

时间:2022-11-08 12:57:41 | 来源:语文通



谈幸福议论文 篇1关于幸福的作文 篇2谈幸福议论文 篇3幸福的议论文 篇4关于幸福的作文 篇5幸福初中议论文 篇6以幸福话题的议论文 篇7幸福的议论文 篇8幸福议论文600字 篇9谈幸福议论文 篇10

谈幸福议论文 篇1


"Happiness" is people's good wishes and the emotional experience of a happy life. Everyone hopes to have happiness, and everyone is willing to let happiness embrace. Different people have different experiences of happiness. So what is happiness? Some people say that happiness is a kind of success after struggle; Some people say happiness is a warm call from mother; Some people say happiness is the friendship between classmates; Some people say that happiness is the satisfaction of certain needs and the realization of certain aspirations. How on earth can we get happiness? In fact, happiness is around us.


I feel happy every day of my life. Harmony with family photos at home, mutual help and fraternity with classmates at school, and meticulous care of mother reflect the happiness of having great maternal love; Having fun and learning with classmates reflects the happiness of having friends. When we encounter difficulties, getting help and comfort from friends reflects the happiness of having friends.


As long as we understand with heart, we will find happiness accompanying us at any time. I remember once when I was ill, my mother was very worried. After that, I went to bed. My mother was afraid that I would have a fever at night, so she stayed with me all night, touching my forehead and pulling the quilt for fear that I would get cold. At this time, I feel the happiness of being spoiled like a child.


Not only that, but more. For example, if you encounter difficulties in your study, when you consult your classmates, they will patiently and carefully explain to you until you understand; When you help others to solve a problem, when you get comfort from your family and friends because you are upset and regret being wronged, it is happiness to get help, and happiness to help others. Happiness comes when you are happy, and happiness comes when you are crying.


Please cherish every happiness around you, it will eventually pass on to you is a kind of happiness; Please stretch out your hand to help those who are tolerant and helpful; If others are happy, you will be happy. Please feel every warm call from your mother. Every call is the happiness of having a mother's love.


Work hard and you will win only if you work hard. Isn't it happiness to be grateful for your teachers and parents? It is even happier to be kind to others and gain trust and self-esteem. Let us all have a happy day.

关于幸福的作文 篇2


Many people are complaining about why they are not rich and why they are not as happy as the rich. But who knows how much effort the rich have made and how much pain they have endured before becoming rich? In fact, it is not that we are unhappy, but that we do not have a pair of eyes to find happiness and a heart of contentment and gratitude.


I think I am happy, because I have a complete family, although not rich, but full of warmth, happiness and love.


Spring is coming. Although spring is a warm and beautiful season, it is also a time of influenza virus epidemic. The weather is unpredictable. Many people have caught cold, and I am no exception. After Mom knew it, she put down her life to pick me up at school. She looked at my haggard and painful appearance, showing a worried and heartache look. At this time, I hated myself very much. Why not take good care of myself, and why should I let Mom worry?


When I got home, my mother asked me to go back to my room to rest, and she covered the quilt for me. After a while, she brought a bowl of medicine from the kitchen. I wanted to drink it myself, but my mother said, "It's still very hot. Let me feed you." At this time, I feel that happiness is around me, it is not far away.


I went to sleep after taking the medicine, but when I woke up, I found my mother lying on my bed and sleeping. I think I must have slept soundly. Otherwise, why didn't I know that my mother was sleeping by my bed? I didn't have the heart to wake her, so I looked at her quietly beside her. I found that her face had some wrinkles and her head had white hair. It must be that her mother was too hard at ordinary times. She not only had to work, but also took care of the family's living and eating after work. How tired should she be? I can't bear to imagine how much my mother has suffered. Thinking of these, my stupid tears left. I feel sad and heartache. Only when happiness is around, it is not far away.


We should really repay our parents for their love.


In fact, happiness is around. Whether it's sunny or cloudy, it's always there, just to see if you can find it.


I feel that I am very happy now.

谈幸福议论文 篇3


What is happiness? How to find happiness? How to make yourself happy? How do you understand happiness? I learned a lot in the first lesson of school, especially about happiness. Happiness, you just get


There are innumerable happiness, big or small, in life. But what is happiness? Happiness means that when you are sick, your mother hurries to take you to the hospital to see a doctor and you get happiness. When you are hungry, your mother brings you a delicious meal and you get happiness... Like this, The concept of happiness is explained time and time again by little things in life. Happiness is to get the help you need most when you need it most. At the same time, happiness is to reach out to others when they need help and get happiness. When they need comfort, you come to them and get happiness... As this happiness is explained again in dedication, happiness is in our life, It is just waiting for your discovery. There are many kinds of happiness. Because everyone sees a different world, they see or get different understandings of happiness. No one can say clearly about different feelings. Maybe we can only say that happiness is a feeling, but our happiness is what we look for. We should find our own happiness because it is in our life. You can find it when you wait, When you find out, you will feel that life is so beautiful. When you find out, you will feel that the world is full of hope. Let's understand happiness, find happiness, share happiness, sow happiness, and let happiness blossom everywhere.


People who live in happiness will not complain about life. People who live in happiness will move towards success. Happiness is something we get step by step, and each step requires our heart to understand. At the same time, we should understand that the source of happiness is not only getting, but also giving.

幸福的议论文 篇4


My family lives in a winding alley. When it is dusk, I always hear melodious songs moving and reverberating gently. The song is sweet and clear, like a dandelion flying in the wind all over the mountains, with inexplicable sweetness and happiness, scattered in every fresh and vivid corner after a gust of wind.


Mother bent down to carefully wipe the residue on the table. The white porcelain bowl that I was used to on the table has been torn into pieces. The bitter yellow juice in it flows down the corner of the table, making people feel sick. I know that my mother spent a winter to boil it for me. It is said that the result of curing dumbness was once again wasted by me. And the gentle and obedient me seemed to disappear with my voice in that damned morning.


That damned morning, that damned driver, an unintentional car accident, ruthlessly took away my voice.


Do you think the world is funny? The painter broke his hand and the music learner became deaf. But I, a singer who should have stood under the dazzling lights and sang loudly, suddenly lost the voice on which to live. It's ridiculous.


Mother sighed, squatted down and looked me in the eye, and said to me that she wanted to take me to a place.


Looking at the haggard mother in front of me, I nodded. When the doctor announced that I might never be able to speak again, she seemed suddenly ten years old.


Walking through the winding alley and into a simple but tidy yard, a girl was singing with her back to us. That voice is the girl who sings every day.


She must be very happy! I have some bitter thoughts.


The girl seemed to know our coming and turned around slowly. God! I gasped and saw that the white and transparent skin was covered with burns of all sizes, while the girl's eyes [. CN] had no expression.


"There was a fire in her house, and she was the only one who survived." Mother whispered to me with her head down.


At that moment, it was like a hammer, and all the hard answers were finally settled.


i see. Happiness needs comparison and contentment.


With beautiful appearance, the survival of relatives, and the love of parents, it turns out that I have so much happiness that I don't need perfection or nitpicking. The so-called happiness is just contentment.

关于幸福的作文 篇5


In the eyes of birds, happiness is to fly freely; In the eyes of kittens, happiness is to be able to eat delicious fish; In the dog's eyes, happiness is to eat meat and bones every day. So, what is happiness? In fact, in everyone's eyes, it is different.


Once, when there was a math class in the school, the teacher asked the students to take out their pencils. A classmate in front of me had no pencil, so he had to borrow it from me. Without hesitation, I took out a pencil and handed it to him. Seeing his satisfied smile, I couldn't help feeling very happy. Every morning, when I woke up, I found that my mother had already prepared hot meals. My mother got up before dawn to cook for me, just so that I could go to school with enough food. Eating this delicious food, I feel very happy. Every afternoon, my mother goes to pick me up at school as soon as she gets off work, and always brings me something delicious. She never shouts bitterness and tiredness. I feel very happy to have such a mother.


Once, I caught a cold and sneezed every day. I always got runny nose all over my face and looked very embarrassed. My deskmate doesn't think I'm dirty. He quickly took out a roll of paper and enthusiastically lent it to me. Looking at my deskmate, I feel very happy.


What impressed me most was that on that day, when I crossed the stairs, I accidentally hurt my leg and could not walk. When my classmates saw me, they quickly helped me up and limped me to the infirmary. He also encouraged me to say, "It's OK. I will go to the infirmary after enduring it." When the doctor disinfected me, he let these students go out first. I thought they would go back to the classroom to do their homework. But when I came out, I found that they were waiting for me and said to me with concern: "Does it hurt? Do you need me to help you?" Looking at them, I feel very happy.


Happiness is always around us. Every bit of our life is happiness.

幸福初中议论文 篇6


What is happiness?


When this question flashed through my mind, I stopped walking. Yeah! The simplest two words: happiness. So what is it? I'm afraid many people can't answer.


For students, it is a good result; As far as teachers are concerned, it is full of peaches and plums; For the police, it is the world without thieves; For parents, it is a happy family; For the Prime Minister, it is a peaceful country; For


I remember reading a little poem before, "Happiness is not possession/but a selfless dedication/If you reach out to it with a greedy hand/It flies away like a crane." Yeah! Only by giving oneself, realizing the value of life, and serving others, let others get happiness. Then you will be happy.


Compared with the thief, although he dedicated himself, he realized the value of life. However, he entrapped others and made them suffer and sad, so he did not get happiness. He was afraid that one day he would be brought to justice and thrown into prison.


Compared with some just professions such as police, doctors and firefighters, they have also dedicated themselves and realized their life values. However, they have ensured people's safety and health, made us happy and reassured. So they got happiness.


Also, some very small jobs, such as cleaners and taxi drivers, although they are very small, they also give themselves and serve others, and they also get happiness.


In life, happiness is everywhere. When you come home after a long day, a warm dinner will wash away your fatigue; When you are unemployed at home and see your family members, an encouraging look will help you regain confidence and create brilliance.


As long as everyone gives more, the world will become a happy world.

以幸福话题的议论文 篇7


What is happiness? Tao Yuanming said that "picking chrysanthemums under the east fence, you can see the Nanshan Mountain leisurely"; Fan Zhongyan said, "First of all, worry about the world, then enjoy the world"; Brother Xun said it was a "herb garden"; Samuel said it was "youth"... Everyone has a different understanding of happiness, so everyone's happiness is different.


There was a fisherman and a rich man in a village. The rich man is very busy every day for his business, and has a lot of troubles. The fisherman only catches a limited number of fish every day, which can only help his family make a living. Every time he came back from the sea, he would lie on the beach and enjoy himself. One day, the rich man met the fisherman. He said to the fisherman, "Your skills are so good that you can catch more fish every day and sell more money. After you have a lot of property, it is not too late to bask in the sun!" The fisherman replied, "Why bother? I can bask in the sun now."


In fact, happiness is very simple. When you are sweating after playing, you see happiness in a glass of coke; Once you came home very late, your parents were sitting at the table waiting for you to eat, and you saw happiness from that meal; Friends quietly bought a cake to celebrate your birthday. You saw happiness in the glittering candlelight


A little dog asked his mother, "Mom, Mom, what is happiness? Where is it?" The mother dog said, "Child, happiness is your tail." So the dog chased his tail every day. After a long time, one day, the little dog said, "Mom, why do you work so hard and still can't catch up with happiness?" The mother dog said, "Son, sometimes happiness doesn't need you to pursue it. In fact, happiness is always behind you."


Now do you understand what happiness is? Leisure can be happiness, happiness can be happiness, and pursuit can be happiness... As the book says, "happiness does not care about everlasting, but only about once owned".


With happiness, your heart is happy; With happiness, your life is happy; With happiness, you are happy. Let us grasp happiness, cherish happiness, and let happiness live on us forever!

幸福的议论文 篇8


We should live in peace. Satisfied with the present, this will be happy. The love of parents, the friendship of friends, and the smile of strangers are warmly surrounding. There are bright and peaceful sunshine, winding gravel paths, and the delicate morning glory in the corner, which are quietly contained. Everything can be beautiful.


If we can be quiet. The clear sky in early summer can be so good. It is very aristocratic, gray and blue, warm and arrogant. The space is mysterious and vast like a fairy tale. The wind blows from ancient times, bringing a strong smell of the forest from the towering trees there. The flowers are blooming well, with the color of sunshine. They have never been hurt in this warm spring. On the wooden fence next to it, there have been woodcut knives of years, one knife at a time, leaving a sad face of vicissitudes. Everything exists quietly, without noise or disturbance. We can live in these quiet places without detachment or alienation. The mountains are high and the waters are low, and the moon is falling. Keep a full posture, stay in harmony with the world, relax with the time, and take the initiative. Put the dream on the cloud bed, let it be carried, float in the soft cotton, and swim away. Give yourself the azure sky, let it brighten our confused eyes


Don't say you don't understand, and don't say you can't help it. Everyone can choose how to make his life comfortable. If you don't like noise, stay away and be quiet. Just don't be depressed. Loneliness is given by others, but imposed by oneself. Although they are all personal affairs, they are different moods and states. Sometimes, if we can think more and understand more, we may be less noisy and restless and less at a loss


If you know how to love yourself, others will have the opportunity to give you happiness.

幸福议论文600字 篇9


The happiness of the sky is blue, the happiness of the lake is dark green, the happiness of the mountains is pure, and the happiness of the sun is red. However, the happiest thing is just colorless water, which provides thousands of lives and is the ancestor of all things.


Jasmine is fragrant, rose is red, camellia is fragrant, cherry is intoxicating, plum is arrogant, bamboo is solemn and stirring, but the most beautiful flower is unknown. It is a kind of elegant, secluded, and disinterested transcendental temperament. It may be just a bunch of inconspicuous wild flowers on the roadside, but thousands of people are pursuing it like gold.


Happiness is so simple.

Happiness is so simple.

Happiness is so simple.


The prince sunbathed overseas, the beggar basked on the beach, the duke tasted mountain delicacies in his mansion, and the mountain people chewed mountain food at home. Happiness is not high or low, but a simple mentality. With this simple attitude, life is happy everywhere, always warm.


The luxury houses of Zhumen are happy, so is the cottage of Chaimen: Tao Yuanming lives in seclusion in the mountains, regardless of the secular world. He picks chrysanthemums under the east fence and sees the South Mountain leisurely. His elegant sentiment is really that the idea of a drunkard is not wine, but between mountains and rivers. The delicacies of mountains and seas are happiness, and so is simple food: Li Bai can be said to have eaten all over the world, but he took the rise and fall of the country as his duty: he could not eat when listening to the cup, and he could not eat when drawing his sword. Give up mediocrity for elegance, and give up small fortune for great wealth. I think such an elegant and calm person, if the Tang Dynasty is rough, even if the food is simple, he will eat all the dishes.


Happiness is so simple.

Happiness is so simple.

Happiness is so simple.


Most people in the world turn their view of happiness upside down. Busy with work and overtime, I forget the happy smiling face of my children. Indifferent to worldly wisdom, I forgot every sentence of warm words after dinner. Busy running for thousands of miles, do not appreciate the world under your feet carefully; Busy with reading thousands of books, not concentrating on collecting every essence. Happiness is warm everywhere.


Happiness is so simple.

Happiness is so simple.

Happiness is so simple.


Don't worry about the unpredictable happiness in the world, and don't sigh about the difficulties of the long apprenticeship. Ah, my friends, in a bright summer night, abandon the profound depression in your heart. Lie on a rocking chair, taste a cup of tea, and your thoughts are flying among the stars. Your dreams are rippling in the Milky Way, your songs are ringing in your ears, your flute is melodious in your heart, like going to the Moon Lake, like going to the Moon Palace, and your happiness is floating in the sky

谈幸福议论文 篇10

幸福究竟是什么?是花不完的金钱吗?还是玩耍时的欢声和笑语?或者是对真理与光明的追求?甚至,仅仅是对生活下去的渴望?对于幸福,不同的人会做出不同的表态,有些人认为幸福在很遥远的地方,也有些人觉得幸福无处不在,触手可及… …今天,我们开展了一次主题中队会,一起谈论校园里的幸福。

What is happiness? Is it money that can't be spent? Or the laughter and laughter when playing? Or the pursuit of truth and light? Or even just the desire to live? For happiness, different people will make different statements. Some people think that happiness is far away, while others think that happiness is everywhere and within reach... Today, we held a theme squadron meeting to talk about happiness on campus.

当老师问起同学们什么是幸福时,大家给出的答案真是五花八门:有的说:“幸福就是身体健康,不生病。”有的说:“幸福就是努力学习,取得好成绩,受到父母表扬!”还有的说:“大家一起玩耍嬉戏时我感到很幸福!”仔细想想,似乎他们说得都不错,每天身体都健健康康,没有疾病的困扰,自然也开心;在期末考试考了个好成绩,别人赞扬你时,心里肯定像喝了蜜似的美滋滋的;在课间,我也常见到这样的情景:三五成群的同学们在广场玩游戏,绽开了一张张灿烂的笑脸,洒下一串串银铃般动听的笑声,如果玩累了,就坐在树阴下休息聊天。这时的校园处处充满了欢乐幸福的气氛… …

When the teacher asked the students what is happiness, they gave a variety of answers: some said: "Happiness is good health, not sick." Some say: "Happiness is to study hard, get good grades, and be praised by parents!" Others said, "I feel very happy when we play together!" When you think about it, it seems that they are all right. They are healthy every day. They are naturally happy without the trouble of diseases; When you get a good result in the final exam and others praise you, you must feel like drinking honey; During the break, I also often see such a scene: groups of students play games in the square, blooming bright smiling faces and scattering a series of beautiful laughter like silver bells. If they are tired of playing, they sit in the shade to have a rest and chat. At this time, the campus was full of happy atmosphere

如果你要想知道我认为的幸福是什么,那么我觉得幸福其实是像雷锋叔叔那样,就算走遍世界,也会把关爱带到世界每个角落,只要是他涉足过的地方,必定会有被他帮助过的人,相信幸福一定会影子般地紧紧跟着他。幸福就是去尊重关爱他人,听起来似乎很简单,但要坚持确实不容易,如果你可以每天帮助一个需要帮助的人:拉起受伤的小伙伴、辅导成绩不太好的同学… …当他们真诚地向你致谢时,你一定会惊喜地发现幸福就是那么简单。

If you want to know what I think happiness is, then I think happiness is actually like Uncle Lei Feng. Even if he travels around the world, he will bring love to every corner of the world. As long as he has set foot in the world, there must be people who have been helped by him. I believe happiness will follow him closely as a shadow. Happiness is to respect and care for others. It sounds very simple, but it is not easy to persist. If you can help a person in need every day: pull up the injured partner, coach the students with poor grades... When they sincerely thank you, you will be surprised to find that happiness is so simple.

只要你抛下一切嫉妒、虚假、伤心、厌恶,放正心态,真诚地对待每一个人时,你就会懂得:幸福其实一直陪伴在你的身旁,从未走远… …

As long as you leave behind all envy, falsehood, sadness and disgust, put your mind right and treat everyone sincerely, you will know that happiness has always been with you, never gone far

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