

时间:2022-11-01 12:54:07 | 来源:语文通



建队日国旗下讲话稿 篇1建队日国旗下讲话稿 篇2建队日国旗下讲话稿 篇3建队日国旗下讲话稿 篇4建队日国旗下讲话稿 篇5建队日国旗下讲话稿 篇6

建队日国旗下讲话稿 篇1


Distinguished leaders, teachers and young pioneers


hello everyone! Today, another group of new friends have joined our organization, the Chinese Young Pioneers. On behalf of all the Young Pioneers, I would like to extend warm congratulations to you. It is my honor to represent all the old Young Pioneers under the flying team flag to express my heartfelt wishes and warm welcome to the new Young Pioneers at this exciting moment.


The Young Pioneers of China is an organization that inspires us to move forward bravely every moment and reminds us every minute: as an excellent Young Pioneer, we should stick to wearing a red scarf, abide by discipline, listen to teaching, unite and love, and actively participate in activities beneficial to physical and mental development. We should start from the small things around us, strictly ask ourselves, strictly abide by the Young Pioneers' rules, and be diligent, disciplined Good student with civilization. The red scarf fluttering high in the chest will solemnly tell you, "Today's journey has begun, and tomorrow's beauty is waiting for you to explore."


New Young Pioneers, your journey has just begun, and the long future is waiting for you to struggle. On behalf of all the Young Pioneers, I would like to assure you that we will take the lead and help the new members make progress. At the same time, I also hope that all the new players can be strict with themselves in terms of learning, labor and discipline, strive for the best, win glory for their squadrons, win glory for the school, and add luster to the bright red scarf!


Finally, I wish you a happy holiday! I wish all teachers good health, successful career and happy family!


My speech is over, thank you!

建队日国旗下讲话稿 篇2


Dear teachers and students


Good morning, everyone!


Celebrate the founding of the nation_ The joy of the year is still lingering in my heart. This week, we are welcoming our own festival - the day of the founding of the Chinese Young Pioneers.


With the progress of the Republic, the Chinese Young Pioneers have passed_ A glorious journey. From the Labor Boys' League to the Communist Children's League, from the Anti Japanese Children's League to the underground Young Pioneers, and even today's Chinese Young Pioneers, the glorious history of the Youth Teams shows us that the vigorous development of the Young Pioneers cause is an important source of vitality and vitality for the cause of the Party; The healthy growth of children is the hope of a country and a nation to be prosperous forever.


Young Pioneers, we are proud of you! Under the guidance of the Star Torch, generations of children have set up their ideals, cultivated their sentiments and thrived. Today, the young eagles of the new century are developing excellent skills. Under the guidance of the "five self" spirit, they study, exercise and practice hard. Aren't we the eagles fighting the storms tomorrow?


Young Pioneers, we are proud of you! Because our "small hands" have taken up the "big hands", a young eagle holiday team is active in the community, active in the rural field trails, active in the streets and alleys of the city, carrying out the practical activities of striving to be "small experts in science and technology".


Young Pioneers, we sing for you! Many young heroes emerge one after another. "In the new century, I can do it". Let's learn knowledge, develop skills, experience the fun of success, nurture great ideals, and develop good habits in schools, society, and nature.


Today, on behalf of all the Young Pioneers, please allow me to solemnly call out under the red team flag: "Be ready, revitalize China, star torch, and pass on from generation to generation."


Thank you!

建队日国旗下讲话稿 篇3


Counselors and Young Pioneers:


hello everyone! The joy of celebrating the X-year anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China still ripples in my mind. This Monday, with the rising of the five-star red flag, we ushered in our own festival - today is the founding day of WWW. Composition fans. CN China Young Pioneers.


From the working boy regiment to the communist children's regiment, from the anti Japanese children's regiment to the underground Young Pioneers, to today's Chinese Young Pioneers. The glorious history of the Young Pioneers in 1999 shows us that the vigorous development of the cause of the Young Pioneers is an important source of vitality for the cause of the Party; The healthy growth of children is the hope of a country and a nation to be prosperous forever.


Young Pioneers, we are proud of you!


Young Pioneers, we are proud of you!


Today, we are studying in school to hone our ability to build the motherland. We must not only learn, but also learn well. This is the important task entrusted to us by the times. Students, today science and technology have become the first productive force. To catch up with and surpass others, we must learn cultural knowledge well and report to the motherland with excellent results. Look, in such a superior learning environment as Jinxi Primary School, most of the students work hard and study hard for a better tomorrow. But we should also see some students who are spoiled, throw away the food they can't eat, and don't pay attention to hygiene and manners. They are afraid of hardships and hardships in their study. They are so careless that their achievements are not ideal. Do such students still look like young pioneers? Don't you feel ashamed to wear this bright red scarf? Of course, we believe that these students will overcome their shortcomings and become good students with ideals, morality, culture and discipline. As the saying goes, ambition is not high in one's life. Every Young Pioneer should set his or her ambition high, learn from Lei Feng, follow Lai Ning's example, learn hard, and make progress day by day. Let's inherit the martyrs' aspiration, climb the peak bravely, and be ready to build socialism.


Students, we are a happy generation under the red flag, and we are the hope of our motherland. We are the rising sun just rising from the horizon, full of vitality. The motherland places its hope on us, and the Party places its hope on us. October is also our school's "patriotism themed education month". Speech under the flag of the Young Pioneers on the team building day. On the founding day of the Chinese Young Pioneers, let's solemnly promise under the five-star red flag: "Be ready at all times, revitalize China, star torch, and pass on from generation to generation." Let Jinxi Primary School be proud of us.

建队日国旗下讲话稿 篇4


Dear teachers and students


hello everyone!


Today is October 13th_ Years ago today, the Young Pioneers have their own festivals, their own organizations, and take their own vigorous steps_ Today, years later, we stand up here to celebrate the festival, cheer for her and shout for her. Opening the history, I will never forget the bravery and tenacity of the Boy Scouts, and remember their blood and tears of sacrifice; Looking at the present, we are proud of the ups and downs of the vanguards and their vitality; What will our Young Pioneers look like in the future_ In, our team has always breathed with the motherland and shared a common destiny. Let the young shoulders carry the torch of tomorrow and move forward towards the bright future.


There is a song, sung_ In the past ten years, it is still magnificent; There is a flag, hung_ The year is still full of vigor and vitality; There's a gift, okay_ In, it was still solemn and solemn; There is a kind of oath, shouting_ Year, still passionate. A team has passed_ The years of_ The Young Pioneers' organization is still young and vigorous.


Who can forget to dedicate their blood to the revolutionary Wang Erxiao, who can forget to let the truth flow in the grasslands of Yu Rong Longmei, who can forget to hand over their lives to the forest of Lai Ning, who can forget the physically challenged and self transcending Yang Lvye, who can forget to pay attention to environmental protection and the mother river of Liu Danyang... Each name shines on the team album, and each story is engraved on our hearts.


_ In, the sea will not become a mulberry field_ Years, the beauty will turn white hair_ In, the Great Wall will not collapse_ The Young Pioneers can rise proudly_ The sunshine, rain and dew in_ The sunset and sunrise in, has a long history. The title of Young Pioneer is still legendary and resounding in the hearts of countless children, still full of wisdom and honor.


Let us remember the important and solemn day - October 13, the Youth Pioneers Team Building Day of China; Please let us remember this warm and familiar title that accompanies our growth - Young Pioneer; Let's call for him to be ready, to fight for the cause of communism, and to be ready at all times!

建队日国旗下讲话稿 篇5


Dear teachers and students


How do you do! Today we gather to celebrate the founding of the Chinese Young Pioneers_ Anniversary!


Time flies like an arrow, and everything turns into a distant past. I still remember that when we first entered the primary school, the teacher brought us bright red scarves. At that moment, we silently told ourselves: I am a glorious member of the Chinese Young Pioneers, and I want to add a brilliant touch to the flying team flag! We need to study conscientiously, be down-to-earth, study hard and make progress every day!


The infinite past all ends in the present; The infinite future starts from the present. Don't look back too much on the past, don't look forward to the future too much, and live a good life in the present with no regrets. Only by grasping the present and forgetting the past can we create a brilliant future. Then, let's study together! Comprehensive development in learning knowledge, learning cooperation, learning creation, learning survival, morality, intelligence, physical fitness, beauty and labor, and quality improvement.


The sea is calling you to sail, and the mountains are encouraging you to climb. The road of life is rough and bumpy. Weak people will not move forward, and brave people will never retreat. As long as there is a field of hope in the heart, hard work will usher in a green. Today, new campus, new books, new companions, new teachers, new requirements and new steps. In this dynamic spring day, let's meet new challenges with a new attitude, embark on a new journey, and embrace the fruitful golden autumn!


Half a semester's study passed away, leaving us with half a semester's intense and intense study. Learning is not a means to achieve an end. It is an end in itself and a thirst for knowledge. Knowledge is the best in all kinds of life. Knowledge is power and wealth. The more knowledge, the more valuable; the more extensive knowledge, the more perfect. As the ancients said, "There is no limit to learning." The road to knowledge is hard, bumpy and rugged. The long river of life is full of difficulties, and we will steer the right way to the other side of the ideal. Isn't that the same with learning? Raise the sails of life without regret.


We are the young eagles of the new century. Today, we are honing our wings; Tomorrow, we will fight in the sky! High school time, the moment of life, in this moment, what we will produce, will certainly harvest a steady stream of knowledge. It is gold, and there is always time to shine; Is a rose, there is always a seed in full bloom. In the sea of knowledge, we can sing on the waves and march forward bravely. Follow Kuafu's footsteps to chase the sun; Follow Jingwei's figure to repair the blue sky. Take advantage of the hot youth, seize the opportunity of hope, hold up the boat of destiny, hold up the sun of tomorrow, and work hard for the future of the Young Pioneers! Let tomorrow be proud of us!

建队日国旗下讲话稿 篇6


Dear teachers and students


good morning! The theme of today's speech is Young Pioneers: A Glorious Organization.


We have just spent a sacred and great festival, that is, the Motherland_ On our first birthday, when we are still immersed in a strong festival atmosphere, all of our Young Pioneers will usher in a festival of our own. Do you know what it is? October 13 - a special day like the birthday of the motherland: the founding day of the Chinese Young Pioneers.


October 13, 1949 is a day that every Young Pioneer should always remember. On that day, the CPC Central Committee and the Communist Youth League Central Committee jointly issued the Resolution on the Establishment of the Chinese Children's Team. Since then, young pioneers have their own festivals and organizations. In 1953, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League decided to change the name of the "China Children's Team" to "China Youth Pioneer Team". The title of "Pioneer", which is full of educational significance, was added to children's organizations, mainly to educate children to learn from the example of the pioneer, inherit their cause, and march bravely along the road opened for us by the CPC and the revolutionary ancestors!


With the rising five-star red flag, we will usher in the 72nd team building day. Look at the red scarf on our chest, and review every solid footprint of the Chinese Young Pioneers. We are proud, we are proud, and we are more firm in our belief: to fight for communism!


The national spirit is handed down from generation to generation: love the motherland, we study hard and grow healthily; Love our hometown, we are diligent and thrifty, and protect the environment; Love our parents, we are independent and responsible; Love our partners, hand in hand, and move forward happily together! Under the bright national flag and today's modernization, we still can't forget the older generation who made great contributions to the prosperity of the motherland - Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Deng Xiaoping, Qian Xuesen, Deng Jiaxian... It is they who let us understand the meaning of the red scarf on our chest, and understand that the red scarf is a pair of bright eyes looking at us every day. With her, we will be active in the classroom and swim in the ocean of knowledge; With her, we will move forward enthusiastically when others need help; With her, we will gently pat our parents' arms when they are tired; With her, when we want to give up, we will cheer up and march forward bravely!

我们敬爱的周总理,在读小学时,一次, 老校长上课时问:“同学们为什么读书啊?”同学中, 有的说: “为懂礼仪而读书。” 有的说: “为父母而读书。”有的答:“为做官而读书。”老校长对这些回答都不满意。当问到周恩来时,他铿锵有力地答道:“为中华之崛起而读书!”老校长听了,连声称赞:“好啊!为中华之崛起而读书!有志气的同学,都要像周恩来学习! 为报效祖国而努力读书。”

Our beloved Premier Zhou, when he was in primary school, the old headmaster once asked in class: "Why do students study?" Some of the students said: "Read books to understand etiquette." Some say, "Study for your parents." Some answered, "To be an official, you should study." The old headmaster was not satisfied with these answers. When asked about Zhou Enlai, he replied forcefully: "Study for the rise of China!" After listening to this, the old headmaster repeatedly praised: "Good! Read for the rise of China! Students with ambition should study like Zhou Enlai! Study hard to serve the motherland."


Boys and girls, let's follow the harmonious theme and be a responsible and ambitious Young Pioneer in the new era with the red scarf in front of us!

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