

时间:2022-11-08 12:57:45 | 来源:语文通



庆祝2022国庆节的73周年演讲稿 篇1国庆节演讲稿 篇2国庆节演讲稿 篇3

庆祝2022国庆节的73周年演讲稿 篇1


Dear leaders, teachers and students


hello everyone!


The topic of my speech today is "For the Rise of the Chinese Dragon".


__ Years ago, our motherland has undergone tremendous changes. This year, our Shenzhou 9 and Tiangong 1 docked perfectly in space. " The Jiaolong "deep-sea shallow water vehicle went down to 7000 meters below the sea surface, and the aircraft carrier was successfully launched in Dalian Shipyard and delivered to the navy... Other countries can't bully us at will! Japan naively believes that the Diaoyu Islands issue can stop us from moving forward, and I will loudly say to it: "wishful thinking". Development is the absolute principle. Our motherland has become the second largest economy in the world and plays an extremely important role in the world. I believe that 20 years later, the hard-working, brave and indomitable sons and daughters of China will build our motherland into a country in the world, and other countries should look up to our great oriental dragon!

我们的祖国强大了,国强则民不受辱,人民的生活发生了翻天覆地的变化:从原来的"洋火"、"洋钉",到现在随处可见的"Made in China";从原来买东西要凭票,到现在的货比三家;从原来的吃什么,到现在的怎么吃……,我们的生活变了,变的"不方便了",外国的产品都要在中国生产,根本顾不过来呀!面对着琳琅满目的商品,根本吃不过来呀!……唉!这样的生活也太"不方便"了吧!不过,这样的"不方便",不恰好表现了我们极大提高的生活质量吗?

Our motherland has become strong, and the people will not be humiliated if the country is strong. The people's lives have undergone earth shaking changes: from the original "foreign fire" and "foreign nails" to the "MADE IN CHINA" that can be seen everywhere now; From buying things with tickets to shopping around now; From what we used to eat to how we eat now... our life has changed and become "inconvenient". All foreign products have to be produced in China, so we can't care! Facing the dazzling array of goods, I can't eat them at all Alas! This kind of life is too "inconvenient"! However, does this "inconvenience" not just reflect our greatly improved quality of life?


The quality of life has improved. My family also bought a building in Changtu County. The environment of our county town is also constantly improving: the smelly ditch and riverside, which used to cover the mouth and nose all the way through, has been treated as a water park in the city, becoming a highlight of Changtu; The construction of Changtu New Area is in full swing. Moon Lake Park, high-speed railway stations, colorful purple, bright red, birds singing, and fragrant flowers have changed greatly in the county. If you don't come back in a few years, you will be surprised at the sight!


I grew up in the countryside when I was young. Our village has also changed a lot: the familiar dark and dark small earth houses have become less and less, replaced by spacious and bright large tile houses. Some wealthy families have also built two-story buildings, with solar water heaters on the roof, and bathrooms and toilets in the house. The development of mechanized agriculture has completely liberated the working people who come back at night and come out in the daytime. On the evening of the slack season, the neighbors also happily played the Yangko!


It is true that we now live a happy life. However, students, we should know that this kind of life is hard won. It is the blood and sweat of our predecessors, and we must cherish it. We also need to know that the future of the Chinese nation is in our hands, and we shoulder the expectations of the motherland and the people for the future!


Dear friends, love our country and our nation!


Let's turn our strong patriotic enthusiasm into a driving force for learning and take action! forward! forward! forward!


Thank you!

国庆节演讲稿 篇2


Dear teachers and students


hello everyone!


Whenever I see the bright five-star red flag rising along with the majestic national anthem, I feel a passion surging in my heart. I immediately think of the magnificent and beautiful mountains and rivers of the motherland, the time-honored culture, and the heroes who have sacrificed their wisdom, blood, and courage for thousands of years to resist foreign humiliation and revitalize China. I feel extremely proud.


When I was in kindergarten, my teacher taught me to sing "Our motherland is a garden". But at that time, I did not know what the motherland was. I thought that the motherland was really a beautiful garden. As I grew older, I gradually learned something about the motherland. After primary school, my father and mother hung up a map of China in my cabin. The Chinese territory, which stood like a rooster, was deeply imprinted on my heart and aroused my enthusiasm for understanding the motherland. I often pestered my father and my mother explained to me what those colorful and dense things were.


I know that the head of the rooster is in the rich northeast, where there are charming Xing'an Mountains and small Xing'an Mountains. In spring, trees pull out new branches and grow green leaves; In summer, plants are luxuriant and flowers are in full bloom, like a beautiful big garden; In autumn, the forest presents delicious wild grapes, crisp hazelnuts, fresh agaric and mushrooms, as well as ginseng and other precious medicinal materials. In winter, the whole forest is covered with snow, and the scenery is even more beautiful and charming. There is also Daqing Oilfield, the first super large oil field in China. It is not only the largest oil processing base in China, but also one of the largest oil fields in the world. Daqing Oilfield has completely removed the label of "backward oil" in China.


I learned that the back of the cock is the vast North China. It is an important producer of grain and cotton in China. China's first "Dongfanghong 1" satellite was also successfully launched there. Since then, China has become the fifth country in the world to launch satellites independently after the former Soviet Union, the United States, Britain and France, which shows that China's space technology has reached the world's leading level. I learned that the belly of a rooster is rich in the southeast. The opening of 14 cities and the establishment of four special economic zones have opened up the road to socialism with Chinese characteristics. Hong Kong, the oriental pearl, has returned to the embrace of the motherland. Its return has not only wiped out China's century old humiliation, but also proved to the world that China's comprehensive national strength is growing. I know that the feet of a rooster are two bright pearls - Hainan Island and Taiwan Island. There, tropical fruits such as coconuts, papayas and bananas are everywhere, and tropical cash crops such as rubber, oil palm and coffee are all over the island. In the plain area, crops can be planted all the year round, rice can be harvested three times a year, flowers and trees are evergreen all the year round, and flowers bloom all the year round. It is not only a beautiful garden, but also a huge treasure house. I learned that the heart of the rooster is the capital of the motherland - Beijing, which is the political, economic and cultural center of China. There are the magnificent Tian'anmen Tower, the world-famous Great Wall, the historic Forbidden City, the Temple of Heaven, the Summer Palace and other places of interest, as well as numerous modern high-rise buildings and overpasses. Where ancient culture and modern civilization complement each other


After listening to the story, I learned that Uncle Lei Feng has a heart of fraternity. He uses his thick shoulder weight to shield people from the wind and rain on rainy nights. In the home of the disabled who walked with difficulty, there was a piece of sky supported by his hands; On the roadside, in the wind and rain, under the scorching sun, he wrote the beloved song of the world with his life, just as he once said: "To live is to live better for others". Although he did not have earth shaking great cause, his noble sentiment and strong sense of responsibility deeply moved me and my heart. After reading the text, I got to know our beloved Premier Zhou Enlai. He always put the interests of the motherland and the lives of the people first. He told us to "study for the rise of China". We Chinese also won the respect of the world because of his great charm. Last National Day, my father and mother took me to travel. We visited Zhongshan Mausoleum in Nanjing, where I met Sun Yat sen, the great pioneer of democratic revolution, and Li Dazhao, the pioneer of Chinese communism. Listen to the tour guide lady explain to me that Guan Tianpei, Feng Zicai and Deng Shichang died for their country and looked at death as if they were going home. The historical story of Qi Jiguang's fight against Japanese pirates and Zheng's successful recovery of Taiwan. I saw Fang Shengdong, one of the seventy-two martyrs in Huanggang, and Lin Juemin's last book, which said that he was willing to sacrifice for the happiness of all people and was proud to die. In order to revitalize China and fight against foreign invasion, they gave up their lives and called for help. Their noble qualities deeply infected me. Reading Man Jianghong, I learned that the anti gold hero Yue Fei was loyal to the country. Watching the TV series, I learned about the great talent and strategy of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, and how the Huns of Huo Qubing were still alive. The land of the Divine Land "has so many charming mountains and rivers that countless heroes have bowed down", but several celebrities still look at the present.


Today, our country is developing at a speed that attracts the attention of the world. At the age of eleven, we are the flowers of our country today and the pillars of our country tomorrow. A thousand mile trip begins with one step. In order to become the pillar of the motherland as soon as possible, we should start from now on. We should strictly require ourselves to follow the daily code of conduct of primary school students, respect others, be happy to help others, be civilized, understand etiquette, be honest and honest, be thrifty, bear hardships and stand hard work, carry forward the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, and cultivate noble patriotism. Grandpa Deng Xiaoping said that "science and technology are the primary productive forces". Indeed, science has given wings to the development of our motherland. With the rapid development of science and technology, science not only serves the cutting-edge technology, but also more and more permeates into our daily life, which requires us to love science and learn science when we are young. Boys and girls, we are at the stage of growth and development. Let's learn science from a young age. We should strive to learn all kinds of cultural courses, because this is the basis of all learning; At the same time, we'd better read more popular science books, newspapers and periodicals suitable for our primary school students after class; We should also actively engage in various small scientific experiments, small production, writing small scientific papers, etc., and cultivate our interest in science. Only when we love science and have rich scientific knowledge can we serve our motherland.


My dear mother once told me that I am your mother, and you also have a mother called the motherland. My mother planted the seed of the motherland in my heart, and the teacher watered and fertilized it. Now this seed has begun to grow up, and I will work hard to become a pillar of the motherland.


Mom, I'm ready! Motherland, I am ready to go.

国庆节演讲稿 篇3


Dear teachers and students


The sun is shining and the foothills are rolling. We celebrate the National Day together. The National Day is coming in a few days. When we are happy for the holiday, please don't forget that I am a Chinese! Patriotism is what we must do!


The Chinese nation is a great nation, and patriotism is the most beautiful flower of our nation. Patriotism is a sacred word. Every Chinese should put the motherland in our heart! Our motherland has a vast territory, a glorious history, mountains and plains of treasure, and beautiful mountains and rivers. Our motherland is the pearl of the east, a soaring dragon, and the rising sun on the horizon. How can we not love such a beautiful motherland?


Our motherland can not be crushed by ice disaster, and can not be toppled by earthquake. We are not afraid of any disaster, no matter how big or bitter. In the face of disaster, every Chinese people worked together and showed the greatest patriotic enthusiasm. How can we not love such an unyielding motherland?


Mao Zedong once said: "Inheriting and carrying forward the spirit of patriotism should be reflected in action." If the motherland needs us to give up our heads and shed our blood, every decent Chinese will not hesitate to sacrifice for the country.


However, now that we are living in peace, our motherland does not need us to go to war. How should we love our country? As students, the first thing we should do is to love our school. How can a student who doesn't love his own school love his own country? The school provides us with a good learning environment. Teachers are dedicated to training us to become talents. This is the cradle of our growth.


As students, we have no reason not to love our school. Every student should protect the image and honor of the school as he/she loves his/her own eyes; We should sincerely respect our teachers; We should consciously protect every tree and grass in the school, beautify the natural environment, and make the school a veritable garden and paradise; We should also love our classmates like our brothers and sisters. Let's love and learn from each other and grow up happily together! We should cherish time, study hard, work hard, and strive to achieve outstanding results in all school stages. When we grow up, we should contribute our own strength to the motherland and build it stronger with our hands!


Thank you!

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