

时间:2022-12-01 13:03:14 | 来源:语文通





Today is the 3.15 International Consumer Rights Day. On this special day, let's talk about the topic closely related to Chinese life - fighting against counterfeits!


There are many undesirable phenomena in this society, such as what is dishonest and uncivilized. Even if there is a lack of honesty, I would like to talk about the topic of fraud. In our life, "fake" is everywhere. Electronic products, washing products and household products can be counterfeited, but the victims do not know. The counterfeiters ignore consumers only for the immediate interests, and the consequences of losing integrity are very serious. Integrity is the foundation of people and society. Without honesty, one cannot stand in the world. Without honesty, society cannot function normally. If an enterprise loses its integrity, it will be rejected and will not survive in the society. Sanlu Group is a living example. What is their conscience for the benefit of consumers regardless of their life safety? But Sanlu Group has also been punished as they deserve.


The lack of honesty in the society can be associated with this phenomenon in our study? Indeed, there are many dishonest phenomena in schools, such as plagiarism of homework, cheating in exams, etc. As a student, learning is the main task. But plagiarizing homework and cheating in exams violate the principles of learning. Learning is for yourself, but what's the point of plagiarism and cheating? Maybe plagiarism and cheating are temporarily recognized and rewarded by teachers and parents, but can they cheat in the key exam? you must be dreaming! At that time, I will regret what I have done at ordinary times.


Therefore, on the special day of March 15, I would like to appeal to the students that it is not advisable to cheat. We should resolutely put an end to this phenomenon, so that society and schools can have a good atmosphere!



March 15 is the International Consumer Protection Day, which is closely related to our life. Today is March 15. At 8:30 p.m., the "3.15" party was broadcast on CCTV 1. Watching the whole party, I felt a little scared. Nowadays, there are so many fraudsters in the society, and people are highly skilled in counterfeiting and shoddy products, so people are easy to be cheated. Some college students believe that they can go to a famous university in South Africa only if they pay 90000 yuan according to the newspaper. As a result, when they came to South Africa, instead of going to a university, they were asked to set up a stall and work. The end result was very poor.


Another little boy, Zhu Xun, got a slight cough when he was two years old and went to the hospital for an injection. Because the nurse was irresponsible, he took too much gentamicin, which caused drug-induced deafness. Now he is 10 years old, but he still can't hear the voice. This is a lifelong pain. Others died after drinking fake wine and taking fake medicine.


We have long hated those liars and are very angry with those irresponsible people. We really want to eliminate these ugly phenomena together. I hope it is "3.15" every day, so that those bad people can no longer take advantage of it.



When we talk about 315, we can't help but feel thousands of feelings, and our thoughts can't calm down at once. 3.15 is the International Consumer Rights Day, a day to safeguard our own interests. Since the International Consumer Union Organization determined March 15 every year as the "International Consumer Rights Day" in 1983, this holiday has been accompanied by consumers all over the world for 23 years. After joining the International Consumer Union in September 1987, the Consumer Association of China also determined March 15 as the "International Consumer Rights Day", which has been 19 years since. Looking back on the 19 years of history, we have gradually developed from the initial public opinion guidance, news exposure and other forms of publicity to the current overwhelming series of theme activities involving all aspects of consumer rights protection. People have gradually changed from the initial understanding to the advocates and executors of rights protection, and become the main body concerned about society.


In fact, each of us has gradually accepted this festival from our own clothing, food, housing and transportation, and we can find a window for you to talk about your rights and interests in 365 days of the year. In the process of consumption, most people feel the infringement of personal rights and interests that almost always exists, and the consumption traps that you have to be alert to and guard against. We sometimes feel confused about our three meals a day, because you have to be careful when we buy. When you choose green food, you will also be disturbed by some fake products. "Have you eaten bean sprouts?" "Is the decoration of your home polluting?" You will often be asked by others in your life. Seeing the shocking production process of counterfeit products in the report, you not only question the environment on which we live, but also shout: "Fight against counterfeits!" The recent soft drinks incident, a large number of food poisoning and other incidents have flooded the media, and people have abhorred those counterfeiters who are obsessed with self-interest. Of course, we look forward to 315, and we expect every citizen to shout for it every moment and make their own contributions to the creation of a harmonious society.


We were surprised to find that in recent years, 315 rights protection activities have penetrated into all corners of the society. Online rights protection, rights protection hotlines, rights protection public welfare activities of rights protection institutions, rights protection parties, etc. have become household names, and people feel the country's caring care at any time. Dating 315, speaking your mind and protecting your rights and interests is the purpose of these theme activities.


The 315 party is in full swing, and a large number of shocking infringement events will be made public. We will applaud for the heavy punishment of counterfeiters. "Our wish" is the theme of this year. On the occasion of the two sessions, this year's 315 activities will be more colorful.

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