

时间:2022-11-07 13:13:58 | 来源:语文通



《文化苦旅》读后感 篇1文化苦旅读后感600字 篇2《文化苦旅》读后感 篇3《文化苦旅》读后感 篇4《文化苦旅》读后感 篇5《文化苦旅》读后感 篇6

《文化苦旅》读后感 篇1


Perhaps, this is an era when the pace is too fast. It takes only a few hours to travel between two cities. The contact between relatives and friends is just a touch of telephone video. We forget the long journey just to meet one person's full expectation, forget the satisfaction of receiving letters and seeing familiar handwriting, leaving only impetuous, impetuous, and that sentence, true or false or perfunctory: I miss you!


Seeing that Gu Zhenguan, in order to save his friend who was exiled from Ningguta as soon as possible, went around begging for help and wrote a letter to his friend who was far away. This piece of "Golden Witch" really earned my tears!


Send it to Chaning Ancient Pagoda in Wu and Han Dynasties, and use words instead of letters. In the winter of the third day, there are thousands of Buddhist temples in the capital.


Is Ji Zi safe? I will return and do everything in my life. I can look back! Who comforts and borrows from the leisurely journey? The poor son of his mother's hometown is young. I can't remember the previous glass of wine. Charm should be used to beating people, and always lose him. Ice and snow revolve for a long time.


Tear stains should not be seen through. How many can be enough if you are still alive? It is less likely to be a lady than a lady. Only the blockade, bitter cold. Bao Xu has undertaken a promise for 20 years and hopes that Aconitum and Ma Jiao will eventually save each other. If you buy this package, you should bear your sleeves.


I have also been wandering for a long time. Over the past ten years, I have been deeply indebted to my teachers and friends. In the old days, it was not honor to be famous. Let's see Du Ling's emaciation. Once there was no reduction, Yelang finished his work. I said goodbye to my bosom friend and asked if life was bleak? I hate you very much.


I was Ding Chou when I was born at the end of my life. For some time, the ice and frost destroyed the willow trees. From now on, Ci Fu should be done less and kept together. I hope so, Heqing Life Insurance Co., Ltd. Returning to Japan, I quickly turned over the draft and passed on the empty name cuisine. Words are endless.


To salute such friendship!

文化苦旅读后感600字 篇2


All the feelings of the author in the book cannot be generalized, but among all the feelings, I feel lonely. The article itself is not deceptive. In "Mogao Grottoes", Mogao Grottoes are gradually forgotten from prosperity. "The whole picture is full of elation, which can only be attributed to the Tang Dynasty." To "the Mogao Grottoes in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, there is not much to remember." It is the brilliance and loneliness of culture. Those who do not know how to cherish culture will eventually be spurned and forgotten, but the culture disappears in loneliness, leaving only debris, and no one hears the author's regret about culture.


"I would urge you to drink more wine. There is no old friend in the west." The famous lines of "Yang Guan" no longer appear. The poets in Yang Guan are lonely. The peak of culture in those years has become desolate in front of us. There are fewer and fewer poets going out of Yangguan in the west, and Yangguan is finally a ruin. The author can't bear to let Yangguan continue to be lonely. In the Hangzhou Declaration, Bai Juyi and Su Shi were demoted. People had no idea of the existence of great poets. In their loneliness, they built the Su and Bai dikes that are still prosperous today.


Breakthrough in Huangzhou, the treatment of celebrities. Su Dongpo's excellence makes people jealous and alienated. Apart from Shudan, Li Ding, Wang Wei and Li Yizhi, who are narrow-minded, let former best friend Shen Kuo leave him. Su Dongpo once lived half his life for his friends. When his friends left him at the most frustrated time, they had to say that Dongpo's later brilliant achievements began in Huangzhou and were born in loneliness.


As far as the article is concerned, many people in history can not escape from loneliness when they have made great achievements. If a person wants to get something, he must pay something. In "Cultural Journey", I experienced a sense of helplessness. The lonely journey made Yu Qiuyu taste the real culture, the real "bitterness". I don't know whether the author is in such a mood to create this article, but my heart has received this loneliness.


Maybe the next time I read "Cultural Journey", I will get a different mood and have a different view. But this is the process of searching in the book.

《文化苦旅》读后感 篇3


I still can't imagine how these exiles came to the prison like Ningguta - what kind of expression did they have? With what kind of mood? can make nothing of it. Maybe they were just small parts on a huge machine for the emperor. When they broke down, they removed a large piece for processing, and then replaced it with a new one, saving even inspection.


In this way, many parts were lost on the way to the dump.


How heartless this is! Unfortunately, they can no longer go back to the big factory in the distance, and can only let the past drift away like smoke.


However, these exiles, like a creator, have re established order in the wilderness. These expelled people seem to have come to their own "Peach Blossom Garden". They use all their knowledge to teach the local "aborigines". Everyone is committed to creating their own "Peach Blossom Garden". The enemy is no longer the enemy, but a partner fighting side by side.


A live "Wu Zhaoqian's Redemption" was also staged in Ninggu Pagoda. The people who were destined to die in a foreign country had true friends and returned home. Facing the distance from the ends of the earth to the cape, the sincere friendship connects the two people and adds a sense of affection to the local aborigines.


For these people, exile is a failure. Because this will undoubtedly strangle their promising future in their dreams. But this exile is meaningful. They are ashes, spreading the fire of civilization. With white bones as the pillar, flesh and blood as the brick, wisdom as the paint, and diligence as the tile, they built a real tower of order here. They are the cave under the cliff, the rose among thorns, and the oasis in the desert, praying for every bit of beauty in the endless suffering.

《文化苦旅》读后感 篇4


Typhoon comes in the cold night, and frost falls in the corner of the wall. This historical style is neither arrogant nor cold, everything is silent and indifferent, and looks desolate in the seemingly calm. Following Mr. Yu Qiuyu's footsteps, I became more and more bookish. I wonder if you are well in Tianyi Pavilion.


The destiny of culture is intertwined. You remember a young scholar named Fan Qin who enriched you and covered you with the fragrance of writing. At that moment, you will have life, a breath of life from the depths of the soul, jumping ceaselessly. Perhaps, this is the power of books. They are immortal through the ages. They can tell you countless gratitude, resentment and spiritual charm in the world with seemingly merciless words. Even though all the breath in the world has gone with the wind, the words can still remain in the world forever, and can be passed down through the ages.


However, the ruthless and fragile civilization was torn apart and scattered all over the place, just as Teacher Yu Qiuyu cried in his book: "God, have mercy on China and its culture!"


You are just a single, confused looking at the distance, as if waiting for your master, waiting for your lost memories and traces of hundreds of years. You remember everything silently. It seems that you were the real you and the most beautiful you at that time. A generation of cultural conscience is being awakened, thinking about the true meaning of your existence.


And you seem to be crying.


Tianyi Pavilion!


The bitterness of history, accompanied by tears, hovers in your empty attic. Time cannot last forever. Here is full of humiliation and struggle, and here is full of sorrow and Chinese mourning. Here is finally retained by virtue of the spirit and charm of hundreds of years. Let me ask you what the evidence of your existence is. Perhaps the evidence of your existence is in the long river of history, in the books that have gone nowhere, and in the eyes of the Fan family that have been full of hope for generations. Gently step up your weather beaten stairs. I wonder if you, Tianyi Pavilion, will remember the scholar named Fan Qin?


Let your thoughts fly freely in the wind and rain! Maybe this is your liberation in this life.


Because you have already forgotten the sadness precipitated in the history.

《文化苦旅》读后感 篇5


The book collection worries is another unique article in the anthology. There is no person or thing to write. What I write is a book, which is the author's own mood. In my opinion, although it is a "cultural journey", and it has come all the way to write about people and things, after all, it can not be without this article.


The role of books in cultural inheritance is self-evident. To some extent, most of the cultural inheritance is completed by books. Some people write books, that is, some people buy books, read books, of course, more people are collecting books. The so-called "collection of books" is probably not to hide them from others, but to protect them well. I am very disgusted. Many people, who treat books as objects, come and go at will. When reading a book, he bends corners and looks at it while eating. Before he can finish reading it himself, the book is incomplete and dirty. To be bookish is like making friends. Treat books as friends, respect and care. You should be as sincere as making friends. Mr. Yu's worry is that he can't hide books. One worry is that friends borrow from time to time and often forget to return. It is difficult to urge. The second worry is how to "hide" your books when you can no longer protect them all the time. The third worry is that I still have such a collection of books. Isn't it more difficult to hide more good books. I don't have any books, just like to collect some books. Mr. Yu's worry also made me think about how to hide the book! Presumably, the world of reading, book lovers, are bound to escape this worry!


I followed Mr. Yu along the way. Looking back on this journey, I found it a little bitter. Perhaps, only when we understand the bitterness, can we better understand the sweetness. Only a hard journey can we really understand what culture is.

《文化苦旅》读后感 篇6


The newspaper said that my writing was simple and unrestrained, but in fact, that was not the case at all. It is a kind of hard work that I can't bear. I feel that I am getting older as soon as I write. No matter whether it is warm in spring and cool in autumn, or great joy and great sorrow and indignation, I must close my eyes and calm my heart, and return to the indifference of history and the severity of reason. " This is the preface of Professor Yu Qiuyu in the Cultural Journey.


It is no wonder that reading this book should be slow and detailed. The thinking in this book is very much what people think and see. I still remember his "Stormy Sky Pavilion". I was alone, no! A family bears the fate of sticking to a library. Fan Qin left a library in the vast China until now. There are other book collectors, and there are also books, but within a few generations, historical storms buried them. However, Fan's Tianyi Pavilion remained, depending on what it was, perseverance and firmness, or, as Yu Qiuyu said, "the willpower that transcends morale, hobbies, talents, and even time." Where is this willpower body now? He once rudely contradicted Guo Xun, a powerful imperial relative. He was beaten by the imperial court and sent to prison for this. He seemed to show no mercy. He was upright in his official career, and even the power traitor Yan Shi could not help him. "A successful bibliophile is at least a strong person in personality." Yu Qiuyu concluded there.


After seeing this, we should reflect on it. If we were born in that era, would we be like Fan Qin as a bibliophile? I don't think so. Fan Chin's perseverance, at first glance, is inhuman. Let's come. It's difficult! We are teachers, we can't teach students without willpower, but how many can we really do? Who gets up in the face of setbacks? For what? This is not exactly what we should think about.

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