

时间:2022-11-03 13:16:29 | 来源:语文通



快乐的六一日记 篇1快乐的六一日记 篇2快乐的六一优秀日记 篇3快乐的六一日记 篇4快乐的六一日记 篇5快乐的六一日记 篇6快乐的六一日记 篇7快乐的六一日记50多字 篇8快乐的六一日记 篇9

快乐的六一日记 篇1


After breakfast today, I finished playing table tennis in the swimming pool. I went back to the community to participate in the International Children's Day activity. I played with the hoop and tied three items. I was so happy. I wish that every day would be Children's Day 365 days a year. So there would be a buffet every day and gifts every day!


After lunch, I went to the Farmer's Paradise with my good friends brother Hang Feng and brother Xiaoxiao. I like water bowling best. I used to dare not sit down, but now I dare to sit down. As long as three people go in the same direction, they will not fall down. Three people go in different directions, they will fall down. If the ball is not soft, it will fall into a dog eating mud.


We also played the "air column" in the experience area, where there are fixed handrails. I think it is much easier. I can challenge myself to succeed without my father's help.


In the Farmer's Paradise, my father saw a peach tree and went to pick it. People almost fell into the river, but the peach was delicious.


Then, we went to catch a small fish. The fish was very lively. When we saw you coming, we immediately ran away. Dad helped us catch some and take them away.


We left the Farmer's Paradise and drove to Tangqi Loquat Garden to pick loquats. Loquats are fragrant, sweet and delicious. The owner told us that the more ugly the loquats look, the better they taste. However, some of them are bad and can't be eaten.

快乐的六一日记 篇2


Today is International Children's Day. Our school has organized a large-scale "flea" market.


The teacher told us that we can buy it in our own class or in other classes.


I wandered left and right, but I couldn't find my favorite things. I haven't seen Class 196, so I went here to have a look there and finally saw my favorite beautiful sheep doll. I hurried over and asked, "How much is it?"? The little boss said, "Five yuan.". I thought to myself. It's too expensive. By the way, I can bargain. I said: Two yuan is OK? " No! " The little boss said angrily. I asked again: Where is three yuan? '' He thought for a moment and said, "All right.". I'm glad I bought it for only three yuan.


Next, it's time to buy the second one, I think. Come to our class. I asked the little boss of my class. The little boss said that when he bought a book, he would give him a rabbit or a magic ruler. So I bought the bedtime story book and got an auspicious rabbit. I spent only nine yuan altogether.


I am so happy today! Because I had a happy and meaningful International Children's Day! And learned to bargain?

快乐的六一优秀日记 篇3


Today is the International Children's Day on June 1, and the school will let the students show their skills on the stage.


The Chinese teacher selected three male students in our class, took me, two other male students and twelve female students to the stage.


At first, I thought we only had to perform once, but unexpectedly, we performed twice. The second boy said to me, "Just for practice." I also know that during rehearsal, the No. 2 boy said to me, "You skate too fast, and we can't catch up with Ben." On the stage, I left them behind just as I did in rehearsal, and boys No. 2 and No. 3 did not want to be outdone.


After the performance, a large group of students in our class surrounded the three boys like a swarm, and we were forced to "have no way out" by them, so we could only let them play with our scooters. An actress said to me, "It seems that your scooter is quite popular." I replied proudly, "Of course."


When I got home, my mother bought me many gifts and promised to buy me binoculars and magnifying glasses!

快乐的六一日记 篇4


The annual "June 1" Children's Day has finally arrived. I have been looking forward to it for a long time.


In order to get up early the next day, I went to bed at 8 o'clock the night before. Unexpectedly, I woke up at 5 o'clock the next morning and couldn't sleep any more. After getting up, I quickly brushed my teeth and washed my face. I ate my breakfast in three bites and waited for the time to go to school. As soon as I entered the school, I saw a big title hanging on the rostrum, "Celebrating Children's Day on June 1". At this time, the students continued to sit in their class seats. After a while, we came to our class's textbook play "You must let go of this fish", in which I played a lively and lovely fish. It's time for us to enter the stage. Our little fish's delicate body is writhing gently in the lake. The performance was successful, and there was thunderous applause from the audience. I was very happy. Then, the girls in Class 2, Grade 2 and their elder brother in Grade 4 danced Latin together. Their dancing is beautiful and infectious, which is really gratifying. The last program was the dance "Jasmine Flowers", which made me unforgettable for a long time. Their dancing moves were so elegant, and their footsteps were so light, which made me intoxicated.


This year's "June 1" Children's Day I really enjoyed it!

快乐的六一日记 篇5


When the June Day came, our school organized to go to the cinema to watch the performance. The small audience wore school uniforms and red scarves, some with fluorescent sticks, some with red flags, and some with blow sticks. They lined up in a neat line and set out for the cinema. Walking into the cinema, the kind lights shine on the stage. It's beautiful!


The program began. The first program was poetry recitation of "Songs for Teachers". Brothers and sisters stood on the stage and recited with deep feelings. The audience listened quietly and enjoyed the wonderful poetry. The second program is the dance "Big schoolbag". The children in grade one are dancing with the music with big schoolbags on their backs. After the performance, the audience broke into thunderous applause. Next, I performed Little Flowers in the Army. In order to let us perform this program well, the teacher spent a lot of effort. I was secretly nervous. Would I dance better than the actor just now? We walked out with a military salute in the rhythm of music. We formed a circle on the stage and waved flags. We danced very carefully. Several uncles and aunts took photos for us. After the performance, the audience was so excited that they stood up and applauded.


The performance ended, and the audience reluctantly left. But my heart is still very excited. It's really a happy June Day!

快乐的六一日记 篇6


Today is Saturday. I went to find my good friend Ding Wenjie to do my homework (in fact, I went to play with him). We have made an appointment since Thursday. When we got to his house, he played with his mobile phone and watched watermelon videos. We thought it was boring and wanted to play outside. So we went outside to light a fire and fry things in a pan. We decided to fry eggs. We moved bricks and looked for firewood. A lighter started a fire. It took only three minutes. A strong smell of eggs came out, and the smell came to my face. I asked Ding Wenjie to turn the eggs over with chopsticks. He really turned over. A drop of oil jumped on his face, and he cried loudly, making me laugh! Everybody, be careful when playing with fire!

快乐的六一日记 篇7

今天,我们过了一个快乐的六一儿童节,你们觉得快乐吗?我觉的很快乐,但也很累,因为我今天早上上前三节课的时候和李金秋、赵家乐、龙晨阳、刘士源在小操场上晒了半天,我们都快变成“非洲人”了! 尤其是我和李金秋,真是太累了,因为打过下课铃后差不多各个班级都来看我们班的作品了,我们的桌子上原本摆放着整齐的成长记录册、世界地球日手抄报、树木和鸟类的小报。.。.。.,可是这些东西都被来参观的大哥哥、大姐姐搞乱了。.。.。.。最可恶的是赵家乐、龙晨阳、刘士源他们三个竟然在旁边袖手旁观!

Today, we had a happy International Children's Day. Do you feel happy? I feel very happy, but also very tired, because I spent half a day in the small playground with Li Jinqiu, Zhao Jiale, Long Chenyang and Liu Shiyuan when I went to the first three classes this morning. We are almost "Africans"! Li Jinqiu and I, in particular, were really tired because almost all classes came to see our class's works after the bell rang. On our desk were neat growth records, world Earth Day hand copied newspapers, and tabloids of trees and birds, But these things were confused by the big brother and sister who came to visit. The most hateful thing is that Zhao Jiale, Long Chenyang and Liu Shiyuan are standing by and watching!


However, we had a very happy afternoon! When I got to the classroom, I saw Liu Shiyuan standing next to Miss Yang, so I also stood next to Liu Shiyuan. After a while, I saw some of them running down hurriedly, so I ran down with them. When I got down, I saw that they were all crowded at the door of the multimedia classroom, so I looked inside. Wow! All the dancers in our class put on makeup inside. After they finished making up, they looked like a group of "ghosts". I was very nervous when I went to the show in the afternoon, but I didn't feel nervous at all when I came on stage. We performed twice in the first grade, because the leaders thought our performance in the first grade was very good, so let's perform again.


Ah! Today is really an interesting day!

快乐的六一日记50多字 篇8


Today is Children's Day. Although the temperature is very high, we can see cheerful children and adults everywhere.


On the street, there are children who eat while walking with balloons in one hand and snacks in the other; There are also elder brothers and sisters who hold their carefully selected gifts and trot behind their parents. The park is full of excited people, and almost all the amusement projects are lined up. The people coming out of the shopping mall are full of big bags and small bags, and the people rushing in rush to the store. People seem to have forgotten the "SARS" that once had a great impact on us. "SARS" reduced our laughter. It was the Children's Day of June 1 that brought us laughter and laughter. Even adults seem to have returned to childhood.

快乐的六一日记 篇9


Just after the tenth anniversary of the school, we are celebrating the Children's Day. This festival can make my life tense and full. Although it was raining outside, there was a tense atmosphere in the classroom.


The band played music full of festive atmosphere, which was just for our festival. The sound of music is inspiring. Allegro has also become a popular dance. What about popular dance? It is more unique. "I am a tiger when I go up the mountain, a dragon when I go down to the sea, and a great hero in the world..." The martial arts performance is great. The sound of stamping feet seems to be stamping in people's hearts, very loud and rhythmic. All the programs were very wonderful, and they were greeted with thunderous applause.


Next, class performance. Many parents sat on the stage, stuttering even when the host spoke. The first program is the one I want to appear on the stage. My heart suddenly burned like a monkey's butt, jumping and jumping, always like the sea, only waves, no calm time. The essence extracted after several twists and turns must not be wasted at this golden moment, and must be performed well! "... There is a dragon in the far east, its name is China..." I was not afraid to sing here, so I dared to sing the song "Descendants of the Dragon". After singing this song, there were bursts of applause before we sat down. I'm very happy.

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