

时间:2022-09-14 13:33:45 | 来源:语文通



文化苦旅读后感 篇1文化苦旅读后感 篇2文化苦旅读后感 篇3《文化苦旅》读后感 篇4

文化苦旅读后感 篇1


"The Mianmian Shashan in the setting sun is unparalleled in the world.


The farewell in the hometown of Liu Yin, the generals of the generals opened, hunting in the flag in the wind in Shuofeng.With a burst of smoke and dust, another smoke and dust drifted away."


what!It was a rolling victory in the desert. It was a battlefield that was filled with smoke and dust in front of Yangguan.Essence


Damo, mysterious, shocking!


It was a monument and a spirit.It was the spirit of Chinese anti -Ronghu and raising the border.It is a kind of courage, that is a kind of loneliness, and it is even more magnificent.It is the spirit of the desert. The desert advocates bravery. Only the brave can be respected. Only the brave people are equipped with here.This is the eternal criterion for the desert.


The endless sand dunes were hidden with clear and gentle spring spring.


She was lonely, but created a world of heaven and earth that was not polluted by the outside world.Every stone, every green tree, and every little fish ... are telling that change of years, the unspeakable loneliness.The nun, her face that year, her face, which was relentlessly described by the years.But that is a spirit, that is the spirit of Buddhism and nature.


The snow, the warmth below, the desolate.

文化苦旅读后感 篇2


After reading the book "Cultural Bitter", this book introduces the unforgettable and historical monuments that are lingering and lingering.And the author transported his wonderful pen and wrote the two characters "shock" for our soul ...


Taoist Tower -built in Mogao Grottoes.It is the sinner of the Mogao Grottoes in history even if the priest is the Taoist priest. He has received very little money from a foreign "adventurer", and then let them transport a box of difficult Dunhuang cultural relics.It is also because of him. Today, the experts of the Dunhuang Institute have indeed bought the micro -film of Dunhuang literature from a foreign museum again and again.


The deserted deserted, the prosperity of the Yellow River civilization, the beautiful and fascinating Jiangnan culture and the world's feelings, the ancient city style and history of the ancient city.The perception and artistic expressiveness reproduced the profound thinking hidden at the bottom of time, and carried out a long -distance dialogue between landscape wind and historical elf.


In this book, it is just to describe the mountain style and humanistic landscapes on the land of Shenzhou, but when you taste it carefully, you will find an unusual history or a spirit of the Chinese nation.Of course, these spirits are not all generous and how to respect people, but they are real and close to life.


In the history of interpretation of the landscape, interpretation of culture in history, seeing the landscape in culture, so that my mind is also influenced by culture, and the spiritual baptism. This is the strongest feeling I have obtained by reading "Cultural Travel".Perhaps I have not fully understood the author's meaning.Perhaps I have not really read the connotation of this book.However, the sadness of "Cultural Travel" sounded the sound of the times, and the police world regretted it!

文化苦旅读后感 篇3


The plum blossoms, the flowers bloom a few degrees.A pair of true and beautiful pictures are displayed in front of my eyes, and at the same time, it also adds a warm stroke to this magnificent prose collection, which makes people have an endless aftertaste.


I used to think that prose is a fresh and exquisite work, elegant and leisure, but after reading the "Cultural Travel", what I feel is a heavy history and vicissitudes.The vast desert, surging flowing water, removal of the disabled, the ancient wind of the west wind, the grace and wisdom in the writing of Teacher Yu Qiuyu's writing, became the concentration and witness of history, exuding an indelible penetration in the reincarnation of the century.


I took a bite and took a deep breath, as if sucked all the artistic atmosphere into the body. I realized it with my heart. Each article was prose, but it surpassed the general prose.But he did not lose his pride; it soared in unlimited time and space like it; when he looked back, he showed his heavy life.


In front of such a big realm, I will always be a toddler child.


I wrote in the post -reading feeling of "Wujiang Ship" that I couldn't understand why this book was called bitter travel. I read it.Passing away, the distance of the ancients is away, and the sensitivity of bitterness in the hearts of the literati.


I will always read this book, always.

《文化苦旅》读后感 篇4


China's brilliant politeness is being worn by time. I wonder if people who scold the historical sinner in the corners have closed their eyes, and they have a flat heartbeat, returning to the indifference of history, and the grim rationality."Cultural Travel" is the best product in thousands of literary and historic prose works.


This book is the first collection of cultural essays of Mr. Yu Qiuyu. The main theme of the book is to use landscapes to seek cultural souls and life secrets, and explore the historical fate of Chinese culture and the historical composition of Chinese literati.Mr. Yu Qiuyu's articles written by Mr. Yu Qiuyu, the articles written by generous cultural perception and artistic expression, not only revealed the huge connotation of Chinese culture, but also brought a new example to the contemporary prose field.


Mr. Yu Qiuyu attracted readers with his unique writing charm. It was a bitter memories. After anxiety, the relaxation after meditation, and the young after the old age.He also sighed like many educated youth scholars in this book, but also sighed that the charm was far from the same place at this moment.As he said, "I can be young too", his life is elastic. He always adheres to the passion of the teenager and enjoys the middle -aged time of his fulfilling leisure. Therefore, Mr. Yu Qiuyu is whenThey are all a mixture.Therefore, his article is always mixed with a different breath.If he feels the sorrow of the increasingly falling Chinese culture, it is full of abuse of young people's dissatisfaction, the helplessness of the middle -aged people to the world and the vicissitudes of the elderly.


Perhaps some observations are completely inadvertent, but the source of inspiration for this book is definitely intentional.Obviously, he discovered the dusty point of Chinese history and culture. Today, this paradox that promotes the gorgeous and politeness of our country is naturally more attention.The ancient politeness of China has created a prosperous age in ancient times. In order to retain the previous prosperity, they successively built large buildings such as Mogao Grottoes, Dujiangyan and other large buildings.Mark of.But people’s ideals are always good, but years are going against others, and they are endless.


The necessary limit will still be washed away at all times. Although there are some people, in the final analysis, it still stems from the blank on the wheel plate of history.Some historical dust cannot be kept. Many scholars are sorrowful, and they always live in sadly before they belong to them. They can never come out alive.Therefore, "facing the past and the present" is an important subject I realized from this book. I also think that this is the research and theme of the alarm of Mr. Yu Qiuyu.Because of the reason, only those who can truly recognize historical storms can print their ruts on the basis of conforming to the historical wheels.


It is a difficult trip, just as traveling in the vast desert, it is a historical roaming, a cultural trace, the default of the long -term cultural connotation.Reading it, I was shocked by the soul, the baptism of the spirit, and the sublimation of the soul.


Interpretation of history in landscapes, interpretation of culture in history, seeing the landscape in culture, so that your heart is also affected by culture and the baptism of the spirit.The sadness of "Cultural Travel" sounded the sound of the times, and the police world regretted it!

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