

时间:2022-11-23 13:06:48 | 来源:语文通



情人节日记 篇1情人节日记 篇2七夕情人节日志通用 篇3

情人节日记 篇1

我知道自己做的什么的是错的、我只想关心你,最后关心、变成了、自做多情、 今天情人节一直以为你会倍我、可是我多想了、本以为妳会来倍你、我傻了眼、 你爱的不是我、那为什么要说你很爱我、离不开我、我一直以为你不会出卖我的、呵、你真逗、真的、我知道我错在那了、自做多情是吗、好的我改、你喜欢冷的男人是么、哦今天马上改、希望你能回来、我知道那是不可能的、今天你和他快、放心我不会打扰你们的、真的、要分手把明天把、 你今天快乐、不打扰了、你是不会看到的、看到了、你也不懂我的心

I know what I do is wrong. I just want to care about you. Finally, I care about you. I became passionate. Today's Valentine's Day, I always thought you would double me, but I thought too much. I thought you would double you. I was silly. You don't love me. Why do you say you love me, can't leave me? I always thought you wouldn't betray me. Oh, you are so funny, really. I know I was wrong, and you are passionate Ok, I'll change it. Do you like a cold man? Oh, I'll change it today. I hope you can come back. I know it's impossible. Today, you and him are quick. Don't worry. I won't disturb you. Really, I want to break up and leave tomorrow. You are happy today and don't bother. You won't see it, see it, and you don't understand my heart

情人节日记 篇2


Today is February 14, Valentine's Day. In fact, we don't care about our children, but we are all curious about what Valentine's Day is for?


On Valentine's Day, the streets are full of flower sellers. Every flower is expensive. I feel that every flower is so expensive. I don't know who will buy it. As soon as I started talking about flowers, I remembered an interesting incident on Valentine's Day last year. Maybe it was too boring one day. I secretly ran to my parents and told them that today was Valentine's Day, but they didn't respond. I said to my mother, "Today is Valentine's Day. You should let your father send you flowers!" My mother listened to my words and said impatiently to my father, "Is someone going to send me flowers today?" "It's not cheap to send flowers. They will wither after one or two days. It's better to send a bowl of stewed noodles!" Dad said. Dad's words caused us a burst of laughter.


I'm so glad I have a funny parents!

七夕情人节日志通用 篇3


Today is the seventh day of the seventh lunar month. Everyone knows what it is! Qixi Festival, yes, you are right. As long as you have experienced the passion of love, or you fantasize about falling in love, you must know, because the person in love should hold a bouquet of roses, and then go to the lover's heart. This rose is the symbol and transmission of love. Those who have never loved should also hold a bouquet of roses in their heart, and then silently send it to the person in secret love. God knows you have sent it, Maybe one day the opportunity will come.


It is said that the Qixi Festival is the day when the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl meet each other every year. It is a tragic day, and it is also a day. It is rare for a bosom friend to fall in love with each other. Cowherd and Weaver Maid can knock each other's hearts with their hearts, face each other sincerely, treat each other frankly, and interweave their hearts with their hearts. In return, a pure and flawless person is perfect, but they are separated by the Milky Way. Meeting each other once a year is both tragic and happy.


Liu Yong said: "If the two love each other for a long time, it will not be in the day and night." Maybe, people are like this. What they get is not treasured, but what they don't get is considered eternal. Please stretch out your hand and touch our mind to feel whether it is beating or peaceful. No, we can't feel it, because we don't have a static heart or an eternal thinking.


Last week, when I came home, my Chinese rose had been packed. In the morning, the dew was flowing, green and cool, and the swaying branches were full of joy. I think it must be open for my preparation, and it may become popular next Tuesday. When I woke up this morning, I couldn't wait to call my girlfriend and ask her to pick her own rose. Although it is a rose, I know it represents my heart!


After about half an hour, I received the rose photos sent by my girlfriend. How beautiful! Before the opening, I thought it would be very popular, but the pink elegance is enough to sound my heart, happiness is moving! However, I do not cry, because we are faithful guardians of the lights in the mountains. Even if the river washes us, we still have a vigorous pace, and our hearts are still tenacious.


I didn't cry, but I lost my eyes when I cried in WWW.. CN. I thought that we were waiting in the mountains all day, just to light up clusters of light, just to maintain the beating of the heart of science and technology. We must applaud ourselves for the dedication of the power workers! Thinking that gazing at the night sky can only smoke to relieve boredom, we have to work hard to bring up our parents; How are you, my son, my daughter-in-law, and my girlfriend who are looking forward to our return home? We can only bless silently. We are very good here. We can compose music with diligence and wisdom every day, and sing songs with love and loyalty every day.


Qixi Festival! The rose is in bloom!

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