

时间:2022-10-27 13:02:24 | 来源:语文通



忏悔录读后感 篇1读《忏悔录》读后感 篇2《忏悔录》读后感700字 篇3忏悔录读后感 篇4《忏悔录》读后感 篇5读《忏悔录》读后感 篇6忏悔录读后感 篇7忏悔录读后感800字 篇8

忏悔录读后感 篇1


Tolstoy analyzed that, "I am an artist and poet. I write and teach people, but I don't understand anything... We are a large number. Although we keep arguing and blaming each other, we are all writing, publishing works and educating others. In addition, regardless of our own ignorance, we don't know how to answer the simplest questions in our lives, such as what is good or bad. We strive to express our own opinions and don't want to listen to what the other side is saying. Sometimes Protect each other and brag about each other, so that others will come to protect me and brag about me. Sometimes I was furious, and the voice of shouting was higher than that of others. It was almost like being in a lunatic asylum... Now I understand that this is no different from the lunatic asylum. At that time, I was vaguely suspicious of this. Just like all lunatics, we call others lunatics except ourselves.


Tolstoy and these pretentious writers broke with their own past. He wanted to start a new exploration. The fetters of the secular world could not fetter his thoughts. His thoughts were destined to fly high, reach the peak that others could not reach, and threaten the whole world.


If we can calm down and read Tolstoy's novels, we can easily find that they are not pure novels, but rather describe a person's spiritual world, so full, so beautiful, full of vitality, integrated with the world, and embodied the most real and basic part of our world.


Because of this, Tolstoy retained the nature of a thinker in the face of the reputation brought by writing. When talking about War and Peace, he said, "What is War and Peace? It is not a novel, nor an epic, nor a chronicle of history. War and Peace is what the author wants to express and can express in a form that it can express."

读《忏悔录》读后感 篇2


A good book will move you, make you feel ethereal and elegant, make you never get tired of reading, and make you laugh. As one of the best learning methods for human beings, reading has its own characters. Since the beginning of the book, human beings have inherited culture and opened their minds in reading. The reading of some classic works is the essence of human thought and politeness, which is worth studying and discovering by future generations.


In the Confessions, Augustine described his true life. Especially the book's belief in the Lord is so persistent. For atheists like me, I really admire them. I don't know how they changed from non belief to persistent belief. In the Confessions, it is mentioned that "God is the master of nature. If he breaks the laws of nature, he will destroy the relationship between us and nature." It mentioned that we should follow the laws of nature, not destroy the will of nature, and respect nature. In fact, it also implies that children born in society are the product of nature. As adults, we should respect them and not force them to change their own nature according to their own wishes. This is really a big hint for me as a kindergarten teacher. In kindergartens, I always worry that children are disobedient and naughty, leading to safety problems. Therefore, as teachers, we always don't allow them to do this and play that. In fact, they are only naughty because of their curiosity nature. Will our consistent oppression change the original nature of children? And he paid much attention to the book. He did not hide or boast, nor was he anxious or inferior.


We often say that there is no regret medicine in the world, and we are often warned and warned that we should bear the consequences. Maybe my life path is wrong again and again.

《忏悔录》读后感700字 篇3


When I read Rousseau's Confessions, I was very naive about many people and things. I thought how such a great person could cheat, flirt with women and steal things. A great person should be "perfect" without any leisure addiction. Later, with the growth of age and experience, people have a deeper understanding of human nature.


When I reread the Repentance for the second time, I felt that Rousseau, who dared to disclose his privacy and his scars openly, was a person in the sense of personality, worthy of respect and admiration. And should we learn something about Rousseau's spirit in the creation of contemporary Chinese biographical literature!


Nowadays, biographies of various celebrities are everywhere in bookstores, big and small, or bookstalls on the streets. However, when I open a book, from beginning to end, I can see that he or she has passed five passes and killed six generals. I can't see that he or she has gone to Maicheng. What's more, he or she describes himself or herself as a flower and others as bean curd dregs. He or she takes the opportunity to raise himself or herself and build a monument for himself or herself. In short, it is not what he (she) actually is, but what he (she) hopes to be. In fact, whether you write your own autobiography or ask others to write it, it is beneficial for the world to really write about your own growth and changes and what mistakes you have made.


In fact, learning Rousseau's spirit does not attract readers with their privacy as some stars do. More should be the merits and demerits, right and wrong, experience and lessons that are instructive to readers and future generations. It is hard to say that a person's journey through decades of experience is straight, and there is no curve at all. There is no one who does not make mistakes. The question is whether you have Rousseau's consciousness of self analysis. Dare to expose your scars like Rousseau, and have a little spirit of seeking truth from facts about your merits and demerits. Premier Zhou once said: If I write a book, I will write about the mistakes in my life, so that the living people can learn from the mistakes of the past. Translator Liu Simu said in the new preface of the translator of Goethe's Autobiography: "Deep self dissection and frank self perfection are the first characteristics of Goethe's Autobiography." These great and famous figures dare to disclose and admit their own shortcomings, which has not affected their prestige. Don't later generations respect them as much?


I and many ordinary people do not seem to have the qualification or interest to write an autobiographical book. However, everyone alive is writing their own history all the time. Therefore, in this era of impetuous culture, I reread the Repentance at an inappropriate time and felt a little foolish.

忏悔录读后感 篇4


I have been reading Rousseau's "Confessions" these days. It is classified as a classic, but I feel I have not gained much after reading it. I don't know why Rousseau doesn't seem to have anything to repent of in order to translate it into "confession". From its English name "THECONFESSIONS", it may be more appropriate to translate it as "candid biography".


When I read this book, it can support me to continue reading, and until the end of reading is the progress of his relationship with Mrs. Varang.


Rousseau lost his mother when he was young, and his father fled to other countries because he injured an aristocrat. He had to wander around since he was young, and was hungry. He was even a prodigal son who was infected with the habits of hooligans and rascals. When he was 16 years old and had no choice but to live, the priest Mr. Ponwell recommended him to join Mrs. Varang. He said: "She is a very kind and good lady, and she can save other people's souls from her own mistakes." At that time, Mrs. Varang was 28 years old, and he called him "mother". In fact, their relationship was lovers' relationship.


In the process of Rousseau's growth, Mrs. Varang selflessly supported Rousseau with her personal resources and money. Even though Rousseau's most incredible actions, Mrs. Varang gave her tolerance. Mrs. Varang is also a talented person. She uses all connections to help Rousseau, who is humble, and gives him meticulous care in daily life. It is Mrs. Varang's selfless love that makes Rousseau successful.


In Rousseau's eyes, Mrs. Varang is a gentle mother, a dear sister, and a charming girlfriend. He always treats her like this, and she is the only one in his heart. As the book says: "All other girls are loved by me because of their beauty. Once there is no beauty, my love will disappear; but my mother is not. Although she will become old and ugly, my love will not decline."


After that, Rousseau was tired of city life, and his health condition was quite worrying. Mrs. Varang agreed to go to live in the remote suburbs with Rousseau. With the careful care of Mrs. Varang, Rousseau's health was restored. Rousseau spent his most pleasant free time sexually in Sharmat, the suburb of Chambery. However, due to the great disparity of status, although they have lived together for many years, they have not come together.


But in the end, Mrs. Varang was not careful to make a boyfriend and did not listen to Rousseau's advice. After leaving Rousseau, she lived a miserable life. All her property was defrauded. Her husband was very rude to her and ended up depressed.


When Rousseau heard of her situation, it seemed that he only gave her financial support, and did not go to see her. However, Rousseau went to the place where they first met several times.


In 1928, people even erected gold railings at the place where Rousseau and Rousseau met in accordance with Rousseau's wishes to commemorate the 200th anniversary of Rousseau's meeting with Madame Varang for future generations to pay tribute to.


Mrs. Varang is lucky, as a girl, as a benefactor, as a person.


After reading this book, I can't get rid of the golden railings in front of me, and imagine what the surrounding scenery should look like. I don't know if one day I will build a railing for others in my heart? It is difficult to know and meet! Under the current emotional sky that is no longer blue and pure, if there is still a pair of eyes crying and struggling with me, then the reflection of tears and sweat will be golden, then life is worth fighting for.

《忏悔录》读后感 篇5


Being alone with her for the first time; Seats for sleeping on the street in Lyon; Study the constellations at the observatory; Spend time in his cabin to find the medicine to cure the spiritual trauma - Rousseau, a French writer who describes life and growth, a French character whom I admire.


"Now I want to do something that no one has ever done before, and no one will dare to do it. I want to show the true face of a person to the world. This person is myself." This is a classic prologue of remorse. When the government, academia and even friends betrayed him, he chose to write down his whole life to let the world know what kind of person he was! In my reading, I think he is a straightforward, emotional and enthusiastic person. He never restricts himself, but just lets his thoughts to improve his life. Describing his life experience, he did not conceal anything, even his love. He was very proud, but how much of his pride showed a sense of humility. When I read the book recording his love, family and friendship, I couldn't help thinking of myself. What will your future be like? Is it a smile full of justice and light, or is it a social mockery caused by your own incompetence? Yes! Both of them are smiles, but do you think they are the same. Then you are wrong. When you receive a smile from others, it means you have changed your destiny. But when you are ridiculed by others, it means that you will be led by fate all your life, which means that your life is over.


In the life of this French writer, I saw the ugly side of people. I saw the result that a person gave up everything for the sake of immediate interests. Let me know how terrible that cold and heartless face is when a person unveils his ugly veil!

读《忏悔录》读后感 篇6


I renewed it for two times and finally finished Rousseau's most famous work The Confessions. I have to admit that although it sometimes seems trivial and has no tortuous and attractive plot, it is still a great work.


Looking at it, I deeply approached such an ancient man who is far away from me today, talked with him, and understood his spiritual world. After reading, I sympathized with his life experience. This is a suffering person, a shy and sensitive person, but perhaps it is because of his unique personality and experience that he has become such a profound person. From his experience, I can vaguely see that new things (new ideas and concepts) should have a firm foothold and develop. They will be so destroyed and suppressed by the old things and forces. Vested interests always do everything possible to maintain the ruling order of their own class and group.


From his experience, a civilian like Rousseau seems to have no roots in this society. It seems that he must rely on some nobles and noble ladies to survive and develop. This doomed his miserable life.


The struggle between literati and literary world is so fierce at all times and in all countries. I really want to read about the famous thinkers in the European Enlightenment at that time, so as to understand their thoughts and the social background of Europe at that time. It's a pity that the history I learned in middle school did not lay a foundation for me in this respect. I only remember that I mechanically memorized some years, events, names, and some historical meanings summarized in the book at that time. Now there is little left in my mind. Why didn't history teaching stimulate my interest in history and humanity? Or is it because such interest must reach a certain age stage? It seems that people tend to look back on the past when they are old.


From the perspective of abnormal psychology, I think Rousseau showed some symptoms of psychological disorder. He analyzed his performance in the European social field and showed some symptoms of social phobia. For example, several times when he was faced with public speeches and defense, he behaved badly: "incoherently, his mind was completely blank." Even if he had made full preparations before, he had written and memorized the speech, and he could recite it well once. As soon as he came to the court, he was so nervous that he left the court. He was also deeply distressed by his performance:


"I feel sorry for my clumsiness and lack of the ability to improvise. What hope can I have for myself? In those years, I was left speechless and embarrassed in front of a parliament in Geneva that fully cared for me and had decided to agree with everything. This time, the situation is completely opposite. I am going to deal with a disgusting guy who is ignorant and tactful. He will set many traps for me to drill in with my head covered, And he will never stop until he catches hold of me. "


"If I were good at diction, if my mouth was like my pen, what a good chance it would be and what a victory it would be for me!"


Perhaps, as Rousseau himself thought, when God gave a person a certain talent, he would refuse to give him another talent. Human intelligence is limited, which seems to conform to Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences. Therefore, although Rousseau is a person with defects in personality, I still respect him and sympathize with him. "Genius is always lonely." His honesty and courage impressed me, and his delicacy resonated with me.


With regard to children's education, we can't expect all children to develop equally in an all-round way. We can't expect all children to be very good in exams. We should believe that "I am born with talent and I must be useful". Every child has his own advantages. Don't let him not adapt to the current school education system, Just to him), a fan of composition ○ WWW.. CN ("Hating iron is not steel", lost confidence and hope in him. It is unknown that in your voice of despair, you may have buried genius like Einstein and Edison. Bad words like Rousseau, it is not in his later life that he made such extraordinary achievements!

忏悔录读后感 篇7


Augustine's Confessions is the first literary book I read in college. I don't like reading literary books in college. I remember that teacher Ren taught us western foreign literature at that time. At that time, the exam required us to read a famous western book on preschool education. Under the pressure of the exam, we chose Confessions. But the later study changed my previous idea and gradually accepted literary books.


In the Confessions, Augustine described his real life. Especially the book's belief in the Lord is so persistent. For atheists like me, I really admire them. I don't know how they changed from non belief to persistent belief. In the Confessions, it is mentioned that "God is the master of nature. If he breaks the laws of nature, he will destroy the relationship between us and nature." It is mentioned here that we should follow the laws of nature, not destroy the will of nature, and respect nature. In fact, it also implies that a child born in society is the product of nature. As adults, we should respect him and not force him to change his own nature. This is really a big hint for me as a kindergarten teacher. In the kindergarten, I always worry that children are disobedient and naughty, leading to safety problems. Therefore, as teachers, we always don't allow them to do this and play that. In fact, they are only naughty because of their curiosity nature. Will our consistent oppression change the original nature of children? Moreover, he paid much attention to the book. He did not hide or boast, nor was he anxious or inferior. We often say that there is no regret medicine in the world, and we are often warned and warned that we should bear the consequences. Maybe my life path is wrong again and again.


The Repentance "shocked the whole human race when the page was still smelling of ink - because of its thinking, sincerity and those undisguised human shortcomings"—— Marx (Germany)


I always think that the hearts of great artists are sincere and transparent, and can communicate with the hearts of ordinary people. I am not an artist, but I have a very artistic heart. Reading the books of great writers, I feel that my soul and the soul of the writer are so harmonious. What is time? It can't cut off the heart to heart communication transmitted through books after all. It has been more than 200 years since Jacques Rousseau was let go. I have just finished reading his Confessions, but my heart has not yet come out of his soul. I walked alone in the noisy street, thinking about Rousseau and feeling Rousseau.


In any case, it is hard to find a work that can move my heart and arouse my resonance. I also have most of the shortcomings he disclosed. Maybe his experience is different from mine, which doesn't matter, but on the road of life, we have all kinds of life problems that are similar.


Perhaps rereading the Confessions can help me better understand myself, broaden my vision and other unexpected benefits.


Because to some extent, to read him is to read myself. Although I don't have his talent, I have his shortcomings, which is undoubtedly more meaningful to me.


"Now I want to do something that no one has ever done before, and no one will dare to do it. I want to show the true face of a person to the world. This person is myself." This is a classic prologue of remorse. When the government, academia and even friends betrayed him, he chose to write down his whole life to let the world know what kind of person he was! In my reading, I think he is a straightforward, emotional and enthusiastic person. He never restricts himself, but just lets his thoughts to improve his life. Describing his life experience, he did not hide anything, even his love. He was very proud, but how much of his pride showed a sense of humility. When I read the book recording his love, family and friendship, I couldn't help thinking of myself. What will your future be like? Is it a smile full of justice and light, or is it a social mockery caused by your own incompetence? Yes! Both of them are smiles, but do you think they are the same. Then you are wrong. When you receive a smile from others, it means you have changed your destiny. But when you are ridiculed by others, it means that you will be led by fate all your life, which means that your life is over.


In the life of this French writer, I saw the ugly side of people. I saw the result that a person gave up everything for the sake of immediate interests. Let me know how terrible that cold and heartless face is when a person unveils his ugly veil!

忏悔录读后感800字 篇8


As the essence of human thought, the classic books have always been the models for everyone to learn and reference, and also a required course for cultural inheritance. The feeling after reading is not so much an assignment as an exchange of ideas and a collision with the author of the original work. This column provides you with a lot of materials about the feelings after reading famous works. I hope you can find the same spark here and communicate more.


From the winter vacation to the middle of last month, it took nearly three months to read Rousseau's autobiography "Confessions" and the sequel "Wandering Imagination" of "Confessions". The former is Rousseau's extreme desire to defend himself in the face of slander and slander, while the latter is the same. Life will always be full of pain and trouble. How and why should we live on this road. Happy, painful, guilty, angry; Self and friendship are all about life, human nature and even soul. The shallow lament of a great thinker on the last road of life. After reading the two books, the general impression is that no one can predict the life. Rousseau's Confessions, a 500000 word autobiography, is a declaration of emotional people. Rousseau wants to clarify a fact by reviewing his life, that is, what he said in his preface: "Whether a person is noble depends on whether his feelings are great and noble, and whether his thoughts are rich and agile." At the beginning of the first chapter, Rousseau declared loudly: "I know my heart well and know others. I was born different from anyone I saw; even I am confident that the world can not find a person born like me. Although I am not better than others, at least I am different from them." He is right about his "being different".


Rousseau was in his fifties when he began to write this autobiography, but his memory of childhood is still unclear. Childhood is not only Rousseau's spiritual source, but also, more importantly, the Garden of Eden in his career. After falling, what remains is to look back and unconsciously imitate his childhood feelings.


The pursuit of pure emotional satisfaction is almost clumsy and childish, so that his rational life is not mature.


Rousseau's emotion is so delicate and his character is so sensitive. Hume describes him as "like a person who has not only been stripped of his clothes, but also his skin". His clear self-awareness makes him regard "sentimentality" as a gift. In order to affirm his unique path, he must regard emotion as the highest value.


Rousseau wrote a "confession record", but he hung a rope around the neck of the people who listened to his confession, just as some people now take a rope to ask others to repent.

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