

时间:2022-12-31 12:58:33 | 来源:语文通


家风的满分作文素材 篇1家风作文 篇2家风作文 篇3家风作文 篇4家风作文 篇5家风作文 篇6家风作文 篇7家风作文 篇8

家风的满分作文素材 篇1


Every family in China should have its own family discipline, rules and customs, and my family is no exception. My family motto is: be upright, be frugal, guard against arrogance and rashness, and love the motherland.


When I was young, my parents taught me to love my motherland. Tell me patriotic stories, let me watch the news, understand national affairs, and educate me to study hard and make contributions to the motherland in the future.


My parents taught me to be upright and to do what I said. When I borrowed a book from someone else, my parents asked me to remember the time of returning the book, ask me to return the book on time, and fulfill my promise. Once, I gave a toy to my classmate, but I regret it. I like that toy very much and want to come back. When my father knew, he stopped me immediately and said, "If you give something to someone else, you must do what you say, and it can't be returned."


My parents' life has always been frugal and never wasted. When eating, they asked us to finish the meal, and we could eat all the food we cooked each time. They also want me to develop the good habit of turning off the lights when I leave the room. Don't turn on the lights and power that should not be turned on. Every time I wash my hands and bathe, they ask me to make the water smaller.


My parents taught me to be modest when I was young, and not to be proud of my temporary success. Every time I succeed, they remind me not to be impetuous. Once, I did well in the exam and showed off at school. When I got home, I ran to my parents and showed them my results. I thought they would praise me, but instead of praising me, they criticized me. From then on, I was no longer proud and developed a good behavior of modesty.


Family customs and family training shape our personality in little by little, thus driving family happiness and social development. Under the influence of good family style and family training, everyone's moral quality will gradually improve.

家风作文 篇2


Each family has different family styles and family training, which is the soul of a family. Without family style and training, the family is not a whole.


The first thing about my family style is to respect teachers and elders. They are my predecessors and also the people who raised me. The second is to live in harmony with the people around you. We should live in harmony with our neighbors, with our classmates, and sometimes have a little conflict with our classmates. This is my fault, so we must take the initiative to apologize to our classmates. If it is not my fault, we need not pursue it. There's an old saying, isn't there?


The biggest feature of family style and family training is to arrange a day to do what you should do by yourself. You can't give up halfway. Only when you do what you should do can you free up time for entertainment. Things should be completed on the same day, instead of "I live for tomorrow", we should develop the good habit of "doing things today and finishing things today". A good family style and family training can help us understand more about the progress of Chinese culture, so that we can firmly serve the motherland, become the backbone of the country, and make contributions to the country in the process of our growth.


Family style and training are the positive energy of a family. We must always be strict with ourselves, remember our family customs and instructions, and repay our motherland.

家风作文 篇3


Good family rules make good family style, and good family style makes a good family. Every family has its own style and rules, which can lead the family members to be positive and grow healthily.


Family style is the moral standard of a family, just as food is an integral part of a family. Our family also has its own style, which is how to behave. To be a man, you must be kind. There is a saying that "you must not be harmful, and you must be defensive." My elders also taught me this way. A small action may hurt a person. Some actions of parents can always affect children. Excellent quality is raised from it. I understand from some things: "To be a man, you must keep your word and be honest and punctual." Every time you agree to travel time with others, you should arrive a few minutes early and not let the other party wait.


In terms of behavior, my parents taught me to be polite to people, respect elders and be filial to my parents when I was young. They taught me in this way, and they did the same.




In fact, my family style comes down to: filial piety, honesty, trustworthiness, kindness



As the saying goes, "Family and everything". Mutual understanding, mutual trust, mutual tolerance and mutual understanding are the prerequisites. A family based on these is happy. In a word, the cultivation of an invisible good family style is the transmission of positive energy, and also the feedback of our own education in the future. We should pass it on from generation to generation, guide and give children a good traditional education, and deliver a good family style to our children -- the flower of our motherland.

家风作文 篇4


Just after reading the first lesson of the school, I deeply felt that happy families were filled with bursts of good customs, which were passed down from generation to generation, and we have become the successors of this generation of family customs.


I can't help remembering that before the winter vacation, the teacher assigned us a heavy task - to find family style and write an essay. At that time, I was confused about this concept. It seems that I have to ask my father!


But things are not as simple as I thought. Every time Dad is busy. When I was ready to go to my grandpa's house that day, I asked my father, "What's our family style?" Dad smiled mysteriously and said, "Just ask Grandpa." After listening, I was very surprised. Isn't it just family style? Why are you so mysterious.


Finally, I arrived at Grandpa's house. I immediately asked, "Grandpa, what's our family style?" Grandpa also smiled and looked at my cola when the food was served. There is my favorite Mapo Tofu. It tastes delicious. I can't wait to pick up my chopsticks and eat it regardless of what happens. Dad immediately stopped me and said, "This is the family rule. Let the elders eat first!" I suddenly realized that I immediately took the cup and poured a glass of peanut milk for each person. Dad always praises me for being filial.


After dinner, Grandpa asked me to practice writing for two hours, and I had to agree. When I began to practice calligraphy, I felt relaxed. But later, I began to sweat. You know, calligraphy is also a sport, and my hands began to tremble slightly. On the other side, Grandpa is encouraging me. At last I finished the difficult task. Grandpa said, "Persistence and perseverance are also our family style."


I learned a lot from this day. I must let our family style be passed on forever.

家风作文 篇5


I love my family because it is a family full of harmony and filial piety.


When it comes to harmony, it is because parents never quarrel. Not to mention filial piety. The year before last, grandpa's hand was caught in the cage, his nails fell off, his finger belly was gone, his fingertip bone was exposed, and blood flowed out instantly. The village doctor said that a finger needs to be cut off, but my mother thought that we should go to the Second Orthopedic Hospital to have a look and keep the finger. But it takes a lot of money to get there. Grandfather endured great pain and said, "I'd better cut it off. There is no money like that." My father stood beside me and said, "Money is not a problem. Don't worry. Send me to the Second Courtyard first." My mother looked at my father, and tears could not stop flowing.


Later, I heard from my mother that there was not much money at home at that time. My father borrowed the money for my grandpa to go to the hospital.


During grandpa's hospitalization, Dad stayed in bed every day. He knew that grandpa loved reading, so he bought many books for grandpa and read them to grandpa every day. The old grandpa in the hospital bed soon recovered from his father's company. Grandpa was discharged from hospital and looked very good.


My mother said that my father is my grandpa's son. Why? Only then did I understand that it was because my father respected my grandfather.


Of course, my mother also wants to take care of my grandparents like my daughter. We are a family full of harmony and filial piety. I'm not out either. Look, I've just brought in water and I'm going to wash my mother's feet!

家风作文 篇6


As the saying goes, "no rules, no radius", that is to say, there are national laws, school rules, and family style. Our family style is: be a good person, be modest. My family taught me how to be a man since I was young.


My father taught me to keep my promise. One Sunday in grade one, my father let me play computer for an hour because I did well. Because I was so happy playing, I accidentally exceeded the time limit. Dad came over and turned off the computer. I said, "Dad, don't be so stingy, let me play for a while." The father replied, "My son, I don't mean you won't be allowed to play with the computer. If you don't keep your promise in the future, no one will believe you."


My mother taught me modesty. In a second grade exam, I ranked fifth in my class. I went home triumphantly and told my mother the good news. My mother praised me for a few words and said, "My child, we should continue to work hard next time. We should remember the famous saying, 'There are days outside the sky, there are people outside the people'."


My aunt taught me to be honest. Once, I was playing with some friends at home. I accidentally broke my aunt's favorite vase. My aunt asked who broke it. I was afraid of being beaten, so I didn't admit it. Later, when I found that I had done something wrong, I apologized to my aunt, who forgave me and said meaningfully, "The vase is not important. What is important is that you are honest or not. If you are not honest, no one will be willing to make friends with you in the future."


Family style is imperceptible, and good family style is also a manifestation of positive energy. It is because my family taught me from an early age, guided me on my growth path, and cultivated my excellent qualities that I can become a polite child.


Since ancient times, China has been known as a nation of ceremonies. As the future of the motherland, I should carry forward this spirit, so that I can be worthy of my ancestors and my parents' teachings.

家风作文 篇7


Family style is the moral standard of a family. Like food, it is an essential component of a family. In our family, there is also family style, which is how to behave.


To be a man, we must be kind. There is a saying that "you must not be harmful, and you must be defensive.". My parents also taught us when we were young. I remember when I was young, I deliberately threw small stones at a path. Although the path was narrow and remote, my father saw it and stopped me in a hurry. He taught me, "How can you do this?" "What's wrong..." I felt my father was angry, but he said wrongly. "You may make cyclists fall down, which is tantamount to framing other [WWW.. CN] people!" My father said excitedly, while I listened silently and slowly realized the mistake. Seeing that I seemed to be aware of the mistake, my father relaxed his tone and continued: "Son, you should remember that it hurt last year? It hurt even more when you fell on a bike!" I subconsciously covered my hands, and the injury made me unforgettable. At this time, my father became as kind as ever and said, "Pick up those little stones quickly." I said, "OK!"


Since then, this lesson has taught me that I should be careful in every detail. I am afraid that an inadvertent action will hurt others.


Some actions of parents always affect children. Excellent quality is cultivated from life!


This is my family style, from which I have developed many good habits.

家风作文 篇8


I wonder what my family style is? I went to ask my mother, and she said, "Everyone's home has its own style. Family style is family rules, and it is the style of the family." It affects me, telling me how to be a man and how to do things


My mother and father are very filial to the elderly. She influenced me and made me understand how to respect and be filial to the elderly.


When I was 7 years old, my grandmother was ill and hospitalized. When my parents heard the news, they drove to the hospital at lightning speed. Mom and Dad hurriedly carried the fruit to Grandma's ward, pushed the door open, and anxiously asked, "Mom, are you all right?" My grandmother said, "Nothing serious, just a little headache." Dad was relieved and said, "That's good." My mother said, "Mom, I've brought you your favorite fruit. I'm going to wash it for you now." Grandma said, "I'm a little thirsty." My father ran quickly to my grandma and gave her a cup of hot water. Dad is now free to sit in a chair and rest. The next time, Dad accompanied Grandma to chat in the ward. It was getting dark, and Mom and I said goodbye to Grandma and went home.


"Filial piety comes first" is the traditional virtue of our Chinese nation. Mom and Dad care about Grandma, which is respect and filial piety to the elderly, which exerts a subtle influence on me.

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