

时间:2022-11-29 13:01:11 | 来源:语文通





Dear teacher:


It is not the first time that I was late for school today. I made mistakes these times, which made me think a lot and reflect on many things. I was also very regretful, angry, broke the iron rules of the school, and deeply realized the seriousness of my mistakes. I felt ashamed of my mistakes.


At the beginning of school, the school repeated orders, emphasized the school rules and regulations, reminded students not to violate the school rules, but I did not pay attention to the words of the school and teachers, did not pay attention to the words of teachers, did not pay attention to the important issues issued by the school, these are not deserved. It is also disrespect for teachers. We should keep in mind what the teacher said and the school rules issued by the school.


The mistake I made this time not only brought trouble to myself, but also prevented me from going back to school as normal as other students and delayed my own course. If everyone was late for class like me, the order of class would be disturbed, the teacher could not teach normally, and other students could not attend class normally. Moreover, my behavior has also had a very bad impact on the school and destroyed the management system of the school It also had a bad effect on the students. My own mistakes may lead to the imitation of other students, affect the class discipline, grade discipline, destroy the school discipline and good learning environment, and also hurt teachers and parents who have high expectations of themselves, and also be irresponsible for themselves, other students and both parents.


Every school hopes that its students can achieve excellence in character and study, develop in an all-round way, establish a good image, and also make our school have a good image. For students, it is the most basic responsibility and obligation not to violate the school rules and discipline.


Now, I deeply regret having made a big mistake. My teacher was also very angry with me for breaking the school rules. I also know that it is a basic responsibility and obligation for students to attend classes on time. But I didn't even do the most basic things. I will always check myself, criticize and educate myself, and consciously accept supervision with this violation as a mirror. I should be aware of shame and alert, and strive to learn hard. I also want to improve my understanding of time concept and strengthen responsibility measures through this event.

  我对这次事件有很深刻的悔过和总结,希望老师可以原谅我的错误, 为了感谢老师的淳淳教导,我在此保证如果有一次重来的机会放在我面前,我尽我之所能克制自己,绝不让老师失望。请老师谅解我这一次的错误吧!

I deeply regret and summarize this incident. I hope the teacher can forgive me for my mistakes. In order to thank the teacher for his guidance, I hereby promise that if there is a chance to come again in front of me, I will try my best to restrain myself and never let the teacher down. Please forgive my mistakes this time!



Dear teacher, I'm sorry,


I'm late today. Here I will make a profound review of my behavior. This morning, I went to the bathroom before school, which delayed my class time and caused a terrible impact. As a student, it is our duty to attend classes on time, but I didn't do it well, which seriously affected other students. In fact, I could have arrived at school on time. If I could have prepared for school earlier, I could have avoided such a thing. Maybe in many people's eyes, being late is a small thing, and there are even many reasons to be late. But as a student, there is no need for any reason to attend classes on time. Those reasons for being late are all behaviors to excuse their mistakes. These excuses will only numb us to small mistakes and lead to incorrigibility.


Being late may seem like a small problem at present, but once the habit of being late is formed, it will cause extremely serious consequences for our future career and life development. If I am late for a business negotiation, my career will lose credibility. If I am late for a task, my country will lose important property. If I become a teacher in the future and I am late for a class, my students' concept of time will become weak. Then I am an eternal sinner who wrongs others.


Nowadays, we often feel indifferent to small mistakes and can't face up to our own mistakes, but it is this paralyzed thought that leads to my behavior. When Liu Bei taught his son, he once said, "Don't do evil because it is small", which means that we should have a sense of guarding against small things. This kind of consciousness is too weak in our hearts now. Today's occurrence of this event just exposes our ideological problems.


Today, I realized that I was wrong. I could go to the bathroom in advance so that I would not be late. Today, I realized that I was wrong. I could go out early so that I would not be late. Today, I realized that I was wrong. I could walk faster on the road so that I would not be late. I was wrong. I didn't plan what to do before school; I was wrong, because I knew that time was not enough and I had to do things that delayed time; I was wrong. I was late against the rules. (If you want to read it, you'd better cry a little. The effect is better.) My mistakes made me unable to attend class on time. My mistakes made the teacher worried about me. My mistakes made my classmates hit their faith in attending class on time. Today, I am here to say to my teachers, my classmates and my parents that I was wrong. I am really sorry to let you down. I used to be very silly and naive I always thought it was OK to go to school late, but today I realized that if this problem was not found, if this idea was not contained, the consequences would be very serious.


Here, I review my wrong behavior, and I make a profound review to my teacher. I promise that from today on, I will never make the same mistake again. One can fall, but never fall in the same place. Today I can be late for this reason, and tomorrow I may be absent for other reasons, which is the inevitable result of things. So in order to nip this symptom in the bud, I solemnly promise that in the future study and life, I will go to class on time and never be late. Before going to school in the future, I must go to bed early and get up early, check my belongings in advance, check the defecation condition, check the vehicle condition, check the road traffic condition, prevent early, and arrive at school early. In terms of learning, I will certainly learn from this mistake, prevent minor mistakes from growing up, and never let minor mistakes rise up and develop into major ones. In order to repay the kindness of parents and teachers for their teaching. I must study hard and strive for an early success.

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