

时间:2022-11-18 12:56:58 | 来源:语文通



高尔基《童年》读后感 篇1高尔基《童年》读后感 篇2高尔基《童年》读后感 篇3高尔基童年读后感 篇4高尔基《童年》读后感 篇5

高尔基《童年》读后感 篇1


In the sunshine, after I read Gorky's Childhood, my mood could not be calm for a long time. In my impression, my childhood was happy, happy, carefree, and nurtured by my parents.


The hero in Gorky's works, Aliosha, lives in a sad background. When he was four years old, his father left him and his mother to the horizon. His sick mother took Aliosha with her grandmother to the grandfather's house. His grandfather is a small dye house owner, but he has a very bad temper. Both of Aleosha's uncles have a selfish desire to monopolize the family property. In this family, Aleosha knows Cigang, who protects him, and the two little brothers who were beaten by his grandfather with him. Aliaosha's two uncles quarreled to separate their families, but his angry grandfather poured his anger on Aliaosha. As a result, Aliaosha was seriously ill, even though Cigang also gave him a whip.


His grandmother went to reason with her grandfather. While being beaten and scolded by her grandfather, she also protected Aliosha's spiritual wounds. In this environment, will Aliosha's life be polluted? Fortunately, the world is not all ugly. There are also good and honest people around him, such as his grandmother. They gave him confidence and strength, which made him see the light and hope, and believe that the darkness will pass and the future belongs to the light. Among them, his grandmother is his sun. Grandma always gave the seeds of love to Aliosha with her tenderness and tolerance. The seeds germinated and grew into towering trees. With the protection of wings, Aliosha's world would no longer be left to the wind and rain.


Yeah! As long as the world is full of light, everything is possible. As long as we believe that there is light everywhere, we will certainly usher in the glory of life!

高尔基《童年》读后感 篇2


The dark cabin, the suffocating family, the miserable childhood...... This is Golgi's autobiographical novel Childhood, which is based on his own experience. The book tells the story of Alexa (Gorky's nickname)'s childhood when he lost his father and his mother remarried from the age of 3 to 10. He lived with the grumpy and declining grandfather of the small dye house and the loving grandmother, vividly representing the living conditions of the lower class Russian people in the 1970s and 1980s, and writing Gorky's understanding of suffering and unique views on social life, It reveals the beautiful yearning for life.


What impressed me most was the optimistic and kind-hearted grandmother. This kind old man used her selfless love to bring Ariosha a beautiful memory of his childhood, and let him feel the warmth in the dark. She silently educated Ariosha with her own actions. Under her influence, Ariosha gradually became brave, strong and kind. People.


However, what I like most is the fourth chapter of the book, "Grandmother in the Fire". Through reading this chapter, I deeply felt that my grandmother was calm and calm in the face of danger, in sharp contrast to my grandfather's cowardice. This chapter left a deep impression on me.


After reading the book Childhood, I saw the selfishness and cowardice of my grandfather, the optimism and kindness of my grandmother, the tragic experience of Aleosha and her mother, and the miserable life of the lower classes of the society at that time. I also saw Aleosha's spirit of perseverance and courage to move forward in the face of suffering.


Through reading Childhood, I feel how happy my childhood is! I should cherish the present life, study hard, and refuel for our tomorrow!

高尔基《童年》读后感 篇3


I remember when I was young, I was a girl who loved crying. At that time, my mother said with a scolding tone, Xiaolu, a little bit of frustration, what to fear, girls should also be strong. I stood aside with a blush of shyness in my nose, and looked at my mother with tears in my eyes. firm? This word can't help wandering in my mind


In an accidental opportunity, I picked up the famous book Childhood at home and abroad, and the word "strong" hit my heart again. Childhood is a real tragic experience in Gorky's life, a painful and affectionate memory! There is only one sentence to explain it: "The long sun and moon, sadness is its festival, fire is its carnival, and on the face of nothing, scars have become embellishment". Yes, poor Alexa suffered a lot during the cruel Tsar's reign. When he died at the age of three, he was taken to his grandfather's house. Grandfather was a small dyeing house owner who was on the verge of bankruptcy. He was grumpy, selfish and greedy; The two uncles were also rude and extremely selfish.


What Aleosha sees every day is a disgusting scandal: fighting for property, fighting, fooling and beating children. The endless atrocities and scandals overwhelmed the young Aleosha. Only his grandmother was his only closest relative. Her kindness, integrity and bravery finally made Aleosha see the light and nurtured his rebellious spirit and strong character towards life. Perhaps, fate was always playing tricks on him. Under the compulsion, Ariosha started to live on his own too early and tasted the hardships of life. However, by virtue of his firm revolutionary belief and tenacious perseverance, Aliosha defeated himself and ascended the literary altar admired by thousands of people.


I was deeply concerned about the fate of Golgi, the author of the book. I shed tears and suffered with him; I laughed and enjoyed myself with him. Is not his strong character formed by the accumulation of bitter tears? Some people say that "environment can make a person". In such an evil and dirty world, his bright and loving heart has not become dirty, but more open and bright. His tears will always flow in his heart and build an unbreakable dam. I sighed his journey and thought more about my life.


In my hometown near mountains and rivers, I was born in a happy family. The meticulous care of parents; The care of relatives; The innocent friendship of our partners. The happy notes are always scattered on my side, and my childhood began in such a carefree way. In the blink of an eye, I walked into the campus full of books, and a full day began with the sound of reading. The teacher assiduously imparted knowledge, and the students discussed with each other fiercely. The students were like young trees, sucking the gifts of spring rain - receiving the knowledge that glittered with wisdom, and thriving.


In this sea full of kindness, purity, optimism and knowledge waves, I enjoy the happy time of life, but unconsciously lost a valuable spirit - strong. Gorky's character is just a mirror of mine. Looking at him, I feel more ashamed and can't help thinking of one lens after another that shed tears when encountering difficulties. Yeah! I want to learn from Gorky, learn from his strong courage, dare to face all setbacks, temper my will in adversity, and create a better future.


you bet! Behind the strength are bitter tears. I want to sprinkle these precious tears and add a more colorful color - "strong" to the new chapter of life.

高尔基童年读后感 篇4


Aliosha, who lost his father when he was young, stayed with his mother at his grandfather's house. At his grandfather's house, Alexa witnessed the selfishness and greed of the two uncles fighting for family property. I also experienced firsthand the ferocity and horror of my grumpy grandfather who often whipped himself with wicker for small things. Even more unfortunate was when he was eleven. Mother's death, grandfather's bankruptcy. He was forced to enter the society when he was young, and his childhood ended accordingly.


It is commendable. After suffering all kinds of misfortunes, Aleosha did not give up and remained a kind, optimistic and beautiful soul in the dark society. I know that most of the credit comes from his grandmother, who can read poems and share many stories with him. Her grandmother is optimistic, active, and loves life. She is always friendly to everyone. She shines into the dark area of her heart like a warm light, and leads him to the bright world. "This is her selfless love for the world that has enriched me and filled me with strong strength in the face of difficult life." This is Aleosha's description of her grandmother, and it is also the most impressive sentence for me.


In an ordinary math exam, I got only 70 points for carelessness. When I got home, I was very scared and said to my father, "Dad, I'm sorry, I didn't perform well in the math exam this time." But my father didn't scold me, but encouraged me to say, "It doesn't matter if I didn't do well in the exam this time. I will work harder in the future. Dad believes in you! Come on!" Hearing my father's encouragement, I felt warm. He also made up his mind to study harder. Next time, he must live up to himself and let his father see a proud answer. Ariosha has the care of her grandmother in the face of adversity. And I have my father's encouragement in adversity. We are all happy people. In the face of adversity, we can get the good wishes of our elders, and with our firm belief, we can keep our inner light. The final fruits must belong to us!


Suddenly, he didn't worry about Aleosha's death. Because no matter how much frustration you suffer, the light deeply imprinted in Ariosha's heart will never go out!

高尔基《童年》读后感 篇5


During the holiday, I read the novel Childhood, which is the first of Mr. Gorky's autobiographical trilogy.


This novel describes Alexei's childhood in his grandfather's home after his father's death. In his young eyes, Alexei was so ruthless when he grew up in the world. His mother gave birth to a baby brother near his father's body. In his grandfather's home, uncles fought over the family property. They beat women and children. In this home, only his grandmother loved him. Her grandmother often told him stories, In his childhood, his grandmother brought him infinite joy. Her tenderness and optimism warmed him and made him strong enough to face the painful life.


The image of grandmother shines with the glory of motherhood in Alexei's childhood.


This book, vivid, vivid and delicate, depicts the people living at the bottom of the society at that time... vividly describes the hardships and hardships of people's lives at that time.

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