

时间:2022-11-17 12:49:06 | 来源:语文通



观察日记300字 篇1观察日记 篇2观察日记 篇3观察日记 篇4

观察日记300字 篇1


Thursday, June 17


Today, my mother bought a little turtle. The little turtle was covered in a dark green coat, like a general's armor, hard and strong; The tail is thin and sharp, like a sharp sword edge; The eyes are big and round, slowly turning but sending out sharp eyes; Four feet are like four "gliders"... What a lovely little thing!


Friday, June 18th


Suddenly, I thought of something - it hasn't eaten yet! I quickly poured out some colorful turtle feed from the feed bag and threw it into the jar. However, the little turtle ignored it. After about half an hour, the little turtle finally climbed over to eat it. The original water soaked feed became soft. He likes to eat soft feed!


Saturday, June 19th


Once, I was watching TV with relish. The little tortoise saw that I wasn't paying attention and climbed up. When I climbed to the edge, I was found. I called out, "touch", and the little tortoise fell on all fours, which was very cute. After a while, I heard the voice of whooping and ran to have a look. Oh! It turned out that the little turtle couldn't get up and turned over with his paws. So I wanted to help him. But unexpectedly, the little turtle turned over with his head. I couldn't help but wonder.

观察日记 篇2


Monday, September 15


Today, my father bought some sunflowers for me. With their golden petals and tender green leaves, I wish I could accompany them all the time.


I looked closely at the sunflower and found that it had a black stamen with numerous small yellow petals beside it. Below it were many green leaves and a straight stem.


I hope that sunflowers can be bathed in the sun like us and bear full fruits when they grow up.


Wednesday, September 17


Today, I found that the sunflower had a baby. Its small stamens are tightly blocked by the yellow and small petals, leaving no gaps. The small petals seem to be protecting the small melon seeds inside!


The small sunflower was a little bigger than the previous day, and it grew several small tender leaves. The "stature" also grew taller. I measured the stem with a ruler, which was 4cm higher than the day before yesterday. There were some white hairs on the stem, which felt itchy.


Why do sunflower stems grow white fluff? I'll tell you when I find the answer!


Friday, September 19


I have observed sunflowers for the third time. Today, because of the wind and rain, when I came home, my sunflowers were tortured. Some were blown off a lot of petals, some were broken stems, and some fell from the flower bed to the ground, which was really terrible!


Now, only one sunflower is still growing tenaciously. In order to protect and better observe it, I decided to move it indoors. Today's is no different from yesterday's, but the soil is very wet. Carefully observe that there is a very small green leaf on the stem. I think it is a little like a fan leaf. I wonder if the "stature" will grow taller now that a small leaf is added? Hurry to get a ruler. After measuring, it really grew one centimeter taller. Although it is only one centimeter long, it can grow under such bad conditions. I really admire it!


We should be like that sunflower, not afraid of difficulties, overcome difficulties, combat clothing difficulties!


It rains on Monday, September 22


I really hate the weather these days. It rains every day. Even my "hero" sunflower can hardly stand it.


In the evening, I went upstairs to see the "hero" sunflower. It was found that its petals were falling, its leaves were down, and its stem was bent to the side. It was so dejected that it looked like a dying patient! This may be due to the lack of sunshine.


I only have such a sunflower now. I really hope the weather will get better soon. I can hurry up and take more care of the "Little Hero"!

观察日记 篇3


Teacher Zhou assigned us an assignment - that is, each person planted a spring seed, observed it every day, and recorded it in detail.


On the first day, my mother gave me the soaked and fast sprouting soybeans. I carefully put them beside the flowerpot, picked up the shovel, dug holes in the flowerpot one by one, and then put the soybeans in the holes one by one, and covered them loosely. I picked up a small water bottle and filled it with clear water to wash the baby soybeans before going to bed, hoping that the baby soybeans would wake up soon. Everything was ready. I put them on the well lit windowsill. I'm looking forward to them.


The next day, I still watered it, but it was still the same. I kept saying, "Xiaodou Miao, wake up quickly, come out and breathe fresh air with me".


On the third day, I stood in front of the window sill again. The sunshine was shining well in the flowerpot. The bean babies seemed to have fallen into deep sleep, still without any movement, just like the sun bath hypnotized them.


On the fourth day, it was time for me to water them again. I opened my eyes and looked at the flowerpot carefully. It seemed that the bean babies were about to come out. The soil was loose and the soil was cracked. I was very surprised that the bean babies were about to be born.


In the morning of the fifth or sixth day, I suddenly saw a small bean sprout had broken through the ground. The heavy bean sprouts were rising high, and their heads were green, as if their green hair had not spread. I'm so excited.


On the seventh day, I went to see them again. As if they had talked, the beanie babies had grown up one after another. Hey hey, they all looked the same. They were standing on both sides of the road like street lamps with thin poles and heavy heads.


Haha, my bean babies have successfully awakened and grown up in my expectation.


On this day, I observed them again. The baby beans had already spit out small tender leaves and turned into young beans. The tender and green leaves are sandwiched between the golden and green broad bean petals. They are very lovely and beautiful. My mood is also very comfortable.


This is my little bean sprout. What about yours?

观察日记 篇4


There are some plants on my balcony. One of them attracted my attention. I often observe it, that is, ten coriander.


Ten coriander is a herbaceous plant. It withers in winter and sprouts in spring. Its prosperous period is in summer and autumn. The appearance of this plant is very common. Its stems are very thin in purple, and its leaves are small round leaves in dark green. There are many bulging stripes on the leaves, some like seersucker, some like wrinkles on the face of my wife. Its root system is very developed. It has no excessive requirements on soil and water. It can grow anywhere, and it breeds quickly, Its vitality is very tenacious. If it is served by good soil and water, it will be more vigorous.


Ten coriander is like an immortal superman. It uses its indomitable spirit to show its fresh life. It has the name of "three fears". One is not afraid: "kill the head". If you pinch off the leaf head on the ten coriander stem back and forth, it will grow new leaf heads back and forth. Its spirit of not fearing death is worth learning. Second, don't be afraid: "Nowo" You dig out ten coriander roots and put it in a piece of open land. It still grows happily and has shade everywhere, just like an infectious disease. It is green all around. Third, don't be afraid: "Death" You dig out ten corianders and put them in the sun for several days. Finally, the leaves dry and the stems wither. But as long as you pour water or shower a heavy rain, it will come back to life, and its roots will grow new stems and leaves. Its vitality is quite amazing.


Ten coriander also has many functions. It can repel mosquitoes and insects, and it can also eat. Its fragrance gives you endless aftertaste. It never competes with other plants. It can stand loneliness, and can also withstand coldness. It is neither charming nor charming. It shows its character in its own way of growth, and its spirit is admirable.

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