

时间:2022-11-05 12:52:12 | 来源:语文通



包容议论文 篇1包容议论文 篇2包容议论文 篇3

包容议论文 篇1


In the Beijing spirit, there is a very important spirit called tolerance, but what is tolerance? Tolerance is a gentle sentence after being misunderstood by others. Tolerance is a kind of crystallization of kindness and a kind of precipitation of humanity.


I remember that day, I went to my grandmother's house. After I wrote some homework, I felt my hands were sore. I decided to play the watermelon cutting game on my friend's Apple tablet computer to relax my wrist. While playing, I felt my legs numb and stood up, but it didn't matter. The computer on my leg fell to the ground. Surprised, I quickly squatted down to check whether it was broken, but when I pressed the emergency switch key, the computer did not respond. I was shocked, right? What can I do? This is not my own computer. Will she forgive me? What should we do! I was so worried that I immediately called her: "Hello, is it Xiaoyue? I accidentally broke your computer. I'm really sorry - I checked some information about the repair shop and hope it can be of use -" "Don't say anything, it's OK, just fix it. This computer has broken before, it's normal, it's OK."


Sometimes, a simple sentence doesn't matter. It can often resolve the estrangement among friends. Anyway, it is useless to complain about what has happened. Why not mend the friendship?

包容议论文 篇2


When you climb to the top of the mountain, look up at the sky and down at the sea, you will feel that the whole person is inclusive.


Mountains are inclusive. Mountain ah! You rise and fall continuously. The dense trees are your hair, the bright lakes are your eyes, the singing of birds is your voice, whether it is weeds or ancient trees, whether it is tits or larks, whether it is fine springs or waterfalls, you accept them with a broad mind.


Father is a mountain, with a mountain like tolerance. Zhu Ziqing's father tolerated his son's juvenile frivolity; Washington's father tolerated his son's mischief; My father, however, tolerated my rebellious behavior, my cold eye, my childishness and ridiculousness. Thank you for embracing my father in obscurity.


The sky is tolerant. God! Your color is so gentle and pure. The white clouds like gauze are your dress, and the rainbow of seven colors is your hair band.


Whether it's a drizzle or a pouring rain, whether it's a breeze or a strong wind, whether it's a clear sky or a dark cloud, you've contained them with your love.


Mother is heaven, with a love as inclusive as heaven. Shi Tiesheng's mother did not abandon her son after he became a disabled person, nor did she beat, scold or complain about him. Instead, she was full of love and strength. She pushed her son to the Ditan for a walk, and she encouraged him not to be pessimistic and disappointed. Without her, how could Shi Tiesheng get rid of his misery and start a new life? Similarly, my mother also uses her love to contain my capriciousness and my moodiness. Thank you for containing my mother with love.


The sea is inclusive. Sea! You are vast and you can accommodate hundreds of rivers. The vortex is your smile, and the wave is your laughter. Whether shrimp or whale, whether microwave or waves, whether boat or aircraft carrier, you have accepted them magnanimously.


The teacher is the sea, with a tolerant heart like the sea. A teacher's erudition is like the sea, and a teacher is the sea of boats. Maybe we are a little stupid, maybe we are a little naughty, maybe we love to cause trouble, but the teacher is always teaching people tirelessly, making us feel like a spring breeze. Thank you, our teacher.


The mountain is so high, the sky is so far, and the sea is so deep. And I, so small, was included in it. I don't know how to thank you, mountains, sky and sea!

包容议论文 篇3


In cold winter, the north wind is blowing, and it hurts like a knife on your face. In such weather, no one should want to go out, let alone stay still in the snow. Two soldiers were sent to patrol. They wanted to lie down in the snow and use binoculars to observe the situation around. One of the soldiers felt bored, lay down in the snow and smoked cigarettes, and built a snowman nearby. The soldier next to him didn't patrol carefully, and he often glanced at him with his eyes. He kept wondering why he could do this? Why doesn't he work hard? He always thinks so. He can't work at ease. However, if he can tolerate each other, things may not be like this.


It is courage in behavior to be selfless and act bravely. It is courage in the soul to forgive others' mistakes and face up to your own mistakes. Courage in mind is more difficult than courage in behavior, just as it is more difficult to defeat oneself than to defeat others. But learning to be brave in mind is the real hero.


During a war waged by the United States, Jerry was a member of the US Marine Corps. In a patrol case, his unit was raided by the enemy. Jerry left the team due to injury and was pursued by the enemy. He fled in a hurry under the cover of the jungle, running and running without a road. There is only a retracted suspension bridge ahead. Jerry felt a panic that his life was going to end. At this time, an enemy boy appeared at the other end of the suspension bridge. "Raise the gun and force him to put down the drawbridge, damn it!" Jerry thought of a plan, but before he raised his gun, the boy put down the drawbridge. Without much time to think, Jerry rushed to the boy immediately. He approached the boy, still holding his gun. The boy trembled with fear, just saying, "I want you to live!" Jerry seemed to see his brother praying for himself... Later, Jerry was sent back because of his injury, but he learned tolerance because of the boy's release.


Tolerance is not weakness, nor shameful, but a kind of courage. Compared with these, what are our daily little frictions and bumps? What are we so intolerant of? Don't we even have the courage? Learn tolerance, learn courage!

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