

时间:2022-11-15 12:54:34 | 来源:语文通



《我和我的家乡》影评 篇1《我和我的家乡》影评 篇2《我和我的家乡》影评 篇3

《我和我的家乡》影评 篇1


My hometown is a small mountain village, where the scenery is beautiful, the air is fresh, and the four seasons have different beauty.


In spring, trees sprout and grass grows green. There are also wild flowers in full bloom, which are very beautiful. Butterflies fly freely on the wild flowers. Dashan also wore green clothes.


Summer is a hot season. In the daytime, the weather is sunny, and people dare not go out. But after dinner, they have to go to the square. There is a garden beside the square, and there are roses in the garden. They are colorful and beautiful. As soon as it gets dark, the square is very lively. The aunts dance in the square, and the children chase each other and revel with the adults. On the way home, there are only glittering fireflies playing in the roadside grass. Summer is a happy season.


Autumn is a cool season. The sturdy fruit trees are full of sweet and delicious fruits. There are apples, pears and persimmons. You push and touch them, and they compete for people to pick them! There are all kinds of vegetables in the vegetable garden, including cabbage, coriander, eggplant, and sharp pepper. The five chin and six colors are very beautiful. Autumn is a harvest season.


It snowed in winter. The snow was soft and shiny, like a white quilt. The children are making snowmen and having snowball fights. They are very happy.


This is my hometown. I love my hometown.

《我和我的家乡》影评 篇2


I love my beautiful hometown Jiujiang, because it is beautiful all the year round.


In spring, the ice and snow in the river melted, and immediately I saw small fish swimming happily in the water. The fish in the river are very naughty. They are spitting bubbles, big and small. They come out and disappear in my sight with a puff.


In summer, the trees grow very luxuriantly. Looking down from a high place, ah, it's just like a green ocean!


In autumn, in the orchard, there are sweet strawberries, crystal and plump grapes, big and round persimmons Wait, let my saliva "fly down 3000 feet". The fallen leaves are floating like butterflies. To tell the truth, the scene of falling leaves is really beautiful!


The winter in my hometown is a silver white world full of snow. After the heavy snow, the earth was immediately covered with a thick white cotton padded jacket, and the river was also covered with thin ice. The ice was transparent, as if you could see the black stones, yellowish sand and mud under the water. There are more than ten ice pillars under the eaves, some are thick, some are thin, some are long and some are short. They are all reflecting light in the sun. It's really beautiful!


I love my hometown, because it is a painting every season!

《我和我的家乡》影评 篇3


My hometown is a magical and beautiful place. It is located in the northeast of Haimen City. It is surrounded by the Yellow Sea in the north and Lvsi Fishing Port in the east. It is rich in fish, shrimp, crabs and shellfish. It is not inferior to saying that it is a natural fishing port with a history of 100 years. It is the most memorable place - my hometown Dongzao Port.


As a famous tourist town in the South Yellow Sea region, Dongzaogang Town has the "only living oyster reef in China and rare in the world" - Oyster Ya Mountain. It is also a "national marine special protection area" with rich and unique tourism resources. The construction of trestle, offshore platform, cruise ship dock and the operation of hovercraft and recreational fishing boats have brought vitality to the sea tourism of Oyster Ya Mountain; Seafood Fresh seafood on the street brings delicious food to tourists; In the leisure fishing center and tourism ecological village, people have experienced the feeling of "returning to nature and nature". Dongzaogang Town, which is prosperous in economy, beautiful in environment and harmonious in society, has ushered in new development opportunities. Dongzaogang Town is actively engaged in the coastal development boom. In the future, Dongzaogang Town will become a modern central town with a population of 100000 and a deep-water seaport center, a green eco-tourism center, a fishing port center and a coastal industry and trade center. But the most famous place in my hometown is the sea.


The sea in Dongzao Port is unique. I like the sea in summer best. The sea water is extremely bright blue, and the waves are as smooth as the West Lake in spring morning. Occasionally, the breeze only blows up tens of thousands of tiny wrinkles, which makes the golden water under the sun in early summer look warm and pleasant. I've never seen such a beautiful sea! The sky is also very bright blue, only a few thin gauze like light clouds. Flat in the air, like a girl, wearing a beautiful blue summer clothes, while the neck is surrounded by a very thin and light white scarf. I've never seen such a beautiful sea and sky.


The tide is rising, and the surging tide is pushing the waves ahead. Rows of white tide are rushing forward, like thundering thunder and galloping horses. The sea suddenly became an endless battlefield, with the sea wind blowing a sharp "horn", and the waves seemed to be hundreds of brave soldiers, fiercely attacking the coast and shouting loudly. As long as the heavy stone on the shore is gently brushed by the tide, it seems to "sink" to the "seabed" at once. Rows of waves hit the shore, splashing spray. This spectacular tide makes me feel how much power there is in the vast sea, and how many poets have unlimited reverie on the vast sea.


Look, this is my hometown. If you are excited and come to visit suddenly, I will take you to enjoy the gift that nature has given us in Dongzao Harbor!

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