

时间:2022-11-09 13:29:59 | 来源:语文通



开学的第一课观后感 篇1开学第一课观后感 篇2开学第一课读后感 篇3开学第一课观后感 篇4开学第一课读后感 篇5

开学的第一课观后感 篇1


Today, we went to see the First Lesson of School, and I felt a lot after reading it.


Astronaut Liu Yang said that he was like a fish floating around on the spaceship, because there is no gravity in space, and some difficult actions on the earth can be easily completed on the moon. Liu Yang said: I have imagined space before, but it is not as beautiful as it is in reality. At this time, Liu Yang felt that the earth is a beautiful planet. Only when you really leave the earth can you feel the beauty of the earth. At that time, Liu Yang felt that the flowers and trees on the earth were beautiful. When Liu Yang came back, what she wanted most was to hug her relatives and say to her parents: I'm back. So we should cherish the life and things around us.


The second is Jiao Liuyang, the Chinese swimming champion. Jiao Liuyang said that she was afraid of swimming when she was young, but only after a long swim did she find that she had fallen in love with swimming. Once her mother asked her: Do you choose to swim or continue studying for college. Jiao Liuyang said to give herself three days. Her mother agreed. On the third day, Jiao Liuyang said that she would continue swimming and take the college entrance examination. Finally, Jiao Liuyang failed many times and won the championship. Jiao Liuyang said that she only wanted to stand on the highest podium.


I feel that those successful people really work hard, and they have to swim 10000 meters a day. Jiao Liuyang started to be afraid of swimming, but she still worked hard, so today she can realize her dream - standing on the world's highest podium, will really feel the happiness of success. There is nothing in the world that can not be done, as long as you are willing to work hard. There is a famous saying that nothing is difficult in the world.

开学第一课观后感 篇2

2016年春季开学的第一天,老师给我们播放“开学第一课”的内容,是家风家教,我一直目不转睛的观看。 这一次的观看,给我印象最深的是女战士——赵一曼,她浴血奋战的气质得到了中国人民的'称赞,里面讲了赵一曼为了祖国抛弃了家庭,去抗日,在抗日的时候不幸被日本人谋杀。为此他留下了遗憾,没给儿子留下什么,但在日军的车上,他跟儿子留下了最后的遗书。 宁儿: 母亲对于你没有尽到教育的责任,实在是一件遗憾的事情。但母亲坚决做了反满抗日的斗争,今天已经到了牺牲的前夕了。母亲和你在生前是永久没有再见的机会了,母亲不用千言万语来教育你,就用实行来教育你。 你长大以后不能忘记,你母亲是爱国而牺牲的!

On the first day of the spring semester in 2016, the teacher played the content of "the first lesson of the semester" to us. It was a family style tutor, and I always watched with my eyes. This time, I was most impressed by Zhao Yiman, a female soldier. Her bloody fighting temperament was praised by the Chinese people. It said that Zhao Yiman abandoned his family to fight against Japan for the sake of his motherland and was unfortunately murdered by the Japanese during the war. For this reason, he left a regret and nothing to his son. But in the Japanese army's car, he and his son left the last suicide note. Ning Er: It's really a pity that my mother didn't fulfill your responsibility for education. But my mother resolutely fought against Manchuria and Japan, and today it is the eve of sacrifice. Mother and you will never have a chance to see each other again. Mother does not need to educate you with thousands of words, but with practice. When you grow up, you can't forget that your mother died patriotic!

开学第一课读后感 篇3


Today is the first day of school. We watched the First Lesson of School. The theme of this issue is that beauty is around you. In fact, beauty exists everywhere in our life, just because you haven't found it.


There are often people in our life who complain that they cannot find beauty in life. In fact, beauty exists around us.


At dawn, when we were still sleeping, my mother had already quietly got up and prepared breakfast for us in the kitchen. When we got up, the steaming breakfast was placed on the table.


Hurrying on the way to school, the road at the foot is also hastily retreating, thinking about how to spend this long day. But I didn't notice that the road had become very clean at this time, and there was the busy figure of the cleaners in the distance.


In order to make the child's breakfast nutritious, the mother did not hesitate to work hard yesterday and got up early to prepare breakfast. In order to make our city clean at the first time, the cleaners have started to work when people are sleeping soundly. Isn't this an important activity?


Walking into the campus, I saw the students reading in the campus and the teachers traveling between the teaching building and the office building, and I felt it was also a kind of beauty.


On the street, you may sometimes find that some people throw their food bags into the dustbin, but at the same time, they also throw the garbage out of the bin.


On the bus, someone offered his seat to the elderly; Walking in the campus, there is a voice saying hello to the teacher, which is also beautiful. There are beautiful things around us, but we lack the understanding of beauty.


When we get together and celebrate the festival, the most lovely people in our motherland are still guarding the border, and our guardians are also working and busy at their own posts. They always go on year after year, which makes us admire their beauty.


On the New Year's Eve, when the family gathered in front of the TV to watch the Spring Festival Gala, the staff of the Spring Festival Gala were still busy bringing laughter to more people. They should also be the owners of beauty.


In fact, beauty can be seen everywhere in life. As long as we look for and experience it with our heart, we will find that beauty is around us.


Beauty comes from life. Be good at discovering the beauty of life and getting inspiration from life. You will feel that many beautiful things are around you in life, and you will feel that life is colorful!


As far as we are concerned, we have passed the exam, improved our grades and improved our compositions. This is success, and we should be happy about it. We should also attribute it to beauty.


As long as you have eyes that are good at discovery, life will give you the truth. Read it with your heart, and you will find that "beauty" is around you! "Beauty" is around us.

开学第一课观后感 篇4


In a twinkling of an eye, I have become a junior high school student! I am curious and excited about this new school.


On the first day of school, I watched the First Lesson with my new classmates.


When I saw Liu Hao, a 10-year-old blind boy, playing the piano fluently on the stage, I was shocked! He was so optimistic that he did not feel sad for his blindness. He worked so hard to pursue his music dream. His strength makes me feel ashamed. As a sound child, I shrink back when encountering some difficulties and setbacks. It's really useless! Liu Hao encouraged me. This lesson taught me that as long as I am not afraid of difficulties and stick to the end, I can achieve my goal.


When I saw Aunt Wu Juping desperate to rescue the child who fell from the 10th floor, the child caught it, but the aunt's hand was broken. You should know that if you don't save the child, he will be shattered! If she saved the child, the aunt would be injured. As a result, she ran to pick up the child without thinking about anything. I admire her thoughtless spirit of saving others. This lesson taught me the virtue of being willing to help others and saving others by sacrificing myself.


I also saw a little girl taking care of her paralyzed adoptive mother. She was so young that she could cook and wash clothes by herself. She also had to do sit ups, stretch legs and massage for her paralyzed adoptive mother every day. All kinds of things at home make her mature and sensible. For several years, she has been doing this again and again. Now she has been admitted to the university. Because she is worried, she carries her mother to school, taking care of her mother and studying at the same time. What a sensible and beloved girl! Think about yourself. Up to now, I can't do any housework, and I often make my mother angry. I feel guilty! In the future, I must be a sensible child, not let my family worry, and do more for them. This lesson taught me what responsibility is.


The theme of this issue is happiness. What is happiness? I think happiness is to be good at yourself and not regret everything you have done. The first lesson of school has taught me a lot of truth. It will be a bright light, pointing the way for me.


Students, the new semester is about to begin, let's work together, come on!

开学第一课读后感 篇5


Tonight, I watched the First Lesson on CCTV 1.


This year's theme is "happiness". The scene of the program. Jackie Chan, Yang Liwei, Deng Yaping, Yu Dan, Lang Lang, Li Na and other well-known social figures made speeches on "How to make children have a happy childhood".


This lesson focuses on Liu Hao, a blind piano child, Wang Zhonghua, a teacher of Michael Jackson's dance in Chongqing, and his students, as well as Meng Peijie, who "took his adoptive mother to school". Their stories touched the hearts of the audience. Among them, the story of Meng Peijie touched me most.


When Meng Peijie was 5 years old, he lost his parents and was adopted by Liu Fanghua of the same village; At the age of 8, her adoptive mother Liu Fanghua was paralyzed by illness. Soon after, her adoptive father ran away from home and never returned home. From the age of 8 to 20, Meng Peijie takes care of his adoptive mother every day. In 2009, Meng Peijie was admitted to Linfen College of Shanxi Normal University, 100 kilometers away from his hometown. She didn't trust her adoptive mother to be alone at home, so she decided to take her to college. I rented a house near the school and took care of my adoptive mother after class.


After reading Meng Peijie's story, I was moved and surprised. What touched her was that she had to take care of her adoptive mother's paralyzed body because of her emaciated body at the age of 20. Her adoptive mother has taken care of her for three years, and she will take care of her adoptive mother all her life. Such a thing may not matter in her eyes. She has taken care of her adoptive mother for 12 years and has taken care of her adoptive mother for more than 4000 days, which makes me deeply moved. Surprised, she has spent more than 4000 days repeatedly washing, combing her hair, applying medicine, and keeping fit for her adoptive mother. She won't be bothered or tired. Some children who are born mothers may not be able to do this. Meng Peijie took care of his adoptive mother instead of his own mother, which touched every audience.


Meng Peijie said: Happiness is gratitude and dedication. Yes, happiness is gratitude. Although Meng Peijie's adoptive mother took care of her for only three years, there should be many stories in these three years! Therefore, Meng Peijie is grateful; Happiness is dedication. Meng Peijie is grateful and dedicated to her foster mother's happiness.


I think that if the family member around me also suffers from the similar situation of Meng Peijie's adoptive mother, I will try my best to take care of that family member. Even if I am not a relative, I will try my best to help others and make myself better!


Dreams are happy, relatives are happy, and friends are happy!

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