

时间:2022-11-12 12:56:15 | 来源:语文通



读《狼牙山五壮士》有感_作文500字 篇1狼牙山五壮士读后感500字 篇2狼牙山五壮士读后感500字 篇3狼牙山五壮士读后感500字 篇4读《狼牙山五壮士》有感_作文500字 篇5

读《狼牙山五壮士》有感_作文500字 篇1


A Chinese book with ink fragrance was put in front of me, and I curiously picked it up and read it. Oh, how vivid and beautiful articles are! In particular, The Five Heroes of Langya Mountain deeply moved me.

《狼牙山五壮士》主要写的是抗日战争时期,八路军某部七连六班的`五个战士,为了掩护群众和部队转移,诱敌上山,英勇杀敌,最后把敌人引上了狼牙山峰顶,英勇跳崖的故事,表现了五位烈士热爱祖国、热爱人民、仇恨敌人、勇于牺牲的革命精神和英雄气概。看完以后,我深深地感动了。五位壮士,你们付出了这么多,自己却牺牲了!难道 你们身子是铁打的?难道你们这样做只是为了完成任务?不!不是这样的!是革命精神支撑着你们,使你们不顾自己,保护革命青年。

The Five Heroes of Langya Mountain mainly wrote the story of five soldiers in a seven company six squad of the Eighth Route Army during the Anti Japanese War. In order to cover the transfer of the masses and troops, they lured the enemy up the mountain and killed the enemy bravely. Finally, they led the enemy to the top of Langya Mountain and jumped off the cliff bravely. It shows the revolutionary spirit and heroic spirit of the five martyrs who loved the motherland, loved the people, hated the enemy, and sacrificed bravely. After reading, I was deeply moved. Five heroes, you have paid so much, but you have sacrificed yourself! Are you made of iron? Are you doing this just to get the job done? no That's not the truth! It is the revolutionary spirit that supports you and makes you disregard yourself to protect the revolutionary youth.


I pondered: five heroes, the text says that you all died, and I think you are still alive. Your spirit and image will always live in people's hearts. Moreover, there are too many people like you in today's society. When someone met with a natural disaster, people immediately extended a helping hand. A child lost his way in the street, and someone would send him home; When a child was about to die under the wheel, someone rushed out to save them You are everywhere, with your spirit and actions like you. Look, the red scarf is also in action! They helped the households with five guarantees, donated money for the disaster area and preached the law to the people. The next generation of our revolution will live up to the hopes of the older generation!


I took back the wings of my thoughts and shouted from the bottom of my heart: "Five heroes, I must learn from you that kind of quality of giving first place to others, and use your own actions to infect others, so that our society will become more harmonious and beautiful"!

狼牙山五壮士读后感500字 篇2


After reading the text "Five Heroes of Langya Mountain", I was deeply moved.


This text recounts the story that in the autumn of 1941, in order to protect the masses and the main force of the company, the five heroes of the seventh company and sixth class led the enemy to the peak of Langya Mountain and beat the enemy hard. At last, the bullets ran out, and the five of them bravely jumped off the cliff. The text shows the five heroes' love for the motherland, hatred for the enemy, and the spirit of brave sacrifice for the revolutionary cause.


Sima Qian once said, "A man is doomed to death, either heavier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather." At the critical moment, the five heroes had only one idea in mind: as long as we can protect the main force of the mass company, our sacrifice is worth it. This event reminds me of a story: Jing Ke stabbed the king of Qin. Before he left, Jing Ke sang two songs: "The wind and the flute change to the cold water, and the heroes will never return." This shows that Jing Ke knew that he was going to die, but he still went there resolutely. The spirit of "knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, preferring to travel in the tiger mountains" inspired me. Thinking about my usual performance and looking at those brave men who are not afraid of sacrifice and are determined to fight against the enemy, I feel extremely ashamed. As a Young Pioneer, I always want to give up when encountering a little difficulty, and I don't want to go to school when encountering wind and rain. Compared with the five heroes of Langya Mountain, how weak my will is!


There are many heroes who donate for their country and are not afraid of sacrifice. Since they can do it, why can't I? Everyone is equal, and not everyone can do anything when they are born.


Therefore, I want to learn from those brave people and become the backbone of the country. Defend our motherland and prevent the enemy from polluting and damaging our happy family.

狼牙山五壮士读后感500字 篇3


After reading the text "Five Heroes of Langya Mountain", I was deeply touched, and the spirit of heroes who would rather die than surrender in the text left a deep impression on me.


Shen Chong, the author of this text, told the reader a moving story about five soldiers of the seventh company and sixth class who accepted the task of covering the masses and shifting the company, attacked the enemy, led the enemy to a dead end, and finally jumped off the cliff after annihilating the enemy at the peak.


The five soldiers of the Seventh Company and the Sixth Squad, while beating the enemy who had caught up, led a large number of enemies to Langya Mountain in a planned way. They took advantage of the dangerous terrain to beat down the advancing enemy again and again. The squad leader Ma Baoyu calmly commanded the battle, let the enemy approach, and then gave the order to fight hard. Ge Zhenlin, the deputy squad leader, roared at the first shot, as if the small muzzle could not finish his anger. Song Xueyi, a soldier, always swung his arm in a circle when throwing grenades, so that he could exert all his strength. Hu Delin and Hu Fucai, two little soldiers, stretched their faces tightly and focused on the enemy.


I admire the spirit of the five heroes. They are united, brave and unyielding. This is a spirit worthy of our study. Take our study for example. Every day we experience is not difficult? Why are there so many difficulties when we graduate from primary school to junior high school, when we graduate from junior high school to senior high school, and when we graduate from senior high school to college? The process of overcoming difficulties breeds success. Yes: In the future, I will overcome any difficulties I encounter in my studies. Like heroes, I will have the spirit of perseverance. When I fight with the enemy, no matter what happens, they will not waver their desire to cover everyone.


Yes, if you want to succeed, you must persevere to complete something, not afraid of difficulties, and forge ahead!

狼牙山五壮士读后感500字 篇4


After reading the article "Five Heroes of Langya Mountain", my heart could not be calm for a long time, and I thought a lot.


The article "Five Heroes of Langya Mountain" describes that in the autumn of 1941, five anti Japanese heroes successfully completed the glorious and arduous task of intercepting the enemy, protecting the people and the company. When they ran out of ammunition and food, even when they were captured by the enemy, they jumped off the cliff bravely, died for the country, and composed a song and a sobering movement.


Whenever I think of the feats of the five heroes, I feel ashamed. As the successor of the 21st century, I do not study hard and do not seriously think about problems. The five heroes of Langya Mountain overcame many difficulties, went through fire and water and died for their country. The difficulties I met were incomparable with the choice of the Five Heroes. Moreover, it is precisely because countless martyrs shed their lives and blood, which has brought us today's happy life. If we flinch when we have difficulties in learning, how can we contribute to our motherland tomorrow? How can we be worthy of the heroes of the martyrs? As the Young Pioneers of New China, they should take the spirit of the martyrs as the driving force, study hard, study hard on cultural knowledge, cultivate excellent skills, become the successors of the new century, and build the motherland more beautiful and rich.


The five heroes are the backbone of the Chinese nation and the role models of the Chinese people.


They are immortal. Before I knew it, a majestic and solemn monument stood in my heart, engraved with the names of the five heroes of Langya Mountain: Ma Baoyu, Ge Zhenlin, Song Xueyi, Hu Delin and Hu Fucai.


Five heroes, although your body is dead, your spirit is still in our hearts. We will certainly shoulder the sacred mission of revitalizing China and make our motherland prosperous forever.

读《狼牙山五壮士》有感_作文500字 篇5


Today, after I read the text "Five Heroes of Langya Mountain", I had a deep feeling.


This article mainly recounts that in the autumn of 1941, the five heroes of the seven year six class led the enemy to the peak of Langya Mountain and attacked the enemy in order to cover the movement of the masses and the company. Finally, the bullets were exhausted, and the five heroes jumped down the cliff bravely. It shows the revolutionary heroic spirit of the five heroes who love the people, love the motherland and are brave to sacrifice.


After reading this text, I have a deep feeling and impression on several natural paragraphs. Of the second natural paragraph "Ma Baoyu, the squad leader, calmly commanded the battle and ordered the enemy to come near before he gave the order to fight hard. Ge Zhenlin, the deputy squad leader, roared at the first shot, as if the small muzzle of the gun could not exhaust his anger. Song Xueyi, the soldier, always swung his arm in a circle to throw the grenade, so that he could use his full strength. Hu Delin and Hu Fucai, the two little soldiers, strained their faces tightly and focused on the enemy. The enemy could not move forward any more 。 On the rugged mountain road, there are many corpses of the enemy lying in disorder. " I learned from the verbs "command", "command", "roar", "swing" and "aim" that although the five heroes acted differently when they annihilated the enemy, I still felt that their incomparable hatred for the enemy was the same.


In fact, there are many people like the Five Heroes of Langya Mountain in our life. Like the police. They always come forward at dangerous times, sacrifice themselves for others, and are willing to pay but not return, maintaining people's safety. Isn't it the spirit of the five heroes of Langya Mountain to sacrifice themselves for others?


These soldiers always come forward at dangerous times, leaving the hope of life to others and letting the fear of death threaten them. How brave they are! They will always be heroes in my heart!

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