

时间:2022-11-21 13:03:12 | 来源:语文通



我的日记 篇1真实的我日记 篇2我的日记 篇3我的日记 篇4真实的我日记 篇5

我的日记 篇1








真实的我日记 篇2


My name is Zhang Yu. I am a senior student of Longchuan No. 1 Primary School. I am 11 years old this year. Although I like painting very much, my dream is to be a pianist.


I am tall, with long black and shiny hair, like a waterfall, curved eyebrows like crescent moon, and watery eyes. When I laugh, I squint like a crack. A pair of "downwind ears" have a high nose in the middle, and a ruddy face with a talkative mouth. I like wearing black pants best, but I don't like wearing skirts. Because wearing a skirt is not cool enough.


My mother said that my character is as wild as a boy, but it's not all true. Sometimes I also love "smelly beauty"! Once, when I was on duty, I got up early from the bed and found beautiful clothes to wear. I looked around, and finally I found a dress that satisfied me. I put it on and tied my hair high with decorative rubber bands. I didn't put on my white shoes until I was satisfied. When I got to school, all the girls in the class ran around me. They shouted, "How can Zhang Yu be different today?" I lowered my head shyly, but my heart was still happy. When school came to an end, I ran home quickly. As soon as I entered the house, I let my mother see my dress and asked her if she was cool. But my mother said, "It's so beautiful. I'll wear school uniforms in the future. Don't make so many moves." I can't help it. I can only say that it's hard to disobey my parents' orders!


This is me, a lovely girl. Do you like me?

我的日记 篇3


Today is my birthday, so I am very happy.


In the morning, I got up early with excitement. After breakfast, I went out to play. As soon as I left the gate, Zhao Min and his aunt came. Zhao Min shouted from a distance: "I brought you a remote control car, brother!" "Really?" Zhao Min handed me the remote control car. I took over the remote control racing car, raised my hands and shouted excitedly: "Ah --" Zhao Min covered his ears and said bitterly, "Hey, my brother, why are you so loud? I'm deaf when you shout --"


I took the car to the yard and unpacked it. The remote control is blue and has five buttons. The red one is "forward", the black one is "backward", the white one is "left", the green one is "right", the gray one is "on", and the purple one is "off".


I pressed the red button first, and the car ran forward. When the car ran to the intersection, I gave Zhao Min the remote control. As soon as I looked up, I saw Grandma and Grandpa also came riding an electric tricycle. Grandma smiled and said, "I bought you a big cake -" Zhao Min took the racing car, I took the remote control and ran home quickly, expecting the cake to be served.


I shouted happily: "Serve!" Grandpa smiled and served the roast chicken. Grandma also brought the cake and prawns - almost all the dishes were ready. I asked, "Where's the cake?" Grandpa put a triple chocolate cake on the table and brought two bottles of juice. Zhao Min and I couldn't wait to eat.


I was eleven years old, and everyone sang a birthday song: "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you..." I smiled shamefully. After singing the birthday song, I started to eat the cake. Grandma divided the cake into seven parts, and everyone had a share. In this way, we will eat with a big mouth.

我的日记 篇4


My hometown is a small village in Jingzhou, Hubei Province, where spring is green, and golden rape flowers are everywhere; The fragrance of grass and flowers permeates the fresh air, making people intoxicated; In summer, the sun is always baked like a stove. The cicada kept barking on the branch. The golden wheat in autumn dances with the wind, as if waving to you. People are happily harvesting crops in the fields. In winter, my favorite weather is snow. When it snows, we can play snowball fights, ski, and make snowmen.


My hometown is also beautiful. There is a pond in front of my house. There are lotus, lotus and small goldfish in the pond. The shape of the pond is S-shaped. In summer, the pond is green and the lotus is purple, red and pink.


The specialties of my hometown are Wuchang fish, lotus seed, flower cake and duck neck. Wuchang fish is steamed and eaten. It is fragrant, sweet and nutritious. The lotus seed is the lotus seed. It tastes sweet and slightly bitter. Eating lotus seeds in summer can reduce fire and relieve heat. Huagao is a cake made of fish and eggs. The flower cake is used for steaming. It tastes delicious. I just drool when I think about it. The duck neck is a specially made duck neck. It tastes hot and delicious. It's really delicious.


My hometown is so beautiful. I love my hometown.

真实的我日记 篇5


When nobody is around, I always ask myself, what kind of me am I?


In the eyes of others, I am a silent person. I don't like talking when I see people. But in the eyes of my family, I am an active person. I will play the Monkey King and turn the house upside down. Every time my family is busy for dozens of minutes before finishing. For this reason, my family has made an agreement with me, that is, I can't play the Monkey King and make trouble in the Heavenly Palace, but I still go my own way.


On the New Year's Day, our family went to other people's homes for dinner. On the way home, two cars drove up, with a gap of less than one meter. I rushed down at once, feeling the wind blowing in my ears. At this time, I opened my eyes. Ah! I passed.


When I am with my partner, I become an active person again. I play video games, do somersaults and watch TV with my partner


In addition, I am also a kind person. Once, my father caught a mouse. When I saw that the mouse was pitiful, I let it go. As a result, I was scolded.


I am what I am!

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