

时间:2022-11-23 13:06:49 | 来源:语文通



致家长的一封信 篇1致家长的一封信 篇2致家长的一封信 篇3致家长的一封信 篇4致家长的一封信 篇5致家长的一封信 篇6致家长的一封信 篇7致家长的一封信 篇8

致家长的一封信 篇1


Dear parents


Hello! From May 20 to June 19 is the sixth "pre-school education publicity month" in China. The theme of this year's publicity month is "Play games to light up a happy childhood".


Education begins at home. Many parents are struggling to find the "secret" of success in cultivating their children. If there is a so-called "secret", it is to follow the rules of children's growth and education. Children grow up with games. Games are the basic way for children to live and learn, which is the law of children's growth. Children seek knowledge and health in the game, enlighten and delight in the game, and socialize in the game. Piaget, a world famous psychologist, emphasized that "play is the internal requirement of children's development, and it is of great significance to children's cognitive development and the whole psychological construction." We should all strive to be good supporters, participants, observers and companions of children's games, and promote the healthy growth of children in the games.


We should be good supporters and participants of children's games. Many parents, in order to prevent their children from losing at the starting line, prematurely let their children receive training focusing on systematic discipline knowledge and skills, and carry out "primary" and "adult" learning. However, when the tomb festival is held, speed is not enough. Compulsory learning that violates the law of children's physical, intellectual, emotional and personality development is likely to cause children's aversion, and then lose interest in learning, even fear learning. Chen Heqin, a famous preschool educator in China, said, "Children live by playing games. For children, play is work, and work is play." Children are playful by nature. Games are their unique way of learning. Through games, they can learn by playing, learning by doing, and enjoying themselves by learning. Parents should respect and protect children's nature of playing games, provide space, time, materials and environment for children to play, and be loyal supporters of children's games. Many parents are willing to spend money to buy all kinds of toys for their children. In fact, the game materials do not have to be delicate and expensive. A basin of fine sand, a bottle of water, a carton, a piece of colored rope, and even spring breeze, summer rain, autumn leaves, and winter snow can all become the materials for children to explore and play as long as they are careful.


Of course, parents are children's first playmates and should actively participate in children's games. Chase and play with children, "hide and play" with children, and "go home" with children... Let parent-child games become the "nutrients" for children's healthy growth, and let children soak in the harmonious and warm parent-child relationship to shape a sound personality.


We should be a good motivator and observer of children's games. Many parents often expect their children to gain a lot in every game activity. A few games can achieve the desired educational effect. They are used to making rules with the cognitive style of adults. They often turn children's games into "fake games" directed by adults. Children's nature of independent exploration and self experience is deprived, and their enthusiasm is greatly frustrated. "True play" is a voluntary game activity for children. Children happily participate and devote themselves to it. Parents should be good at guiding children to play "real games", encouraging children to actively participate, cooperate, communicate, explore and discover in the games, and also be good at understanding children through games to discover the advantages and problems in their growth.


In the process of observing children's games, we can interpret the "password" of children's growth and enrich our own educational wisdom. Quiet children may be willing to play puzzles in the room, while active children are more willing to have a fierce adventure with their "monster" father; Telling picture books can help children who do not want to use bedpans overcome their psychological barriers, while hide and seek games can help children overcome their anxiety about parent-child separation; Play experience sharing helps children form rule awareness, while fixed time parent-child reading can cultivate children's concentration. Please have full confidence in your child and let him or her decide on the choice of partners, materials and content in the game, decide on the way to play, and get a sense of freedom, dominance, victory and satisfaction.


We should be good companions and protectors of children's games. In the current family life, "Mom, put down your mobile phone and play with me!" "You are the father and mother of mobile phones!" The cry of "is shocking.". Some electronic entertainment products impact the children's game environment. On the one hand, parents' preference for leisure and entertainment electronic products takes up a lot of spare time, neglecting parent-child communication. On the other hand, some parents turn electronic entertainment products into "electronic nannies", allowing children to indulge in video and video games alone for a long time, resulting in children's obesity, low spirits, weak eyesight, inattention, decreased thinking ability, withdrawn personality and many other physical and mental problems. Parents should use electronic entertainment products in a rational and intelligent way, take advantage of their strengths and avoid their weaknesses, spend more time talking, laughing, crying, jumping, playing and playing with their children, experience success, feel failure, avoid harm, and experience the troubles and happiness of growth together.


Education is a kind of relationship, a kind of love. Without a loving parent-child relationship, there is no family education. The basic way to establish such a loving relationship is to accompany and care. In the process of accompanying the game, parents should be as sincere as children, concentrate on the game, listen to children's stories, and give timely inspiration, as well as do a good job in safety protection. When encountering difficulties in the game, actively encourage children to try to find solutions, and promote children's social development in the experience and perception of love and rules. This is not only a happy experience for children, but also a happy time for parents.


Every life is like a magic seed, containing unknown mystery and potential. Let's join hands, take expectation as the power, love as the link, and games as the carrier to grow up together with children, light up children's happy childhood, and accumulate a bright background for children's wonderful life!


I wish family harmony and happiness, family safety and health!


Jinan Municipal Education Bureau


May 19, 2017

致家长的一封信 篇2


Dear parents and friends


How do you do! Thank you for bringing the babies to the Mimi class. I believe that with the happiness and trouble of children's growth, you, the children and we will establish a deep relationship.


As we all know, kindergarten is a paradise for children! There are many partners of the same age, rich and optimized environment through careful design, and well-trained teachers. Kindergarten is also a good place for children to exercise themselves. Children have to deal with many things by themselves in the collective. Their interest and ability to communicate, courage, independence, initiative and self-confidence will be exercised in practice. We pay attention to children's performance in kindergarten and hope they are happy!


However, when the baby starts kindergarten, his mood may be unstable, and crying is unavoidable. When he returns home, he may show some unusual behaviors, such as being grumpy or silent. Parents and friends, you must be very worried. Are you ready? How to help the baby do a good job of psychological counseling and overcome their "troubles" at this stage? Here are some suggestions that I hope can help you.




1. At the beginning of the kindergarten, the baby has a strong attachment and desire for home, so parents are suggested to pick up the child on time;


2. Parents and teachers should communicate their children's performance in the kindergarten and at home in a timely manner, and ask parents to comfort their children more and insist on entering the kindergarten;


3. Parents can prepare a toy or book for the child to take to the kindergarten, so that the child can play with his favorite toy during free activities;


4. There should not be too many people to pick up and see off. Imagine that the whole family sent out to send the children to the kindergarten. After the children were brought to the class, the adults disappeared. The huge contrast will frighten the children.


Once again, welcome you and your angel to Mimiban! Let's work together and care carefully, so that this group of little angels can grow up happily and healthily!

致家长的一封信 篇3


Dear parents


Hello! At the end of a semester of school life, students are about to have a long winter vacation. In order to help children spend a healthy, happy and meaningful winter vacation, please read carefully and help the school to do a good job in children's education during the holiday.


Opening date: March 1


1、 Requirements for parents:


Parents are the best teachers for children, and your words and deeds have a subtle impact on children. Therefore, the school hopes that parents can demonstrate to children with correct words and deeds, become the leaders of children's physical and mental health, and perform your obligations of supervision, inspection and education while exercising your custody right.


2、 Requirements for students:


1. Complete all the holiday homework assigned by the teacher with a responsible attitude towards your future. Outstanding students should pay attention to improving training, and students with learning difficulties should make full use of the holiday time to make up for the lack of knowledge, so as to lay a solid foundation for the next semester's study.


2. Bring the "Three Rites" education activity of "being polite, understanding etiquette and knowing etiquette" into the family, learn to treat people politely, learn to respect others, and learn to respect the old and love the young.


3. Carry out the activity of "good books grow with me" during the holiday. Each student is required to read at least one extra-curricular book during the vacation. (assisted by parents)


4. Carry out the activity of "I am the master on holidays", do housework within my power every day at home, and develop the good habit of loving work.


Miss Li



致家长的一封信 篇4


Dear parents


Hello! As the May Day International Labor Day approaches, I wish you success in your work, success in everything and happiness for your family!


In order to let children have a happy, healthy and safe holiday, we hope you will pay attention to the safety of children during the holiday and educate them to improve their awareness of safety precautions, self-protection awareness and self-protection ability. The relevant work of our school during the May Day is hereby notified as follows:


1、 Holiday time: May 1-3 (Saturday to Monday), May 4, Tuesday, return to school as usual.


2、 All students should abide by the rules and regulations, pay attention to social ethics, and be civilized middle school students.


3、 Student safety


1. Pay attention to activity safety. Educate children not to play by the river without permission, not to swim in the river without permission, not to climb high and take risks, not to play in dangerous places such as roads, mountains, construction sites, production areas, etc. During holidays, children should be guided by their parents and pay attention to safety.


2. Pay attention to food hygiene and safety. Parents should teach them not to associate with social idlers, misbehaving people or strangers. Don't stay overnight without parents' permission. Prevent extortion, abduction and kidnapping by bad people.


3. Carry out family love and gratitude education, take more time to talk with children or accompany them to participate in some useful activities during the holidays, deepen emotional exchanges, strengthen communication and understanding with children, and teach children more about life.


4、 Holiday homework


Please urge the students to comply with the school's teaching arrangements according to the school's requirements, and earnestly complete each lesson


The homework assigned by the teacher.


5、 Adjustment of work and rest time


Our school will start the summer schedule on May 4 (see the following schedule for details)


Finally, I hope that students can develop good healthy living habits during the holiday, work and rest normally, not stay up all night, and have a safe, happy, civilized and peaceful May Day!

回 函



I have read this letter and will try my best to urge and communicate with my children during the holiday as required above.




Student Name:


Parent signature:



致家长的一封信 篇5









致家长的一封信 篇6









致家长的一封信 篇7
















致家长的一封信 篇8


Dad and Mom:


You know what? How much I want to say to you and how I hope you can understand me! I hope you can understand my mind, but why do you not do what I think every time?? I know you will do this for my good. I understand that. I never blame you


You always say that I am timid in front of the teacher, but that's not the case at all. I don't think I'm too timid, even the teacher thinks so... You may mean something else when you say I'm timid. Perhaps my timidity is the result of your too much restraint on me! You shouldn't tie me down like this.


Mom and Dad, I don't dare not listen to any of what you said. I won't talk back to you even if you scold me. I don't dare to talk back to you, so I'm afraid? no, it isn't. How many times have I been wronged by my father and wanted to push back, but I haven't pushed back. Life is like a play. I have already thought out the "lines", but I just can't say it!


Your daughter吗?你们这样用绳索绑住她,只会让她的心里憋得难受。放开你们的女儿

Your daughter吧!她快要难受死拉。.。.。.

Mom and Dad, can't you let your daughter go? If you tie her up with ropes like this, it will only make her feel uncomfortable. Let go of your daughter! She's dying


Your daughter

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