

时间:2022-11-21 13:03:14 | 来源:语文通


观开学第一课有感 篇1观开学第一课有感 篇2观开学第一课有感 篇3

观开学第一课有感 篇1


Tagore once said, "Only love can unite people of different faiths. On the first day of school this year, I was fortunate to watch the first tree of love education with 200 million primary and secondary students across China.


When the loud song of "I love you, China" resounded through the Badaling Great Wall, my heart was filled with uncontrollable excitement and pride. This ardent "I love you, China" sentence is believed to be the most unspoken piece of loyalty of every Chinese descendant to the motherland.


What is love? Love is sharing, trust, strength and glory. oh I don't understand these empty sentences. I only believe what I see. I see that it is the optimistic and strong people in the earthquake stricken areas who share happiness and pain. The people in the August 8 flood are united in their efforts to fight against the natural disasters. The Chinese people continue to obtain various achievements, win glory and love for their country in the world, and make China more beautiful.


Now, as a new generation of youth, what should we do? New China has gone through a period of continuous development, and we are also in the golden age of life. We do not need to make outstanding contributions to the motherland, but most fundamentally, we should love the motherland from the heart. The continuous development of science, technology and materials has broadened our horizons and let us see the colorful outside world. Many young people are curious about "the relatively round moon in foreign countries" and indifferent to the development of the motherland. However, I think that as Chinese, "everyone has a responsibility to rise and fall", we should be proud and proud. We should love the brilliant culture of the motherland, which is vast and resourceful. Of course, we also need to pay attention to the people around us, Those who need help give their love. The greatest tragedy of life is not death, but that they no longer love each other. Only the strongest love for human beings can inspire a necessary force to pursue and realize the meaning of life. Streams converge into rivers and lakes, and small love will eventually become big love, flowing in each of our hearts and warming each other.


As Chairman Mao once said, "A single spark can start a prairie fire." Let's love our motherland and everyone around us. Because I firmly believe that "love makes China more beautiful!"

观开学第一课有感 篇2


Dream is a beautiful word, dream is an inexhaustible power, dream is a key to open the door of hope for you.

通过《开学第一课》,我认识了一位伟大的母亲――郑亚波,她是一民普通的加油站女工,也是一个自闭症与智障孩子的母亲。当得知自己的孩子无法像其他儿童那样健康成长的时候,她感到无比沮丧,但她却未感到绝望,而是抱着一丝希望,带着儿子四处求医,当听说学习钢琴能帮助儿子恢复智力时,她仿佛在一片黑暗中突然找到了光亮,将儿子送去学习钢琴。 但那束光亮很快破灭了,老师对这样一个智障孩子没有耐心,从而拒绝对儿子进行教学。这时,郑亚波心中萌生了个想法,自学钢琴再教给儿子。于是她坚持了11年自学钢琴培育了智障孩子。梦想让郑亚波充满力量,这种力量让她不畏任何困难艰险,让她风雨无阻。因为她对梦想的坚持,执著与奋斗,现在她的儿子能上正常学校,能与人交流,还能流畅地演奏出中外著名钢琴曲,他深深感受到了母亲的辛苦奋斗,并为母亲演奏了一首动听的《世人只有妈妈好》。母亲的梦想实现了,她拥有了一双隐形的翅膀。

Through the First Lesson at the Beginning of School, I met a great mother, Zheng Yabo. She was an ordinary gas station worker and a mother of autistic and mentally retarded children. When she learned that her children could not grow up as healthily as other children, she felt extremely depressed, but she did not feel hopeless. Instead, she took her son around for medical treatment with a glimmer of hope. When she heard that learning the piano could help her son recover his intelligence, she seemed to suddenly find light in the dark and sent him to learn the piano. But the light soon burst, and the teacher had no patience with such a mentally retarded child, so he refused to teach his son. At this time, Zheng Yabo had an idea in his mind. He taught his son the piano by himself. So she insisted on self-study of piano for 11 years and cultivated mentally retarded children. The dream makes Zheng Yabo full of strength, which makes her brave of all difficulties and dangers and make her weather free. Because of her persistence, perseverance and struggle for her dream, her son can now go to normal schools, communicate with others, and play famous Chinese and foreign piano music fluently. He deeply felt his mother's hard work, and played a beautiful "Only Mommy is Good in the World" for his mother. Mother's dream has come true, she has a pair of invisible wings.


The dream is like the stars in the universe, seemingly unreachable, but Zheng Yabo insisted on working hard, and she touched it. The dream is also like a paper airplane, which can only move forward with power. Zheng Yabo is determined to cure his son's illness, make him a healthy child, and hope his son can thrive. Therefore, her paper airplane flies higher and farther.


I used to study piano for many years, but because of hardship, tiredness, and other children playing, I had to practice boring piano music. Sometimes I needed the supervision of my parents. But after understanding the story of Zheng Yabo, I could not help feeling ashamed when I saw her son learning so hard and hard. Compared with him, I felt like a small grain of sand.


But now I gradually understand the importance of dreams. Dreams can bring happiness, joy and happiness to people. Dream is a light that illuminates the endless road ahead of you when you are moving forward; Dream is a book when you are helpless in the dark night, which opens the dawn for you; Dream is a pair of big hands extended to you when you face difficulties to warm your heart, comfort your heart and help you sincerely.


However, if you want to realize your dream, you must have the spirit of never giving up. The realization of your dream is not overnight. You have perseverance and perseverance. I believe you will pick your own star and have the most beautiful flight.


Let's fly our dreams, open our invisible wings and fly!

观开学第一课有感 篇3


September 1 is the first day of school, so the whole school organized to watch the First Lesson, whose theme is happiness. The teacher asked us to watch it with our parents. What is happiness? Let's experience while watching!


First of all, a two-year-old girl fell down from the sixth floor, just as an aunt passed by and caught her downstairs. But the aunt's arm was crushed and fractured due to the instant impact, but the aunt did not regret it. She said, "I will do it again if I encounter this kind of thing in the future, to help." The great aunt sacrificed her arm for the young life of the two-year-old girl. We should learn from her great selfless spirit and noble character of sacrifice to save others.


Then he told another story. A blind boy named Liu Hao suddenly wanted to learn piano when he was 8 years old. His mother took him to find more than 40 teachers, but no one was willing to teach him. Because he was a blind child, taking a blind child to learn the piano would not only cost the child a lot, but also cost the teacher a lot, and it would not be possible to teach him. No one would like to do such thankless things. Later, with the help of kind-hearted people, they found the piano class of the blind children's school. Liu Hao's notation was made by his mother needle by needle with kraft paper, which did not disappoint her mother's hard work and expectations. Liu Hao played the piano very well. Liu Hao himself said, "Actually, I am no different from others, but I am blind." Liu Hao also won the third prize in the piano competition. His greatest wish is to study hard and repay his mother in the future. Perhaps for Zhang Hao, happiness comes from dreams, and happiness is growing up with his mother!


In fact, sometimes happiness is simple. Happiness is warm care, sincere praise, happy sharing, and selfless dedication.

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