

时间:2022-11-12 12:56:22 | 来源:语文通



《只有一个地球》读后感500字 篇1只有一个地球读后感500字 篇2《只有一个地球》读后感500字 篇3只有一个地球读后感500字 篇4《只有一个地球》读后感500字 篇5《只有一个地球》读后感500字 篇6《只有一个地球》读后感500字 篇7《只有一个地球》读后感500字 篇8

《只有一个地球》读后感500字 篇1


The countless setbacks in composition are just small episodes in the life journey. Realize your ideal and bravely challenge yourself with setbacks! 300 Word Composition When you hold the dream of "being the top of the mountain and seeing all the small mountains", you hold the belief that "there will be times when the wind and the waves break, and the cloud sail will help the sea". One day, you will "not be afraid of the clouds to cover your eyes, and you will be at the highest level. After touching these doorways, I continue to climb up. I have used all the methods of grasping, pulling, picking, pinching, grasping, and pushing. Gradually, I am exhausted, and my legs are shaking like chaff.


From this lesson, I understand that the earth is a crystal ball, with blue and white markings interlaced, surrounded by a thin layer of water blue "gauze". The earth is the mother of human beings, the cradle of life, so beautiful and magnificent, so kind and amiable.


However, people cut down trees at will and abused chemicals, which not only made trees unable to regenerate, but also caused a series of ecological disasters, bringing serious consequences to human life.


We should cherish the resources and not let them run away in vain! If you think so, please meet the following requirements for environmental protection:


1、 Do not experiment with animals.


2、 Do not abuse any chemicals.


3、 Don't cut down trees.


4、 Don't trample on the lawn or pick flowers randomly.


5、 Without the lights and TV on, the room was empty.


6、 Do not turn off the tap.


7、 Do not throw the unused notebook into the dustbin.


If we can all do this, our earth will be better!


So let's cherish the natural resources! We only have one earth, if it is destroyed, we have nowhere else to go!

只有一个地球读后感500字 篇2


After reading "Only One Earth", I pondered: There is only one earth for human beings, and today's earth, due to the random destruction of human beings, its beautiful appearance has been riddled with holes, and the once rich resources have gradually dried up. Such a beautiful earth, in the hands of ignorant people, is close to destruction. Save the earth!


Our mother river, the Yellow River, has conquered every Chinese descendant with its surging momentum. However, who has ever thought about how much soil is washed away by the Yellow River every day? The vegetation area in the upper reaches of the Yellow River is very small. In addition, people cut down a lot of trees, and the only vegetation can not keep the soil. Therefore, the soil will melt into the surging river once washed by water. This not only makes the river water turbid and unbearable, but also makes the river bed rise because of a large amount of sediment deposition, resulting in flooding. Therefore, the beautiful and beautiful Mother River has lost its former style. Therefore, it is our great responsibility to protect forests and green our homes. Those of us who are children should take active actions to put a green coat on our mother earth


Modern civilization brings people great happiness. However, behind civilization, there are also some uncivilities. The pollution of air and water resources also brings harm to people's health. The waste water and waste gas discharged by the factory cause serious pollution of water resources and air. Today, it is difficult to find a river that is not polluted, so it is very harmful to our health. We should pay attention to protecting the environment and maintaining ecological balance!


The author of "Only One Earth" also tells us that the earth is our only home. In the face of the earth that is now riddled with holes, let's call out loudly: protect the ecological balance of the earth and rebuild our beautiful homeland! Let's take immediate action to save the earth!

《只有一个地球》读后感500字 篇3


The earth, the planet on which human beings depend for survival, and this crystal clear and vibrant planet have nurtured human beings. The earth, the mother of human beings and the cradle of life, is so beautiful, magnificent and amiable.


However, people living on the earth are wantonly destroying this beautiful planet, making the earth mother dying. Humans took electric saws to cut trees in the forest. In an instant, large areas of the forest disappeared, leaving only bare stumps. Groups of birds flew in the air, unable to find a place to settle down; Beside the limpid rivers, factories drained the sewage and waste water into the river. The limpid river suddenly turned into a dirty and smelly ditch. The dead fish and shrimp floated on the water, emitting stench; The tap kept flowing clear tap water, and the water user disappeared; With the lights and TV on, the room was empty for a long time; The notebook was thrown into the trash, but only used a few pages.

我们已经知道,地球所拥有的自然资源也是有限的。这些自然资源一但枯竭了,我们将很难从别处得到补充。所以,我们要善待我们的家园, 善待地球,共创一个美好的生活环境。我们应该从身边的小事做起,注重每个细节,以节水为荣,随时关紧水龙头,防止滴漏。要少用一次性物品,尽量使用耐用品,买菜和买早点时不用塑料袋,每天节约一张纸,节约一滴水。要保护好水资源,多植树,爱护身边的每一寸土地,每一块草坪,每一株花草。

We already know that the natural resources that the earth has are also limited. Once these natural resources are exhausted, we will find it difficult to replenish them from elsewhere. Therefore, we should treat our homeland and the earth well to create a better living environment. We should start from the little things around us, pay attention to every detail, take pride in saving water, and turn off the tap at any time to prevent leakage. We should use less disposable items, try to use durable goods, and do not use plastic bags when buying vegetables and breakfast. We should save a piece of paper and a drop of water every day. We should protect water resources, plant more trees, and take care of every inch of land, every lawn, and every flower and grass around us.


Don't let the last drop of water on the earth become human tears! For the sake of the earth, for the sake of mankind, love, protect and cherish this unique earth!

只有一个地球读后感500字 篇4


Read the article "Only One Earth". After reading, I think it is a little surprising that only the earth is suitable for human habitation in the universe. Within the four billion kilometers around the earth, there is no second planet suitable for human habitation. Think of the earth as a mother. The surface area of our earth "mother" is 5.1 billion square kilometers, and the land of human life only accounts for about one fifth of it, so the scope of human life is very small.


I think we should protect the earth and never let the resources on the earth dry up. Nowadays, people in the world need water most, and the fresh water resources that we rely on for survival in the world are very scarce, and most of the fresh water is covered in glaciers. Therefore, we should cherish every drop of water.


Not only water but also electricity. When I don't use the lamp, I don't turn off the lamp. The same is true of the light tube. Sometimes I fall asleep when lying on my clothes, but the lamp isn't turned off. It's a waste of electricity. So we should save electricity.


We also need to use all kinds of resources and chemicals sparingly, which is tantamount to harming her and damaging her. We can't destroy her. We need to protect our planet.


In the past, I wrote a few wrong words and a wrong title. Instead of crossing out and rewriting, I tore the whole page off. The same is true of draft paper. It's so wasteful to use one side and throw it away!


After reading the article "Only One Earth", I really realized that I would never waste anything now. As the saying goes, "It is great to know your mistakes and change them.". Nature demands nothing from human beings, and human beings can only survive under the protection of nature. The earth is not an inexhaustible cornucopia. He is the only home of nature, but not the eternal Eden of mankind.

《只有一个地球》读后感500字 篇5


Only one earth is a lesson. Let me know that we should protect the earth and cherish its natural resources.


From the text, I learned that in the vast universe, our earth is a crystal ball wearing blue "gauze clothes", which is so beautiful and small at the same time. Its natural resources are also limited. If we do not protect the earth, do not protect the earth's ecological environment, and destroy the earth at will, then we humans will have nowhere else to go.


We have only one earth. To treat the earth well is to treat ourselves well. However, some people have deeply harmed our planet for economic benefits. One report said that several enterprises often secretly discharged industrial sewage into the river in order to save costs. The river is seriously polluted. There are a large number of dead fish and shrimp floating on the river, as well as white foam. The river is red in black, and the odor is high. At the villagers' houses near the river, the water in the wells also became turbid. Over the years, people in the village have been dying of cancer. These bloody lessons warn us that harming the earth is harming ourselves.


The earth is our only home. We should protect the earth's environment and cherish its resources. Yesterday afternoon I was playing football at the door, and my neighbor's aunt was washing clothes. Then suddenly their home phone rang, and my aunt forgot to turn off the water pipe when she was in a hurry to answer the phone. After a while, the water overflowed from the basin like a mini waterfall. I saw it and thought: The resources on the earth are limited, and we can't waste them. So I hurried to close the water pipe. I think protecting the earth should start from these little things around us.


We have only one earth. If we don't treat it well, it will be destroyed in our hands sooner or later. Let's protect our earth together and make it better for our humanity!

《只有一个地球》读后感500字 篇6


A few days ago, we learned an article entitled "Only One Earth". The article introduced the relevant knowledge of the earth from the perspective of human survival, clarified the principle of "only one earth" for human survival, and explained the importance and necessity of protecting the ecological environment.


After reading this article, I felt guilty because I didn't protect the environment at all and often spit and litter everywhere. I feel so guilty now. According to the satellite remote sensing measurement in 1992, the area of water and soil loss in China is 179. 40000 square kilometers, accounting for 18% of the land area. 7%。 Desertification is developing rapidly, and the desertification land has reached 1.49 million square kilometers, accounting for 15% of the total land area. 5%; Water pollution is obviously serious, with 42% of urban water sources polluted. What is the problem with such a large amount of pollution? If we want to trace back to the source, it is still that human beings have greed. In order to make money, we cut down trees indiscriminately and kill wild animals wantonly, leading to ecological imbalance. Do people really want money instead of the earth? There is also a sentence in the article: "Our earth is too lovely, and at the same time it is too easy to break!" Why did the astronaut uncle send out such a message. General sigh? After many times of reading, I finally understand. The earth provides human beings with viable natural resources. It is great and selfless. If we think that we can destroy the earth just for our own benefit and trample on it at will, it will be fragmented. On the contrary, if people protect the earth carefully, it will be more lovely!


As a primary school student, I would like to appeal to the whole society: let's work together to protect the flowers and trees on the earth, so that the earth will not be damaged. Let the earth benefit our future generations!

《只有一个地球》读后感500字 篇7


After learning the educational article "Only One Earth", I deeply felt the beauty and greatness of the earth, the human mother, who selflessly contributed to the people, and felt ashamed and profound introspection for what he had done before.


Whenever I read about the serious shortage of fresh water resources on the earth, I would feel extremely ashamed. I used to be a person who didn't cherish water resources. Even washing hands should be played, so that those who have worked hard to come here to serve the people waste water. Don't turn off the tap until you are tired of playing. How much water was wasted in those days! The world's water resources are limited. If we don't cherish them, future generations will have no running water. As the teacher said, "Today we save a drop of water and leave a drop of blood to future generations."


So, until now, I have realized my mistakes and made a profound self-examination. From now on, I would like to call on everyone to save water, protect limited water resources and protect our planet together!


From then on, as long as I saw that there was a faucet that was not turned off, I would go over and turn it off to stop it wasting water. Moreover, I saw that someone used a large basin of water to wash vegetables once, and then emptied them after washing. I went to ask him, "Why do you want to do this? The water after washing vegetables can be used to water flowers and mop the floor. Why do you waste it?" He said, "It's very convenient for you to wash vegetables in this way. It will be very troublesome." Then I told him some information and figures about the serious water shortage in the country and cities, which convinced him that he would save water in the future.


Please remember that "treating the earth well is treating yourself well". Please cherish the limited water resources and save water!

《只有一个地球》读后感500字 篇8


I learned the text "Only One Earth" deeply. This text tells us that one earth is the mother of human beings and the cradle of life. If we indiscriminately abuse chemicals and waste various resources, we will harm and destroy them. The most dangerous thing is that scientists have proved that there is no second planet suitable for human habitation within 40 trillion kilometers around the earth. Human beings can't imagine that they will move to other planets after destroying the earth again. Only the earth is suitable for human habitation. As life on the earth, we should protect it and not let all kinds of resources on the earth dry up. Otherwise, once the earth is destroyed, the end of mankind will come.


Our Earth Mother has generously provided people with all kinds of resources. We should protect it instead of destroying it and destroying it in ignorance. Water resources, biological resources, forest resources, atmospheric resources, etc., which are indispensable to human life, are precious. We humans should protect and save them as gems. Because they are not God's gifts, but formed after millions of years of geological changes, it is said that without the earth, there is no place for human beings. They can't even survive. Only the earth, the mother of mankind, can save us.


Here, I appeal to all life on the earth to take action! We should protect our Earth Mother together from the little things around us, such as protecting every bit, every plant, every mountain and every water. We should know that, as the life on the earth, we have the responsibility and obligation to protect the homeland on which human beings live ---- the earth!!!

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