

时间:2022-12-01 13:03:13 | 来源:语文通





Dear League Branch:


I volunteer to join the Communist Youth League of China, because I know that the Communist Youth League of China is an advanced youth mass organization led by the CPC, a school for young people to learn communism in practice, and an assistant and reserve force of the CPC.


I am a junior three student who is about to graduate from middle school. I feel very honored to have the opportunity to apply to join the Communist Youth League of China in the last period of middle school.


The Communist Youth League of China firmly supports the program of the CPC, takes Marxism Leninism, Mao XX Thought and Deng XX Theory as the guide of action, emancipates the mind, seeks truth from facts, unites the youth of all ethnic groups in the country, and strives to build China into a prosperous, strong, democratic, civilized and harmonious socialist modern country, and finally realizes the communist social system. The Communist Youth League of China leads young people to play the role of fresh troops and commandos in economic construction, fully mobilize and give play to the enthusiasm and creativity of young people, and organize them to participate in the practice of reform and opening up and the establishment of a socialist market economy system.






Applicant: XXX





Dear League Branch:


I volunteer to join the Communist Youth League of China.


Through the explanation of league knowledge in the morning check every day, I learned the league constitution knowledge and had a deeper understanding of the Communist Youth League. The Communist Youth League of China is an advanced organization of Chinese youth, a powerful assistant and reserve force of the CPC, a university where Chinese youth learn Marxism Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of "Three Represents Language Knowledge", a disciplined organization, and a pioneer role of youth in all historical periods of China's revolution and construction The model organization that trains and transports excellent and qualified advanced elements for the CPC, so I should strive to join the Communist Youth League - I yearn for him!


I'm a student of Class XXX. I am a student who works hard, respects teachers, abides by school rules and cares for the class. In my spare time, I often read meaningful books, determined to cultivate myself into a successor with ideals, morality, culture, discipline, and all-round development of morality, intelligence, physical education, beauty, and labor, and to be a good example for the Communist Youth League members.


I hope to join the Communist Youth League of China at an early date. After joining the League, I will be more strict with myself, firmly support the leadership of the CPC, abide by the League's constitution, implement the League's resolutions, fulfill the League members' obligations, strictly observe the League's discipline, put the reputation of the League first, personal reputation gains and losses second, study hard, work actively, care about collective and national affairs, love others, and strive to be an excellent League member, To contribute to the construction of our great socialist motherland.


If I cannot join the League, I will not be discouraged. I will make persistent efforts, continue to work hard, study hard, and make preparations for joining the League as soon as possible with the goal of being a member of the Communist Youth League.


I am eager to join the Communist Youth League of China and hope it will be approved by the League organization.






Applicant: XXX

  XXXX年 X月 X日




Dear League Branch


I volunteer to apply for joining the Communist Youth League of China.


The Communist Youth League of China is an advanced organization of Chinese youth, a powerful assistant and reserve force of the CPC, a university for Chinese youth to learn Marxism Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory, a revolutionary furnace for cultivating and bringing up "four haves" youth, and a new force for building a prosperous, strong, democratic, civilized and harmonious socialist motherland. Her ultimate goal is to realize the communist social system under the leadership of the CPC.


Since the May 4th Movement in 1919, Chinese young people have waged a long and arduous struggle against the "three mountains" that are pressing on the Chinese people for democracy and freedom, but all of them have failed. After 1921, under the leadership of the CPC, the Chinese people found the truth of Marxism, combined it with the concrete practice of the Chinese revolution, insisted on armed struggle, took the revolutionary road of encircling cities with rural areas, and finally seizing national power. The Communist Youth League resolutely responded to the call of the Party, actively organized and mobilized Chinese youth, and carried out an indomitable and heroic fight with the reactionaries in the direction guided by the Party. Countless revolutionary youth wrote an immortal chapter in the history of the Communist Youth League with their own blood and outstanding achievements. On the road of socialist revolution and construction, we also left the footprints of the selfless dedication of the Communist Youth League members and Chinese youth, and the great cause that can comfort our ancestors and make great achievements. I am proud of our Communist Youth League!


Throughout history and today, our Communist Youth League is worthy of the glorious title of China's advanced youth organization, worthy of the revolutionary martyrs who shed their blood, worthy of our motherland, worthy of our people. It is a revolutionary organization loyal to the Party, loyal to the people, supported and respected by our youth, and a new force holding high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory to push our socialist modernization cause into the 21st century. In view of this, I am full of respect and yearning for the League organization and am eager to join the League as soon as possible. I asked to join the Youth League Organization in order to be able to accept the training and education of the Youth League Organization more directly, and to be strict with myself according to the standards of League members, so as to better contribute to the construction of our great socialist motherland.


If the League organization approves my application to join the League and makes me a glorious member of the Communist Youth League, I will, in accordance with the Constitution of the League, earnestly fulfill the obligations of the League members, pay the league fees on time, resolutely implement the resolutions of the League organization, give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of the League members, and be a good student with excellent character and learning. If the League organization does not approve my application for the time being, I will not lose heart. I will continue to work hard to get close to the League organization, keep up with good students, and try to overcome my shortcomings to join the League organization as soon as possible.






Applicant: XXX

  XXXX年 X月 X日


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