

时间:2022-11-24 13:09:24 | 来源:语文通






The future of the pearl is the promise of the plateau.




The bright pearl in the sun is shining, reflecting the seven color spectrum of the sun. The bright pearl on the plateau carries the foreseeable future.


The pearl of Yunnan Guizhou Plateau, Weizhen is peaceful, which is called Weining. Over the years, Baozhou, Wusa, Wumeng... Weining has never lagged behind the pace of the times.


The west gate of Guizhou is also the ridge, which is Weining. In this sunny Pearl City, there are a group of plastic materials that "wealth must be derived from hard work, and men must read five cart books".


As the ancients said, "If you show your intelligence, you will be regarded as a hero; if you have courage and insight, you will be regarded as a hero". At the time of our youth, we shoulder the mission of the times, and the heroic spirit guides us to forge our reputation.


The sun's red crisp jade gently awakened the sleeping dawn, and put an elegant and gorgeous veil on the shy Wumeng. This is the Sunshine City.


The young people who grow up in this sunny and calm land have powerful bodies and aspirations.


In the early morning, the sun rises in the Temple of Lifeng Mountain, and the clouds roll and relax, encouraging people to make progress. At noon, look at the green trees on the north slope, feel the vitality and strive to reach the top. In the evening, I went to the God Temple to watch the setting sun, and felt heartbroken. At night, near the Caohai Lake, the moon in the water is the moon in the sky, and the people in front are struggling people.


In a twinkling of an eye, the gentle Qingyang removes the mask that is as warm as jade, and the timid clouds ride the wind and go to a foreign place in heaven, too lazy to pay attention to the sun's vexatiousness.


The sun, full of sulk, turned red and made the sky blue. Under the sky, people who are rising like bamboo shoots, ignoring the anger of the sun, are still rowing resolutely in the sea of surging crowds to the other side of the ideal.


In the grass sea under the sun, fish roam in the water mirror and play among the algae. The gentle wind dances past, and the green ripples sway at the feet of the students who have been working hard all day.


Algae? Accompanied by the cheers of the sun, flying swallows dance in their hands in the melody of the breeze. Zao? Soft and solid, it is not easy to break. Many students take dreams as horses and live up to their youth: they will make my famous car fat and guide my famous horse!


Standing on the top of Fengshan Temple, looking down at the land that has trampled on for 18 years in spring and autumn, my eyes are standing in the distant sky on the wings of the wind. The sky is high and the road is long -- my heart is higher and my feet are longer!


Be firm in your ideals and aim high. How high is the sky? When you stand on your toes, you are closer to the sun.


In this poetic youth, time flies like water and no one is allowed to be idle. To waste one's youth in vain is to wait for a lost future; Waiting for youth, waiting for wasted time.


Youth is a kind of heart, not a simple time. It is not in the graceful posture of powder and indigo, but in the ambition of green clouds.


Teenagers are the weathervane of history. They put the world in their youth bags and shoulder the mission of the times. Even if the weather is cold and the road is long, how can they give way to their ideals? Behind the ideal is the burning heart!


How about the long way? The feet are longer, and the determination is always there. When you run, you will be closer to the finish line!


A red sun is rising slowly from the east. Teenagers with poems and distant places are struggling to run. The plateau behind is changing with each passing day. The pearl is shining. The future ahead is fascinating and promising.



"I am ten years old. Say goodbye to ignorance." This is the oath on our ten-year growth ceremony. During the two years in the Affiliated Primary School, my shortcomings gradually decreased and my advantages increased bit by bit.


Take crying as an example. Before I came to the Affiliated Primary School, I was a crybaby. I could easily lose Jindoudou. There was a team leader in the class who was arrogant and bullied others. He thought that he was the team leader appointed by the teacher, so he could assume the power of the tiger. He was extremely demanding of us. I think the corners of my desk are quite right, but he said I was not right at all. I cried for a class and still cried when the class was over. The teacher often taught me that crying can not solve any problem, but I think that although crying can not solve the problem, it is also a good way to decompress, so I never changed my habit of crying.


When I came to the Affiliated Primary School, I found that there was a classmate who cried more than I did. Once, the physical education teacher asked him to run. Because of his lack of endurance, he began to lose strength after running for a short time, limping as if his legs were filled with lead. Unexpectedly, he ran and cried. I don't think it's worth crying. I suddenly thought of the time when I cried because of these trivial things? I think he likes crying more than I do. I want to change my habit of crying and set an example for him. Maybe he will change his habit of crying in the future and become a sunny boy.


One day, the physical education teacher asked me to run 800 meters after doing 80 sit ups. Because my physical strength was a little overdrawn after doing sit ups before, when I ran to 400 meters, I could hardly hold on. I felt that every step I took was not on the ground, but on the hot iron plate. I feel like a robot that keeps repeating its running movements. I really want to cry, but I think of the classmate who loves crying more than I do. How can I cry because of some trivial things? I should stick to it. Can't I just bite my teeth? I clenched my teeth, held back the tears in my eyes, and insisted on running the whole distance.


After that, whenever I want to cry because of some trivial things, I always think of the classmate who loves crying more than me. I thought that I must hold back tears and be positive. Finally, I controlled my tears with amazing perseverance.


In the two years of affiliated primary school, although I am not a crybaby, I still have many bad habits. I hope that I can overcome these bad habits in the Affiliated Primary School in the future and become a positive, sunny and cheerful person.



This year's Spring Festival is different from previous Spring Festival.


On the usual New Year's Eve, every family was beaming with joy. The whole family had a "reunion dinner" and watched the "Spring Festival Gala" full of excitement and happiness. At night, lights were blazing, and fireworks blossomed in the sky, followed by cheers.


But 202_ The Spring Festival in was unusual because of an "uninvited guest" - novel coronavirus. The road at the entrance of the village is cold and quiet. There are few vehicles and few people. Compared with the heavy traffic in the past, everything here is too quiet now.


During the Spring Festival last year, people went to visit their relatives and talked happily. But this year, we stayed at home like mice hiding from cats - the virus is a cat, and people are mice. In spite of this, I also realized the happiness at home; In addition to studying every day, the family is happy to talk about chess. Usually, adults are busy with work, and we are busy with school. The time that a family can spend together is always very little. This is a rare gathering for a family.


The epidemic affects everyone's heart. When we wake up every morning, we always look at the real-time dynamics of the mobile news epidemic. Everyone is concerned about the "Wuhan epidemic" and the spread of novel coronavirus. A silent war has officially started. Wuhan has become a city that attracts the attention of the people all over the country overnight. People all over the country are supporting Wuhan in their own way: the most beautiful retrograde of medical staff, the insistence of all walks of life, the generosity of caring people, and the silent blessing of ordinary people. As a primary school student, what we can do is not go out, go out less, wear masks, wash hands frequently, take more exercise... Obeying the arrangements and listening to commands is a contribution to the country.


Our teacher once said that the meaning of reading is to make a heart for heaven and earth, make a life for the living people, inherit unique knowledge for sainthood, and open peace for all generations. Although I memorize the sentences, I never understand what they mean. When I saw the report about Zhong Nanshan's grandfather on TV, I seemed to suddenly understand something. I think the teacher should just hope that we can study hard and grow up to be like Grandpa Zhong Nanshan. I secretly set up a flag in my heart. Every day during the holiday, I will study and practice calligraphy more seriously. Every day after that, I will study hard. When I grow up, I must realize my dream!


One mind makes a city. I believe that the epidemic will pass soon, and I hope everyone can enjoy this extraordinary holiday. Winter is over, can spring be far behind? When the flowers are in full bloom, let's walk on the street together to welcome the spring!



Use confidence as a beacon to illuminate the dark road; By sticking to the fast train, we can go out of the long way; Use courage as a sickle to cut through the thorns of the road ahead. Life is long, so we should make an appointment with confidence, perseverance and courage.


The road is dark. We use confidence to make a bright light and make an appointment.


The future can be expected, but it is not bright on the road to the future. Maybe there will be many gloomy and pessimistic things in the future, and there will be many people who are not optimistic about you. But confidence is the beacon of success, guiding one's life and illuminating everyone's dark road.


Bingxin once said, "The successful flower, people only marvel at its bright reality, but its bud was soaked in tears of struggle and spilled the blood of sacrifice." This sentence also contains a sad mood. It can be seen from this sentence that Bingxin also experienced failure before he achieved what he has now. This is precisely because Bingxin is still full of confidence when she meets the wall. This tells us that in the process of growth, as long as we are confident, we will see the dawn of hope, light up the future with confidence, and make an appointment for tomorrow's highlights.


It's a long way, so I insist on making an express appointment.


The future can be expected, but the road to the future must be far away. No success can be achieved overnight. As the saying goes, "success comes naturally". Losers and successes lack an inevitable condition called persistence.


Edison, a famous scientist, failed to use many kinds of filaments when he invented the electric light bulb, but he succeeded in another experiment after several failures. This is precisely because "persistence" Edison was able to succeed. If he had not failed countless times before and insisted finally, we would still be illuminated with candles. Wang Junkai said, "If there is a shortcut to your dream, then this road must be called persistence." Use persistence as an express train to the future, and make an appointment for tomorrow's highlights.


The thorns ahead, I use my courage to make a sickle to make an appointment.


We can look forward to the future, but that road must be full of thorns. No road to success will be smooth. Growth will encounter many difficulties, which will be spliced into a road full of thorns. Even though the road ahead is full of thorns, I am brave to move forward, because I know that there will always be a different landscape behind the thorns. On the way to grow up, I will take my brave sickle to cut all the thorns in front of me, go to see the most beautiful rainbow, and make an appointment for tomorrow's highlights.


Take dreams as horses, live up to your youth, and the future is promising.



"All things have cracks. That's where the light comes in.".


——- Title


There is a long way to go


Time is too short to pass away from your fingertips. Streams of light easily throw people away, time flies, but people are always chasing. It turned red cherries and green plantains, only to find that spring went to the summer solstice.


"Singing to wine is the geometry of life." At the moment when the sun rose from the horizon, we stepped into a new school and started a new journey. This is a new beginning. We put the past behind us in the new life, and the wasted years gradually dissipated in this busy world. When I looked up, everything in the world changed quietly, and new miracles broke out in the new time.


"When you walk slowly, you will be thirsty and hungry." Life is like a long run, and hard work is the only key to success. Everyone is running. But once I was afraid of failure, afraid of any new things, hiding in my own small world. Now it is a new journey. I don't want to be an introverted and timid person in the eyes of others. I want to change. I want to find the light in the gap.


Everything comes to him who waits. In October of the golden autumn, the first school sports meeting for junior high school kicked off. I hesitated between "participating" and "not participating". It was hard to choose. At the last moment, Mr. Weng reported for me the long jump. I've never tried this project, and I'm afraid of it. But if I don't try, how can I know?


Finally, on the day of the competition, I tried my best to step forward. The wind was howling in my ears, which made my blood surging. I looked at the bunker and jumped. I was very excited at the moment when I jumped into the bunker. I won the third place. What's the regret and distance of the previous times.


In the sand pit full of cheers, the students applauded for me at this moment, which freed me from tension. I have made a breakthrough, although it is only a small step! It turns out that hard work is a kind of perseverance that won't admit defeat; It is the courage to start again without fear of other people's strange eyes after failure; It is a firm belief in oneself and an unremitting pursuit of beauty, full of hope.


With hard work, I could snatch the red silk ribbon flying in the wind at the moment of the final sprint, and wave my sweat. The joy in my heart at that moment could not be expressed in words. With hard work, I was able to overcome all difficulties. I squeezed across the single wooden bridge, stood on the podium, held the medal shining in the sun under the eyes of all people, and was excited beyond concealment. The air was filled with high spirits.


When I was young, I found the ancient banyan tree that had experienced hundreds of years of wind and rain. It stood upright in the hot sun. Beside the sunny runway, the vigorous and straight ancient banyan in my eyes forms a unique landscape in the leafy shade of the ancient banyan. Under the banyan tree, I listened to it leisurely telling about the hundred years of wind and frost suffering. It is not self pity, not lonely, in the clear blue sky, more prosperous. The breeze brushed the leaves and gently told it that I could do better. Facing the warm autumn sun, we are not afraid of the cold winter. There is no need to be restrained or publicized, and we will march forward bravely all the way.


Under Gu Rong, a young man, the future is promising. He will not regret his future and live up to it; Take dreams as horses and live up to your youth!

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