

时间:2022-11-07 13:14:00 | 来源:语文通



孔子观后感 篇1孔子观后感 篇2孔子观后感 篇3孔子观后感 篇4孔子观后感 篇5孔子观后感 篇6孔子观后感 篇7孔子观后感 篇8孔子观后感 篇9

孔子观后感 篇1


A long time ago, I wanted to write my impressions after watching the movie. It's no other meaning. Quan Dang could also record his feelings. But when I watched the movie, I always swore and felt that there was nothing to write. In fact, I was lazy. I just saw Confucius and learned from it. I must write my impressions after watching any good movie or movie with more ideas. Little gossip, body:


His forehead looks like Emperor Yao, his shoulder looks like a child, his spirit looks like a big man, but he is as embarrassed as a lost dog. This is a sentence used in this film to describe Confucius' wandering around the world. The life of wandering around, and the experience of learning hard to use, make this big man travel around the world, and encounter difficulties everywhere.


First, in his own state of Lu, he went to visit Duke Dinggong every day when he had nothing to do. He was given a class and educated him. Duke Dinggong sometimes took the initiative to ask for education, which was really heartfelt. But in the end, the situation was stronger than others. Between the determination of public power, it was just a matter of practice. It doesn't matter. As a direct result, the teacher can't live in the State of Lu any longer. We have learned from the bitter experience that there is no need to leave a master here, but there is a place for him to stay. He left decisively. He took some top students to say that what is good is to travel around the world, which is actually to escape from famine. He has successively been to Wei, Cao, Song, Zheng, Chen, Cai and Chu. The kings of these countries did not use him. In the words of Yan Hui in the film, the teachers are high minded, so it is difficult to use those who live in the world. They can only be said to be stupid; When Mr. Kong arrived in Chen Cai, King Zhao of Chu sent someone to invite him around Chen and Cai. The doctors of Chen and Cai were afraid that the arrival of Confucius in Chu would be detrimental to them, so they sent troops to stop him on the way. The teacher was besieged there and had no food for several days. Later, Chu sent troops to help him. In the film, it is said that the war caused Mr. Kong to wander around and starve everywhere, and finally Wei came to help... Then the No. 1 top student, Yan Hui, died in the ice hole, just to retrieve the slips. Yan Hui, a typical scholar, reads too much, and his ability to self repair is almost gone. Your mentor is still alive and can't write anything. Your master said, "People in the world are precious". Is it worth dying for the slips with your own life, I don't understand, but I understand his behavior as "faith"! The No. 2 top son died after finishing his crown. Don't you know that without skin and hair, his head will be gone? What's the use of finishing his crown? It was also faith... Later, Ji Sun sent people to welcome the teacher back to the motherland. After traveling around for more than 10 years, the teacher finally "returns to his hometown with infinite hope". Since then, he has devoted himself to education, learning to be a teacher, acting like a world model, and writing books! If the teacher lived to the present, he would have to sign the book. This film is a flashback of the teacher's painful past. END, the end of the movie.


After reading, I think the teacher's idea of "Great Harmony" is just like the communism of GCD. Everyone in the world knows etiquette and humility, and there is no war. That's what it means. It's better to say that everyone in the world is actually Confucius. The teacher said, do not do to others what you don't want to do to others. Yes, many people in the world don't understand the etiquette, and even worse, they don't want to understand! You want to, but people don't want to give. For the first half of his life, the teacher has been broadcasting etiquette and benevolent policies in various countries, just to let the world know that there is a Confucius sage's thought of "Great Harmony in the World", which seems to be good. But under the baptism of the war, people are trying to be independent. Therefore, the final effect of the dissemination: basically nothing. In fact, the teacher's failure in academic publicity is easy to understand. It's like talking about elegant art with a beggar. The way and starting point of thinking are different. The beggar says that I just want to eat and not die. Elegant art matters to me. This is also the reason for teachers' academic work. During the Spring and Autumn Period, wars continued, and relations between countries were complex and difficult to distinguish. Some were desperate, some fought openly and secretly, and some were attracted to each other. I made friends with you today, and maybe I will bring a knife to you tomorrow. In the face of absolute interests, teachers should be polite and benevolent. He was ridiculed by the reality at that time. I think it is not as practical as the Mohist school, which stops wars everywhere. Although the Mohist school's thought of advocating virtue and loving non aggression stops wars can cure the symptoms but not the root cause, the problem is that you can't cure the root cause. As a result, the teacher was depressed. No one understood me. It was hard to find a confidant. It was as lonely as snow. The teacher heard that there was a famous man named Laodan. He went there with the attitude of seeking communication. I don't need to say much about who I am. It's absolutely high-end. When teachers arrive there, they will be fooled by me. "The highest good is like water: water is good for all things and does not compete. This is the virtue of humility. Therefore, the river and sea can be the king of the valley. If they are good enough, they can be the king of the valley. There is no weakness in the world than water, and there is no victory in the strong. This is the virtue of softness. Therefore, softness overcomes hardness, and weakness overcomes strength. Because they have nothing, they can enter the abyss. From this, we can see the benefits of silent teaching and inaction." The benevolent are fond of Leshan and the wise are fond of water. It can be seen that Lao Tzu's IQ is absolutely high. After Lao Tzu's education, the teacher repented and went home to write a book. Although the teacher's ideas did not work in the Spring and Autumn Period, they also left a school of theories for future generations, which has influenced the great China for more than 2000 years. Almost every era has a great scholar of the teacher's family, constantly improving this invincible theory - Confucianism!

孔子观后感 篇2


As we all know, Confucius is a "teacher of all ages" and has always respected and admired Confucius. However, my understanding of Confucius has always been superficial. After watching the 16 episode TV documentary "Confucius", I really knew Confucius. While lamenting the greatness of Confucius, I really should study Confucius' noble character and profound knowledge.


"Filial piety is the first of all virtues, and filial piety is the foundation of virtue". First of all, we should learn from Confucius who "knew filial piety and propriety" at a young age, for which he was praised by Lu Jun. Confucius had a great mother. When Confucius was three years old, his father, Shu Lianghe, died. Yan Zheng, Confucius' mother, gave up the fight for family property for Confucius' learning and growth. She took the young Confucius from Zou to Qufu, where she lived a hard life as an orphan and widowed mother, living by weaving. At the young age when Confucius was still "determined to learn", her mother, who had been living in poverty, fatigue and grievance, died of illness. In order to find his father's graveyard and bury them together, so that his mother can have a good home, Confucius waited for the news in front of his mother's soul at all costs, and fainted because of overwork. Finally, after Lu Jun sent his son doctor to mourn on his behalf, an old woman who had been a neighbor in Zou told her father where Shuliang Ho's grave was, so Confucius buried his mother as he wished.


After reading Confucius, I learned that to be a real teacher, one must not only learn knowledge, but also have a perfect personality. That is, one must have the virtues of a gentleman: "warmth, kindness, courtesy, thrift, comity, loyalty, chastity, benevolence, filial piety, and fraternity." Confucius told us that the way to be a man is "benevolence, courtesy, and moderation". If no one is in the heart, one must be rude. Only if one has benevolence in the heart and courtesy outside, the people will be upright, The golden mean of doing little or nothing wrong. How to achieve the goal of "self denial and courtesy" as "benevolence"? Confucius told us: "If you are not polite, do not look, do not speak, do not listen, and do not move.".


After reading Confucius, we know that Confucius' highest ideal is to achieve great harmony in the world. How? Confucius told us that we should promote "the courtesy of the Duke of Zhou and the way of the King of Wen". Only by restoring the courtesy of Zhou, can the country not place too much emphasis on interests and belittle justice, can the doctors not be defeated by the emperor, can the gentleman not waste luxury, can the father and son of the emperor and his subjects be in accordance with their respective names, and can the country have long-term stability and prosperity. Kuang was besieged, the State of Song was hunted down, Chen Cai had no choice but to enter and leave the State of Wei... It recorded the difficulties and experiences that Confucius and his disciples experienced during their 14 years of wandering around various countries to promote the "rites of the Duke of Zhou and the way of King Wen" in the world.


But the most touching thing is that Confucius and his disciples did not waver in their determination to implement the "rule of benevolence, virtue and propriety" in the whole world under extremely difficult and difficult conditions. They still stuck to the road and never gave up or lowered their ambitions.


In his later years, Confucius concentrated most of his time on revising ancient classics and writing books, leaving us invaluable spiritual wealth. But what saddens me most is that Confucius lived in the troubled times of the Spring and Autumn Period. His etiquette collapsed and his music became bad. He had to take "the way of benevolence and virtue can save the world and benefit mankind, but why not be accepted by the world?" He died with regret.


It was disciple Yan Hui who said, "The world cannot tolerate the profoundness of a teacher's way. The profoundness of a teacher's way is not accepted by the world. It is not the fault of a teacher, but the fault of the rulers of the world"!


Today, our President Xi once again advocates the Confucian culture of Confucius, and we see the world of Great Harmony coming to us

孔子观后感 篇3


Confucius premiered in major cinemas in Shenzhen. The Coast Cinema has ushered in a new round of box office boom after the hot situation of hard to get a ticket during the release of Avatar. In those days, the schedule of Hall 1 of the Coastal Cinema was basically Confucius, with a seating rate of 90. According to the staff of the Coastal Cinema, many old people came to watch the film, and many people also brought their children to watch it. It can be seen that Confucius is deeply popular in China, and the appeal of Confucius is also worthy of affirmation.


The years of Confucius were interspersed with such turbulent times as the separatist regime in the Spring and Autumn Period and wars in various countries. He and his disciples wandered around the world for more than ten years. What has never been abandoned is courtesy, justice, benevolence and harmony.


Because Chinese teachers often tell us about Confucius in class, and they also read some easy to understand books about Confucius. I think it is impossible to express such a character, so I went to see this film with low expectations. For more than two hours, I watched it quietly with the audience. As the director said, "Confucius is a film that will definitely let you remember many stories". But Confucius brought me more than simple stories and plots. What he left behind was an image and a spirit. Together with the disciples behind him, perhaps most of them were weak scholars. But what you feel must be a vast army commanding an era.


Zhou Runfa's Confucius is the main line and soul of the film. No matter where you are, your eyes are firm and calm from beginning to end, and the charm of courtesy and justice is like the reincarnation of Confucius.


Yan Hui, Zi Lu and Ran Qiu have different personalities, but they love their teachers and follow the spirit of courtesy and kindness. Zi Lu helped Wei and Ran begged to return to Lu to serve. Yan Hui, Confucius' favorite disciple, is the most influential one. He is weak in appearance, but smart, flexible and firm in will. At the scene of his death, many people gave negative comments: affectation, hypocrisy and funny. But I was moved. I believe that the moment when Yan Hui repeatedly dived into the water to save the bamboo slips, regardless of his life, even without thinking of it, many audiences also shed tears. I also believe that the scene when Confucius held the dead Yan Hui in his arms and refused to let go shocked thousands of people.


Zhou Xun performed the charm of Nanzi. She was born to be a good actress, and the role she played can be lifelike to the bone. Nanzi's role is not dispensable. The important role is that it exists. You think it is dispensable. Once it does not exist, you will feel that there is a lot missing. In fact, Confucius was amazed and attracted by Nanzi's beauty, but he finally cut off a feeling that was about to be sublimated into ambiguity by saying, "But some people are as good as lust.". Nanzi let the world see that Confucius was not a god, and Confucius was also an ordinary person. Although Nanzi appeared simply with few plots, he skillfully reflected the choice between the character's nature and belief, which was really a thought-provoking point. How could it be unnecessary.


Confucius said: "Later generations understand me and misunderstand me because of Lu Spring and Autumn Annals"


It is not difficult to predict that Confucius will also leave different impressions and seeds in different people's hearts.


However, it is undeniable that the director is successful. He grasped the God of Confucius and the disease node of that era, so that he would not be as obscure and uninteresting as reading history books. The overall feeling of this film is good, and the plot and expression methods are not wasted.

孔子观后感 篇4


In ancient times, we should be sorry for how many talented people we didn't meet; How many experienced people do we take pride in; How many people advocate literature, let us be proud of it. Confucius is such a historical figure.


In the Spring and Autumn Period, Confucius was admired by the kings of all countries because of his talent, but he never thought of leaving his hometown - the State of Lu. Until one day, Confucius was cheated by the big Sikong who was jealous of him at that time and left his hometown. What didn't come to his mind was. His disciples followed him. Confucius, who had been wandering for more than ten years, went through life and death and lost his most beloved disciple, which made him sad. Finally, he returned to Lu, but everything has changed.


A talented person has experienced things that many people have not experienced. These experiences not only let him but also let me know a lot of truth.


In fact, everyone will experience things that make themselves or others miserable. When these things happen, what we should do should not be to escape, nor should we be obedient. What we need to do is to resist, struggle and struggle. Because you won't know the result first. What we need to do is to work hard to eliminate many obstacles. If we fail in the end, at least we have persevered.


Confucius explained what a gentleman is with his own life. A lady named Nanzi in the State of Wei admired Confucius and wanted to give up everything to follow him. Confucius replied, "I have never seen such a person with virtue as lust." This sentence, like an invisible hand, touched the lonely string in Nanzi's heart that had touched him for thousands of years. At the end of Nanzi's last sentence, "The world may easily understand the pain of Confucius, but it may not be able to understand the state that Confucius understood in pain." She deeply penetrated Confucius's lonely heart


Two people talk casually, but isn't that how a confidant understands each other's heart? Although Confucius left the State of Wei after that, Nanzi was already better than a bosom friend in Confucius' mind.


In life, we often regard people around us as our confidants, so whether you have really thought about what a confidant is or not. There is still a long way to go, and there are few confidants. Let's cherish the people around us.


When he resolutely refused Nanzi, Confucius showed his ignorance of fame and benefits. In today's materialistic society, many people have lost control of some small things. Greed is always in our mind. Although we cannot be like Confucius, we should also be moderate.


The years of Confucius' sufferings disappeared in thousands of valleys; Yellowing skin tells of Confucius' pain; The hands covered with yellow spots recorded Confucius' words and deeds.


Confucius, from the elegant to the old, will let us forever imprint on our hearts!

孔子观后感 篇5


The years of Confucius were interspersed with such turbulent times as the separatist regime in the Spring and Autumn Period and wars in various countries. He and his disciples wandered around the world for more than ten years. What has never been abandoned is courtesy, justice, benevolence and harmony.


I went to see the film with low expectations. For more than two hours, I watched it quietly with the audience. As Hu Mei said, "Confucius is a film that must let you remember many stories". But Confucius brought me more than simple stories and plots. What he left behind was an image and a spirit. Together with his disciples behind him, perhaps most of them were weak scholars. But what you feel must be a vast army commanding an era.


In the film, Confucius was born in the declining noble family of Lu, a small vassal state at that time. He was worried about the social chaos and expected to influence the historical process of the Spring and Autumn kingdoms with his ideas and wisdom that transcended the times. However, like other sages in history in their early years, the era of Confucius had not yet come. Although he was an official in the State of Lu, and brought dignity and strong expectations to the State of Lu with his courage and wisdom, the political concept was finally shattered before the reality. Later, Confucius led his disciples to travel among the countries for 14 years to spread his ideas and fight against the whole era. Unfortunately, he was so arrogant that he could not stand his claim. He had been besieged by disorderly armies for several times and was trapped in a desperate situation. He had also been involved in the whirlpool of political intrigue, and even been misunderstood by the world... When he returned to his motherland, the State of Lu, in his later years, he returned without hiding, and was tireless in educating disciples and sorting out documents.


It's a wonderful show in which Confucius urged people not to sacrifice. The round meeting place above the court hall was full of words of war against scholars. I don't know whether it was like this at that time. The whole scene is very similar to the ancient Roman Senate or the current British Parliament. Hehe, the most classic way to treat a villain like Gongshan is to treat him with his own way. "Give me a word", which shows Confucius' calm and wisdom, and is more humorous.


In addition, the fairyland dialogue between Lao Tzu and Confucius can also be confirmed in history. There are records in the historical books that Confucius asked Lao Tzu for advice. In the film, the screenwriter asked Confucius to recall his dialogue with Lao Tzu for the sake of the plot. This plot is not inappropriate, but it can show the similarities and differences between Confucianism and Taoism from their dialogue.


Yan Hui, Zi Lu and Ran Qiu have different personalities, but they love their teachers and follow the spirit of courtesy and kindness. Zi Lu helped Wei and Ran begged to return to Lu to serve. Yan Hui, Confucius' favorite disciple, is the most influential one. He is weak in appearance, but smart, flexible and firm in will. At the scene of his death, many people gave negative comments: affectation, hypocrisy and funny. But I was moved. I believe that the moment when Yan Hui repeatedly dived into the water to save the bamboo slips, regardless of his life, even without thinking of it, many audiences also shed tears. I also believe that the scene when Confucius always held the dead Yan Hui in his arms and refused to let go shocked thousands of people.


What impressed me deeply was the death of Yan Hui, a disciple of Confucius. Yan Hui was one of Confucius' most proud disciples. Yan Hui gave up his own life in order to save his master's book, which made me very moved. In Yan Hui's eyes, Confucius' book is more important than his own life. Think carefully, because there were countless Yan Hui later, we can now understand the spirit of Confucius. When I saw Confucius crying with Yan Hui's body in his arms, the disciples advised him that it had been three hours, but it was time to relax. But the master still held it, and the scene was really tragic. There was also the death of Zilu. Zilu was actually a brave and resourceless man, but he always remembered the teachings of the Master, until the moment of his death, he still remembered what the Master said: "A gentleman is right in his clothes.". When the Master learned that Zilu was dead, he lost his disciples as if he had lost his son. However, he did not let his tears fall. The Master was still pleased that his disciples had been benevolent even though they had not fulfilled their wishes.


I feel from the film Confucius that we should learn from Confucius' rigorous attitude of studying knowledge and the learning spirit of "being quick and eager to learn, not ashamed to ask questions". We should adhere to Confucius' maxim of "life is also straight, and life is also spared", work hard to learn, improve our own quality, and become a learned, upright, aboveboard and useful person to the country.

孔子观后感 篇6


There have been many celebrities and great people in Chinese history who have made many contributions to the spiritual culture of our human beings. Their great deeds have been widely praised and praised. Among them, Confucius is the most influential.


Confucius, whose name is Qiu and whose name is Zhongni, is a Han nationality. During the Spring and Autumn Period, he was born in Zou of the State of Lu, and his ancestors were nobles of the State of Song. He was a thinker, educator, politician and founder of Confucianism in the late Spring and Autumn Period. In the film "Confucius", we are most touched by the story that Confucius Duke Lu went to Jiagu to form an alliance with the Qi State and intelligently withdrew from the Qi army.


At that time, the king of Qi invited the king of Lu to Jiagu, the junction of Qi and Lu, to sign an agreement on friendly cooperation between the two countries. The king of Lu asked Confucius to arrange all the affairs. Confucius thought that Qi was a land of tigers and wolves. He was crafty and would not be soft hearted. He would certainly threaten with force. So Confucius went to Jisun's family, which was in charge of the military, to lend 500 chariots to protect the king of Lu. Jisun's family asked Confucius to ask the senior general for a loan from Jungong Mountain, but he refused to give it. In desperation, Confucius thought of a way. He first went to Jiagu with the Duke of Lu. During the negotiation, if the King of Qi was unreasonable, he attacked the King of Qi with courtesy as a weapon. In his anger, the King of Qi revealed his army and wanted to intimidate the King of Lu and force him to sign a treaty. Confucius sent a signal, and then ten chariots appeared first, and in the presence of the king of Qi, he said to Confucius that there were five hundred chariots behind him. Then there were ten thousand people shouting and five hundred chariots behind the mountain. In fact, they were all ox carts, which were disguised by Confucius' disciples. Moreover, they were far away, which made the king of Qi believe that they were true. They did not occupy the least advantage of the state of Lu in terms of the treaty, and they returned the three cities of Wenchang in the state of Lu.


From this episode, we can see that Confucius was resourceful and had both civil and military skills. At the Jiagu Meeting, Confucius took the opportunity to use the etiquette that was still highly respected by the world as a weapon to fight against the weak to defeat the strong. He took back the occupied territory for many years at one stroke without using a single soldier, which became a great victory that countries all over the world were striving to praise. Confucius, with his courage, never gave way to Qi; Relying on its wisdom, Qi retreated; With its courage and resourcefulness, Lu regained its territory, and successfully signed a treaty to make the two countries even and not owe each other.


From this story of Confucius, we think of Zhuge Liang who skillfully used empty cities to plan and retreat enemy soldiers in the Three Kingdoms. When Ma Su lost the street pavilion by mistake, the Shu army lost three cities in a row, so Zhuge Liang returned from the king of the western city where he was to transport food and grass for retreat. At the same time, he exposed the western city to the front. Sure enough, Sima Yi immediately led 150000 troops to attack the West City, but Zhuge Liang had only a few civil servants and 2500 soldiers around him at that time. When they heard that Sima Yi's army was attacking, everyone was frightened. But Zhuge Liang was very calm, not flustered, but calm. He asked the people to open the city gate, and asked the soldier Joe to sweep the floor under the gate disguised as a servant. He actually made Sima Yi think he was cheating, so he withdrew.


We can see their resourcefulness from Confucius and Zhuge Liang. The Duke of Qi always thought Confucius was a bookworm, a weak scholar who only knew poetry and etiquette. Later, after some people inquired, they knew that Confucius was capable of writing and martial arts. Confucius once said to Zilu, "Martial arts are the preparation of literature." That is to say, we should not study hard, but also exercise more and enhance our physical exercise. The same is true in learning. We should not only learn about book knowledge, but also practice it ourselves. As the saying goes, "You'll never know what you've got on paper. You'll never know what you've got to do." Practice is very important. Only by doing it can you gain true knowledge.

孔子观后感 篇7


"Don't do to others what you don't want to do to others", "The morning news says that you can die in an instant"... The film Confucius takes us back to the era of war. In a trance, I seem to hear Confucius's earnest teaching to his disciples; Heard Yan Hui's modest and respectful words; Hearing Zilu's brave and decisive voice


Confucius, named Qiu and named Zhongni, is regarded as the "Holy One" by people. Like a gorgeous meteor, he lit up the night sky with his short life in the long dark night of history, bringing endless enlightenment to the later people


Remember the lessons of war.


When Confucius helped the State of Lu fight against Qi, he threw several barrels of oil onto the torch and threw it at the enemy. All of a sudden, the fire turned the sky red and screamed loudly. Some people were burned alive by the fire! Confucius, of course, was also deeply grieved. But what was right or wrong in that chaotic era of war? The law of the jungle may be the cruellest in the war years.


The era of safeguarding peace.


Just look at the war years, when the war was raging, the people were living in poverty, and the people were displaced and homeless. A war would kill thousands, even tens of thousands; What about the year of peace? The society is stable and the people are well fed and clothed. It is a thriving scene. Shouldn't we compare the two and safeguard peace?


Cherish your precious life.


In ancient feudal society, only one Ji Pingzi died, hundreds or even thousands of people were buried with him. Is it true that human life is distinguished between high and low? No, just because feudal society is an inevitable trend of history. At that time, the rulers regarded human life as wild grass, and they just ignored human life! In order to save a slave who was buried with him, Qi Sigong, Confucius "fought against the Confucians" in the court and rejected the aggressive Ji Pingzi housekeeper with his own strength. This is Confucius's "benevolence, justice and wisdom" gentleman character.


In the film, Confucius was separated from his disciples, and passers-by described him as "as a great man, but as embarrassed as a lost dog" It hurts a little: how can a saint fall down here? How many people can understand Confucius?


From the bloody history, we have learned too much: remember the lessons of war; The era of safeguarding peace; Cherish your precious life.

Cherish your precious life.

孔子观后感 篇8


When I saw the film, I didn't expect too much. Together with the audience in the venue, we watched it very quietly for more than two hours. As Hu Mei said, "Confucius is a film that must let you remember many stories." But Confucius brought me more than just stories and plots. What he left behind was a kind of image, a kind of spirit, and the disciples behind, perhaps most of them were weak scholars. But what you feel must be like a sea wave, commanding an era.


In the film, Confucius was born in a small country - the aristocratic family of the State of Lu. He was worried about the social chaos and expected to use his ideas and wisdom beyond the times to influence the historical process of various countries in the Spring and Autumn Period. However, as other sages in history experienced in their early years, Confucius had not yet arrived at that time. Although Zeng was an official in the State of Lu, and brought dignity and strong expectations to the State of Lu with his bravery and wisdom, the political concept was finally shattered in reality. Then Confucius, in order to dream, led his disciples to travel among the countries for 14 years, spread his ideas, and wanted to fight against the whole era. Unfortunately, he dominated the world and could not fight against it. He was surrounded by disorderly armies for several times and fell into a desperate situation. He was also involved in the whirlpool of political intrigue, and even misunderstood by the world... When he returned to his motherland, the State of Lu, in his later years, he did not hide. He spared no effort to teach his disciples and collate documents.


A play by Confucius, which advocates forbidding the sacrifice of living people, is very wonderful. Above the hall, Fage fights with Confucianism. It's a round hall. I don't know whether that was the case at that time. The whole scene was very similar to the ancient Roman Parliament or the current British Parliament. Ho ho, the most classic way to treat villains like Gongshan Spring is to treat them with their own way. "The word is back to the truth", which shows Confucius' composure and wisdom, and is more humorous.


In addition, the fairyland dialogue between Lao Tzu and Confucius can also be verified in history. There are records in the history books that Confucius studied from Lao Tzu. The screenwriter, for the sake of the plot, asked Confucius to recall his dialogue with Lao Tzu. There is nothing wrong with this plot. On the contrary, from their dialogue, we can see the similarities and differences between Confucianism and Taoism.


Yan Hui, Zi Lu and Ran Qiu have different personalities, but they love their teachers as much as they want and keep their manners as they want. Zi helped Wei and Ran Qiu returned to Lu. Yan Hui was Confucius' favorite disciple. He was weak in appearance, quick witted, and firm in will. He was the most impressive person. In the scene of his death, many people gave negative comments: affectation, hypocrisy, funny. But I was very moved. I believe that Yan Hui ignored his life and didn't even think about it. At the moment when he repeatedly dived into the water to save the bamboo slips, many audiences cried. I also believe that when Confucius held the dead Yan Hui in his arms and refused to let go, that scene shocked thousands of people.


What impressed me more was the death of Yan Hui, a disciple of Confucius. He was one of Confucius' most proud disciples. Yan Hui gave up his life to save the master's book. This moved me very much. In Yan Hui's opinion, Confucius' book is more important than his own life. Think again, because with countless Yan Hui, we can understand the spirit of Confucius now. Seeing Confucius crying with Yan Hui's body in his arms, the disciples advised him that it had been three hours and he couldn't get over it. But the master was still holding it. It was a sad scene. Zilu died again. In fact, Zilu was a brave and resourceless man, but he always remembered the teacher's teaching. Until he died, he still remembered what the teacher said: "A gentleman is his own man.". When I learned of Zilu's death, I lost my disciple as if he had lost his son. But I didn't let tears flow. I was still very pleased. Although my disciple didn't achieve his wish, he was also benevolent.


In the film Confucius, I realized that we should learn from Confucius' rigorous attitude of studying knowledge, learn the style of study of "being quick and eager to learn, not ashamed to ask questions", inherit Confucius's rule of conduct that "a gentleman is also straight, and a villain is not deceived", work hard to improve our quality, and be a learned, upright, open and aboveboard person who is useful to the country.

孔子观后感 篇9


On February 23, the day after the film Confucius was released, I went to the cinema to see the film. Now I want to write my impressions, which is purely my personal opinion. I don't know who to say:


First, image and scene description:


About Zhou Runfa and the image of Confucius in his heart: I always admit that Zhou Runfa's acting skills are relatively good. Confucius portrayed in this film has been smiling all the time. He is very gentle but not arrogant. In history, Zhou Xun performed Nanzi, who was vague but with a demon's voice, well.


I don't know much about ancient houses and sacrifices, so I don't know much about them. What I think is two things: in one film, the capital cities and villages of Qiluwei and other countries are obviously different, reflecting the differences in economic strength and folk customs, which is much better than modern dramas that can't see the city. 2. Confucius did not travel around the People's Republic of China. In the Spring and Autumn Period, Yan, the northernmost small country, seemed to be in Beijing. That is, he should travel around the countries near or south of the Yellow River. Why did the snow fall in the second half, like the winter in the Northeast?


Clothes: Confucius' clothes are normal to those of his disciples and monarchs. Nanzi's clothes have shocked me. I have never seen an ancient lady with a lot of blue coral beads hanging on her head like a little beauty in Xinjiang. What's more, she came out of a row of blue bead curtains.


Second, the conformity of film with history and works:


Because I am reading the Analects of Confucius at this stage, I still have some feelings.


Before the opening of the article, Confucius and the king of the State of Lu said almost all the words of the Analects of Confucius or related original texts, but changed the environment, such as what should have been said to Ran You and said to the king of the State of Lu. This is also an artistic processing based on respect for historical facts, which is acceptable.


At first, the Qisi Bow was hard to hurt me. I didn't remember him at all. One hundred yuan home was the one who was carved with lacquer. I couldn't believe him. Well, ancient people had names and trade names. So it's a bit messy. In fact, famous scholars know that Qisi Bow=lacquer carving is open. People who watch Lehe do not know either Qisi Bow or lacquer carving is open. Writers should take care of people who are just learning, and just call them open lacquer carving?


It is said that this film was the first time to see Nanzi. This is a mysterious case in history. Anyway, it must be a bit ambiguous. Either why Confucius' student Zilu was so displeased, or whether Confucius promised to give or not was extremely annoying. Nanzi in this place said that everyone can see your pain, but no one can understand the state of your pain, In fact, there is a suspicion of gilding the lily. After discussing the Book of Songs and the benevolent love, good virtue is like lust, and Nanzi keeps silent, it would be nice to say goodbye and step back. The painful realm is either easily elevated into a false void, or it is easy for the screenwriter to leave a big hole in Nanzi's understanding of this realm.


Confucius' younger brothers - sons. It is said that Confucius had three thousand younger brothers - sons and seventy-two sages in his life. The lacquer carving that has already been said, the one who died after being crowned is better than the one I have no material for. Yan Hui, Confucius' favorite, was gentle, Ran Qiu felt like a steward, Zeng Shen, a famous dutiful son, and Zi Gong, praised by Confucius as always capable, who was attacked by Confucius and killed me even though I could not carve any rotten wood

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