be grand.


A thousand years ago, it was a place where trees flourished, but now it has become a happy place for the sands. The streets and alleys are filled with the smell of gasoline from the back of the car. People walked away with their noses covered and kept saying, "Too dirty! Too dirty!" In fact, it is not the human being but the earth that should complain most. Poor human beings, pathetic human beings, they do not know that they are the ones behind all this.


Once, astronauts saw our beautiful blue mother star - Earth on the spaceship. Now, who dares to say that the earth is still as blue and clear as ever? The gray sky, the coming of acid rain, crazy floods, laughing sandstorms, the gradual extinction of rare animals... Who dares to say that these are all false?


The reality is in front of us. The only thing we can do is to protect the environment. Otherwise, the last drop of water on the earth will be human tears. Humans, love the environment!

小学生写环保作文 篇9


The eternal topic of "green environmental protection" enables us to better understand the importance of environmental protection.


Green environment is to let us live happily in a clean environment. However, the environment around us is deteriorating. If we don't ring the alarm bell again, our motherland will be in a mess in our hands! Green environmental protection starts from me. My father used to drive his private car when he went to work. After listening to my advice, he should protect the environment. He has started to ride a bike now. He thinks it not only exercises his body, but also contributes to the green environment.


My mother has also started to make contributions to the green environment. She used to buy vegetables at the vegetable market with plastic bags. After the green publicity of the community on TV, she learned that green environment is sustainable, so that we can have a better environment. In order to make our lives healthier, my mother went to the vegetable market every day with her own basket instead of plastic bags from that moment on.


As a junior high school student in the new era, I also want to respond to the call for green environmental protection. I used to use disposable chopsticks in school, but now I will bring chopsticks to school myself. I think that although this is a small matter, I have done my part.


Happy life makes everyone on the land of China brimming with happy smiles, rich products, long history, noble quality and plot environment. Now, the environment has been polluted. Let's start with green environmental protection. Let's protect the environment together!

小学生写环保作文 篇10


This month, our school carried out an activity - green countryside, energy conservation and environmental protection. In fact, our family has already carried out a series of environmental protection actions.


In summer, there are many mosquitoes, so we can't help using mosquito repellent incense. If every family uses mosquito repellent incense, how much mosquito repellent incense will be used in a summer? In fact, mosquito repellent incense is low toxic, which seriously pollutes the air quality, leaving our safety unprotected. Therefore, we use mosquito nets at home.


In winter, people can't help but use air conditioners and hot stoves, and turn the air conditioners on and the hot stoves on vigorously. In fact, the carbon dioxide emitted by air conditioners and hot stoves seriously pollutes the earth's environment, and wastes a lot of electric resources. In winter, we never use air conditioners and rarely use hot stoves.


There is also garbage classification. People always like littering and do not pay attention to garbage classification. And our family has always classified the garbage well, throwing away what should be thrown away and recycling what can be recycled. For example, drink bottles, papers, cartons, etc. will be collected together to sell money, so that my pocket money will be available. It is really killing two birds with one stone.


Low carbon life is actually that simple. Let's take action like me to make our life better and let the fresh air fill every corner of the world.

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